The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 45 - Azure

*One hour ago*

*Gray POV*

"Alright, I'm sure you all know, but Natsu is a dangerous opponent. He's gotten stronger since I last saw him, and might be on my level."

The Vanguard Action Squad nods as I explain the plan, "Stain, Spinner, Magne, and I will confront the heroes. Twice, I need you to make clones of you and Dabi and deal with Eraserhead and Vlad King."

Twice salutes, "Roger that, boss," then his demeanor changes and he shakes his head, "No no no, that's too scary right Dabi?"

Dabi ignores him.

I continue, "Stain and I will take Natsu. With the two of us, it would be reasonable to send him your way to Kurogiri."

The black cloud nods his head, "I understand."

"After that… we can have fun."


"Everyone in Class A and Class B. In the name of the Pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! Everyone in Class A and Class B. You are granted permission to engage in combat!"

A large grin appears on my face, despite my predicament, "AHAHAHA!!! You hear that League of Villains!!! Come at me bitches!!!"

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

I punch into the ground and several large cracks appear in the clearing. I leap to an area where there are no cracks and repeat it.

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

Once again cracks appear in the ground, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a Muscular clone, its whole body covered in muscle fiber. In a flash, he appears in front of me and swings his arm to hit me.


Out of the cracks, multiple spikes emerge and impale Muscular. He quickly dissolves into mud and I look at my enemies.

"Is that it?"

Gray stands back and watches as the clones of his comrades charge at me.

'Guess the originals are the final bosses, huh?'

[Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

I punch away at the blades, destroying all of them and causing the clones to turn to mud.

'Tch, how weak. It's no fun. Maybe I won't use any fire unless of course, he joins.'

Three clones of Muscular and Stain both appear in front of me. I take a battle stance, and they all charge.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Equinox]

AN: I needed a name for all the styles, I don't wanna just name it Ares, Ashura, and Indra all the time. Sounds cool

I sweep kick a Muscular and pick up its suspended feet, swinging into the direction of the originals.

Gray smirks, and raises his hand, causing a wall of ice to form and blocks the body, resulting in a splat sound.

A Stain thrust out his sword at me. I palm strike the blade and the edge goes flying into another clone's forehead. Another clone pops out of the ground and holds me in place.

Seven clones of Dabi surround me and raise their hands, simultaneously saying, "I'm sure you won't die. After all, I've heard good things about you."

All of them send blasts of blue fire, surrounding me in the flames, attempting to burn me.

AN: Insert Kira laugh.

"Ahahaha," my maniacal laughter could be heard everywhere in the cleaning, sending chills down most people's spines, "Kyahahaha!"

Suddenly, the fire starts vortexing me.

"I wanted to hide this but there is no better time than the present."

Every one of them has a shocked expression, even Gray.

Dabi is the most shocked, "Oy oy oy, no one told me that he can do that!"

He looks at Gray who simply shrugs, "I will admit it's unexpected, but I was expecting the unexpected, so everything is going fine. But still… to eat fire, huh? That's a dragon for you."

Not only the fire that was being fired at me, but the fire from the surrounding area were all being s.u.c.k.e.d towards me. Some of the fire burns the clones around me and my opponents are forced to step back to avoid getting burned.

'Not bad, tastes refreshing, a hint of mint maybe? Ironic, cause blue flames are hotter than normal flames.'

I continued consuming for half a minute until I had eaten all of the surrounding fire. I can feel my energy and strength increase. With a loud burp, a wisp of blue fire comes out of my mouth and I grin at my shocked opponents.

"Thanks for the meal."

Gray sighs, "Well, I wasn't expecting it to go this bad. I thought that the clones would be able to deal with them when he is in a weakened state, but whatever. Plan B, then"

The originals of the Vanguard split up and I started chasing after Stain, "Sorry, but you'll need to disappear."

The clones try and get in my way, but I easily blitz through them and continue chasing Stain. I look behind me and see Gray chasing behind me at top speeds.

'Might as well try to use my new ability.'

[Azure Fire Dragon's Claw]

AN: It looks cool written, but when you say it…

Fire emits from my feet, propelling me forwards, and I fly towards Stain, who turns around and draws his sword, "Chasing me, huh? Fine, I'll take you on boy."


My foot goes flying through his c.h.e.s.t, sending his heart splattering against a tree.

Gray catches up to me and looks at Stain and sighs, "Tch, he was one of the better ones."

Stain looks at the foot emerging from his c.h.e.s.t and slowly turns his head to look at me, a cold look in my eyes and a warm smile on my face, "Sorry about the whole "killing you" thing, but I know that if you look deep into your heart… which is currently all over that tree, you'll find a way to forgive me."

He mutters while glaring at me, "I… will… haunt… you… fake hero...," he grabs my foot and takes a large knife out, and stabs it through my shoe.

I transform my foot and the blade clashes against it. His body slumps and I kick him away, and he rolls to a stop on the ground.

Gray looks at his fallen comrade with a cold expression, "How unfortunate. Round two then."

"That's it? Round two?"

Gray shrugs his shoulders, "What else do I say? He wasn't my friend, he just worked under the person I am with. Besides, the death of coworkers is a common thing in my former line of work."

I raise an eyebrow, "You're not an assassin anymore?"

He chuckles, "Do I fight like an assassin?"

I shrug my shoulder, and I point at his charred hand, "Are you gonna fight with that arm?"

He flexes his finger, "Yup, they bought me enough time to recover."


Gray's legs twitch and in an instant, his right foot is flying towards my face. I quickly dodge sliding easily into a leg-sweep, knocking his other leg off the ground, causing him to fall. Using his hands, he pushes off the ground and quickly recovers, leaping back a few feet, his smirk still visible on his face.

I step forward and leap into the air, feinting a roundhouse head kick, as Gray throws his guard up, opening his c.h.e.s.t to attack. The hit that he expected never came, and gravity took over, and then, when I was level, I swung my leg around, aiming for his c.h.e.s.t.

"Not so fast," quickly wrapping his arms around my leg, he spins me around and throws me against a tree.

I rub my head, "Ouch, that hurt you know."

I don't have any more time to talk, as I quickly roll to the side to dodge his leg strike. I leap up and take a fighting stance.

I throw a left hook and he dodges it by spinning forwards and trying to elbow me in the chin. I catch it with my other hand. Pulling my extended hand back, I throw Gray against a tree, but he lands on it like a frog and pushes into the area above me.

Sticking his leg out, he lets gravity take over, and coupled with his own strength, he slams his foot into the ground, dropping kicking the area where I had once been seconds before.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Equinox]

Taking advantage of his stance, I perform a front kick, aiming for his jaw. He sways his head to the side, dodging it, and I throw an uppercut at his chin. He gets sent flying and I jump into the air, hooking him with my foot, spinning around him, and kicking him back into the ground.

A cloud of dust rises where he landed, and I create wings and float in the air, observing.

"Jesus, you don't hold back when it comes to me do you?"

The dust clears and he's standing there with a two-meter long arrow made of ice. He kicks it into the air and sends it flying my way.

I easily dodge it and look back, "No more fistfights?"

He doesn't answer and puts his hand to the ground. Dozens of arrows form and a second later, they all come flying at me, propelled by explosions of ice underneath each of them.

Blue flames cover my arm, and black lighting covers the flames.

'So the blue flames made my lighting stronger as well too.'

[Azure Lightning Dragon's Brilliant Flame]

The large ball of black lightning and blue flame destroys the arrows and charges at Gray, who stares at it with a bored expression, "Hmmm, you can consume elements and use them as your own power? Or maybe just heat-related things? Either way that looks bad."

He dodges to the side and watches the results of my attack. It buries into the ground, incinerating layers of dirt, rock, and stone. It burrows several meters down and dissipates, leaving a huge crater in the forest.

I look down at my arm, and it's covered in small burns, 'I guess, the combination blue fire and black lightning are too much for my skin.'

I drop to the ground and grin at him, blue flames lighting up my face, "Round three then."

I dash forwards and spit out three balls of fire towards Gray. In turn, he raises his hand and three small icicles and our projectiles collide.

[Azure Fire Dragon's Roar]

The blue flames fly towards Gray and he leaps over it, creating a giant hammer of ice.

[Azure Lightning Dragons Iron Fist]

Our two attacks collide, with mines shattering his hammer, sending veins of lightning at him. He lets go of the hammer and flips into the air, forming a giant lance, and sends it flying at me.

'How strong is it with just the fire?'

[Azure Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

Blue flames coat my fist, and I punch upwards, but at the last second, the lance splits into six spikes and surrounds me.


[Fire Dragons Flame Elbow]

Not even trying for power, fire emits from my elbow and I spin around, trying to hit all the spikes away from me. I managed to knock five of them away, but I was too slow to reach the sixth one and it penetrated my calf. Immediately, I lose feeling in my leg as the wound starts to freeze over.

Gray takes advantage of my immobility and freezes my other leg down.

'Shit, this is getting bad.'

[Azure Fire Dragons Roasting Bath]

But Gray doesn't let me, in a flash he appears behind me and quickly shops the back of my neck.

The last thing I hear is, "I'm gonna need you to go to sleep for now, but don't worry. You'll wake up soon enough."

*Gray POV*

I look at my handiwork and think to myself, 'Hmmm, this is getting dangerous. His powers are growing with each fight. Too bad that after he's through with him, he'll just be trash.'

I crack the ice freezing him and call out, "I know you're there."

Behind a tree, Mr. Compress emerges and bows slightly, "You guys traveled pretty far. I saw Stain along the way. I'm sure Spinner will be distraught."

I point to Natsu's unconscious body, "Take care of it. He should stay alive."

Mr. Compress walks over and looks at Natsu, "Should I take his arms?"

I glare at him and release killer intent, "No."

He puts his hands up, surrendering, "Ok, no problem."

Tapping his c.h.e.s.t, he turns into a small jade marble and Mr. Compress tosses him to me, "The main should be able to turn him back."

I nod and throw a knife and throw his head, his body dissolving into mud.

Looking up at the moon, I sigh, "Phase one done. Now, to get the other one."

AN: Currently, Natsu IS weaker than Gray. Gray has control over his Demon Slayer powers and is a lot more skilled when it comes to fighting people. Natsu has a lot of abilities, but just cause he gets a new one doesn't mean that he'll outright win. Also, Natsu's dragon form isn't ready for combat yet, as it tires him out too quickly and doesn't last that long.

Also, how was the hand to hand combat scene?

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