The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 46 - Victory or Complete Defeat?

*Bakugo POV*

'Tch, this guy… he's good.'

"Flesh… give me your flesh… flesh!"

The man in a black straightjacket sends several dozen metal blades flying at me.

Todoroki is forced to dodge as the blades pierce his ice, and I give a side glance to the unconscious 1-B student on his back, 'He can't fight properly with that guy on his back. But he can't put him down either, or else he'll get stabbed.'

I yell out in annoyance, "I can't get close to him! SHIT!!! The only thing I can do is blast him with everything I've got..."

But he shuts me down, "You can't."

He retorts, "If the trees burn, just cover them with ice right after."

Todoroki throws up another wall of ice to avoid getting stuck like a pig, "The blast will impair my vision as well! What'll happen if I can't stop all of the blades!? Our opponent has the advantage in both the number of moves and distance! Unlike Natsu, both of us are kind of limited!"

I grit my teeth as the face of that bastard appears in my mind, "SHITTTT!!!"

I quickly dash out from behind the ice and Todoroki reaches his hand out to stop me, "No, you idiot!"

But I ignore him, and hold my fist to my hand, "TAKE THIS YOU BDSM BITCH!!! AP SHOT!!!"

A condensed beam of explosive power flies out of my hand, but not before I get stabbed through the shoulder by one of his blades.


The mysterious man attempts to block it with his teeth, but it breaks through all of them. However, the injury had knocked my aim off, and instead of hitting his c.h.e.s.t, it grazed the side of his face.

He freezes up for a second, "Auhhhh, the pain…"

I turn and yell at Todoroki, "NOW!!!"

He grimaced and stomped on the ground, causing a large spike of ice to fly at him. He uses his blades to move himself out of the way, but he gets hit by the side and falls against a tree.

I yell at me again, "Restrain him!"

Todoroki shouts back, "Shut up, I know!"

He drops the boy, and skates over to the man, but right before he reaches him, he springs back up and even more metal blades emerge from his mouth, "Good… now… you will die…"


We all freeze for a second and look towards where the sound came from.

A cloud of dirt and dust is quickly approaching us and in the front, we can hear a familiar voice, "There! I can see ice! They're in the middle of a fight!"


Soon we see Shoji carrying Deku on his back, being followed by a rampaging Dark Shadow


Shoji calls out to us, "Bakugo! Todoroki! One of you, please- make some light!"

The man turns to the source of all the noise, "Flesh… give me more flesh!!!"

He produces more blades, but immediately he gets slammed into the ground by a giant black hand. Dark Shadow had struck out and attacked him.

Deku shouts my name, "Kacchan!!!"

Todroki's eyes widen, "Is that… Tokoyami?!

Shoji creates an extension and explains the situation to us, "Hurry up and make some light! Tokoyami is out of control!"

Shoji is forced to dodge right after, to avoid the giant hand that struck the ground where he had stood a few seconds ago.

Todoroki sighs, "Indiscriminate attacks huh? Alright, I'll use my flames then."

But I stick my hand out, stopping him, "Wait, idiot, didn't you see?!"


The mysterious man was using his teeth to upright himself, groaning the whole time, "Flesh… piece of meat… no… it's no good… I am the only one allowed to have those kids… YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!!!"

He fires even more blades at Dark Shadow and it goes through its face.

However Dark Shadow seems unaffected, and easily breaks all of them, "Don't beg… SMALL FRY!!!"

Dark Shadow grabs the man and picks him up, slowly squeezing him. The man attempts to stab Dark Shadow again, but Dark Shadow shatters the blades.


I point out to Todoroki, "Look… that's… a monster."

Dark Shadow swings his fist, slamming the man into several trees, the sound of bones breaking hearable even from here.

The dark mass roars out, "I HAVEN'T HAD ENOUGH FUN YET!!!"

He looks around for the next target, but Todoroki and I are on top of him. Both of us activate our individual quirks, subduing the raging beast.

Dark Shadow quickly retreats into Tokoyami and the latter drops to the floor on his knees, exhausted, "Sorry… Thanks for saving me…"

I look down at my hands, which are slightly scorched from my attack, 'Tch, if I had my gauntlets, then it would be twice as effective.'

I wince slightly as blood runs down my shoulders, 'If only I was faster.'

Todoroki looks over at the broken villain, "In an instant, the villain that the two of us were barely able to defend against…"

Shoji walks over to Tokoyami, "Are you ok? You did good hanging in there."

He looks down at his hand, "Sorry Shoji. You too, Midoriya… I was too imm.a.t.u.r.e… I should've been more logical, but… I let my anger take over… sorry."

Deku smiles at him, "Don't worry about it. Thanks to you, the villain was beaten. Anyways, we found out that Kacchan is one of the villain's targets. The man I fought said there was another, but he didn't mention another name. Although, I feel like it may be him…"

We all nod and immediately think of the battle crazy maniac of our class.

But Tokoyami asks the obvious, "What do you think they want with them? To kill them?"

Todoroki only shrugs his shoulders, "If it was just Natsu then maybe, but why Katsuki? Too bad Tokoyami completely beat that guy. We could've interrogated him."

I laugh evilly, "Haha, I wish. Didn't you hear him, he definitely wasn't right in the mind."

Deku shakes his head, "Well, we have bigger issues right now. We need to get Kacchan to camp. That's the safest place to be right now. When I left, Natsu was holding back Gray and Stain."

Todoroki's eyes widen, as he unconsciously rubs his c.h.e.s.t scar, "Oy oy oy, not that Gray!?"

Deku nods in confirmation, and Todoroki grits his teeth.

*Izuku POV*

As we discuss our plan to get Kacchan safely back to the camp, I can't help but have doubt in my mind, 'What if Gray beats Natsu?'

But I shake my head, 'No, no, no. With all the training Natsu has done, he has to be stronger now. Right? But then why do I get such a bad feeling..?"

A few minutes later we run upon a disturbing scene. Ochako pinning a blonde girl to the ground, with Tsuyu stuck to a tree with some kind of needle pinning her hair against the tree.

Shoji calls out, "Uraraka!?"

Asui looks at us with relief in her eyes, "Shoji! Everyone!"

The blonde girl underneath Uraraka throws her to the side and quickly moves out of the way, "There are more people now and I don't wanna be killed, so bye-bye."

She pauses for a moment and quickly runs off into the woods.

Uraraka stands up to go chase her, but Tsuyu stops her, "No! It's too dangerous, we don't even know what kind of quirk she has…"

We all run forward and Todoroki asks, "Who was that woman just now?"

Uraraka glares in the direction where the girl had run off, "A villain. A crazy one."

I look at the two of them and notice something "Uraraka! You're injured."

But she waves me off, "Don't worry about it. I can still walk. Anyways you're the one that is-"

Shoji cuts her off, "This isn't the time to talk. Let's go quickly."

A relieved expression shows on my face, "Anyway, it's good to see that you are safe. Oh, I know. Come with us. Right now we're protecting Kacchan as we head back to camp."

Asui holds her hand to her mouth, "Kero? You're protecting Bakugo? Where is Bakugo?"

I laugh lightly at her small joke, "Huh? What are you talking about? He's right behi-"

Todoroki, Shoji, and I all turned to look behind us, only to see that there was nobody. There is a moment of complete and utter shock as we try and comprehend what could've happened.

"That boy you are talking about… I took him with my magic."

Our eyes widen as a man wearing a mask in a dark yellow overcoat standing on top of a nearby tree branch tosses a small jade marble in front of us, "This talent isn't someone who should be on the hero's side. We'll take him to a stage where he can shine more."

Anger fills my body as I glare at the masked man, "Give him back!"

He replies in a playful tone, "Give him back? That's a strange thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He is his own person, you egoist."

Ignoring him, I yell out again, "Give him back!"

Todoroki pushes Shoji and me to the side, "Move!" and a large spike of ice flies towards him.

But the masked man leaps into the air and laughs at us, "We simply want to show him that path that he's on now with its fanatical values is not the only path he can take."

He lands on a tree and looks down at us, "Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values."

Shoji turns around again and does a quick headcount, "It's not just Bakugo. Tokoyami is missing as well!"

My eyes widened, 'He snatched both of them without us noticing!? What kind of quirk does he have?'

Todoroki glares at him, "To go out of your way to talk to us… you're underestimating us."

The masked man continues playing with his marble, "I was originally an entertainer you know. It's a bad habit of mine. Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part."

He reveals a second marble and waves it in front of us, "Moonfish… the man with "Blade-Tooth"... he may not look like it, but he is a cutthroat on death row whose appeal was dismissed. With a violent nature that trampled that cutthroat down one-sidedly, I decided that he was good, too."

Tired of his speech, I yell at him, "You bastard! Don't take him!"

Todoroki passes off the Class 1-B student to Uraraka, "Take care of him."

Todoroki releases a much larger sheet of ice that freezes the nearby trees as well. He pants slightly as parts of his body start to freeze.

But the masked man had managed to evade, "Sorry, tricks and running away are my only redeeming features. There's no way I'd fight students who are hero candidates."

He puts the marbles in his right pocket, and touches his left ear, "Vanguard Action Squad! The second target has been successfully acquired! It was just a short while, but with this, our show has come to an end. As arranged, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!

'Second!? That means…'


The others realize what he said as well, "I won't let you!"

We all start chasing him in an attempt to catch up, but he's too fast.

Shoji grimaces, "Tch, this guy is fast!"

Uraraka says, "If only Iida were here."

Todoroki looks up at the man who is only getting farther and farther away, "Shit!"

I close my eyes and think about my classmates, "We can't… give up...we have to catch up… and get them back!"

Shoji replies, "But at this rate, he's just getting farther away."

The ideas that had been circulating in my mind while we were running, come together and form a plan.

"Uraraka, make us float! And then Asui, using your tongue, throw us as far as you can."

Todoroki looks at me as he begins to realize what I mean.

"Shoji, use your arms to correct our trajectory and pull us. After that, Uraraka, you need to measure the distance with your eyes and release your quirk when the timing seems right."

Shoji and the others catch on as well, "I see. A human bullet, huh?"

Uraraka looks at me with concern, "Wait, Deku. You're still going to move with those injuries?!"

Todoroki also voices his concern, "You should stay here. With that pain, you're in no state to-"

But I look ahead, my eyes full of determination, "I don't feel any pain right now… I can move. Hurry!"

Uraraka takes off her outer shirt and rips it in half, "Deku, at least let me do this."

She makes a splint for each arm, "You should be okay for now. But still… don't push yourself too much."

She says that last part with genuine worry and I smile lightly at her as Asui wraps her tongue around us and Uraraka makes us lighter, "We will get them back."

Asui looks at us, "Good luck! Kero!"

She spins her body around and launches us forwards. We fly through the air and easily catch up to the masked man.


A few seconds later, we crash into the ground on top of him, "Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back!!!"

I quickly look around and see several people. A lanky man with black hair and several burn scars covering his face and arms. The blonde girl that had attacked Uraraka and Tsuyu. A man in a black and gray bodysuit that covers his face. And… another lanky man with several dark tattoos covering his face in a dark blue trench coat.

Gray smiles at us, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes, "Oh, it's the green-haired kid from Hosu, and the Todoroki boy."

The scarred man raises his hand, "Mister, move."

The man below us replies weakly, "Roger."

In a second, his body glows green as he turns into a marble, "Eh?"

We lose our balance and Shoji and I are unable to avoid the wave of blue fire, getting burned in the process. "ARGHH!!!"

The man in the bodysuit charges at Todoroki, "A face from Shigaraki's kill list! You and that beat-up boy!"

Shoto taps his foot and a wave of ice flies at him, but the man leaps around and uses a metal tape measure to cut up the ice, "Ow, that's pretty hot you know! But not good enough."

I am forced to dodge a needle as the blonde girl attacks me, "I'm Toga, Izuku!"

Due to my arm injuries, I lose my balance and fall to the ground. She leaps on top of me and draws a knife.

"You know, I thought this earlier too, but you'd be cooler if you bled more, Izuku!"

She stabs into my c.h.e.s.t and starts carving her name in it, "AHHHH!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!"

Shoji is fending off against Gray and he isn't doing a good job.

Gray keeps fl.i.c.k.i.n.g arrows of ice towards him, "C'mon boy, you can dance better than this. You might not even be worth killing. Maybe I'll just…"

He shoots two arrows quicker than before and cuts off two arms from his right side. Shoji winces in pain, as his hand and one of his stubby limbs fall to the ground. But no blood comes out as the wound freezes almost instantly. Shoji tries to keep on dodging the slower ones, but he gets stabbed a few times, and ice starts to spread in areas where the arrow had made contact.

The masked man appears again and stretches his body out, "Jesus, I can't believe that you guys flew all the way to me. Your ideas are far out."

He walks towards the scarred man and the latter asks, "Do you have Bakugo?"

The masked man reaches into his pocket and searches around, "Eh?"

Shoji runs over to me and knocksToga off, who was halfway through drawing a heart on my c.h.e.s.t with her knife, "TODOROKI!!! LETS GO!!!"

Todoroki sprays another wave of ice at his opponent and turns around to run away.

Shoji picks me up and explains while we run away, "At first I was skeptical, but after what we saw. His quirk can capture things and people within small marbles. And in that right pocket of his…"

Shoji reveals, two marbles, "were Bakugo and Tokoyami."

Despite my pain, my eyes brighten, "Shoji!"

Behind us, we can hear the masked man, "Oho, that didn't take you very long! As expected of someone with six arms! Well, four now!"

We continue putting the distance in between us and the scarred man raises his hand, "Idiot-

But the masked man stops him, "No, wait!"

In front of us, a Nomu appears from behind a tree, "This way!"

We turn left and continue running, but get cut off again. This time, by the Warp man.

"Hello again… U.A. Dabi! It's been five minutes since the signal. Let's go!"

Warp gates appear in front of each member and the villans start taking their leave.

Toga walks through while grinning in my direction, "Sorry Izuku. I'll see you later!"

The man in the bodysuit leapt through the portal in a perfect dive.

But the scarred man objects, "Oy, what about the target?

But the masked man grabs his shoulder, "Oh, they seemed so happy running away, so I gave them a present. Let them go. It's an old habit. A common tool for any magician's routine. If I purposely show you something… then that means there is something I don't want you to see."

He takes his mask off and opens his mouth, revealing two jade marbles. I look in shock at the two marbles that Shoji was holding.

Gray takes out a third marble, "Let's show them what they have, shall we?

The masked man snaps his fingers and the two marbles in Shoji's hand disappear and are replaced with ice.

Todoroki's eyes widened, "My ice?!"

The masked man explains, "Oh, I switched it out when you were chasing me. Well, we should be going now, shall we."


The masked man bows, and at that moment, I see a beam of light fly towards him. However, Gray quickly creates a prism of ice, and the beam of light ricocheted inside the prism for a bit, before flying back to the sender, faster and sharper than before. Quickly we hear a high pitched yell.

'That voice, and attack… Aoyama!?!'

Gray gives a cold look in the bushes direction, "You know if you plan to make an ambush. Do it right. I despise incompetent people. Compress, turn all the marbles back. I want to be sure."

The man named Compress agrees, tossing a marble to the scarred man and snaps his fingers again.

One marble in Compress's hands, one in the scarred man, and one in Grays. Instantly all of them turn into our classmates. Tokoyami and Bakugo were conscious and tried to fight back, but it was useless.

Shoji and Todoroki both sprint forwards and try to get them, but they just smirk at them and drag our classmates through the portal.


I turn and look at Gray and Natsu. My eyes widen as I see Natu's condition. Unconscious with cuts on his arm and face, bruises all over his body, and a shard of ice, penetrating through his leg. Todoroki sends a wave of ice at him in a desperate attack, but Gray destroys it easily.

He smirks at us, "Well, nice seeing you all, but I'm afraid that I will have to go now. Bye-bye."

He drags Natsu in and the warp closes.

In synch, all of us yell, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Then I remember that there was one more person, "Shoji, get Aoyama!"

I lay on the ground and Shoji brought Aoyama over, "No!"

The beam that had been reflected had penetrated the side of Aoyama's c.h.e.s.t and his breathing was ragged.

A few minutes later, Uraraka and Tsuyu had caught up to us, and were completely shocked at the scene in front of them. My already broken arms were bleeding severely and the cuts on my c.h.e.s.t were bleeding profusely as well. Shoji had suffered serious frostbite wounds and lost two of his eight limbs.

Aoyama was bleeding profusely and Todoroki had sealed his wound shut with ice, but there was already a pool of blood under Aoyama. Todoroki was the only one that had minor injuries, with several cuts across his arms and face.

*??? POV*

"Ten minutes later, the emergency services had arrived and immediately began treating Aoyama. Izuku had passed out before they had arrived due to blood loss. The emergency people only found them due to the ice pillars that Todoroki was launching, after Shoji had informed him that they were here.

Of the six pro heroes, Pixie-Bob was in serious condition after a blow to the head, and Ragdoll was missing and the only sign of her was a large pool of blood.

From the villains, Muscular, Moonfish, and Mustard were all captured, and the body of the Hero Killer Stain was found in the forest with a hole in his c.h.e.s.t and his heart… splattered all over a nearby tree.

Out of the forty students that were at the camp, thirteen were injured, and fifteen students were unconscious and in serious condition from gas. Five students had suffered minor to major injuries, and another three were in critical condition.

And three… three students were missing. Nowhere to be found," the speaker crosses his legs and takes a sip of wine.

With a dazzling smile on his pale face, "It was easy to say that it was a complete defeat for the U.A."

AN: Realistically speaking, they all would've died, but I can't have that happening, so they all suffered extreme injuries. Also, I was originally gonna have Aoyama get shot in the head, but decided something else.

Because of Gray's appearance, a lot of things have changed, like a lot, this is the most impactful result so far. Honestly, there should've been a few casualties even in Canon, but for the sake of the plot…

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