The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 43 - Partial Transformations

The second day passed without that much happening, I tried going into my dragonoid form again and managed to pull off a second, but after that, I immediately reverted to my normal body. I lay there for half an hour and started to work on improving my fire.

[Fire Dragon's Sword Horn]

My body is covered in fire and it forms a horn atop of my head, but I take it a step further by taking a deep breath in.

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

I aim into the air and let loose a huge column of fire. I manage to last for thirty seconds before I fall to the ground exhausted. Even with my physique, I could only let out the fire for half a minute.

'Well, I guess that's more of my lungs than my actual quirk.'

Keeping my fire around me, I get less air than normal and I take a little longer to get my breath back. After a minute, I take another breath in.

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

For the rest of the day, I constantly used my fire and alternated between Fire Dragon's Roar and Iron Fist every hour.

As I had remembered, the test of courage happens on the third day of the camp, as the P.u.s.s.ycats announce that after you train hard you can play hard.

'Can't transform today. That takes too much of a toll on me. I'll just do partial transformations.'

Sitting down, I focus on transforming different parts of my body and for each limb. After an hour of switching between limbs, I've noticed something. I can hold a partial transformation for twelve seconds now.

'Two more seconds then when I came here. Could be better, but progress is progress. Maybe I should try my head and body next.'

Then a thought crosses my mind, 'Would that work? It's worth a try.'

I focus on my body as a whole and concentrate on a partial transformation. I can feel a change overcome me, and I look down.

My limbs are shades of dark red and have small scale patterns across them. Same with my face. Small bits of scale jut out from my knees, shoulders, elbows, and knuckles, but it's not as much as the full transformation. There are no wings, but my senses are amplified, and my teeth are slightly sharpened.

I focus and hold it for a little but after 6 seconds, it breaks and the scales recede back into my skin. I sit down on the ground and relax for a little, figuring out what just happened.

'I felt a boost in strength, but it wasn't as much as the full transformation. Should've tried to use my fire during that. I'll have to try that out after this event passes over.'

I continue to transform parts of my body and even try out my head and c.h.e.s.t. Just as before, partially transforming my head gave me enhanced senses and sharpened teeth. After trying a partial transformation on my body, I found that while it does give strength, it's more practical as a defense, as the scales harden my skin and make it more resistant.

I walk over to Kirishima and Ojiro who are fighting against each other to improve their individual quirks, "Oy, can one of you two beat me?"

They both stop fighting and Kirishima snickers, "I didn't know you were an M, Natsu."

Tensing my muscles, I leap forward and in an instant, Kirishima's face is in the palm of my hand, and the back of his head is a few inches underground. He had his quirk activated so I didn't cause that much damage.

"No, I'm not."

My hand muffling his voice, he replies, "Roger that."

Letting go of him, I explain to the two of them that I want to test out my defensive capabilities. Ojiro for blunt force, and Kirishima for penetrating power. They both agree and I take my shirt off and stand in front of them.

"Just hit me in the c.h.e.s.t area. Maybe two or three strikes."

Ojiro who is up first nods his head and takes a fighting stance, "Here I go!"

He rushes towards me and swings his tail and slams my c.h.e.s.t.

Right before the moment of impact, I partially transform my c.h.e.s.t area and I can feel him hit up against me, but not that much harm is done. He has a look of shock and strikes me two more times while increasing the force behind each.

After that, he backs off and I rest for a bit, Ojiro looks amazed, "Wow, Natsu, it felt like I was hitting a wall. Even with Kirishima, I can push him back a bit, you're really solid."

I nod my head listening to his praises, 'I somewhat expected that, but now, piercing damage.'

I stand back up again and this time Kirishima steps up, "Now it's my turn."

Hardening his body, he charges forwards and attempts to impale me with his arm. This time, I put a little more effort into concentrating, because I have no plans on dying yet.

Upon impact, I tense up and once again, my c.h.e.s.t turns a hue of yellow, and a few scale patterns cover my body.


I hear Kirishima make an impact, and I feel his arm on my c.h.e.s.t. There is a little bit of pain, but once again, my defense managed to stay strong.


He pulls his hand back, releases his transformation, and rolls his shoulder, "Damn Ojiro, you are right. It's like a wall. My shoulder feels all weird after the impact."

"Well, thanks, that's all I needed."

'It's a lot better than I thought. I may use this tonight.'

Satisfied with my partial transformation, I switch gears and start working on my fire again.

[Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame]

Two balls of fire form in my hands and progressively get bigger. I push the two together and they form an even larger ball.

'I haven't used this in a while.'

Firing it off into the sky, I wait till it goes high enough and the fireball explodes mid-air, causing the flames to go everywhere.

'Damn, that's cool.'

For the rest of the training period, I switch between different moves, constantly releasing fire from my body in one way or another.

'Ahh, I know I said, I would take it easier today, but damn I'm still tired.'

After a quick but filling meal, we all head back into the forest and wait at the starting place of the test of courage.

Everyone is excited, but Mina, Kirishima, Sero, Sato, and Kaminari all especially excited, "IT'S TIME FOR THE TEST OF COURAGE!!!"


However Aizaw cuts them off, "Before that, it pains me to say this, but the extra lessons group will be having classes with me now."

They all have faces of shock, "You've gotta be kidding me!"

Aizawa quickly uses his scarf to wrap up all of them, "Sorry. Your training during the day wasn't good enough, so I have to use this time."

Kirishima cries out, "Give me a break!"

As I watch Aizawa drag all of them to the facility building, I look at his scarf, 'How the hell does he wrap all five of them with their own end of the scarf?'

Pixie Bob begins to explain the Test of courage, "Ok! Class B will be the first scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your name on them in the middle of the course. Don't come back without those. Those doing the scaring aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your quirks."

Tiger points at us, "The class that makes the most people piss their pants with creativity and imagination wins!"

Pixie-Bob pulls out strips of paper, "Now, you'll draw lots to determine partners!"

People start drawing lots and Izuku comes to a realization, "Since, we are in pairs… huh? If there are five people at the extra lessons, then…," he does a quick headcount.

Group 1: Tokoyami and Shoji

Group 2: Bakugo and Todoroki

Group 3: Jiro and Hagakure

Group 4: Momo and Aoyama

Group 5: Uraraka and Tsuyu

Group 6: Ojiro and Natsu

Group 7: Iida and Koda

Group 8: Izuku

He is visibly confused as he realizes that he's the odd one out.

Uraraka pats his shoulder, "Tough luck, Izuku."

I look over to Ojiro who smiles at me nervously, "Yo Natsu, guess we are together."

I nod, "Mmm."

'Did Ojiro's group make it inside the forest, I forget. I know Uraraka and Asui did but did he? Well, whatever, either way, I'm gonna have fun.'

The first group heads off and three minutes later, so does the second. Then the third and fourth groups head out and the fifth group is standing at the entrance to the course. Pixie-Bob waves them away and starts counting down on her watch.

I look up at the moon, a grin appearing on my face.

On a nearby cliff, a group of people are looking down on the forest.

*3rd POV*

Gray smirks, "Ah ahh, Muscular, what are we gonna do with you?"

Dabi sighs, "I can't believe that he ran off to do his own thing."

Gray stretches his shoulders out and shudders as the black marks on his body start convulsing, "Ughh, whatever, He was never one for plans so I don't blame him or care too much. As long as he does enough damage we should be good, but we'll just need to cover for some of his work."

Toga m.o.a.ns annoyingly, "Gehh, I don't wanna have to do that blondies work. I'd rather stay with Stain," and she looks at him with a blush on her face.

Stain gives her a side glance while thinking to himself, 'Crazy bitch.'

Finally, the black marks on Gray had stopped moving and the aura around him grew colder. Looking up at the moon, a grin appears on his face.

Simultaneously, Natsu and Gray both look up to the moon, grinning like madmen, and say, "Let the festivities begin."

AN: One of my shortest chapters in awhile, but I feel that what happens next deserves its own chapters. Also, I'm still figuring out what happens next. I'm thinking either a large group fight or a few individual fights and smaller group fights.

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