The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 37 - The Inferno


For a second, time seems to freeze as the disc explodes in a giant wave of fire.

The storm of fire and lightning incinerate the titan of stone and metal. If Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame is a large ball of fire that covers a lot of ground, then Supernova is a technique that compresses fire and lightning to completely incinerate the target.

Wolfram's figure is left with a gaping hole in the middle of it and with a loud crash, it falls to the ground and starts to collapse and break apart.

I disperse my clones and look at my hand, surprised to see a burn mark, 'To burn me, the heat must've been insane… I hope he didn't die, I still need to ask him stuff.'

Flying over the wreck, I hone my senses and search for Wolfram. If I had used my aura field, then the remnant heat would probably disrupt my vision.

I can hear All Might and Izuku talking and judging from All Might's ragged breathing pattern, he is either on the edge of transforming back or just transformed back. Melissa, David Shield, and my classmates are coming back out onto the roof, looking at the destruction I caused. David had some bandages wrapped around his c.h.e.s.t, so Momo probably treated him.

A few seconds later, I hear some weak breathing.


Underneath a pile of rubble is an arm. After removing all the rubble, I can see that my attack leaves its impact. Even though he wasn't directly struck by the blast, the heat that was radiated was still intense enough to cause his skin to severely dry and he was unconscious.

His rib cage had caved in and there was some shrapnel that was sticking out of his leg, but he seemed alive.

'At least he isn't dead. I should probably hurry if I want to get him treated.'

Picking him up, I take off into the air and speed over to where the rest of the group is. Then suddenly my left-wing flickers and almost goes out.


'Aww hell no.'

My consciousness starts to fade and I begin to drop to the ground.

'Damnit, why now?'

Both Wolfram and I slam into the ground and I blackout.

Somewhere else, a masked man takes his hand off a computer showing the chaos that just happened, and black lines retract from his fingers.

*All For One POV*

"So you are still hiding abilities, Natsu. How amusing."

A smile breaks out on my face, 'I look forward to taking your quirk.'

AN: Cue the evil laugh


I suddenly sit up and look around. I am in a hospital room and it looks like it's midday. I move my arms and notice something. Searching around I look for what I'm looking for. Looking into the mirror, I can see that my scales are gone.

I check my arms, face, and my back, and my wing and all my scales are gone

'Well, that's good. Also, I don't feel sick, could that be because I had my normal senses amplified?'

A few minutes later, a nurse with a plate of beef stew comes in and explains my condition.

"When we received you, your blood cells were heavily deprived of oxygen and frankly it's a surprise you survived. Whatever you did left its impact on your body and you should take it easy for a few days."

"How long have I been out?"

"Not that long, we got you in the morning and it's around 6 p.m. now, so around 12 hours."

I relax in my bed, when another thought comes over me, "What happened to Wolfram?"


"There should be a heavily injured guy here, right? He had some burn damage. He should've got here around the same time as me."

She puts her pen to her lip and thinks about it for a while, "Hmm, I don't remember anyone else being admitted in the morning other than you."

She finishes up whatever she is doing and leaves.

'Well he is a villain, so I guess he's being held in a prison or something. I wonder what happened to the party?'

I start to eat stew while reflecting on the previous night's events.

'Fighting manipulators like him is all good and all, but I still think it's better to fight hand to hand. Still, this was a good chance to test out Supernova. Probably causes too much collateral to use in the city.'

I hear a knock on my door, "Come in."

Enji rolls in through the door, with a small smile on his face.

"How are you?"

"Meh, I could be better. I lost my scales and stuff. Apparently, I used up too much fire, and my oxygen levels are lower than they should. But other than that, I think I'm good."

He continues to gently smile, "So how was your 'experience.'"

I explain what happened starting from the meet up at the lobby, to the stair climb, and then the first villain encounter. He just nods and listens as I tell my story.

When I'm done, he turns to say, "Well, You can tell me more later. See ya."

"Wait, where are you going?"

He turns his head and grins at me, "I'm not the only person who wants to see you you know."

Wheeling out of the door, he leaves me on my own for a minute, then the door opens again. This time it is Izuku, Todoroki, Iida, Momo, Uraraka, Kaminari, Jiro, Kirishima, Mellissa, and surprisingly, All Might and David Shield as well.

Melissa is the first one to ask, "Natsu, are you ok?"

I smile lightly, "Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me, I'm fine. A few bruises and whatnot. More importantly, are you ok, Mr. Shield?"

He looks slightly surprised that I am concerned about him, but quickly accepts it, "Ah, yes, I am fine. Thank you for saving me last night, if you hadn't come, who knows what would've happened. Please if you ever need anything, contact me, and I will help you to the best of my abilities."

Internally I laugh, applauding my own greatness, 'Haha, this is exactly what I needed to hear from you. Now I can get a prosthetic for Ji-san, and maybe a few other things.'

Next is All Might, "Sorry Natsu, this is the second time that you've ended up severely injured because of my incompetence. First at USJ, and now here. I am truly sorry, Natsu."

He bows, shocking everyone, including me.

'He thinks that this is his fault? I mean, if he didn't get captured, everything would've been fine, but I mean, you can't control everything.'

"All Might sensei, I got injured because of my own d.e.s.i.r.e to fight. You had nothing to do with it, there is no need to apologize to me."

He raises his head, and I ask the same question I had asked the nurse.

"What happened to Wolfram?"

Everyone looks away in different directions, and I realize what happened.


Momo begins to explain how, when I crashed, Wolfram crashed with me, and judging from what they saw, he had already been badly injured, and he died on impact.

"Oh, I see…"

'Tchh, I needed to ask him about All for One.'

My classmates try to move away from the subject, by asking me questions of their own.

"What did you do on the roof?"

"How did your fight go with those people in the garden area?"

"Why didn't you carry us up?"

I lay back, and answer all of their questions. The atmosphere is nice, everyone is laughing along, and All Might scolds me for causing too much property damage.

I look to Izuku, who no longer has the red gauntlet on him, "Midoriya, I have a question?"

"What is it, Natsu?"

"When we were fighting, you had some kind of gauntlet thing that you didn't have before? Where did you get it?"

He points towards Melissa, "Actually, she made it, then she gave it to me," and then mutters the last part, "Although, I broke it."

Melissa begins to explain how it uses nanotech and also the user to use 100% of their strength without recoil.

They stay for another five minutes or so, asking more questions and just having a good time in general. When everyone is about to leave, I ask for David, All might, and Izuku to stay behind for a bit.

The rest of them go outside, and wait for them, while I talk to these four.

"Mr. Shield, could I cash in on those favors now?"

"Uhh, sure I guess."

I explain my situation with Ji-san, and he quickly understands.

"In that case, I would probably need him to stay here for a month or so to make sure that all the components work, as well as testing."

"Ok, I will talk to him about it. Also, would it be possible to build something out of the Nanotech stuff for me?"

He quickly nods, "Oh yeah, for us, nanotech isn't that rare, a lot of our stuff involves it in some way or another."

I pull out my phone and show him my gauntlets and claws, "Could you replicate these, but with nanotech? They are support gear that allows me to make my fire solid."

He thinks about it for a bit, "Yes I could, but, I would need the schematics for it, cause I assume that there is a certain pattern that I need to follow for them to work properly right?"

"Yes, I can get those to you pretty quickly, I just need to contact a few people."

He nods and gives me his phone number so that I can text him the blueprints. After that, he thanked me again and headed out.

I turn to All Might and Izuku, who both look slightly confused as to why I asked them to stay.

I took a deep breath in, finalizing how I was going to attack in my head, "Before I crashed, I was flying in the air, and I saw you two."

Both All Might and Izuku are startled, as they realize their secret is spilled.

I continue on, "And I saw All Might, but he looked different. You looked, skinner. May I ask why?"

Knowing that the truth has been discovered, All Might begins to explain his fight with All for One and how he was badly injured. He shows me his wound and explains how after that fight, the time he could turn to muscle form became less and less. Of course, he left out the part where his quirk was transferable and Izuku got it, but then again, if had told me, he wouldn't be very good at keeping secrets.

I silently nod, pretending to be intrigued and amazed at his story. The reason I lied to them was so that hopefully, they would fill me in with certain subjects relating to All for One.

Someone on the same level as the number one hero, All Might, is someone that I would look forward to fighting. Based on what I've seen, he has a lot of muscle enhancement quirks, but those were specifically used to kill All Might, so my appearance might have changed that. His quirks may be different or he may have more in this timeline.

After finishing his explanation, he asked me, "Natsu, have you told anyone else what you have seen?"

I shake my head, "No, I wanted to ask you about it first, to make sure I was sure what I saw."

"I see, well, if you could, please keep this top secret."

"Got it."

Both Midoriya and All Might stand up and leave. I sit there in my room, looking out at the sunset, thinking about the upcoming camp.

'I need to be prepared for anything, the events I know won't be completely relevant, especially with Gray in the picture.'

I hear another knock on the door, 'Who could be here this late?'

Suddenly the door opens, and the temperature drops.

'Aw shit.'

A familiar face pops in through the door, "It's been a while, Natsu."

AN: Happy New Years!!!

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