The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 41 - Fighting an Earth Bender

As I sprint through the forest, I quickly reach the edge of the forest and see Aizawa and Mandalay waiting in front of me. A grin appears on my face and stops right in front of them, kicking up a small cloud of dust.

The grin remains on my face as I look towards Aizawa and Mandalay, the latter having a face of absolute shock, "So, what's for lunch?"

Aizawa looks towards Mandalay and repeats my question with a small grin, "So, what's for lunch?"

"A-uh-huh? Sandwiches probably, but that's not important. How did you get out of the forest so quickly? Even if our whole team did it, it would take at least three hours. Actually, answer that later, I gotta make a call."

She pulls out her phone and scrolls through her list of contacts until she finds the name she's looking for, "Oy, Pixie, how did this kid pass through so quickly? I thought you were taking care of it!"

Out of the phone, I can hear Pixie-Bob's voice, "Uhmm, well you see, I tried to stop him, but he bust through five of my goliaths…"

Her jaw drops and she slowly turns to look at me, "Did you say five?"

"Uhm, yeah, after that I just focused on the rest of his class. Anyways, I call dibs on him. See you later."

"Wait a minute, I'm not do-," but Pixie-Bob had already hung up.

Mandalay turns and looks at Aizawa, "I wasn't expecting any of them to finish this quick."

Aizawa shrugs his shoulders in response, "This kid is a monster, to say the least. Didn't you watch the Sports Festival?"

She nods her head, "Of course, the kid's powerful with his fire. Still, I thought that Pixie-Bob's earth flow would be a decent counter for him."

Aizawa laughs lightly, and to my surprise says, "I would like to know a decent counter to him as well. Well, Natsu, go get your stuff from the bus, and then you can do whatever you want, train, relax, I don't care."

"Aight, then."

I walk towards the bus and grab my stuff, then head inside of the building. The main building has two floors. The downstairs has a large dining area, four large rooms, 2 small rooms, two bathrooms, an outdoor bath, and a lounge. Upstairs is probably where the Wildcats live I assume. I drop my bag off in one of the large rooms and walk back out.

'What should I do now? Explore? Nah, guess I'll train then.'

Going back to the forest where I had exited, I sit down in front and focus on my arm. I picture scenes of destruction, fire burning, craters in the ground from shockwaves, buildings collapsing after having their foundations wrecked.

For some reason, thinking about destruction or things I hate intensely, help accelerate the transformation. And I'd rather not think about Gray, so I picture scenes of destruction to help. It might be part of the destructive nature of dragons or my battle-hungry nature, either I don't care.

Before my time runs out, I get in position and punch the ground.


An 8-meter wide circle appears around me as the impact of my fist causes shockwaves within the ground.

I pull my fist back and lay another punch, causing the ground to shatter and the hole to deepen.

Within my ten second time frame, I managed to lay down two more punches, making me a foot lower than where I started and surrounded in the rubble.

I look at my arm and its draconic features begin to fade as my concentration breaks, "Tch, it doesn't last as long as I need it to."

I look up at the sky, and begin to think about the upcoming event, 'The Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains.'

My appearance has caused quite a few deviations from the main story, but major events should be the same.

Mentally, I go over the list of people who I need to be cautious around, 'Gray, Stain, Magne, Mr. Compress, and maybe Mustard. The rest I can deal with easily enough but these five are the ones I have to be the most cactus about. With my appearance, I doubt that their objective is just going to be Bakugo and Tokoyami. Stain and his Bloodcurdle will always be a threat as long as he is alive, I can't let my guard down around him.

Mr. Compress's quirk is one of the more terrifying ones among the Vanguard. He can take people, or parts of people, and coupled with his sleight of hand, you won't be seeing those anytime soon. I need to take the utmost caution when it comes to him.

Mustard is a threat but a small one. I'm not sure how my fire would react with his poisonous gas, in theory, it should rise due to the heat, but internal damage is one that I'd prefer to avoid.

Dabi, Moonfish, Spinner, Toga, Twice, and Muscular are people that I can deal with.'

My mind drifts to my largest obstacle, 'I don't know what role he'll be playing, but it'll probably be a major one. I need to either put Gray out of action or straight up kill him.'

I continue training for another hour and a half when Aizawa calls me and tells me that there is food.


When I showed up inside the dining room, I saw Mandalay, Aizawa, Kota, and Vlad King, the teacher for Class 1-B, as well as Pixie-Bob who had recently arrived from her spot on the cliff.

Vlad King stops eating his sandwich as he sees me walk in, "Oh, you weren't kidding Aizawa. He actually made it back!"

"Hello. Where is Class 1-B?"

"Oh, we dropped them off in a cave system nearby. They need to navigate their way back using their quirks. Ragdoll is monitoring them to make sure they don't get too lost. It should be a piece of cake for them."

Meanwhile, in a cave system.

Monoma was yelling, "AHHHHH!!! BATS!!! AHHHHH!!! RATS!!! AHHHHH!!! FROGS!!!"

Tired of his screaming, Honenuki yells out, "AHHHHH!!! A BLONDE BITCH!!!"

AN: Honenuki is the skeleton looking guy in Class 1-B

Monoma was too terrified to care.

Back at the dining room.

Pixie-Bob was eating a sandwich while focusing on a holographic screen.

I lean over to Mandalay who is sitting next to me, "What is she doing?"

She points at several yellow dots on the screen, "She's dealing with your classmates. Using tracking devices placed in her beasts, she can track and monitor your class's progress."


'No wonder the League took her out first. Her quirk is pretty powerful. To control that many beasts from a long distance.'

I finish up eating my sandwiches and head outside to go back to training. After another three hours, my mind was exhausted and I was lying down on the ground. After closing my eyes for five minutes, I opened them to a surprise.


Pixie-Bob was leaning over me and smiling down at me, "Hello."

She continues to smile, "You know, you did pretty good today, fighting against 5 of my goliaths at the same time, plus you're pretty handsome. I wonder how you'll turn out in three years," as she says the last part with a wink.

"I know I did good. They were pretty slow though. Also, I have a girlfriend you know."

"Awww, why not? You'd rather have some small c.h.e.s.ted highschool girl over a grown-up m.a.t.u.r.e woman."

I look at her bust after she mentioned, small c.h.e.s.ted high school girl, and mentally compare it to Momo's.

'Right, like your's are bigger,' then something that Izuku had said earlier today ringed in my mind, "This year will be their 12th worki-"

A small grin appears on my face, and a plan appears in my head, as I sit up and look at Pixie-Bob, "Nah, you're too old."

She takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down, "Oh, playing hard to get, I see, well in that case, TO HELL WITH YOU!!!"

'Like a cat chasing a laser.'

She puts her hands down on the ground and the ground below me becomes soft and I begin to sink.

Wings appear on my back and I shoot off into the air and hover a few meters above her.

"Did I hit a nerve? If you beat me, I'll consider you!"

"Tch, you brat."

Around me, I can hear several beasts forming. A few seconds later, four dragon-like creatures take off from the ground and surround me. They rise higher in the air and begin to dive bomb me.


[Fire Dragons Pulse]

A beam of fire flies out of my mouth and cuts through all four of the beast, destroying them and making them crumble to dirt.

I fly out of the way to avoid it, but out of the giant pile, a few spikes fly at me and one scratches my face.

'Not bad. She managed to scratch me.'

She rises up to me on a pillar, standing a few meters away from me.

The other heroes and teachers had come out to watch, wondering what had happened to cause the two of them to start fighting.

Several long poles pop out of the pillar and point towards me, 'Is she planning to use those to increase her mobility?'

But my answer is quickly answered as several small bullets of rock fly towards me.

'A defense tower? Well then, this is interesting.'

For a few more seconds, I fly in the air dodging the endless stream of bullets that she is sending at me. Then I dive to the bottom of her tower, fire gathering in my hands.

[Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang]

In a sweeping motion, I crush the foundations of her tower and fly out before it falls. Unfortunately, instead of it collapsing with her on it, she turns it back to dirt and makes it slick, so that she slides down to the bottom.

'What a versatile quirk.'

This time from the ground, she creates several canons and lays a barrage of cannonballs forcing me to dodge.


A wall of solid fire generates below me and blocks off her attempts to hit me.

Eventually, the sound of cannon firing stops, and Pixie-Bob begins to complain, "C'mon, that's not fair. Come down and fight me like a man!"

Aizawa grimaces, as he remembers the exams.


I extinguish my fire and drop to the ground.

AN: Superhero landing! He's gonna do a superhero landing!

'I've always wanted to do this.'

Landing on one knee, with the other planted in the ground, the impact cracked the ground around me. I push myself off the ground and brush off the dirt. Pixie Bob is waiting in front of me, brandishing her cat gloves.

I get into a fighting position and we both stand there facing each other off. She decides to move first and rushes at me. She attempts to hit me with her cat gloves, but I easily dodge each strike.

She lunges out and tries to hit my c.h.e.s.t, but I sidestep her and grab her outstretched arm and back t.h.i.g.h.


In one smooth movement, I flip her onto her back and look down at her.

She scowls at me, and prepares to fight back but, Mandalay interrupts us, "Ok, children, that enough. Natsu, I can't have you hurting my teammate. And speaking of that teammate…" She looks towards Pixie-Bob, glaring at her.

Pixie-Bob stands up and uses her quirk to get rid of all the dirt on her, "Not bad, Dragneel. You are worth keeping as a potential mate."

Mandalay drags her off by the back of her collar while she waves at me.

"That was weird."

Aizawa and Vlad King both walk up to me, "Care to explain what happened?"

After a short but awkward explanation, both teachers are looking at me with deadpan expressions.

Vlad King asks, "Really?"

"Yup, really."

Vlad King sighs and opens his mouth to speak, but gets a phone call, "Hey, Ragdoll, how are my students? Are they almost out yet?"

"Hehe, about that, they've gotten trapped in a part of the cave, after that Monoma kid tried to dig his way out, and parts of the cave collapsed."

Vlad facepalms, muttering, "That kid. Is it that bad?"

"Tiger is working on it now, but yeah, you should probably come over as well."

He sighs, "Tell me where."

He walks away while listening to Ragdolls instructions and muttering curses about a certain blonde.

After a while, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob appear again. Aizawa explains what happened to Class 1-B and both of them laugh lightly, saying that they'll be fine.

Then I hear a twig breaking. I move forwards in the forest and away from their conversation, listening for the small sounds in the forest.

"Took them long enough."

The three heroes turn as well, as they see my classmates, beaten and dirty, emerging from the forest.

All of them have small scratches here and there. All of them have dirt and dust covering their clothing. And all of them are glaring at me. Even Momo.

AN: Chapter 6 of my other fanfic, MHA: Bungee Gum was released yesterday, so check it out if you want.

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