The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 38 - The Offer

Suddenly the door opens, and the temperature drops.

'Aw shit.'

A familiar face pops in through the door, "It's been a while, Natsu. I brought flowers."

[Fire Dragon's Pulse]

AN: It's the concentrated Fire Dragon's Roar, I feel like it would be useful, so I'll be bringing it up again, and I don't wanna have to write concentrated fire dragon's roar every time.

A small ball forms in my mouth and flies towards him in a concentrated beam of fire. He sways his head to the side and the beam cuts through the wall behind Gray.

"Hey, chill ou-"

[Fire Dragon's Sword Horn]

Fire surrounds my body and forms a curved horn at the top of my head. Pushing off of the bed, I fly towards him and he leaps aside to dodge me, discarding the flowers.

I crash into the wall, and get right back up glaring at him, "What the hell are you here for? Come to kill me?"

He forms two crescent blades and takes a battle stance, "Nope, I came here to talk, but if you wanna fight," he rushes at me and strikes down with both blades.

[Fire Dragon's Grip Strike]

I counter by causing explosions from each of my hands and grabbing his blades. I can feel the blades cutting into my hands slightly, but I break them before cut too deep.

Gray grins at me, "I have time."


'No point fighting him now when I am already at a disadvantage.'

I sit back down on my burnt bed and Gray pulls up a chair.

"So, what do you want?"

He smiles lightly, his eyes glinting, "I was watching your fight. Not bad, I learned a few things."

'Tch, I should've expected this. That probably means All for One was watching as well. Thank god that Wolfram didn't use any fire attacks'

"You came all the way out here to tell me that you saw my fight?"

Shrugging his shoulder, he takes a box of mint out of his pocket and pops one in his mouth, "Not really. I came here to give you an offer."

"What kind of offer?"

"Come join us."

"Join you? After what you did to Ji-san?"

He makes a knife made of ice and boredly starts to flip it, "You already know that I am an assassin, I could've killed him. Besides he's getting his prosthetics isn't he? Anyway, I am an expert in many fields including poisoning, torture, and espionage. I've seen what you did to those weaklings in USJ. Plus, I've fought you, so I think I know a bit about you."

He stops flipping the knife and looks at me, the grin no longer on his face, "You're just like me. You are hungry for a good fight. Come join me in the League of Villains. You would be a great asset to us, you know? Besides, you wouldn't be restricted by laws and morals, so I see this as an absolute win."

I sit on my bed in silence, listening to his proposition.

"Of course, it's not like we would offer you to join just because of that."

"What do you mean?"

"If you join us, we can heal your friend's limbs."


He continues on, "The both of us know that no prosthetic is comparable to an actual arm and leg. I'm sure he knows it too."

There is a slight pause as he allows me to think, "Well, this offer stands only for a limited time, so you should make your decisions soon. When you decide to join us, call the number on this phone."

Before leaving, he turns back, "From what it sounds like, the league has big plans so you better join quickly if you want to get in on the action."

He walks out of the door and leaves me on my bed.

For a moment I sit there in silence, replaying his words in my mind, "Come join me in the League of Villains."

I lightly laugh, "Haha, talk about bullshit. The moment I walk in their base, I'll get captured and All for One will probably steal my quirk."

'Although if I didn't know anything about All for One, I might've fallen for it. It does sound tempting, being the bad guy. But what if he doesn't want to steal my quirk? Is it worth the risk?'

Lying on my bed, I look out of the window at the open ocean, admiring the calm water until I eventually fall asleep.

*Momo POV*

Standing outside of a door, I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

*Knock knock knock*

I open the door and poke my head inside, "Uhmm, Natsu?"

I look around and see nothing, except for a few black marks on the floor, 'That's weird, I thought he wouldn't get discharged till before lunch. He still has a couple more hours.'

I step out and see a nurse nearby, "Excuse me, miss."

She turns to me, "Yes, do you need anything?"

"Would you know where Natsu Dragneel is?"

Her face turns sour as if she is reminded of something, "Yes, he should be on the roof of the hospital."

I bow "Ah, thank you," then walk away towards the elevator that heads towards the upper floors.

Behind me, I can hear the nurse muttering a few things, "That damn brat...can't believe… burning everything… so much work…"

'I wonder what that was about.'

'I can do it. All I need to do is ask if he wants to walk around the expo.'

I continue on and when I get to the staircase, a familiar smell hits my nose.

'Fire. He must be training… but isn't he injured!?'

I rush up the staircase and look around for the source of the smell, but I don't see him. However, I see his hospital dress, a towel, and a bottle of water.

'That's weird, his stuff is here, but I don't see him.'

The wind kicked up, and the smell of fire increased. I looked behind me and there he was. Hanging off the side of the building without a shirt, doing a human flagpole while letting off a steady flow of fire from his feet.

"Natsu!? Are you ok? Shouldn't you be recovering!?"

"Oh, Momo. They said I would be fine if I only did light exercise."

I am left temporarily speechless, but then I remember who I am talking to, 'This is light exercise for him I guess.'

*Natsu POV*

I reached over to the bottle of water that I had brought up with me and took some gulps of water.

'After I lost my scales, I had a theory that my firepower would go down and turns out I was right. I am not as strong or fast as I was when I had the dragon force.'

After I finished drinking, Momo asked me, "What were you doing?"

"Exercise while constantly using my quirk. It's good for improving your quirk."


I sigh and stir my memory for something one of the teachers had said at the Training camp, "Quirks are like muscles. The more you use them, the more they grow and get stronger."

"Hmm, that makes sense. So how long have you been training?"

"Maybe 2 and a half hours or so."



She stares at me for a bit with a suspicious look in her eye, "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm completely serious."

We stare at each other for a few seconds, and eventually, she looks away, a red tinge on her cheeks.

I finish the rest of the bottle, I take the towel and wipe off the sweat that was on my body. Then I start to stretch out my body. After a minute or so, I look over to Momo, who is just nervously sitting there.

"Wanna join me?"


"I don't know, you look kind of bored. So you wanna stretch with me?"

"U-u-uhhhhhh, o-okay."

She slowly walks over and stands to my left. For a few minutes, she follows my movements before talking again.

"Uhm, Natsu?"


"After you get discharged…"


She takes a deep breath before speaking, "Wouldyouliketowalkaroundtheexpowithme?"

"I'm sorry what?"

Her face turns red out of embarrassment and she tries to take another breath to calm herself down.

"W-would you like to walk around the expo with me?"

I turn towards her with my arm stretched out across my c.h.e.s.t.

She gets fl.u.s.tered for a second and begins to speak very quickly, "Of course, if you don't want to that's fine. I'm sure that you have other things you would like to do so…"

A small smile breaks out on my face, "Sure, I'll come with you. But still, I have to get discharged first."

I laugh lightly and she looks shocked at my response.

"Are you sure Natsu? Don't you have stuff you want to do?"

"Well, originally I came here to get a prosthetic for Ji-san, so now that that's out of the way, I don't really have any plans."

I stop stretching and put my shirt back on, "So where do you wanna meet?"

"I can meet you in front of the Hospital after you get discharged."

"Sure. I'll meet you there in a few hours then."

Turning around, I wave my hand and head down the stairs, leaving Momo on the roof.

A few hours, a bunch of papers, and a shower later, I finally being released from the Hospital and fortunately, the hospital had cleaned and sewed up the outfit I had arrived in.

'It sucks that I lost a lot of firepower, but at least I can wear clothes like normal again. Actually, I wonder…'

I walk towards a bench and sit down, closing my eyes. Focusing on my arm, I imagine it as its dragon form. I concentrate on the feeling of the scales and after a minute I open my eyes.


My skin is tinged slightly red, but other than that, no significant changes have occurred.

"I guess activating that is gonna be harder than I thought."


Looking to my left, I see Momo running down the street in a red ankle-length dress, with white and yellow flower patterns


"Sorry about that, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

"Don't worry, I just got here."

We look at each other for a few more seconds, before I say, "Actually, can we stop by my hotel real quick? I need to pick up some stuff."


Together we walk to my hotel and head up to my room. I head inside and grab my wallet, and take off my outer jacket, leaving the light pink shirt.

I roll my shoulder, "That feels better," I walk outside and Momo looks slightly surprised at how quick I was, "I really just needed to grab a few things. You wanna grab a bite? I'm starving."

A few minutes later, we are both sitting outside of a restaurant reading the menu.

"May I have the Spaghetti and an Iced tea?"

"I'll get two Bacon and Mushroom Cheeseburgers, a Chicken Parmesan, the BBQ plate, a large root beer, and a side of fries."

The waiter and Momo both look shocked at the amount of food I ordered, but the waiter quickly recovers and heads back to the kitchen.

"Can you really eat all that food, Natsu?"

I shrug my shoulder, "I spent a lot of energy in that fight, plus hospital food is ok, but I'd rather eat more hearty stuff like this."

"Normally you eat curry for lunch. Out of curiosity, why didn't you order any? They had several kinds."

Once again I shrug my shoulders, "Eating curry all the time is boring. Sure when I eat it, I'll eat a lot, but when traveling, it's probably better to eat stuff that you wouldn't be able to get at home. I mean here is different, 'cause it's a melting pot, but that's not the point. Also, I felt like eating salt stuff today."

The two of us chat about random topics, ranging from favorite songs to talking about each other's quirks. She still remembers me eating lightning and brings it up, asking me how it works.

"I don't have any scientific explanation, but I can eat fire and lightning and it restores my stamina basically. I think I can eat any fire, as long as it's not mine."

She puts her hand to her lips and thinks for a bit, "So theoretically you would be able to eat Endeavour's flames right?"

"Haven't tried it, but it'd be interesting to try."

'There is also another person's flames who I want to try.'

"So then have you eaten Shoto's flames?"



"At the Sports Festival."

"Really? I didn't notice."

I explain how I purposely expanded my flames width and surrounded us to eat the flames without anyone else noticing.

She silently nods her head, listening to each word, "So could you eat other elements and incorporate them into your quirk? Like water, earth, steel, and stuff like that."

This time, I take a while to respond, "Probably not. I think I can just eat things that have similar traits as Fire."

She nods her head and takes a sip of her iced tea, "Yeah I figured. I just wanted to confirm."

Three waiters arrive carrying platters of food.


"Here is your Spaghetti ma'am."

The waiter places a plate of spaghetti in front of her and she thanks him.

Then he turns to me, "And here is your food as well sir."

He and his coworker place five plates of food in front of me.

A sharp grin appears on my face, as my gaze is directed to the food in front of me, "Itadakimasu."

Instantly, I begin to chow down on my meal starting from the Chicken Parmesan. Momo also begins to eat, although at a much slower pace.

I quickly finish the Parmesan and start on one of the burgers and take a few bites of my ribs. Momo continues eating but she also watches me.

I ignore it for a bit, but as I finish my burger she still is watching me.

"Not hungry?"

She shakes her head, "I've been wondering."


"You could've died in that battle. Yet here you are happily eating plenty of food. Same with at USJ. Why are you so laid back even though we were just in a situation in which we could've died?"

I take a few sips of root beer before responding, "It's simple. There are two main reasons. One, because I'm strong. I am strong enough where I am confident in my skills and that I won't die."

'Except against a few of the vanguard but that's later.'

"And two, why would I get depressed after doing something fun."


"I guess it's a crisis for you guys, but you already know, I enjoy fighting. It's fun and thrilling."

She looks at me for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion, "You know you should probably see a therapist."

"Too expensive."

"I'd be willing to pay for it."

"No thanks. I rather like how I am."

We both laugh but Momo quickly stops and asks, "Natsu, do you think I'm strong enough?"

I sigh, "To put it bluntly, no."

She looks slightly dejected, but I continue, "However, your quirk probably has the most versatility out of the whole class, mines included. With Creation, you could possibly make items that could solve most situations. I'm limited in rescue situations because my flames would probably burn people. In terms of combat, with proper training, you could probably beat most of the class. Except for maybe me and Todoroki."

Her attitude brightens when she hears this, "Really?

"It may take a while but yeah it's possible."

She starts to eat her spaghetti again and I continue eating my meal as well. The two of us finish our food, pay, and head out.

A thought crosses my mind, "What did you want to do when you said to walk around the expo?"

"Well, the first day I got here, I had to attend a few things for my family and then we met up and after that, you know how it goes. I didn't really get that much time to look at some of the exhibits, so originally, I wanted to explore those."

"Sounds good then."

We head into the large hall where all the exhibitions are being displayed. The last time I came here, I was just skimming items, looking for prosthetics or potential solutions to Ji-san's problems.

This time, I looked through them with some level of interest.

In front of me was an 8-inch tube that had a baseball-sized capsule at the end.

"On a long mission or camp? Missing on the comfort foods that you love? The capsule compressor compresses whole meals into golf ball-sized pills while keeping all the flavor, and nutrients. They also stay fresh for longer because of our patented refrigeration device. When you are ready to eat one, just open the bottom of the capsule, and it'll come rolling out. Put it back inside the compressor if you wish to reheat it."

"That… is cool."

On the next display, Momo is looking at a bo staff, and the description read, "This may appear to be a simple bo staff, but appearances can be deceiving. By using the ring near the base of the staff, you can alternate between a sword, staff, spear, and ax."

She appears deep in thought and I can hear her mutter, "I wonder, could I make that?"

"Oh, Natsu! And Momo!"

We both turn and see Izuku, Melissa, Uraraka, Jiro, and Iida.

We all exchange greetings and Izuku asks us what we are doing here.

Momo turns red and I take over, "Momo asked if I wanted to look around with her. I had nothing else to do so I said yes."

Izuku nods and says, "Hmm, then mind if we join y-?"

However he gets cut off by Jiro, "Hey Izuku, come with me, I want to show you something really cool," she uses her earbuds to poke everyone else to follow her, "C'mon you guys, let's go, I wanna show you guys as well."

She pushes everyone else in front of her and turns back and gives Momo a small thumbs-up, which makes her blush, and doesn't go unnoticed by me.

She quickly turns and marches away, "L-lets go then. T-there's still more stuff."

I gently smile, and follow her, "Sure."

We continue to walk around the large expo and view all of the displays. A few of them catch my eye, a completely all-terrain vehicle, a glove that has a magnetic connection to the handle of a knife, and a gun that can set a trajectory for the bullet.

"Hey Natsu, there is something I want to show you."

She comes up behind me and starts pushing me in one direction. She's not doing much and looks like she's struggling.

"I get it, I get it, I'll follow you."

She walks in front of me and drags me to a gyro tower.

AN: I didn't know the name till now. It's the UFO looking thing that is connected to a pole and goes up and down. This is one of the observational ones and not a sudden drop one.

"Let's go on that. I heard that the sunsets are really nice at this time."

But her mood gets gloomy as she sees the line with a bunch of people who had the same idea as her. She gets even gloomier as she realizes that it's a ride, so I would get sick anyway.

"Lemme show you something."

I grab her by her armpits and fly up into the air.

"H-hey, w-what are you doing? L-let go of me!"

I grin and look down at her, "Are you sure?"

She looks down at the ground which is quickly getting farther and farther away as I fly higher and higher.

"N-nevermind," then closes her hand and covers her eyes with her hands.

"Don't worry, we'll get there soon."

Within a few seconds, I reached my destination, "You can open your eyes now."

Slowly she pulls her hands down and looks to see where I took her, "This is… the top of the Central Tower! Why are we here?"

"That gyro tower you wanted to go on had a long line, plus I would get sick so I probably wouldn't be able to enjoy the whole thing. So I picked the next best option."

She sighs out and sits down near the ledge towards the sunset. I join her on the ledge and sit on her left. For a moment we just sit there in silence, looking out at the sunset.

"Hey, Natsu…"

I answer her, not taking my eye off of the sun, "Yeah?"

"Why do you want to be a hero?"

"You're seriously asking me this?"

She nods her head, still looking at the sunset, "I have my own idea, but I want to hear it from you."

Thinking about my previous conversation with Hawks, I take a moment before answering.

"As I told you before, I do what I do, because it's fun. But if that was the case, then I could be a villain or one of those vigilantes. They aren't bound by the same laws heroes are, and probably have fun. Heroes are at the top of the chain, they get recognition, money, and fame.

But personally, I could care less about that stuff, I want the authority. That way I can still do fun stuff without getting in trouble with the law. I'm just a guy who wants to be a hero for fun. But the perks are great."

Momo is quiet as she listens to my explanation, when I finish, she finally says something, "At least you're not an idiot."

I look at her with a smirk, "Of course, I'm not."

We both look back at the sun and sit there in silence again.

"Hey, Natsu…"


"I like you."

"... you know that you'd probably be targeted by the League if they knew that we were in a relationship."

"That has already crossed my mind."

"I wouldn't be able to protect you all the time you know."

"I know, that's why I am going to train, and I am going to get stronger until I am able to stand by your side."

We both look at each other in the eyes and then…

I lean forwards and kiss her on her forehead, startling her.

"I like your resolve, Momo. You want to get stronger? Train hard. You want to stand by my side? I'll help you get there. It won't be easy, you know, are you prepared?"

She nods her head, and I smile at her, kissing her forehead again.

AN: This was arguably the hardest chapter I have had to write so far. After almost 40 chapters, he finally has a girl. It probably seems sudden, but I had already decided to make it happen here way beforehand. Probably didn't build on it well, but oh well.

I haven't written a chapter since last year. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha... I'm sorry

Also, did you know that Arnold Schwarzenegger was a governor of California? My mind was blown.

Hope you enjoyed it, and finally, we are at the Training Camp arc. It's gonna be fun, I have lots of ideas especially since Stain will be a part of it. his new support equipment is gonna be lit.

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