The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 32 - I-Island




A series of sounds could be heard in the mountain range. If one were to listen closely and follow the sounds, they would see a young man with pinkish hair throwing a series of punches at a tree.

On his back was a wing and his right arm and leg had claws at the end of them. In his ears were a pair of wireless earbuds.

The sounds were coming from the series of punches that he was throwing at a tree. Each punch was breaking the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom each time.

*Natsu POV*

'Thank god I have these earbuds.'

It's been a couple weeks since school ended. Almost a week into the summer break, I got a call from Power loader saying that my earbuds were ready.

As I walked into the Support Department, I saw Power Loader talking to Hatsume Mei about some support gear she was working on. Hearing my footsteps, he turns and greets me.

"Sorry that I couldn't get it to you during the school year, but your order was a little complicated."

I wave my hand, "No, don't worry about it. I'm just glad that they finished it."

He hands me a small matte black container and I open it. Inside is a pair of black earbuds with glowing red outlines traced on it.

"Just as you requested, fireproof, limits your hearing within a fifty-meter range, with the option to edit the range. The shell is made from tungsten and the wiring is made from tantalum. It has a 24-hour battery life and you can change the colors of the LEDs. As long as you don't reach around 70% of the sun's temperature you'll be fine, but it's not like you can do that right?"

"I don't think so."

AN: Just for reference, the most measurable temperature feat that I know of, is when he melted concrete, which has a melting point around 2,822°F. That was 1 year after the Tartaros arc and pretty much right before the Alvarez arc. The sun reaches 9,941°F. Tungsten melts at 6,192°F with Tantalum melting around 5,400°F. So they won't be melting anytime soon, I think. As for the lights… I think they look cool, so they are staying : )

Power Loader continues explaining, "The hearing range can be changed by using an app that you can install on your phone."

I pass him my phone and he downloads the app and links it up to my earbuds. I turn on the noise canceller and set the range to three meters.

"So how does it work?"

"Ok for now," I take a few steps away from him and he continues talking.

I can hear a faint, "Can you hear me now?"

"Yes, but it's very faint."

I take out the earbuds and put them back in the case.

"Hmmm, I guess they underestimated your hearing, do you want them to take it back or are you ok with it?"

I think about it for a second before deciding, "I think it'll be fine, besides you were pretty close to me, so that might be why."

*Flashback ends*

With each strike, a sonic boom occurs causing vibrations in the surrounding areas. The volume and power of a sonic boom are dependent on size, speed, weight, and shape. My fist isn't that heavy, and the shape isn't really aerodynamic. The power behind the punch and speed are the main factors and end up creating a loud boom and vibrating the air around me each time I punch.

Still, it's loud enough to rupture eardrums, so doing it at the orphanage would not be a very smart idea. So I traveled to a faraway mountain range to train.


With the last punch, the tree's structure gave way and a loud crashing sound could be heard throughout the forest.

I sigh and look down at my currently streaming hands, 'I should be able to beat him now.'

Thanks to the noise-canceling earbuds, I was able to shut out most of the noise except for a few snaps and while listening to music, the sound was almost nonexistent.

I look up to the sky, 'Tomorrow is that day I set out for I-Island.'

I had made a call to the I-island executives explaining the situation with my quirk. Surprisingly they took it well and told me that if I wanted to come, then I would have to meet them at these coordinates at a specific time.

My two plane tickets were still valid, but I'm still not sure who to give it to. I gave one to Ji-san but I still have one left.

I offered to Miss Takahashi but she declined to say that she needed to stay and take care of the orphanage.

Sweat runs down the side of my face and I take a sip of water before going back to training.

'Man it's a shame that that tree broke. I liked that tree. Now I need to find a new one.'

While I go and look for a new tree, a phone call is occurring between two people.

*General POV*

A certain man talks into the phone, "So do you have everything you need?"

From it, another voice could be heard, "Yeah, but do I really need to be careful of a kid. I understand that he won the UA festival, but he's still a brat, right?

All for One laughed and responded, "Maybe before, but I've got some updates that he underwent a transformation after we sent a little message."

The man laughs in turn, "Ahahaha, well, I appreciate the help, really. With that tool, my power will grow exponentially."

All for One smiles, "Yes, I'm sure it will. Well, I wish you the best of luck, Wolfram."

He hangs up the phone grinning to himself, "Now show me what else you are hiding, Natsu."

The next day, a streak of fire could be seen flying across the morning sky of Japan.

'I hope I don't lose anything.'

I look at the duffel bag flapping from my hands as I fly through the sky.

'Man, I wonder, what kind of things they'll have?'

I fly for a couple hours until finally, I see it.


The large floating artificial island that hosts over ten thousand scientists all working on developing quirk technology.

'Damn this place is huge!'

I look over the place and it's basically a floating city. Residence, entertainment, schools, and labs. Pretty much everything someone needs.

I see the airport and land on the ground. The moment I land on the ground, a queasy feeling overcomes me.

'Shit I let my guard down because it was so huge. I was hoping I'd be fine, but I guess it's basically a super-sized boat. Although, It's not instantly bad, so that's something.'

I turn my wings back on and float above the ground to avoid contact with the Island. As I head to the security checkpoint, I get a few weird looks from other people, but I ignore it.

I enter the checkpoint and a security guard takes my stuff and I get moved to a moving walkway where I am scanned and permitted entry.

I receive my stuff and head for my hotel. Thankfully, the I-Island people paid for most of the expenses, so I wouldn't need to spend what little money I have. Of course, this excludes food, entertainment, and such.

I get to my hotel room and toss my stuff on my bed.

'I'll sort it out later, right now I want to see what kind of stuff they have.'

I look at the time, 2:08pm


'Ji-san was supposed to land at 2''

I rush back to the airport and see an old man in a wheelchair that is missing an arm and a leg. When I get near, he turns and waves at me.

I fly in front of him, "Hey Ji-san."

I wave my hand and prepare to hug him, but he disappears.

'It's so weird when he doesn't do it when we fight.'

I turn around and he's looking at me with a grin on his face.

"Nice to see you too, Natsu, but you're late."

"Look, I was caught up with getting settled in."

This time, when I give him a hug, he accepts it, and it feels really awkward. Imagine trying to hug someone sitting down while you are floating an inch above the ground.

I release him and he smiles at me.

"Let's go have a look around shall we."

We walk (he rolls) around the area looking at all the tech displays and stuff.

The majority of it doesn't interest us, but I keep an eye out for things that would either help me improve or help Ji-san.

There were some suits and stuff, but I didn't see any prices for a few, and the ones that I did were way beyond my price range.

I see a sign, "Come test your skills in Villan Attack. The fastest time to beat all villains gets a cash prize. That looks interesting, I'm gonna try it."

I rush over to sign up and already see quite the list. I sign my name near the bottom and get a number.

The lady smiles at me, "When they call this number, you can step up onto the stage."

I walk away and grab my Hero suit. I managed to bring my gauntlets, but nothing else would fit in my bag.

Enji and I sit up in the bleachers watching the efforts of the participants.

A large majority of them did pretty bad. With time ranging from forty seconds all the way to four minutes

So far, the fastest guy was at a solid 21 seconds.

I look down at my number and start to head down, but Enji stops me.

"No using your fire."

I grin at him, 'Just watch you old man.'

I head down to the waiting room and wait till my number is called.


I stand up and steam flows from my mouth.

I step up onto the plate and hear lots of yelling. Turning around I see Bakugo, Tododoroki, Izuku, Iida, along with a few others. Also with them was some blonde chick that I don't know.


He gets muffled by Kirishima before he could finish the sentence.

"Nice to see you too Bakugou. What are you guys doing here?"

Izuku looks nervous, "Oh you know just to look at the cool gadgets."

Todoroki, Iida, and Momo all say simultaneously, "I'm here to represent my family since my parents couldn't make it."

Bakugo yells at me, "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!"

"I see, well enjoy the show."

I continue on and make my way to the edge of the platform, "Amazing the last contestant beat the course in fourteen seconds, now how will our upcoming participant do?"

I deactivate my wings, and I feel a little sick.

I glance up at Ji-san, who grins at me, "Villain Attack, START!!!"

I take off like a bullet, leaving a loud boom behind, startling everyone. The moment I take off, the motion sickness goes away.

'Six bots? That's easy enough.'

I leap through the air, crushing the first one beneath my feet. Pivoting, I dash towards the river and grab another throwing at a third destroying them both.

I hop into a canyon and punch one, causing the thing to explode. The last two are at the top of the mountain and the side.

Running up the mountain, I jab at the one on the ledge on the way and jump over the mountain, landing a dropkick the last one. The announcer is stunned, the audience is stunned, and most of all my classmates are stunned.

Izuku was amazed, 'He's gotten even faster! AND he didn't even use his fire!'

Bakugo was pissed, 'What the f.u.c.k! He was already way stronger than most heroes, but now he's off the charts.'

Ji-san was impressed, 'Not bad kid, you can go pretty fast now.'

"A-Amazing!!! Clear time, 6 seconds!!!"

I smile at Bakugo who is yelling his head off. The sickness quickly returns and I activate my wings before it gets worse.

Flying up to them, I say hi and watch as Bakugo tries to run the trial again.

Izuku introduces me to the blonde girl next to him, "This is Melissa Shields, she lives here and is also a student at the academy."

Melissa offers her hand and I take it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Natsu."

"Nice to meet you Natsu. You must have a powerful enhancer quirk, to be able to clear the villain attack in only 6 seconds."

Izuku laughed nervously, "He actually has a fire quirk."

"WHAT?!?! But you are so fast! And you have scales, so I assumed you have a reptilian quirk that allows you to enhance your strength."

"Yeah, a few people make that mistake."

"Oh, who are these people Nastu?"

Ji-san had moved behind me and was asking about my classmates.

I sigh, "Guys, this is my martial arts teacher Enji-san. He taught me most of my techniques and helped me strengthen my body."

Melissa and my classmates bow and greet Ji-san. Momo and Jiro share a look when they see the missing arm and leg.

Izuku, being the curious guy, asks, "If I may ask, who did you lose your limbs?"

My eyes turn colder and I stare at him and he gets scared and backs off, but Ji-san replies, "Oh don't worry about it, I got into a car accident recently and the shrapnel injured my leg and arm, forcing them to amputate it."

Momo turns to me, "So why are you here?

"Oh, I got an invitation cause I was in the first place in the sports festival."

Todorki looks to the side, while Bakugo shuts up for once, both of them remember facing my flames.

Melissa asks, "Oh so you are attending the party tonight right?"


Iida says, "Oh yeah, Kaminari is also here."


Jiro snickers, "Yeah, for some reason he's working at a cafe, serving drinks to customers."

Melissa notices something weird, "Uh, Natsu, why are you still flying? You could just stand, or do you have some other reason?"

When she asks this, everyone else turns to look at me but then remembers my fight in the final exams.

They all have the same thought, 'Oh shit.'

I casually shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know, it looks cool."

I'm not sure if she is just really gullible or naive, but she just agrees, saying, "Oh that makes sense."

I pick up my prize money and we all head back to the cafe to talk about stuff and visit Kaminari.

I was about to break off and explore, but then Ji-san pushes me towards them saying that I need to have more social interactions or something. The rest of them chat while I sit back and put my head on my shoulders.

'Damn Ji-san, he abandoned me. I don't know why, but I've been getting tired so easily recently.'

Iida interrupts my nap with his loud voice, "So is that's set then 6:00 on the dot."

Groggily, I raise my head, "What?"

Doing his iconic hand waving, he yells at me, "Natsu, why weren't you paying attention? As the top student in our class, you should be a role model for everyone."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Everyone laughs at this, and Momo fills me in on what I missed.

"Ok 6:00 by the elevators. Don't be late."

Iida runs off and I head back to my room to take a nap.

'This is gonna be boring.'

Little did I know, I was so wrong.

AN: I learned a lot while writing this chapter

Also, I will probably be going back and rewriting a few of the earlier chapters, because after rereading it, I'm embarrassed. I'll keep all the important part and make sure everything lines up for the future chapters, but I'll readapt it to my "current" format/style

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