The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 44 - Clash of the Elements

"Let the festivities begin."

On cue, a burning smell flows down towards us, and black smoke could be seen away from the forest.

Everyone else notices it as well, "Is the forest on fire?"

Pixie-Bob's body glows pink as she gets lifted into the air and goes flying away.

Mandalay calls out, "Pixie-Bob!"

Four men step out of the shadows, and the air around gets colder. Izuku and Iida shiver, not from the cold, but out of fear.

A large man with sunglasses speaks out in a feminine voice, "Those pet cats are in the way."

My classmates look in horror at Pixie-Bob, who is laying at the feet of the large man, blood dripping down her head.

A man with lizard mutations, steps up and spreads his arms wide open, "How are you this evening, U.A. High School? We are the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains."

Ojiro steps back, "W-w-why? I thought they made sure?"

*Aizawa POV*

I drag my students back to the facility to continue our extra lessons, "Vlad, I'd like to add some practice maneuvers this time."

"I was thinking about that too. You don't need to te-"

We all get a ping in our minds, and it sends a buzzing sensation through our bodies, "Everyone!"

'Mandalay's, Telepath? Why?'

I put my hand up and silence my students, "Quiet."

"We are being attacked by four villains. One of them is Stain, there are probably more. Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately. Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and DO NOT engage!"

My eyes widen as Mandalay's telepath ends, "Vlad, I am using this place to you. I'll go protect the other students."

As I ran along the hallway, several thoughts run through my head, 'I don't want to think about what could happen…'

As I get outside, I see blue flames and black smoke over the forest, 'Natsu? No, he can't use blue flames, must be a villain.'

"This is bad."

Next to me, I hear a voice, "I know right. But you should pay more attention, Eraser."

The man's hands light up in blue flame.


*Natsu POV*

"Yo, Gray! It's been a while."

Mandalay looks at me in shock, "Natsu, you know this man?"

Gray laughs lightly, "Oh yeah, I split his tendons and crippled his friend awhile back."

My posture stiffens, and I forcefully laugh in response, "Ehehe, good times, good times.

I look at the man standing behind Gray, "Oh, Stain, is that you!? It's good to see you. How are your hands?"

Stain growls at me, "I swear I'll kill you, you fake hero!"

"Mandalay, let me fight Gray and Stain, you guys can deal with the other two."

Keeping her eyes on the opponents, she denies me, "No it's too dange-"

At that moment Gray had leaped forwards with a dagger in hand, aimed at Mandalay's neck.


Stepping forwards, I grab his hand stopping the blade a few inches away from Mandalay's neck.

Gray smirks, "Oh, you got stronger."

Mandalay quickly jumps back and I face off Gray, "As I said Mandalay, let me fight, you guys are outnumbered and outclassed. To put it simply, you'll die. Even if you say no, I'll fight anyway, but having your permission puts the cherry on top."

She sighs and dodges an attack from Spinner, "Fine, Natsu, you are allowed to fight. As for the rest of you, head back to the facility. Aizawa or Vlad should be there, and the other one should be on their way."

Izuku calls out to her, "I know where Kota is!"

'Tch, guess I can't have it all.'

I quickly analyze my two opponents, 'Gray looks the same as usual, Long black pants and Dark blue trench coat, with no shirt underneath. He still has what I can only assume as Devil slaying tattoos on him.'

I look over Stain, seeing him for the first time since Hosu, 'Looks the same, but he has more pockets this time. Have to be careful of those. His hands might be rigged with something as well. Lastly his sword…'

Stain had pulled out a black katana with a neon red glow along the crevices. The area above the hilt has a large circle, and slanted lines were placed every few inches along the blade.

'Looks, like some kind of tech sword. I'll need to be cautious around him.'

I activate my gauntlets and create two swords.

Stain raises his eyebrows, "Looks like you got an upgrade as well."

I shrug my shoulders, "I did this guy a favor. He returned it."

The three of us stand there, facing off. Gray had created his signature knives and was in a battle stance.

'He who strikes first wins.'

[Fire Dragon's Pulse]

A concentrated beam of fire flies towards Stain, who barely dodges it.

'Need to get rid of the weaker link. Plus his existence causes too many problems. The timeline is already skewed, his presence makes it worse.'

Gray waves his hand and several crescent blades made of ice fly towards me.

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

The large column of fire destroys all of the blades.

'Now where is he?'

[Aura Field]

I release my aura and feel quick movements behind me. Quickly spinning on my feet, I swing my swords down and Gray is forced to block with his knives.

He grins at me, "You have definitely got stronger, this will be fun!"

On my left, I feel another movement and lean back to avoid Stains sword slash. The blade passes in front of me and Stain pushes a button.

The wheel above the hilt starts spinning rapidly and the blade suddenly shoots forwards, 'Shit!'

I quickly leap to the side, and he almost knicks my cheek.

"Oh no, you don't."

I spit out a ball of fire and it goes flying towards him, but before it makes contact, he swings his sword the blade emits a white smoke and cuts through the ball, extinguishing the fire around it.


Stain smirks as the wheel around the blade spin again and the sword reverts to its original size, "You like it? It emits a type of foam or smoke that extinguishes fire. Giran spent a lot of time designing this one."

"Tch what a pain."

'Damn that's cool. I'm totally taking that if I win.'

Gray put his hands to the ground, and I can feel the floor rumbling. I leap back to avoid the number of spikes that flew out of the ground where I once stood.

"My turn."

I slam my fist into the ground and pour my fire through the cracks. A few seconds later, Gray dodges a large pillar of fire that had erupted from the ground.

'I didn't want to have to use this early, but if I am fighting him.'

[Lighting Fire Dragon Mode]

Lighting courses through my veins, mixing with my fire, and covering my body.

Gray smiles lightly, "Nice to know that you are getting serious."

My whole arm starts glowing intensely as the two elements mix on concentrate on my right arm. In a flash, I appear in front of Stain.

[Lightning Fire Dragon's Firing Hammer]

As I swing my arm, my fist hits something quicker than I expected, and I grimace looking to the side, where Gray has created a thick wall in between us.

"I ain't just gonna let you kill my teammate you know."

Even though Gray had blocked most of the impact, my fist still managed to make contact with Stain. The strike, albeit weaker than usual, was still enough to send him flying into a tree as he coughed up blood.

'Now that he's out of the way.'

I turn to Gray and recreate my swords. Gray sighs and puts his knives in sheaths on the inside of his coat. He quickly replaces it with a giant scythe and leaps into the air with a cynical smile on his face.


I quickly switch out my two swords for a great sword and swing it to counter his scythe. Our two weapons collide, my fire and lightning against his ice.

"Grim Reaper, huh?"

"Well, after I lopped off a bunch of people's heads, words seem to spread, you know."

Then he shifts his grip and swings around to my side and prepares to roundhouse kick me.

Lean back to catch it, but ice appears on his leg and forms a blade, slicing into my cheek. I quickly retreat and touch my cheek, only to find that the area he cut was frozen.

'The fire on my body quickly took care of it, but he did freeze me for a second.'

Gray slams his scythe into the ground and sits on the handle, "Do you like my trick? You know normally, I don't talk this much during jobs. I don't play around as much either, but when I fight against you, it's a little fun. Fighting against someone who's on a similar level.

I mockingly bow and spread my arms, "Oh, I am honored."

[Crimson Lotus: Exploding Lightning Blade]

Fire covers my right arm and lighting covers my left. I spin both of my arms in a wheel and a vortex of fire and lighting flies towards Gray.

"Oh, how scary."

He leaps out of the way, but I send another one his way and his arm gets caught in it. The scent of burning flesh mingles with the smell of smoke and I look at my handiwork.

The skin on his arm was fried. His arm was a red and black mess. He wasn't bleeding because his burnt skin was sealing it in.

"Oh, this will take a while to heal. This is what I get for playing around too much I guess."

He tried to move his fingers, but the lighting had fried his nerves and his arm just hung there, limp. He traces his hand along with his hand and a cold mist emits from his fingers, cooling the wound.

'Like I'm just gonna sit here and let you heal.'

I leap into the air and swipe down at Gray.

[Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang]

Two rays of fire fly at him and he looks up at me with a bored expression, his smile gone. He waves his hand in the air, and suddenly I am surrounded by hundreds of razor-sharp ice shards.

[Fire Dragon's Roasting Bath]

Gray leaps back as the fire spread from my body and intensely heats the surrounding area. However, the Ice doesn't melt quick enough and they start flying towards me.


The field of fire appears around me and creates a dome for defense.

[Aura Field]

I expand my aura to try and keep an eye on him, but the hundreds of ice shards flying at me give me a static vision and I can't "see" anything properly. Then suddenly, I feel a large quick movement and a few seconds later, a large ice sword cuts through my dome.

[Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

I punch Gray in the stomach and he goes flying back. When I look down at my fist, I see that my knuckles had turned a bluish-white as the skin around it has frozen. I look at Gray, whose body is collapsed against a tree and I notice something wrong.

'His arm… it healed?! Wait, no this is..!'

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a large white sword swinging in my direction.

'A clone!'

I spin on my feet and face Gray, who is using one arm to swing the giant greatsword in my direction. I put my hands up as a guard and partially transformed my arms to block his attack.


The giant greatsword sends me flying through the forest and I crash into several trees along the way.

'Shit! Even with a partial transformation, he still managed to cut and freeze me.'

Then the world goes dark, and I feel the temperature around me change. I go flying out of a dark portal and another tree before slumping to the ground.


I rub my head and look around. Toga, Twice, Dabi, Moonfish, Stain, Muscular, and Gray all surround me. Stain is holding his stomach and grimacing at me. Then out of the shadows, several more figures appear. Clones of everyone but Gray appear from the shadows.

A pinging sound pops up in my head, followed by a tingling sensation. Judging by the League of Villains' reactions, they got this message as well.

Mandalay's voice rings through all of our heads, "Everyone in Class A and Class B. In the name of the Pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! Everyone in Class A and Class B. You are granted permission to engage in combat!"

A large grin appears on my face, despite my predicament, "AHAHAHA!!! You hear that League of Villains!!! Come at me bitches!!!"

AN: I'd say this is a good place to end the chapter.

Also, I made the discord, the link is in the summary. Just saying, it's pretty basic, I only got into discord recently


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