The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 51 - The Final Battle

"Your punishment… is death."

The fire around me intensifies in heat and All for One takes a step back, "Kurogiri! Take Shigaraki and the rest away! Gray! If you want to fight, then have at it."

Shigaraki is too busy screaming in pain to reply. I ignore Kurogiri as he starts whisking the members to who knows where keeping my eyes on All for One.

I look down at my hand, flexing my fingers and savoring the burst of strength that my draconic form gave me.

[Azure Lightning Dragon's Firing Hammer]

Blue fire and black lighting coat my arm and I push myself forwards. Before I make contact, All for One turns to me and raises his arm.


A blast of concentrated air sends me crashing through several buildings. I quickly get up, the smile completely wiped from my face, my focus on one thing.

At the same time, All for One turns to face the moon, "So... you're here after all… aren't you?"

Seconds later, All Might flies through the air and aims his fists All for One, only for the latter to grab both with wind and shock waves being emitted from the force of the impact.

All Might glares at his nemesis, "I'll have you return everything, All for One!!!"

All for One chuckles lightly, "Will you kill me again? All Might?!"

I tense my muscles and push off, fire boosting my speed as I fly towards All for One. But once again, I am interrupted as I get slammed into the ground by someone's leg.

I growl, already knowing who it is, "I don't have time for this shit, Gray!"

I look up at Gray, whose body is now half covered in dark tattoos, with one of his eyes turned yellow.

He laughs and replies, "I don't care! You're stronger, right!? So let's let loose!!!"

I grind my teeth, grabbing his leg with my tail and flinging him into the air, "I'd appreciate it if you'd shut up for once!"

[Azure Fire Dragon's Roar]

All for One is laughing, "How scary! Your student over there is quite the feisty one. Well, I can't blame him. He did lose some precious friends and a little more."

All Might grits his teeth, "YOU BASTARD!!!"

Meanwhile, I deflect another barrage of ice arrows, 'This bastard keeps on getting in the way.'

[Exploding Azure Flame Blade]

A crescent of blue fire flies towards Gray who dodges and it crashes into the building behind him, causing an explosion of blue fire.

He turns admiring my handiwork, "Not ba-"

Before he finishes his sentence, I charge at him, throwing a punch at him, sending him flying.

'That should keep him away for a few seconds.'

I look at All for One who is using several black and red tendrils to keep All Might at bay. I flash behind All for One, who quickly notices me, but can't react quick enough.

"I did say that your punishment is death… but I'm not letting you off that easily," in one punch, I blow off his right forearm, leaving a bloody stump of flesh around his elbow.

All Might yells at me, "Natsu!"

But I ignore him, as I sense Gray quickly approaching me, "Tch. Can't you stay away for a second longer?"

I punch again, blowing away the rest of his arm before disappearing to intercept Gray. He looks at me with a cold expression, and releases a cold aura, turning the area around us into an icy battlefield.

[Fire Dragons Roasting Bath]

My flames, which are stronger than normal, quickly melts away all the ice and scorches a bit of Gray's skin, who starts laughing, "AHAHAHA!!! THIS IS MORE LIKE IT, NATSU!!! MORE!!! ENTERTAIN ME MORE!!!"

I take a deep breath of air in and push off the ground, charging at Gray.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Equinox]

With my enhanced strength, my strikes hit even harder than before, each of them strong enough to destroy buildings. But Gray dodges most of them, laughing the whole time.

'Tch, if I want to get to All for One, I have to deal with Gray. But to deal with Gray…'

*All Might POV*

All for One looks down at his bloody stump that used to be an arm, "Oh, my… how vicious."

He rolls his neck, and within seconds, a new arm regrows itself, "I'm sure he must hate me for what I did. And I know that you hate me as well."

All for One chuckles, "I can't let you fight reserve though. Heroes have a lot of things they have to protect, don't they?"

He points to the scene of chaos behind me, the broken buildings and heroes, helping out the best they can in order to tend to the wounded.

I clench my fists, "Shut up… You always toy with people like that! You break them! Steal from them! Take advantage of and control them! Scoffing irrationally at the people just trying to live their lives!"

Pushing off of the ground, I grab his left arm with my right, and pull my left arm back, "I cannot…"

Throwing my left arm forwards, I smash my fist into his face, "...Forgive that!!!"

The force from the impact throws him on his back and cracks form in the ground below him. I breathe in and out heavily as steam starts being produced from my body.

'Shit, I'm running out of time soon.'

"What's wrong? You seem very worked up about something, All Might!"

My eyes widen as All for One's voice rings in my ear, "I heard the same line before… from One for All's previous holder. Nana Shimura!"

More steam flows from my body, "Do not sully the name of my honorable master with that filthy mouth of yours!"

All for One continues talking, "She was a woman with no skills whose ideals got ahead of her. She was an embarrassment to me as the one who created One for All. She died in- argh!"

He stops talking as a glowing ball flies through one arm and out the other side of his body.

I look over to Dragneel who is holding his own against gray, "ALL MIGHT!!! Since I'm preoccupied right now, I can't do it myself yet. BUT BEAT HIS A.S.S!!! Whatever happened between you and him in the past is the past, just focus on beating him and talk to him later!"

All for One uses this moment to use Air Cannon to blast me into the air, sending me flying at a nearby news chopper. But before I crash into it, Gran Torino flies through the air and grabs me, and pulls me back down to earth.

"It's exactly as he says, Toshinori. You need to calm down, and just fight! Concentrate on the fight. Don't exchange words with him, that's how you got that injury six years ago," my old teacher drops me off on the ground.

I cough up some blood, glaring at my enemy, "Yes sir…"

"His fighting style and quirks are completely different from last time. You need to be smarter!"

I grit my teeth and force myself to stand up, "Yes… sir…"

*News POV*

"This scene looks like it is straight out of a nightmare. Within a few minutes, more than half of Kamino Ward has been destroyed. Currently, All Might is fighting against the villain thought to be the ringleader! I can't believe it! There's just one villain! He's destroyed the city and is more than holding his own against the Symbol of Peace."

The camera shifts away from All Might and points at another fight, "Not only that, but it appears that there is another villain fighting against someone. There is not much we can see, they are moving extremely fast and it's hard enough to keep up with our eyes. So far we've only seen glimpses of them when they pause. But as soon as we identify who they are, you viewers will be the first to know.

*Natsu POV*

'Now that that's done,' my focus goes back to Gray, 'How do I end this quickly? I don't know how much longer my dragon form will last. All this bulk and scales make me stronger, but he's much faster than me right now. My fire attacks aren't fast enough either unless I physically at-'

Then an idea comes to me, 'What if I…?'

I catch one of Gray's fists, "Hey, Gray."

He smirks at me as he blocks my fist, "What?"

"I have a proposition to make."

He raises his eyebrow, clearly interested, "Oh yeah, go shoot."

We both drop our hands and leap a few feet away from each other, "So, I haven't been able to hit you that much, right?"

He chuckles lightly, "I think you're overestimating yourself."

I crack my knuckles, "If I can hit you ten times in a row, will you go home like a good boy?"

Gray narrows his eyes but quickly widens them, "Have you found something fun to do?"

I nod, "It's only in theory, but yeah."

His grin reappears, "Very well. I accept!"

He leans up against a nearby chunk of debris, "Do whatever you need to do, just do it as quickly as possible."

I smile, "You have no idea."

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on my body, concentrating on every part of my draconic form. Slowly, I start compressing the muscles creating a slimmer form. Scales start retreating into my body in order to align properly. My tail gets thinner and my wings split into four and become more linear, similar to an airplane. The spikes on my elbows elongate, and my horns and facial features sharpen.

[Dragon Force: Acceleration Form]

Gray looks impressed and he gets up, "Not bad, you sacrificed defense and power for speed. But is it enough?"

I look in his direction and run towards him. He steps to the side, and I crash into a wall, 'I need a little bit more control.'

I quickly get up and turn to Gray, 'Let's try to control it.'

Charging at Gray, I start attacking him, and I notice a significant difference from before, 'As he said, it's not as much power as before, but each attack is faster than before.'

Each attack I make breaks the sound barrier, causing booms every time. I jab at Gray's shoulder, and he grins and knocks my incoming fist away, roundhouse kicking my head.

I take the hit and punch him once in the c.h.e.s.t and once in the leg before he leaps away grinning, "Not bad, you're improving, but it's still not good enough."

I charge him again, and this time I stay low to the ground and attack him from the side. When he turns, I throw a cloud of dirt in his face. He blows out some ice, preventing it from going into his eyes, and I appear behind him.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Equinox]

Sweeping him off his feet, I kick him into the air and throw four more punches before he turns around and starts blocking, ending my streak. Not giving him any time to recover, I open my wings and fly above him, swinging my leg up.

I kick him down, slamming him into the ground and I fly down to punch him, but he rolls to the side, dodging my earth-shattering strike.

He grins and wipes the blood off of his lip and looks at, "Six hits, huh? Maybe I should take this a little more seriously."

He rolls his neck and closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of cold air, "Come!"

Slamming my leg into the ground, I crack the stone and flick my leg up, kicking the chunks of debris towards Gray. I quickly follow behind them, using the rocks as a distraction. He knocks all of them aside, not falling for the same trick twice. I jab at his face but he knocks it aside, exposing my c.h.e.s.t. He takes advantage of this and jabs at my stomach and c.h.e.s.t several times, but I take advantage of the short distance between us and swing my arms to grab him.

He ducks even lower and uppercuts me sending me flying. I use my wings to maneuver myself back down.

I grin, "I've always wanted to try this."

Using my burst of speed, I charge into him and drag him into the air. He strikes my back and digs his fist into my gut, but I bear the pain and focus on my attack. Bringing him into the air, we start falling and spinning at the same time.

[Reverse Lotus]

We crash into the ground, slamming his body into the ground. Letting go of him, I use his immobilization to land the ten hits needed to remove Gray from the equation.

He pops out of the hole and spits out a bit of blood, "Well, I have to admit that caught me by surprise. I'll call Kurogiri to get me. I look forward to fighting you again. Peace."

He pulls out a phone and dials a number, "Hey Kurogiri! Wanna pick me up? I'm still in Kamino."

In the background, I hear Shigaraki yelling, "NO F.U.C.K THAT BASTARD!!! HE CAN ROT IN A HOLE FOR ALL I CARE!!!"

I don't stay to listen in on the rest of their conversation as I dash over to the other battleground, where All for One is fighting and talking against All Might, Endeavour, Ji-san, while more heroes finish rescuing the victims.

All for One sighs, "How annoying," and aims his hand at the ground, firing an Air Cannon. The result is a blast of wind that knocked most of the heroes away except for All Might and Ji-san.

"Let's stop talking about emotions and start talking about reality."

I fly up to his level and stare him right in the face, "Yes… let's talk about reality."

[Fire Dragon's Iron Fist]

I slam my burning fist into his face and he loses balance for a second, coughing up blood from his mask.

I glare at him with a cold expression, "Oh, I thought I held back. Was that too powerful for you?"

If he had a face I'm sure he'd be glaring at me, but he groans a reply, "Tch, you persistent brat. I thought Gray was dealing with you."

Shrugging, I reply simply, "I beat him."

I look at him for another second before disappearing in a flash. In an instant, I appear on his left, my leg flying towards him as he gets kicked faster than the speed of sound. Unlike Gray, his body was not capable of taking hits like that, and my foot went halfway through his c.h.e.s.t before he was sent flying into a building.

All Might walks over to me in a combination of his small and muscular form, "Natsu…" I ignore him, my gaze still on All for One who was focusing on healing his wounds.

He lays there for another few seconds and looks over in our direction, "How troublesome. Your style of fighting is completely different and more potent than All Mights. I should've anticipated this."

A demonic grin appears on my face, "In that case, I'll switch fighting styles… to one that you're more used to."

[Dragon Force: Juggernaut Form]

Rage clouds my mind as I sacrifice technique for power. My body grows in height and mass and my tail becomes thicker. My wings retreat into my back and the scales on the backside of my body become thicker, turning into a deep shade of red. The horns on my head stick out from the side, as a scaly plate covers my head. I now had a similar build as All Might, being only a couple inches shorter.

He appears speechless for a second before laughing, "Hahahaha! How interesting! Very well then, I shall use a combination of quirks specifically developed to destroy All Might. Let us see exactly how you do against it."

His arm starts growing disproportionately large, "Springlike limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer times three, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivets, Airwalk, and Spearlike Bones. This is the ultimate combination of quirks that I have right now."

Just as in the anime, his right arm was almost the size of his body. It was a fleshy and scrappy mess, with traces of metal and metal spears poking out in odd places.

I prepare to charge but All Might puts his hand on my shoulder, "Natsu… You dealt with Gray, and you are a student. As your teacher, I can't allow you to do anymore."

I grit my teeth, "You know what he did to me? He tortured me, physically and mentally for two days straight. Whenever he healed me, I could still feel the pain of each wound despite it no longer existing. He shoved me in a white room, with nothing but my thoughts. He is probably the reason Ji-san no longer has his limbs. He also just blasted five of your students away including your precious student, Midoriya, and my girlfriend, Momo. Now tell me, what should I do?"

All Might's eyes widened in surprise, "They were here?!"

I nod briefly, turning my attention to All for One who is slowly advancing, "Yes, they came to rescue m, but the heroes got to me first. Based on his attack, they are extremely wounded, and depending on what they crashed into dead. So again, what should I do?"

All Might closes his eyes and clenches his fist, "That being said, you are a student without a license. I cannot allow you to fight alone."

A brief smile flashes on my face as I hear that last part and All Might continues, "Therefore, I shall fight with you."

I look him up and down, quickly analyzing him and I formulate a plan, "No offense, but unless you can go full muscular you won't be able to keep up with me."

He grimaces, but I continue, "So, I will deal with most of it and send him your way, Once I do that, use your strongest attack to knock him down in one shot."

He looks at and nods his head in understandment. I look at All for One who is almost in front of us. Tensing my legs, I push off, flying towards All for One.

'I can feel the loss of speed, but the power is definitely worth it. I'm still faster than most people. I could slap the shit out of All for One by using my Acceleration or Normal, but I'd rather beat him at his own game. He thinks he can take All Might? Then I'll fight him with brute strength'

Our fists collide and All for One gets sent flying back, 'Shit… I expected more from him… so weak.'

I quickly follow him and punch him again, this time with less force.

Shock waves emit from our impact and All for One seems to be struggling, "You look like you're having a hard time there, All for One."

"Impact Recoil!"

A wave of energy flies back at me and knocks me back a few steps, "Not bad… I actually felt that one a bit. As expected of my own attack, now… let's play!"

Grabbing onto his arm, I pick it up and hold it above me. Seconds later, All for One is slammed into the ground.


I stand over him and look at his face, "You know, your arm is kinda ugly… lemme fix it real quick."

I look at his arm and unleash a barrage of attacks. He tries to ward it off by using Impact Nullification and Impact Recoil, but I push through it, blood splattering onto my face as I punch my way through his arm. I punch my way through his arm, blowing half of it off, and looking at his upper arm with glee.

"Tell me… does it hurt?"

All for One doesn't reply and black lighting coats his body, as he attempts to use Air Cannon to blast me away, "No, no, no. I can't have you do that."

Slamming my fist into his stomach, he coughs up blood and the black lighting stops, "Y-You…"

I ignore him and look at his legs, "You treated me very nicely in your humble abode. Allow me to return the favor."

I press my leg up against his t.h.i.g.h, "You know… you used all those quirks on your arm… did you do it on the rest of your body?"

His body tenses up as he attempts to strengthen his body but it's too late.


I slam my foot down, snapping his femur in half. He yells out in pain, but once again I ignore him. All Might realizes that the toss he is expecting will never come and immediately rushes forwards to stop me. Before he can intervene, I lift my foot to crush his other leg.

Then, I feel a different hand on my shoulder, a more familiar one, "Stop, Natsu."

I look behind me to see Ji-san, "Why should I stop!? He's the reason that you lost your leg and arm."

Enji looks at me sternly, "Not like this, Natsu. A fight is a fight, but this… this isn't a fight."

I clench my fist and yell at him, "What are you talking about! He's alive! He's conscious! He can fight back! Our fight isn't over! Take your hand off me!"

All for One was breathing hard, trying his best to heal, but coupled with the previous wounds he got, he was unable to and just lay there. By this time, All Might had arrived as well and was watching our conversation.

Ji-san shakes his head, "You've beaten him, it's enough."

Tears start to fall from my eyes, "NO! Not until he's paid for all of it! You, Momo, and all those hours of torture! Until then, it will not be enough!"

I clench my fist and prepare to rip off parts of All for One's body but I feel a chop at my neck, "That won't work, my armor is too thick."

Ji-san grimaces, "I am not afraid to fight you."

I look at him quietly, "Neither am I-"

My vision goes black and I lose consciousness.

*General POV*

Enji quickly catches Natsu before he crashes into the floor. Quickly analyzing him, he looks over at All Might who looks slightly concerned, "Don't worry, he just fainted from exhaustion."

All Might nods and more smoke appears from his body as his muscle form completely fades, "This is gonna be a pain to explain to the news. What am I gonna say? A high school kid beat the shit out of a villain?"

Enji looks down at Natsu, who is still in his dragon form, "You know… how many people are actually gonna recognize him?"

All Might's eyes widen, "Well then what are you waiting for. Go, go!"

Enji nods with a small smile then disappear in a flash.

AN: Originally, that fight went a lot differently in my head, but when I thought about it, this seemed like the most realistic outcome. What do you guys think of the forms? I think they're cool.

Anyways, that is the end of this arc, and coming soon is Overhaul.

Also… All Might's skinny form is supposedly the same height as his muscular form. Crazy, I know. MHA Season 5 was announced recently, and it's coming out at the end of the month so that's exciting

On a side note, a lot of you wanted to see the Santoryu in Aincrad, so that will most likely be the next one I write, but I might do short stories with the Akatsuki in OP cause that seems fun


Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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