The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 36 - The Showdown

I can hear movement and I feel my position getting lower and lower. The cement and metal continuously replace each other, making it hard for me to escape. Unlike Cementos's prison, this one is not a perfect sphere and has cracks in it, which prevents me from building up pressure and exploding my way out of here.

*Izuku POV*

"Now that he's out of the way."

Chills run down my spine, 'What a monster. To be able to deal with Natsu so quickly.'

I watch the ball of metal and stone sink into the ground and then reseal.

"Well, I do admit that Natsu did a number on my men. Swordkill, Daigo, and Nobu. But, in the end, it's the result that matters."

The fat man next to David Shield grabs the box from his hands and heads down the stairs to give the package to the masked man.

David has a stunned look on his face, "Samuel, what are you doing?"

Samuel ignores him and gives the box to Wolfram.

Without looking at David, Samuel says, "I'm sorry David, but after it got confiscated, I was in a bad situation. I needed the money. Then these people reached out to me and told me that they could get me whatever I wanted if I just did a certain task."

Wolfram opens the box, and you could see the shine in his eyes, "Ahh, yes, this will make me a fortune on the black market."

Then he pulls out a gun and attempts to shoot Samuel in the heart. However, surprisingly, David jumps in front of the path of the bullet and gets shot instead.

"Damnit, I need him alive."

"You bastard!"

[Full Cowling]

I rush up to Wolfram and right when I am almost in front of him, he flicks his fingers and a pillar of stone slams me against a wall and metal pipes surround my hands.

In that moment of weakness, flames could be seen jutting out of the ground. Wolfram quickly continues the entrapment of my classmate but seeing that moment got me thinking.

'If I can put enough pressure on him, then Natsu might be able to escape.

Wolfram starts to carry David away on a pillar of stone.


I flick my wrist and shockwaves explode from it, destroying my restraints as well as the area around me. Now bits of fire could be seen popping out of the ground.

Wolfram turns and gives David to his white-haired henchman, "Take him to the chopper. I'll meet with you quickly. Also take this," he passes the box with the amplifier to him.

The man runs away and heads to the chopper.

I manage to dodge a few, but one gets me in the c.h.e.s.t and sends me flying against a wall.


He laughs, mocking me, "I was aware of Natsu, but I thought that you would be stronger. Frankly, it's disappointing."

He wraps my body up in metal and tightly restricts my limbs to the point where the blood flow is being cut off.

"Well, It was fun, but I need to go."

He ran out of the room leaving the buried Natsu and restrained me in it.

*David POV*


I wake up with burning pain in my gut. I look around and see that I am in a helicopter on the helipad of the building.

"Why am I here?"

The white-haired man looks at me, "We need your mind. We don't have the blueprints for the Amplifier. So we need you to build it."

"Blueprints? Why would you want to build it? You already have one."

He looked towards the door that leads up to the helipad, where Wolfram was coming through, "Well for money of course. We'll have you mass produce them and then we will sell them on the black market. I know plenty of people that would pay good money for this."

I shiver in horror when I realize that the device I had planned to use to save my friend's quirk, would be degraded into a money-making machine for villains.

"And what if I refuse to make it?"

Wolfram had made it to the helicopter and grinned widely, "Oh you wouldn't want to do that. You have a nice daughter, and I'm sure you wouldn't want anything happening to her."

I am left speechless as Wolfram climbs into the helicopter, and tells the white-haired man, "Let's go."

He looks confused, "Eh? What about Swordkill and the others?"

"No time, the brats have already rearmed the security system. The heroes will be catching up to us soon."

He nods in understanding and starts up the chopper. Wolfram throws a First aid kit in the back and tells me to patch myself up, "After all can't have you dying on us."

We take off into the air. The open doors allow me to see my home as we fly off into the night.

'Sorry, Toshinori. Sorry, Mellissa. Sorry, Samuel. I'm truly sorry.'

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to see the half-dragon pink-haired kid.


*Natsu POV*

Wolfram looks behind and sees me, "YOU!"

I grab David and drop out of the chopper. I fly back to the helicopter and drop David back onto the ground. Izuku and Melissa are waiting for him and Melissa is hugging him.

I look up to the chopper, "Now, onto the next part."

I fly back to the helicopter and prepare to slam it into the ground when an unexpected guest arrives.


All Might had leaped from the ground into the air and was sitting on the nose of the helicopter.


He punches the vehicle and sends it flying back to the helipad.

Then he kicks against the air and flies through the air to land on the ground in front of the helicopter crash.

Shrugging my shoulders, I fly over to the wreck and see if they survived.

'Someone is breathing. Probably that masked guy. The other guy probably died on impact. Can't believe he managed to trap me.'


While I was trapped in the prison, I had tried to break out but the walls kept on reforming, and was it really worth using a big move to break out?

Then I heard the ever famous line, "SMASH."

Izuku helps me up and fills me in on the situation.

"I see."

I notice a strange red glove thing on his arm, but I ignore it for now. I will ask him about it later

*Flashback end.*

I ignore him for now, cause eventually, he'll die. If he doesn't… more fun for me.

I walk up to All Might, "You know I could've taken him, right."

"Oh, Natsu you are here as well. Well that's convenient, " he turns to his friend, "David, how are you?"

David grimaces and gestures towards his wound, "I've been better, but thanks to this young man here," he points to me, "I was able to make it off that helicopter."

I speak up, "I hate to interrupt your touching reunion, but that guy is putting something on his head."

Everyone turns and looks in the direction of the crash and sees Wolfram laughing cynically and putting on the quirk amplifier.

"Kuhahaha HAHAHAHA, I can feel the power running through me."

Excitement bubbles inside me, 'Power? Oh boy, this is gonna be great.'

Cement pillars and metal make their way up to his body and mind themselves into a giant figure. A pipe snakes towards David and pulls him by the leg into the giant.



All Might rush in and tries to cut the head off of the snake, but he gets restrained by several pipes.

"All Might… I heard that you have been getting weaker, is that true?"

The pipes bring him closer to Wolfram and his body lights up and pinkish lines start to appear on him, similar to Izuku's Full Cowling. He sticks his arm out and grabs All Mights throat. Fear and rage flash across All Might's face, causing his smile to drop slightly.


"Kehehe, yes, an old friend of yours hooked me up with this. It's rather nice, isn't it? What was his name?"

The pro hero yells at him, "YOU BASTARD!!!"

"Ah yes, All for One."


Wolfram suddenly flings him to the side and looks up into the air directly at me, "What did you say, you bastard?"

[Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame]

A huge ball of fire heads straight towards him and he throws up a wall of cement to block it. However, the heat from the fireball still makes its way around and he can feel the intense heat.


A weird feeling travels through me, not excitement, but a silent rage. Slowly traveling throughout my body.

"Originally, I was planning on just beating you badly, but now that you mentioned him, I'm going to need to talk to you."

He quickly sends a large pillar of stone towards me and tries to hit me, but I zip around and dodge all of his attacks.

[Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

I punch one of the pillars and the debris scatters everywhere. Quickly I grab one of the chunks of rock and whip it towards him.

He notices it and tries to dodge it, but he gets hit on the side of the head.


This time instead of pillars, he sends poles of metal towards me and tries to stab me, I fly around this and look towards All Might and Izuku who are trying their best to fight, and making some progress.

I head towards them and yell out, "Rescue David first, I can deal with him, but there would be casualties if he had a hostage. Once you do, I need you two to buy me some time, maybe 15 seconds."

All Might gets a flash of recognition from the Entrance exam and nods his head.

I quickly head towards Wolfram and he throws up many obstacles to try and hit me but I keep on dodging.

He creates a large block of cement and prepares to slam it down on me.

[Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist]

I lay down a barrage of punches at sonic speed and punch my way through. Each fist explodes upon contact and as I tunnel my way through, the entrance starts to close and he tries to trap me again.

"Hehe, not this time."

[Fire Dragons Roasting Bath]

Fire is emitted from my body and this time the block is solid so the pressure builds up to insane amounts.

When it explodes, chunks of cement are sent flying everywhere and I can see that it damages the body of his giant.

I look around and my classmates are taking cover behind some shields that someone made.

'Looks like the rest of them are up here as well.'

Somewhere I can hear All Might's voice, "HE IS FREE!!!"

Izuku rushes towards his classmates and tells them to head downstairs and take cover. He passes them David and the father and daughter reunite. Then the countdown begins.

[Fire Clones]

Quickly I set up my clones. I condense a ball of fire into my palm and grow it until it reaches the size of a bowling ball. One of my puppets adds a current of fire and makes the ball spin.

My second puppet creates a wide disc of fire and lays it on the spinning ball, causing it to spin as well.

[Lightning Dragon Mode]

I set up a fourth clone to stabilize the disc, while I infuse lightning elements along the side, to give it a glowing ring of condensed lightning.

Izuku and All Might are fighting against Wolfram but I am too focused to notice. Combined the four of us manage to stabilize the spinning disc and my two clones disperse. Even with my fire resistance, I could feel the heat radiating off of this thing.

I quickly yell out, "TAKE COVER!!!"

All Might and Izuku quickly retreat and I head up and face Wolfram.

From here I can hear his voice, "Ohh you have a new move. But technique is nothing compared to true power."

'I need to make sure I don't kill him.'

I whip the disc forwards and send it flying towards him. He attempts to block it but it simply cuts through it and continues.

He creates another giant cube and slams it down upon it, but it simply melts its way through and continues.

"No no no!"

In a last-ditch effort, he tries to dodge it, but it's too fast. It reaches the base and starts to cut through.


AN: Double release today. I was trynna do a mass release but I had family stuff going on.

"Merry Christmas" - Sun Tzu, The Art of Wa

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