The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 42 - Quirk Training

The four of us look into the forest, as my classmates, beaten and dirty, start emerging from the forest.

All of them have small scratches here and there. All of them have dirt and dust covering their clothing. And all of them are glaring at me. Even Momo.

I wave towards them, "Yo! You guys look like you've been through hell!"

Their glares intensify after I say that, and Bakugo starts yelling, "YOU FLAMING BASTARD!!!"

Kirishima groans, "I thought you said it'll take around three hours, not seven."

Pixie-Bob grins, "Well, it would take us three hours."

Sato sighs, "So you guys were just bragging."

This time Mandalay replies, "Well, you guys still did better than we expected. We thought that you guys wouldn't be back till sunset."

Shoto mutters lightly, "Glad to see you have so much faith in us."

Pixie-Bob takes this opportunity to try and jump me, but I easily dodge and she flies past me, "Aww, don't be like that. Tell me who my competition is."

I gesture for her to come closer, and whisper, "The black-haired girl with the ponytail."

Pixie-Bob quickly scans all of my classmates, 'Not her, not her, she has black hair, but no ponytail, oh there she is.'

Her eyes see Momo's face then drop down to her c.h.e.s.t, '...'

Immediately she leaps back and crouches on the floor, hissing at Momo. Momo, unaware of what is happening, looks very confused.

She walks over to me, and asks, "What's up with her?"

I laugh lightly, "Don't worry about it."

Izuku walks towards the building and says hi to Kota, who immediately punches him in the balls.

Aizawa tells everyone to grab their stuff on the bus, "After that, you guys can eat, bathe and then go sleep. Tomorrow, we'll start for real. Now, hurry up."

Everyone in my class yells out, "YEAHHH!!!"

"Thanks for the food!"

Everyone starts to dig in, grabbing food here and there.

"So good! This rice is so good!"

"It just soaks into my internal organs!"

Pixie-Bob who is carrying a plate of food to another table, says, "Well, eat up as much as you can. Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you

As my classmates enjoy their food, I see Izuku looking at Kota.

Momo, who is sitting next to me, looks around, "Natsu, do you know where Class B is? It's pretty late."

I chuckle lightly as I remember the phone call, "So Class B got dumped into a cave system."

I explain what happened, telling her how Monoma caused the cave to cave in and how Vlad King had to go and rescue them.

Bakugo is sitting across from me, laughing his a.s.s off, "AHAHA, THAT STUPID BLONDE!!! HAHAHA"

Momo has her hand over her mouth, trying to retain her formal posture, "Oh my that is terrible," but I can tell she is trying to hold back her own laughter.

After dinner everyone heads to the baths and washes off, relaxing in the bath, soothing their sore muscles. After that everyone goes to sleep and the day passes.


'Arghh that too loud!'

Around me, I can hear everyone else groaning as Aizawa laughs maniacally in the background, as he slams a spoon into a cooking pot.


I put my earbuds in to muffle the sound of his chaos and check my bracelet for the time.

'Jesus Christ, it's too early for this shit! Five o'clock is way too early.'

Grudgingly, my classmates and I get out of bed, slowly walking towards the dining room, where the girls are already sitting there, eating bowls of rice, miso soup, and fish.

I go towards Momo whose eyes are half-closed, "Morning sleepy head."

She mutters, "Good morning."

Aizawa forces everyone to eat quickly and he drags us outside.

'Damn it's still dark.'

He tells us to follow him and we do, half dragging our feet as we march behind Aizawa. After a five minute walk, we finally make it to an opening where the P.u.s.s.ycats are awaiting us.

"Locking on with sparkling eyes! We've come to lend a paw and help!!! Coming out of nowhere... Stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild P.u.s.s.ycats!!!"

'Glad to see someone is energetic.'

Aizawa moves to the side, while Mandalay steps up in front of us all, "Alright, yesterday we tested your stamina, strength, and teamwork."

I can feel everyone turn their eyes to me for a brief second.

"Today, we will work on improving your guy's quirks."

Kirishima raises his hand, "How do we do that?"

Mandalay explains, "Quirks are like muscles. When you break your muscle fibers, they regrow and get stronger. Same concept with quirks."

Aizawa passes a ball to Bakugo, "Throw it."


"Throw it."

Bakugo shows a flash of recognition, "This is from the fitness test…"

"Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters. Let's see how much you have improved."

Everyone starts to get excited as they look forward to seeing their progress.

Sero gets excited, "Since a lot has happened these three past months, huh? Maybe he can throw it a kilometer or something now!"

Bakugo winds up his arm, stretching out his muscles.

"Do it, Bakugo!"

Bakugo's grin appears as his eyes narrow, "Then…"

Leaning back, he brings his arm back, "Here I go… GO TO HELL!!!"

As he throws it an explosion shoots from his hands and sends the ball flying into the forest.

It looks impressive, but Aizawa reads out the distance, "709.6 meters."

Bakugo's eyes widen as he realizes what has happened. Everyone else looks slightly confused.

Kirishima scratches his head, "Huh? That's less than I thought…"

"It's been about three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. Other than maybe Natsu, your quirks themselves have not improved that much. That's why we will work on improving your quirks starting today."

A cynical grin grows on Aizawas face, "It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying, but try not to actually die… that said, Ragdoll, take it away."

Ragdoll cartwheels in front of us, "Hey-yo! I didn't get to meet you guys yesterday, but I'm Ragdoll. With my quirk search, I can keep track of up to a hundred people and monitor their states as well as their weaknesses."

'Geh, I don't like that sound.'

"Anyways, we are gonna help you improve your quirks in the most efficient way possible. Starting with… you," she walks over to Izuku, "You need to make your body stronger so that you can improve your control over your quirk. Tiger! Take him!"

A big bulky dude in a brown P.u.s.s.ycat costume steps forward, "Hehe, plus ultra… right?"

Izuku freezes up, "Y-y-yes s-s-sir!"

Ragdoll runs through everyone, explaining to them what they need to do to maximize their training. When she gets to me, she stands there for a while.

Pixie-Bob notices and walks over, "Ragdoll, something wrong?"

"Kinda, this guy has two quirks… I'm not sure which one he should train."

Pixie-Bob, nods her head, "Hmm-hmm, as expected of my future mate."

Fortunately, Momo had already started training and was out of hearing range.

"I already know what I need to work on, don't worry about me."

Ragdoll just flicks her thumb up, "Ok!"

I look around me and it's a sight of chaos, Bakugo causing large explosions, Todoroki alternating between fire and ice, and many other uses of quirks that can only be described as excessive.

Kicking off my shoes and taking off my shirt, I close my eyes and all my classmates stop moving, waiting in anticipation for what I will do.

'Fire… destruction… carnage.'

For a brief second, red scales appear all over my limbs, back, and face, with yellowish scales covering my stomach and neck. Claws form on my hands and feet and scaly spikes jut out of my knuckles, elbow, knees, and shoulders. A pair of wings sprout from my back and my hair is replaced by several horns. My body increases in size as muscles flow throughout my body. Everything becomes much more clear as my senses intensify beyond normal. My nose turns into a snout and my teeth sharpen.

Then everything returns to normal and I lie there, breathing heavily and sweating buckets on the ground. I breathe in and out as my senses return to their previous states.

Panting heavily, I look up into the sky and a grin appears on my face, "Well, that's good news. Before, when I held it for a second, I passed out right after the transformation. Good to see I'm improving."

'For today and tomorrow, I'll work hard. If I remember right, the villains attack on the third day during the test of courage. On that day, I'll need to be in the best condition possible.'

Class 1-B joins us soon after, and Ragdoll sorts them out, sending a few of them to Tiger, where they are doing… Zumba?

"C'mon, give me your Plus Ultra!"

"Y-y-yes s-sir!"

I lay there for another half hour and was forced to go back to partial transformations after Aizawa yelled at me for slacking off.

During the ten-second time frame of my transformation, I repeatedly punch a large dirt cube as many times as I can within the period. The dirt was spongy and absorbed the shock so it lasted longer than something more brittle than stone. Still, I destroyed it every five minutes or so.

Every time it broke, I would switch the limb I was training, right arm, left arm, left leg, right leg, then repeat. The day passed quickly and even I was tired after constantly transforming my limbs into their dragon forms.

Everyone slowly marches back to the facility, dragging their feet. Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll are standing in front of us with a table laden with ingredients.

Pixie-Bob is pointing to the ingredients, "Remember what I said, yesterday? Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you!"

Ragdoll, shakes her paw up and down, "At least make your own food! Curry!"

Tiredly, everyone can only groan, "Yessir…"

Iida, puts his hand to his chin, as he "realizes" the true purpose of having us cook on our own, "It's true that part of rescuing someone is filling the stomachs and spirits of those exhausted after a disaster. That's UA for you! No opportunity wasted! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!"

Once again, everyone only groans their response, "Yes…"

Aizawa looks at Iida, 'He's so useful. He got it completely wrong, but sure that makes sense.'

Todoroki and I go around lighting fires for everyone. To be fair I could've done it on my own, but I didn't want to hear Shoto's feelings, plus he looks content with using it, so might as well.

I start to cut up some potatoes for the curry and Momo comes over with some cubed beef for the curry, admiring my work, "Wow, Natsu, you are pretty good with a knife."

I thank her, and she starts to walk away, but before she gets too far, I stop her, "Momo, hold up!"

She stops and turns her body in my direction, "Yes?"

"Thanks," I pluck a piece of beef off the cutting board and put it onto my board.

"Are you gonna eat it raw?"

"Of course not. I'll give you some later."

I finish up cutting the potatoes and impale the cube with my knife. Momo comes back and sits on the bench watching me.

After sprinkling salt and pepper on the cube, I heat the blade with one hand and create a bowl of fire with the other. Keeping the fire an inch away from the steak all around, the blade starts to glow red as the insides begin to cook as well. After 2 minutes, I extinguish the fire and put the beef onto the cutting board.

"Hehe, I tried this at the orphanage once, and it was pretty good."

Momo looks surprised, "You're an orphan?"

"Oh, yeah, I never told you. My mom died after I was born and I never knew my dad."

I cut the cube in half, revealing a rare inside with a char on the inside as well. We both take one and pop it in our mouths.

"Damn even with cheap meat, it melts in your mouth."

The char on the inside helps it cook quicker so that everything except for the outside and the part the knife touched was tender.

Momo is also surprised at how good it is, "Wow, this is surprisingly good."

"I know right?"

We continue to talk and then the curry finishes.

"Thank you for the food!"

Everyone starts to dig in, too tired to complain about the weird burnt flavor.

"If I got this in a restaurant, I'd be disappointed, but right now, anything tastes great!"

Everyone eats as much as they can and I see Izuku grab a plate of curry and follow a set of small footprints.

'Even without learning his backstory, he still wants to see that kid. He's too nosey.'

Kirishima stops eating for a second, "Oh yeah, Natsu, what was with that transformation at the beginning? You looked like a real dragon for a second."

I shrug my shoulders and through a mouthful of curry, I say, "Ish the results of practish."

"I don't really get it, but ok."

The night sets, and we go to sleep to get ready for the next day.

On a cliff overlooking the whole forest, a group of nine people are standing there, watching the P.u.s.s.ycat's facility.

*Gray POV*

Muscular shivers in anticipation, "C'mon, lemme at them already. I'm itching to kill someone."

Throwing my knife into the ground, ice spreads where the knife makes contact, "Not yet, blondie, unless you wanna get killed by Dragneel. Wait until all of us are here."

"So what, he's just a kid. In the end, he'll break down, just like the rest of them."

Stain, unable to just sit and listen anymore, stands up and brandishes his prosthetics in Muscular's face, "Tell me, Muscular. Can any kid do this?"

I flick an icicle towards Muscular, who dodges it, "we stick to the plan. You don't like it, I kill you. Simple as that."

Although I don't release any killing intent, Muscular knows that I can easily kill him.

"Tch," Muscular turns back and slumps down on a nearby tree.

I look into the forest, "I look forward to your answer, Natsu."

I turn back, the end of my coat flying in the air, and walk towards where we had set up a temporary base.

AN: All I will say is that big things will happen in the upcoming chapters.

Also, I'm considering making a discord for this.

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