The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 33 - The Party

A barren wasteland. Destruction and carnage. Buildings collapsed and blazing fire lit up the area. Standing on a hill was a masked man with a large and deformed right arm.

Facing him were two figures, an average-sized teen with a large grin and a large bulky man gritting his teeth.

Some words were spoken between the three of them, but they were inaudible.

The teen charges forward, ignoring the words of the larger man, a battle crazed look on his face.

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

I wake up, ending my dream. Groggily, I look around the room and look for the disturbance.

*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*

My phone was ringing showing an unknown number.

I pick it up, "Hello Dragneel here."

I hear Iida's angry voice, "OI DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!?!"

I look down at my watch, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 6:15."

"Well if you're pretty sure, then WHY AREN'T YOU HERE YET?!?!?!"

"Listen, Iida, I understand that you're mad, and I totally get it. But I just saw this old lady and had to help her get home cause a city can get dangerous at night you know."

He pauses, "Oh that make's sense- WAIT NO IT DOESN'T!!! HURRY UP AND GET OVER HERE!!!"

"If it'll shut you up then sure."

I open up my duffel bag and pull out my "fancy" clothes.

A really light pink collar shirt with an unbuttoned black suit over it. Unfortunately, I was forced to cut holes in most of my shirts to accommodate my wing, so it kinda ruined the design.

'Seriously, when will this go away? I thought that the Dragon force was a short power boost, not a permanent effect.'

I fly toward the building and easily make it in a few minutes. After taking the elevator up, I see that Iida, Kaminari, and Todoroki are the only one there.

"Damn, and I thought I was late."

Iida is waving his hands frustratedly, "Do they not understand what "attending as a group" means??"

"Oh yeah, by the way Iida, how did you get my number? I don't remember giving it to you."

He simply responds, "I called Midoriya and when I told him I had no way of contacting you, he gave me your number."

On cue, Midoriya comes up in the elevator and looks around.

"Eh, where is everyone else?"

Iida gets worked up again, "You have the nerve to say that after being thirty minutes late!"

Izuku nervously rubs his head, apologizing.

Uraraka comes up next, in a frilly pink dress and black hair bow.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Kaminari sticks his thumb up in the background.

Izuku was talking to Uraraka while everyone else was waiting around. I had my earbuds in and was listening to some songs.

"Y-you look good Natsu."

I turn and look at Momo, who is standing in front of me and her face is slightly red.

Remembering my attitude back at the mall, I smile gently, "Thanks. You look good as well."

She blushes even more and heads back towards Jiro who looks like she's holding in a laugh.

Izuku comes over to me with a curious look in his eyes.

"Do you need something?"

He nods his head, "Mmh, I was wondering, you never seem to take out the earbuds. Even when we were talking and when you did the run. You never had those before."

"Oh these, it helps reduce my field of hearing so that I don't hear everything that happens. It reduces sensory overload."

"That's interesting."

Finally the last member of our party, Melissa arrives in a blue and white dress, "Sorry I'm late!"

Kaminari almost gets a nose bleed and Izuku also gets nervous.

"Let's get going then."

*General POV*

Up at the party, several people and heroes are drinking and snacking, talking excitedly with each other about the day's events.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the I-Expos reception party. Let's have the number one hero All Might, who is visiting today, say a few words and lead us in a toast. Everyone, please give him a round of applause. Please come to the stage."

All Might complains to his friend David Shield about it but steps up onto the stage to say a few words.

"Thank you for inviting me. I am All Might. I don't like formal talk so-", but he gets interrupted as the big screen behind him flashes red saying, "EMERGENCY."

The PA goes off as well, "This is an announcement by the I-Island Security system. We have received a report from the security system that an explosive device was placed in the I-Expo area. I-island will now be in high alert mode. Residents and tourists should return to their homes or lodgings. Please refrain from going outside. In addition, most of the main buildings will be sealed off by the security system."

Another door opens and a man wearing a metal mask and red hair walks through.

"It's exactly as you heard, we have taken over your security system. Don't think you're going to put up a fight. If you do," Wolfram snaps his fingers, and the screen changes again, "Then the security robots will b.a.r.e their fangs at all the good people of the island. That's right. The people of this island are hostages. Of course, you all are as well."

At these words, holes open up in the ground revealing glowing pods. Glowing blue restraints fly out and hold down all of the heroes including All Might.

All Might attempts to break out, but a shot from a gun stops him.

"Don't move!"

Wolfram takes a step up to the stage and aims his gun into the crowd.

"If you take even one step, I'll kill everyone in the crowd in a few seconds."

Kicking him to the ground, he picks up an employee in the crowd and forces him to come with him.

David Shield stops him, "That man is my assistant. What do you plan to do with him?"

Wolfram grins, "Well if it isn't David Shield, this is good. You come too."

David follows them and they head out of the door.

*Natsu POV*

"What the hell happened?"

The shutters were all closing all around and the security system was going off.

Melissa is the most concerned because she lives here and understands that for this to happen the threat must be serious.

"I can't get a signal!"

"The elevators stopped working as well!"

Izuku speaks up, "I think we should go to the party."

Iida looks at him, "Why?"

Midoriya looked at the floor before answering, "Because All Might is there."

'All Might is here as well? Damn.'

Everyone looks much calmer when they hear that their teacher is here.

"Kaminari shrugs his shoulders, "Well it should be alright then."

Izuku turns to Melissa, "Is there any way you can get us to the party?"

She thinks for a second before responding, "If we use the emergency stairs, then we can get near the party."


We run up the stairs and head down a hall. We are one floor above the party and there is a glass circle on the floor allowing us to see the situation underneath.

All Might and several other heroes restrained, and men with guns patrolling the room.

"Ho, what happened here?"

Izuku flashes his phone towards All Might hoping to catch his attention. After a while, he gets his attention and mimes to All Might that if he talks into the ground, we will be able to hear because of Jiro.

I take my earbuds out and try to listen to him.

Because of the solid glass in between us, it's hard, however, I can hear the whisper of All Might's voice and so can Jiro.

"Can you hear me? Villains have taken over the tower. They have control of the security system and every on the island is a hostage. All the heroes have been taken as well. It's dangerous. Get away from here as soon as possible."

'How interesting.'

Jiro withdraws her ear jack and sweat runs down her face, "This is bad, Midoriya."

We head back to the staircase and Jiro and I explain the situation from All Might as the rest listen in.

After we are done, Iida stands up, "I think we should listen to our teacher and escape from this place. He is much more experienced than us and if that's his direction then we should follow."

Momo also agrees with him, "We are still students. We can't fight against villains without our hero license."

Kaminari points out, "Then what if Natsu flies out and gets help."

But Melissa shuts him down, "Maybe, but I-Islands security is on the same level as Tartarus. If the villains don't want anybody leaving, the security system would make sure of that."

Sighing, I add in my piece, "If they are villains then they should be defeated, it's as simple as that. Besides if they have the balls to take over I-island, then they must have some strong people. So it'll be fun."

The rest of them look at me like I'm crazy.

Midoriya speaks up as well, ���I think Natsu is right. It's not right to just leave them there and wait for help. We are trying to become heroes, what good is it if we back down now?"

Momo argues, "Yes, but that doesn't mean we are allowed to do the same work-"

Surprisingly, Todoroki cuts her off, "So is it all right to do nothing then?"

Everyone stays silent and thinks about it for a second.

Finally, Izuku steps up, "I want to save them."

Kaminari panics, "You want to fight the villains!?!? Didn't you learn anything from USJ?!?!"

Midoriya replies, "No it's not like that Kaminari. I've thought about it. We just need a way to beat the villains without fighting them."

Melissa thinks for a moment, "I-Islands security is at the top floor of this tower. If we can get there then we can disable the security system then the Authentication and passwords should be disabled. If we can get there, we should be able to restart the system."

"Avoid fighting and getting the system back to normal."

Kaminairi smiles, "Yeah, we could do that."

Jiro agrees with him.

Momo still looked concerned, "But still, there will be villains waiting at the top."

I grin, "Don't worry about them, their mine. Besides, if we can get the security system back up, All Might and the other heroes will be released."

She nods and looks more confident, "In that case, I agree."

One by one, everyone else agrees to the plan.

Melissa also agrees, but Izuku tries to stop her.

"But you don't have a quirk."

"Do you have anyone who can change the setting on the security system?"

We all look at each other, realizing her point.

"I am a student at the Academy. I think it can be useful."

Izuku nods his head, "Ok then, let's do it."

He heads back to the area above the dining hall and nods at All Might. He stands there for a few more seconds making sure that his intention gets through to All Might.

I see the panic in All Might as he shakes his head. Midoriya turns and heads back to the group, But I stay and look down at All Might. We stare at each other for a while before I wave at him and walk back.

All Might calms down a little, 'If Dragneel is with them, then they should be fine.'

Everyone waits as Midoriya and I come back.

Midoriya looks around at our little group, "Let's take back the Tower!"

Except for Todoroki and I, everyone yells out, "YEAH!!!"

We all head for the stairs and start our climb to the top.

AN: This chapter was really just setting the scene for those who haven't seen the movie. So lots of talking, and not that much action.

Also while rereading, I noticed something that I may have not pointed out, but right now, Natsu can only make fire solid if he is touching directly. So the fire puppets will lose their mass if he is not in contact with them. Same with the weapons and firestorm, the area technique.

The next chapter will be lots of action scenes and after the villain attack, I have a few things planned on I-Island that weren't shown in the movie.

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