The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 34 - The Invaders

We head up the stairs and floor by floor we make our way up.

On floor 40, Iida asks the question on most of our minds, "What floor is the security room on?"

Melissa wipes some sweat off her forehead, "Right now, we are on the 40th floor. We need to get to the 200th floor."

Everyone's mouth drops and Kaminari complains, "Damn, we have to climb that much?!?!"

Momo pants saying, "It's better than running into villains."

Most of the group look enviously at me, who has been flying the whole time.

"What? It's not my fault that I can fly."

'I wish I could ditch them, but I feel like I would get lost and lose out on all the fun.'

We all continue making our way up until we reach the 80th floor. In front of us was a shutter blocking our path up."

Izuku g.r.o.a.n.e.d, "Damnit, we are stuck."

"I could blast my way through the shutter."

But Melissa shuts me down, "No, that would alert the security system."

While we are discussing, Kaminari is looking around.

"Hmm I wonder, can we just?"

He pulls a lever with glowing red light and a door opens.

Melissa yells out, "Noo!"

Inside the Security room, a red light goes off.

A white-haired man with glasses "Hmm, a door opened on the 80th floor."

A pink-haired man with tattoos under his eyes, comes up behind him, "What happened?"

"I don't know, I'm checking the cams."

Opening the security cams, he sees a bunch of brats running down the hallway.

"Wait is that?"

Opening his phone he calls Wolfram.

"Yo Boss!"


"We got some kids running down the hallway on the 80th floor."

"Tch. I thought you shut down the building."

"I did, they must've been inside the building already and traveled through the stairs. Also, there is that pink-haired kid, but he has some wings and scales."

There is a moment of silence before, "All right, thanks for the info."

*Wolfram POV*

"Daigo! Nobu!"

"We got some kids around the eightieth floor. You know what to do."

The pair nod and head for the elevator.

A grin forms on my face, "Let's see what you can do, Dragneel."

*Natsu POV*

Melissa shouts out, "There, that door. If we get through there, we can bypass a dozen or so floors."

We are maybe one hundred meters away from the door when large metal shutters start to close in an attempt to trap us.

I easily speed up and catch the door and hold it open, allowing my group to head inside. When everyone passes through, I step out and the shutter falls with a crash.

We head through the door to be met with a large spacious room multiple stories high, filled with plants and trees with many bridges going across from each other.

Walking into the center of the vast room, I hear a pinging sound.

I point towards the elevator, "You guys should take cover."

The group looks over in the direction I am pointing and sees the elevator number rising.

Melissa gasps, "If the building is shut down, then that means…"

I grin and crack my knuckles, "Villains."

Izuku and the gang head behind a nearby bush, but I stay out in the open.

Melissa looks shocked, "Natsu? What are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Isn't it obvious? I'll beat the villains."

"But I thought the plan was to avoid villains!"

I roll my neck, "For you guys maybe, but this thing is fun."

She tries to make more of an argument but Izuku shakes his head and holds her back, "Just let it happen. You saw him at the villain attack, right? Besides, he's a battle junkie."

"But these are real villains."

Todoroki also sighs, "That just makes it better to him. Just watch."

The elevator stops pinging and shows the number eighty. The door opens and two men come out.

They open their mouths and prepare to call us out, but stop as they see a grinning boy in front of them.

I mockingly bow, "Hello, gentlemen."

Their suspicions rise as they recognize me from being on the list of potential threats that they had gone over before the attack.

The lanky one, Nobu, points his gun at me, "Cut to the chase. Where are all your buddies?"

I feign innocence, "That's what I would like to know. We got separated on our way to the party and I'm lost."

Behind me, I hear two voices.

"Eh, Natsu, is that you?"


'What perfect timing.'

"Oh hey, guys! How nice of you to meet up with me."

Kirishima looks slightly confused, but Katsuki looks at the two men and he notices the combat equipment that they are wearing and the gun pointed at my face.

A tick forms on Nobu's face, "Stop messing around with us kid. Daigo let's go."

However, ice flies at them and encases them. The rest of the group comes out from behind the bush.


Melissa opens her mouth to explain the situation, but the smaller man, Daigo starts to turn purple and the surrounding ice explodes, sending shards everywhere.

His body mass multiplies in size and his skin turns purple. His hair was now mid-shoulder length, and he had taken some bestial features.

Daigo's sudden freedom had cracked some bits off of Nobu's ice and the latter had managed to free himself. His hands elongated, becoming very wide and webbing was seen between his fingers.

Kirishima gets his hard-on and charges forward, only to be thrown against a wall.

Todoroki begins to make a move but I stop him, "You guys have a job to do. I should be enough to deal with them. Take Bakugo with you, fill him in along the way. He should be helpful. I'll take care of Kirishima.

Todoroki silently nods and forms an ice pillar to lift the group to a higher level.

"Now that they are out of the way."

I glare at my two opponents and release an aura of heat around me.

However, I had miscalculated a major element.


Sighing, I look up to see Bakugo flying down from the bridge, "I AIN'T JUST GONNA LET YOU HOG THEM!!!"

I look up to respond, but get interrupted as a giant purple fist flies my way hits my face. A small crater appears under me and a grin could be seen on Daigo's face.

The grin soon disappears as the dust clears and my body is relatively fine.

I spit out some blood, "It's rude to interrupt people when they are talking."

Daigo gets chills and tries to retreat, but too late. With a loud crack, I send a punch towards his stomach and he goes flying back.

"Looks like I let out too much strength."

Nobu tries to attack me from behind, but he gets blocked by Bakugo, "Oh no you don't."


Whipping his hands forwards, a tunnel of air flies towards Bakugo. He easily dodges that but gets caught by surprise at Nobu's sudden burst of speed as he comes flying at him and they enter combat.

Meanwhile, my opponent emerges from the wall and lets out a roar, "YOU F.U.C.KER!!!"

A grin breaks out on my face and he charges at me. Without any techniques or fire and just raw strength, the two of us throw punches at each other and leap around the area.


Our fists collide, causing shockwaves in the air. Stepping forward, I dodge a punch and throw a straight at his rib cage.


"You mother f.u.c.ker."

"Oh, you have no idea."

And he seemed to take exception to that. He throws an uppercut and I go flying in the air. I turn around, only to see him jumping up to me and grabbing my legs, and slamming into the ground.

Nobu grins, "Looks like your buddy isn't all that powerful."

Bakugo grins even more, "As much as I hate to admit it, but he really could beat the two of you on his own."

Nobu's face turns grim as he sees me stand up.

Daigo panics and tries to recover but it's too late. I throw another punch but this time I aim for the spot right next to his left ear.

In an instant, a loud crack occurs and ruptures his eardrum, stunning him. The next moment, he gets flipped and I blast him into the air with a punch to the stomach.

"Time to return the favor."

I tense my legs and push off the ground. I quickly catch up to his suspended body and appear above him. The terror on his face is obvious.

Without hesitation, I grab his leg and start to pull him down. However, I don't let go. I hold onto him until a few meters away from the ground and slam him into the concrete.

The whole building shakes and the ground beneath us cracks and we fall a floor into an empty laboratory.

*Bakugo POV*

'Looks like he's about finished. Now to deal with him.'

During Natsu and Gorilla man's fight, Nobu and I had just thrown light attacks and chased each other around, trying to figure out each other's attacks while watching a battle of muscle.

With no more entertainment, playtime was over, and I had pretty much figured out his quirk by now.

'He can use his hands to carve out whatever he touches. Dangerous, but I might be able to work my way around it. Damn, if I had my gauntlets, I could win this easily'

I head straight behind me and Nobu follows. I continue blasting along till I reach a wall.

'Let's see how you deal with this.'

I suddenly stop and accelerate upwards, skimming the wall. He was going too fast to stop and tried to turn, only to slip and crash into the wall.

I do a backflip off of the wall and aim my palms at him.



A concentrated blast of explosion charges at him and smoke covers him.


I stretch my arms out, but I hear the whoosh of wind and leap to the side. The smoke clears and I see the man's hands outstretched but slightly burnt. He carved away the explosion and avoided major damage but still took damage from the shockwaves and minor burning.

AN: He can carve the air away so I think it makes sense.

"You brat!"


He charges at me again and swipes at my arm. I leap back and avoid any serious damage, but he managed to scrap my arm, along with my sleeves, and… my sweat.

'Well, that's convenient.'

He wipes his hands on his pants, spreading the explosive sweat along his clothes. Sparks fly from my hands and I prepare another attack.

But that changes after I see the expression on his face change, from arrogant rage to absolute fear.

I look behind me and Natsu is flying out of the hole, carrying the beaten body of the small stocky man. Even from here, I could see the heavy bruising, and the awkwardly bent arm.

"Eh, Bakugo, you're not done yet? At this rate you'll never catch up to me," he shakes his head.

"Shut up, these guys are harder to fight against than just pure strength."

"I-I surrender."

Nobu had deactivated his quirk and put his hands in the air.

"I obviously stand no chance against you two and I surrender."



Natsu and I stare at each other and try to figure out what to do.

I turn to Nobu, "Well if you are gonna-"

"Surrender?" Natsu gives off a cold aura, familiar to the one he gave off when he was interrogating Deku.

"You think you can just surrender?" In an instant, he flew over to Nobu and slammed him into the wall.


"If you direct bloodl.u.s.t at someone, you should expect the bloodl.u.s.t to be directed back at you. Your buddy was a letdown, and I have all this pent up energy. What am I gonna do with it?"


"Huh? Tell me."


I watch as Natsu beats the defenseless Nobu to a pulp until he goes too far.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "That's enough Natsu."

He turns to look at me, and I get the feeling that a beast is staring me down.

I gulp and stare back, "There should be stronger people somewhere else. It sounds like they are working as a group, so there are probably some stronger members."

He stares at it for a few more seconds before looking back at the beaten man and his dangerous vibe disappears.

*Natsu POV*

"Well, you heard him. How strong are your other members?"

However, the man had already slipped into unconsciousness.

"Tch. How useless."

I let go of him and he slumps to the ground. I glance at Bakugo and walk towards Kirishima who is splayed out on the wall.

"Natsu, can you help me out a little? I'm kinda stuck."

Sighing, "You know if you deactivate your quirk, then you can move easier."

"Oh. Oh yeah," he turns off his hardening and slips out of the wall, "Thanks, man."

I ignore him and look at the two unconscious men, "Man, what a letdown. I should search them."

I take off their combat vests and pat them down, looking for anything worth taking.

Kirishima nervously looks at me, "Oi, Natsu. Are you sure you should be stealing?"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine. Besides, they are villains, right? So I see nothing wrong here."

Bakugo speaks up while I continue my search, "So? What is happening?"

I explain the situation while I loot the guys and tie them up with their own rope. Bakugo and Kirishima are surprised when I tell them the whole story but recover quickly enough. After all, it's what we go to school for.

I splay out my items on the ground, "Two combat knives, some rope, guns, ammo, grenades, a butterfly knife, a karambit, two key cards, some beef jerky, a chocolate bar, and some money. Not a bad haul. Oi, want some food?"

Kirishima takes the chocolate bar and Bakugo and I eat beef jerky.

After we finish our short snack, I stand up and brush the dust off my clothes, "Well we should probably catch up to them. We'll take the elevator up, it'll save us a lot of time."

However, our path was blocked by hordes of security robots.

"Tch. Only robots? This will be boring."

AN: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Exams my lifeline for having good grades.

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