The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 31 - The End of The Beginning

*Midoriya POV*

"I wonder what happened to Natsu though?"

Denki replies, "Knowing him, he's probably fine."

Todoroki unconsciously rubs his c.h.e.s.t scar, "But still, Gray is not an enemy to be underestimated, even if he's against Natsu."

Momo speaks up, "We saw him yesterday at the mall when we were finishing up shopping, he had scales for some reason."

Confused, I look at Momo, "Scales?"

The door opens and I see the left half of Natsu.

"Hey, Na-"

"Woah, What happened to y-"

I get cut off again as I feel a scaly hand against my throat, and I'm slammed against the wall.

*Natsu POV*

"How much did you tell him?"

Iida, Todoroki, and Kirishima try and stop me, but I don't budge. Midoriya is gasping for air.

Loosening my grip enough for him to reply, I ask him again, "How much did you tell him?"

"T-tell w-who?"

Kirishima tries to pull me away from Izuku, but I push him away with my other arm.

I slam him into the wall again, releasing some heat around me, "I've had a pretty shitty week so I'm kinda pissed, how much did you tell Shigaraki!?"

"J-just that y-you can use electricity and some of the stuff he should know. I swear I didn't tell him about your weakness."

I drop him and he falls to the ground clutching his throat.

A feeling of relief washes over me, 'Well that's good at least. If he had told him anything important, I probably would've killed him.'

Iida is yelling at me, "Natsu, why did you do that? Apologize to him!"

Surprisingly, Izuku waves at Iida to calm down, "No Iida, it's fine. I understand why he's mad. More importantly, what happened to your body? Why do you look like a dragon?"

Much calmer now, I reply, "Some stuff happened and I grew scales and stuff. I'm not entirely sure either on how it happened."

"Ok, then what happened with Gray? I saw you chasing him on Saturday."

"It's not really anything important. I tried to catch him but he escaped."

Midoriya reaches his hand into his bag and pulls out his Hero notebook and starts to write stuff down, "Are you sure? He must be fast if he can outrun you."

"Yeah, I guess."

Sero looks at me, concerned, "Natsu, are you ok? You seem different today."

Jiro looks at me nervously, remembering the aura I gave yesterday.

I give a thin smile, "I'm fine, I've just been feeling slightly sick recently."

"Oh, ok."

My smile quickly disappears and my eyes turn cold again.

Toru steps in, changing the topic, "It's the last day of school. We should talk about the memories and stuff."

The rest of the class agrees, remembering the fun moments, the event at USJ, the Sports Festival, and most recently the Final exams.

While the rest of them talk, I head to my seat and lay my hands down on my hand, thinking about my upcoming summer plans.

'There is the pool thing, but honestly, I need to train more. More importantly, I need to figure out the I-Island situation. If I go, I need to figure out how I can get the prosthetic limbs. Maybe Ji-san has some more contacts.'

Aizawa comes in, "Let's get ready to go. We have to go to th-, Natsu what the hell happened to you? Actually, never mind, come talk to the teacher's lounge after the orientation. Anyways, we gotta go to the orientation."

"Is that Dragneel?"

"What happened to him?"

"I guess he really is a dragon."

'God damn, I can hear even more now. The power boost is cool, but my enhanced senses are a pain. It's been a while since I ordered the earbuds, I hope they'll be done soon.'

We get to the orientation hall and I look up at the entrance to the hall.

*Anime character flashbacks*

'It's been a while since I came to this world.'

I look around and many other students are having the same reactions as me, except for people like Shoto and Momo who took their test separately.

I walk in and take a seat in one of the many rows of chairs. The rest of the school files in and the chatter progressively increases.

"Hello, as you all may know, I am Principle Nezu. This year has been chock full of events and villains have been increasing in the frequency of their attacks. I will admit, this was not the finest year of UA. However, this means that you all will grow much more than your predecessors and Alumni who once sat in these very halls."

He goes on and says that each of us will grow in our own way and some other stuff. Some people were crying by the time he finished, some were hugging each other, while most were reminiscing about the past half-year.

"I hope to see you all after the summer break."

Everyone applauds and Nezu steps off stage. Everyone heads for the doors and I follow the masses.

The rest of the school was a day off. People could leave, stay, train, or study. A sort of "congratulations" from the school.

Most people head back to their classroom chatting with their friends, but I head in a different direction.

Mindlessly, I walk along the familiar halls of UA till I reach the teacher's lounge.

*Knock knock knock*

"I'm coming in."

Midnight, Cementos, Vlad King, Thirteen, Powerloader, Snipe, Present Mic, Aizawa, Ectoplasm, Nezu, and All Might.

"Uhh, do you guys need a minute?"

Nezu waves me in, "No Natsu, you got here just on time."

All Might comes up to me, his eyes looking down from above me.

"I heard about Enji. I'm sorry."


I'm very confused, "You know Ji-san?"

"Of course, he's very well known in the hero community, after all, he's trained quite a few. Also, he was a very good friend of Gran Torino, I actually learned a bit from him in my youth, but martial arts wasn't really my thing."

A lot of the other teachers nod their heads and offer their condolences.

"Uh, thank you I guess. I'll tell him what you guys said."

Aizawa steps forward, "Anyways, I need you to explain what happened to your body and what happened with Gray."

I explain the situation, starting from the mall outing to finding Ji-san's body.

The teachers stay quiet for the most part and don't speak until I mention my transformation.

Nezu is nodding and asks me a few questions.

"So, I mostly understand, but my question is how did the transformation start? It definitely has something to do with your Dragon soul quirk right?"

Nodding my head, "Yes, I'm not too sure myself, but I believe that it was activated from my emotions and something from my Dragon soul."

"And right now, you can't deactivate it?"


"I assume that it's not only an aesthetic change?

'This guy is really persistent.'

"It boosts my firepower even more, as well as my base strength and senses."

Nezu nods and puts his paw to his mouth, "Ok, that's all I need, you can go back to your class."

I wave goodbye and head out.

*Aizawa POV*

"Toshinori, what do you think, could you beat him?"

All Might burst into steam and reverts back into his small form.

"Honestly, I would probably lose. His fire and lightning is already a bad matchup for me, but now his strength may be on my level or more."

Some of the teacher's nod in agreement and Nezu speaks up.

"Toshinori, do you think he could beat All for One."

The teachers freeze as they hear the name. Most of them had only heard about it from older stories told by their parents or such.

All Might grits his teeth, "I don't want to get my hopes up, after all that man has too many quirks to count, but he could put up one hell of a fight."

*Natsu POV*

'So that's what they think of me.'

I figured that they were going to talk about me, so I chilled around the hallway, not close enough to be detected, but enough to hear clearly.

'Well, that's all I need really.'

I put my hands in my pocket and head back to my class.

When I get there everyone is chatting and talking excitedly about their upcoming summer plans.

Momo was talking to her friend group, "The school told us not to travel too much, so our family canceled our trip to Venice."

The rest of them made fun of her, "Oh no you can't go to Venice, this is so sad."

I head back to my desk and grab my stuff.

Todoroki noticed my actions, "You're not staying?"

"Nah, I gotta go train and stuff."

"Oh, ok. See you after the summer break."

"Yeah see ya."

I head out of the door and start walking home

Even though I said I needed to train, I don't really feel like doing that right now. I'm tired as hell.'

I reach the orphanage and fall right on my bed.

AN: Sorry about the short chapter, but school is a pain.

Also, do you guys want a short training and experimenting chapter or straight to I-island?

Check out my other story, MHA: Bungee Gum

Thanks for dropping power stones!

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