The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 40 - Summer Training Camp: Day 1

AN: You might wanna re-read the previous chapter because I changed a few things after I realized that the Summer training camp arc… happens during the summer break... so yeah


I rub my eyes and yawn again as we slowly load our stuff onto the bus. Everyone else has a similar face and quite frequently can hear a yawn or two.

"How's your body feeling, Momo?"

Not even bothering to look at me, she rolls her shoulders, and her neck, "Pain. Just pain. I am a young girl. How can they mercilessly rough me up like that?!"

A few people look at Momo in surprise as they hear these words, and she keeps on going, "Especially that Yuto, he kept on pounding and pounding me."

Now everyone nearby was cleaning their ears, to make sure they heard right.

'Oh, poor Momo.'

"And Shigure! She just stripped me! Didn't even hesitate! That was frustrating. It happened in a flash too."

By now, everyone else had heard and was shocked at the words coming out of her mouth. Uraraka walks up to her wobbly, and her face glowing red, "Uhmm, Momo?"

"Is what you said true? About the pounding, and s-s-stri-p-ping?"

She nods, her head in confirmation, and Uraraka falls to the ground, her mind unable to comprehend what she had heard.

I start to laugh quietly but am forced to stop as I feel murderous intent from someone.

'Gray? No, he wouldn't attack now, that's not his style."

I quickly turn and prepare to activate my gauntlets, but I just see Jiro with a bright red face.

"Y-you… what did you let Momo do?"

I can feel a few other glares from some of the other girls, while most of the boys were muffling their laughter.

"It was just a fight. She did a sort of training that involved fighting, and she lost."

Jiro quickly turns, and asks, "Yaomomo, is that true? Were you fighting?"

"Yeah, what else would I be doing?"

Mina quickly walks over to Momo and takes her to the side. A minute later, Momo comes back with her face red. She walks up to me and tries to punch my face.

I easily block it, and grin down at her, "Why so mad, Momo?"

"You, you knew what I was saying and you didn't stop me."

"To be fair it was pretty funny."

Her face gets even redder and she goes back to Jiro, Toru, and Mina and they try to calm her down.


Collectively, our whole class immediately thinks, 'Aw shit, not this guy."


Before anyone else could stop me, I grabbed Monomas's face and slammed it into the front of the bus, "Would you mind… quieting down for a bit?"

He slumps to the ground and Kendo comes and picks him up, "Sorry about that."

'She took that surprisingly well…'

Class B greets us and heads on to their bus.

"C'mon everybody get in the bus, stop dawdling and wasting time! We are on a schedule!" Iida shouts at everyone and directs everyone into the bus.

A few people grumble, saying he's too loud, and one by one, everyone files inside. A few people are excited.

Uraraka had recovered from her shock, and was happily chatting, "I can't wait to go! It's been a while since we went on a school trip. Our last one went… less than well."

'Haha, this one will be worse.'

Kirishima, Sero, and Denki are all chanting, "Summer Camp! Summer Camp! Summer Camp."

Aizawa cuts them off, "You know that especially you three have supplementary lessons right?"

This dampens their mood immediately as they think about their upcoming lessons.

Aoyama and Todoroki were sitting next to each other, and the latter tries to go to sleep but Aoyama starts saying how much he sparkles, preventing Shoto from taking a nap.

As usual, I take my seat in the back and Momo sits next to Jiro, glaring at me slightly as she still feels embarrassed about me not stopping her rant.

Kirishima sits next to me, and Izuku sits in the aisle across from me and so does Iida.

Aizawl calls out, "Everyone, the bus will stop in about 2 hours. After that-"

But everyone else starts to talk, cutting him off.

Izuku calls out to me, "Hey, Natsu, how are you doing?"

'Why does he care?'

"I'm fine."

"I've been curious, Momo seems-

He gets cut off as the wheels on the bus started to move and the motion sickness hits me.

I groan slightly, "Ughhhh…"

My classmates look slightly concerned and leave me alone to suffer.

*Momo POV*

"I can't believe him! He knew what I was talking about and didn't even try and stop me!"

Jiro, Toru, and Ochaco are all listening to my complaints about this morning. Jiro and Ochaco remember that they saw the two of us together and decide to bring it up.

Jiro says with a small smirk, "You two seemed to get along at the expo though."

My face reddens as I recall that day's events.

Toru, who had been unaware of what happened, was bouncing up and down in excitement, "Ooh ooh, what happened?"

Jiro smiles and decides to take over, "Well, we saw them together on a da-"

I quickly quiet her and take a deep breath, explaining what had happened that day, starting from on the hospital roof.

"And then he took me up to the top of the tower, and then he… he…"

All of the girls lean forwards, waiting for the conclusion.

In a small voice, I say, "he… kissed…me..."

While they were slightly expecting it, hearing it for themselves was still shocking, "YOU K-!"

I quickly use my newfound speed to shut their mouths with the tape I had just created, "Shhh! You don't have to yell it out to the whole world to hear. He kissed me on the forehead."

AN: Momo's most useful ability: she can make tape the exact length she wants.

After making sure they would stay quiet, I allow them to take off the tape, and they whisper around me.

"So… are you two dating now?"


Jiro raises her eyebrows, "So have you done anything since then?"

My face reddens again, "W-what are you talking about?"

"Hehe you know, what I'm talking about. Have you kissed his lips?"

I point my two fingers together, "Uhmm, no. We've been kinda busy with training."

This time, Toru is confused, "Training, what for?"

"I want to get stronger so that I can stand next to Natsu. So I've been going to the same gym as him and we've been training and the people at the gym are really nice, but they get pretty serious in fights."

Uraraka gets memories of the Gunhead Agency, "Seems like a fun group."

I nod my head and begin to explain what's in the gym, as well as the people.

Jiro thinks about it, "Maybe, I'll visit one day…"

*Natsu POV*

After almost two hours of driving, we finally stop to take a break at a cliff overlooking a forest. Everyone else stretches out while admiring the view, unaware of what will happen in a minute or so.

A few other people notice that something is off.

"Does this really count as a break spot?"

"Where is Class B?"

Aizawl speaks up, "There's no point stopping without a reason."


A car parked nearby opens up and two people in bright clothing pop out.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"Stingingly cute and catlike!"

"Wild Wild P.u.s.s.ycats."

The two women strike poses as a small kid walks out of the car a well and watches all of us.

Aizawa steps up to explain, "These are the pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the P.u.s.s.ycats."

'A wild Deku is approaching.'

Izuku goes off spouting his hero knowledge, "They're a four-person hero team who set up a joint agency! They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their 12th workin-"

However the blonde one, Pixie-Bob grabs his face silencing him.

"I'm 18 at heart!"

Our homeroom teacher rolls his eyes and continues, "Everyone greets them."

"Nice to meet you!"

The one in red, Mandalay walks over to the edge of the cliff, and points her hand out to a nearby mountain, "We own this whole stretch of line. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain."

Everyone is slightly surprised at how far it is so people start asking questions.

Uraraka puts her hand to her lip, "Huh? Then why did we stop here?"

Tsuyu turns to her, "Could this mean…?"

Sato shakes his head, "No way… right?"

Sero nervously begins to turn around, "Why don't we get back to the bus? Fast."

Everyone else nods in agreement and starts turning around.

Mandalay rubs her hands together and her tail sways in the air, "Right now it's 9:30 am. If you're fast...maybe around noon?"

Panic shows on people's faces as they start to realize the situation, Kirishima takes a step back saying, "No way… guys…"

"Let's get back to the bus!!!"


Everyone starts running in a panic while Mandalay continues talking, "Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch."

I fly to the top of the bus and Aizawa steps aside, knowing what's happening next, "Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, training camp..."

Pixie-Bob leaps in front of anyone else and grins.

"Has already begun."

She touches the ground and a blue light radiates from her hands. Seconds later, the ground rises up in an explosion of dirt, pushing all of my classmates off of the cliff.

Mandalay walks over to the edge and shouts down below, "Heyyyy! Since this is private land, you can use your quirks as you wish! You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through… The Beast's Forest!"

Mandalay turns around and notices me, "Oh? Looks like one of you managed to dodge Pixie-Bobs attack."

Aizawa, who had noticed me from before, just sighs, "He's...unpredictable."

I smile at them, "Ah, don't worry about me. I'll be down soon enough, I just didn't want to get dirty."

Pixie-Bob grins again, "You sound pretty confident for a first-year brat."

She puts her hands to the ground again and a wave of hardened dirt flies towards me. I easily dodge and fly a few meters off the cliff, hovering above my classmates.

"Well, see you guys soon! Ciao!"

I glide down to my classmates who are fighting one of the "magical" beasts. An 8-meter tall beast made of dirt resembling a boat but had no visible facial features. Todoroki had frozen its feet, preventing its movement. Bakugo took one arm out, while Iida took the other. Izuku leaps into the air, his body sparking green electricity, and smashes through its face.

Everyone else compliments them, but they brush it off, not out of arrogance, but because they noticed more large shapes looming in the shadows.

"Oy oy oy, are they serious?"

"How many of them are there?"

"If we don't make it to the facility by noon, we don't get lunch."

Momo steps up and starts planning, "Then we have no choice but to get through here and take the shortest route. If we have Natsu lead the charge, we could make it back on time."

'This is a good time to test out my strength on moving targets.'

I notice a beast flying in the air and quickly fly up in front to meet it.

Letting loose a roar, it charges at me and I easily dodge to the side.


I punch into its side and 25% of its body shatters and the rest falls to the ground in pieces.

"Oh, watch out!"

My classmates had been watching my fight and moved aside as the beast fell into the ground and broke down back into dirt.

"Nice going, Natsu!"

"Yeah! If Natsu is leading the way, we'll be there in no time."

Iida, happy to see that everyone is motivated, steps up and leads the charge as the class representative, "Let's go, Class A!!!"


"Well, have fun, I'll go ahead. Hope you guys don't take too long," I put my hands in my pocket and started walking out towards the direction that Mandalay pointed.

Iida's mind goes blank, "Eh?! Wait, but you are supposed to… huh?"

Momo tries to convince me to stay, "Wait, Natsu! You should stay, it'll be safer if we are all together. We would be able to move quicker.

I look back over my shoulders, "They will, but I'm fine on my own. Remember what I said on I-island, I'm confident in my abilities. If you guys are more powerful as a unit, fine, but I'm planning on eating lunch. So see y'all," before I leave, I whisper to Momo, "Good luck."

She blushes slightly and I disappear in a flash, heading further into the forest.

"Well then, can't let them have all the fun."

A grin appears on my face as fire courses through my veins, lighting up my body.

[Fire Rush]

'Haven't used this in while.'


A giant gorilla made of dirt and rocks comes out from behind a tree and swings his arm at me. Using my feet for propulsion, I flip into the air and drop-kick it on the shoulder, making half of its body crumble and return to dirt.

"Nice warm-up, but I wish they were faster."

Back at the cliff, Pixie-Bob noticed something.

*Pixie-Bob POV*

'Hmmm, someone is destroying my beasts that are further out.'

Checking the map, I can see that a second group is further behind destroying the majority of the beasts.

'Maybe that Natsu kid. Well in that case, maybe I'll kick it up a notch for him.'

A wide grin appears on my face as a picture appears in my head and some dirt and rock nearby Natsu begin to take form.

'Let's see how you deal with this.'

*Natsu POV*


'Hmm, what's that? Sound bigger than the ones before.'


'That was louder, hopefully, it puts up a challenge.'

Flying into the air, I see something that surprises me. Instead of a normal 8-13 meter beasts, the one in front of me was closer to 25 meters and appears to be made of more rock than dirt compared to its formers.

It's appearance looked like that of a crocodile, but it was standing on two feet. Its limbs were longer and more suitable for movement and combat than the stubby feet that crocodiles had. Rocky scales covered its limbs and back. As it moved towards me, it swayed its tail menacingly, destroying the smaller trees.

"Let's hope that armor isn't just for show."

I quickly move to the top of its head and lay down a barrage of punches. Surprisingly, it doesn't break that easily and takes a few punches to cause some cracks.

"Nice. Now let's take it up a- urgh"

Distracted by my thoughts, I had been unaware and the beast swept me off his head, sending me flying into the forest.

"I forgot that these things are moving. Well no time to play around anymore, I should hurry up."

Fire surrounds my hand and compresses as I look at the approaching giant.

[Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

Tensing my muscles, I fly towards its body, I fly towards its body and punch its arm off. Around me, I can hear more rumbling as four more giant beasts rise out of the ground. All of them similar sizes to their injured comrade, with one being almost 30 meters

"Hahaha, this will be fun."

*Aizawa POV*

After indirectly pushing my students off a cliff, Mandalay and I drive over to their facility, leaving Pixie-Bob to take care of controlling the beasts. I unpack my things and check the time.

"10:20... it's almost been an hour. I wonder… could he..."

I walk out towards the forest and look around for signs of my student.

Mandalay sees me and joins me, "Missing your students already?"

I crane my neck as I catch a flash of red, "Not missing, expecting."

She laughs lightly, "Oh Aizawa, I didn't know that you could make jokes. Even we would need a few ho-"

But she turns when she sees my smile as I look at something behind her.

"No way…"

Natsu Dragneel sprints out of the forest and abruptly stops in front of us, his school uniform only slightly dirty and I can see his faint traces of fire.

He looks up at me and grins, "So, what's for lunch?"

AN: Not sure if it's a milestone, but we hit 40 chapters, so yay!

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