The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 35 - The Journey

After escaping from the villains through the maintenance room, and leaving Natsu and Bakugo, the group continued heading up the tower.

*Izuku POV*

"Something feels off."

Everyone else nods, since we had reached the 100th floor, all the shutters have been raised.

Kaminari asks, "Do you think we lost them?"

However, Jiro shakes her head, "No way."

Momo agrees, "We are probably being led somewhere."

We continue running, "Even so, to get just a little further up… we will let them lead us for now."

Floor after floor, the shutters are open and we haven't run into any opposition. However when we reach the 130th floor, then we see it.

Momo gasps, "There's so many."

Shoto looked around, analyzing the situation, "It looks like the enemy has changed from shutting us in, to trying to capture us."

Iida agrees, "I'm sure that they have realized that we are U.A. students."

We all look towards Todoroki and he nods back, "I understand."

Putting his hand to the ground, he froze the floor and generated some ice to immobilize the robots. Everyone starts to run past them, but midway, the robots release some sort of hot gas and start to melt away the ice.

"Hurry up!"

I look down at the Full Gauntlet still attached to my arm.

Thankfully we reached the end before all the robots had been freed however they were pretty close.

In my head I remember Melissa's words when she gave me the gauntlet, "It can handle the full power of All Might's strength up to three times. So you should be able to control your strength using this."

[Full Cowling]

Green lighting flashes around my body, 'Let's try 30%'


'This is good, my arm feels fine and there is no pain.'

We all continue running until we reach the 138th floor and get ambushed by hordes of security bots.

I pull my fist back, and the right side of Todoroki's body lights up, but Melissa stops us.

"If the servers here are damaged, it might affect the security system."

More robots jump down from higher levels.


Iida turns to me and Melissa, "Midoriya, take Melissa and find a different route. We will stop them here."

The options roll through my head, and I realize that if we want to disable the security system, this is our best option.

I nod my head in acknowledgment, and look towards Melissa, "Melissa, let's go."

She also nods and starts to run with me, but stops to turn to Uraraka, "Uraraka, come with us."


Todoroki makes a thin spike of ice impaling a row of bots, "Don't worry about us, just disable the security system."

We all start running towards the higher levels, hoping that our friends stay safe.

*Natsu POV*


A circle of fire appears around me, but the robots are mostly unaffected. I stick my arm out and flip my palm up, motioning for the robots to come closer.

At the same time, several blades of fire pop out of the edge of the circle and make their way across the field, slicing all the bots in my field.

"And that makes 107. I hope they don't mind it when they turn the security system back on."

I hear an explosion behind me and I turn around to see a heavily breathing Bakugo.

"You look tired Bakugo, need a break? Want me to carry you?"

He gives me a glare, but he is too tired to respond back. On large and powerful opponents, his quirk is a godsend, capable of dealing massive damage over wide areas, however, against waves of robots coming at him from all directions, the strain builds upon his arm, tiring him out quicker.

"Damn these things are weak compared to what we've worked with in school, but there are plenty of them," Kirishima is rolling his shoulders and looking at the carnage around us.

I aim my finger at a small group of robots and fire a condensed bullet of fire. Upon contact, it explodes, leaving a bunch of fired robots and burn marks on the ground. I look around and the once serene area is a mess, fires, cracks in the cement, scorch marks, and the remains of the security robots scattered everywhere.

"Well, that's most of them."

I take the key card out of my pocket and head towards the elevator. Kirishima walks in after me carrying a very grumpy Bakugo over his shoulder.

"Geh, this only goes up to the 150th floor. Damn it, I guess I'll take it."

I start flying again and the elevator goes up.

{Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man, no time to talk}



{Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around, Since I was born}

'Oy oy oy.'

{And now it's alright, it's okay, And you may look the other way}

Kirishima is grooving and Bakugo looks like he's trying to hold something back.

{We can try to understand, The New York Times' effect on man}

I unconsciously start humming along to the song.

{Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive}

Surprisingly, I can hear Bakugo humming as well. I hold in a laugh and watch the number rise.

{Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin', And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive}

{Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive, Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive}

*Izuku POV*

We look up at the wind turbines in front of us.

Melissa points out a door at the top of the turbine tower, "If we can get up there, that will save us 40-50 floors. The security room should be just above that area."

I look towards Uraraka, and she nods at me.

I move towards Melissa, and Uraraka tells Melissa to hold onto me. Melissa wraps her hands around me and Urarak touches the both of us, making us much lighter.

[Full Cowling]

I push off the ground and fly through the air. Ironically it is at this time that the security robots charge through the door.


However, Uraraka stands her ground, "No! My job is to get you two up there."

'C'mon, just a bit more. Just a little further.'

I'm a few meters away from the ledge, but the bots are almost on top of her.


A wave of fire washes over the robots.



*Natsu POV*

I look towards Uraraka, "That was close."

Kirishima is almost dying of laughter, "TRY STAYIN ALIVE AFTER THIS!!! HAHAHA! Sounds like you were influenced by something, Bakugo!"

I'm also lightly chuckling, and the other people look completely confused. But either way, Uraraka is alive.

Izuku continues carrying Melissa but gets swept away by a gust of wind.


I fly up and grab the back of Melissa's dress and drag the pair up to the door.

"Want me to come with you?"

Izuku thinks about it for a second, "If you could."

"Then, I'll go first."

I open the door and lead the way in. On the side of the wall, it says, 190. I head up first and I notice footsteps coming down from one of the upper floors.

'That's definitely a villain. I hope that they can put up a fight.'

We make it to the 196th floor when the steps are loud enough to be heard by Izuku and Melissa.

"Natsu, is that?"

I nod my head and motion for them to shush.

A few seconds later, a man comes running around the corner and I reach out to grab his neck, but he flicks my hand aside with something sharp. Thankfully I used my dragonfied right arm, and the blade skidded across my forearm.

I get a closer look at my opponent, seeing pink hair, pink tattoos underneath his eyes, and sword-like hands.

Immediately, I think, 'I have no idea who this is.'

"You damn brats. You kids shouldn't be interfering with a.d.u.l.t problems."

He rushes us again and I block one of his strikes, but his other flies over my shoulder and almost reaches Melissa who was directly behind me.


Luckily, Izuku had managed to react quick enough and punched the flat of his blade into the wall.

"Midoriya! Take her and get to the security room. I'll deal with him."

Izuku nods his head and grabs Melissa's hand, bringing her to the upper floors.

The man laughs at me, "Awww, isn't that sweet. Risking his life to let his friends reach their goal. Sorry, but once I'm done with you, I could fit you in a can."

"Hehehe hahaha hahaha!!! Oh, I don't know what's funnier, you think I'm risking my life for them or the fact that you think I'm risking my life at all!"

My opponent laughs at this, "HAHAHA!!! I like you kid! Your confidence is great!"

We laugh for a few more seconds, before quickly stopping and clashing with my claws against his swords.

"Not bad kid."

[Fire Dragons Flame Elbow]

Fire juts out of my elbow, sending it flying towards his eye. He sways his head back, but I still manage to scr.a.p.e above his eyebrow. Blood starts to flow down, but he can't risk wiping it.

I step forward and throw a straight towards his face, but using one of his blades, he slashes upwards. It doesn't penetrate my scales, however, it left my stomach exposed.

"Haha, it was a fun fight, but it ends here!"

He thrusts his free arm towards my stomach.

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

Instead of the usual large column, I condensed the fire into more of a beam, resulting in higher penetration power and hotter flames.

This time, he was too slow to avoid my attack, and the beam slices right through his arm, cutting it off.


He clutches his burning stump of an arm. The heat from the beam burned the wound shut.

"Welp, I gotta go. See ya."

I leave the man yelling in pain and rush up the stairs to catch up to them.

I reach the security room and look inside. All the systems are green and I assume that that means everything is good. I look around and try to look for signs of my classmate.

'Damn they are pretty quick. I didn't really want to do this, but I mean…'

I sniff the air and try to focus on one smell. Izuku's. I've been around him long enough to recognize his scent.

The smells mingle in the air and I have to take a few seconds to sort them out, but eventually, I find it.

I follow the trail, going wherever the smell is strongest. It makes me uncomfortable when I do this, but it is an asset that I have been given, so might as well make the most of it.

Eventually, I reached a room with many columns of deposit boxes. Izuku and Melissa are talking with a slim light brown-haired man, and behind him is a fatter shorter man.

The slim light brown-haired man appears to be Melissa's father, David Shield and is explaining some kind of backstory.

I am mostly uninterested, but something he said, caught my attention, "Quirk Amplifier."

'Hmmm, that would be quite the moneymaker. But why is he here? I thought the villains captured him.

"So, to get the amplifier, we hired fake villains to stage an attack."


'Oh, shit…OH SHIT!'

I try to think of some excuses to make, but thankfully I don't need to because from another entrance, come two men.

Immediately I get strong vibes from the man in the front, who is wearing a white trench coat and a scrap metal mask.

I'm about to make my move, but metal poles and cement pillars surround me and wrap me up in a big ball.

From outside I can hear, "You are not needed for this."

AN: Yes it is for the sake of the plot, but just roll with it for now.

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