The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 52 - The Visitors

A voice rings in my ears, "Tch, how boring. After all the work I went through to free you, you didn't have a big battle with Gray. As for your fight against All for One, that was a tad bit anticlimactic."

Already knowing who it is, I don't even bother to open my eyes, "Sorry about that. I was half-starved and just escaped from my torturers."

Gabriel chuckles, "Whatever. At least you unlocked those new forms of yours. That should spice things up."

I open my eyes but quickly from the flashing lights, "Ah! What the he-"

But an invisible force covers my mouth, "Tut tut, we don't say that word here, young Dragneel."

It releases me and I slowly open my eyes to see the familiar sight of the spinning wheels, flashing lights, and stage set.

I look around briefly, "So? What am I here for?"

Gabriel smirks, "Not much, just for some quick chatting."

He claps his hands, and an empty glass appears in front of me and I catch it before it falls, "Thirsty?"

I look at the glass for a little before deciding, "You have Sprite?"

Gabriel claps his hands again, and ice appears in the glass. Quickly after, a clear bubbly liquid starts to fill the cup.

I take a sip and smack my licks, "What did you want to talk about?"

Gabriel swirls a glass of wine and takes a sip before responding, "Dunno actually, never thought I'd get this far."

I stare at him for a second trying to guess if he's being serious or not, "Fine, then can you tell me what is happening? Like is Momo ok? Or is All for One dead?"

He shakes his head, "Nope. You can do that yourself. I actually don't know what to do with you right now. You wanna just go back?"


"Oh, we'll be meeting each other again soon. I have a little project that may interest you."

"Wait, wh-," but he claps his hands for the final time and the scenery around me disappears.

I open my eyes and I am hit by a sudden headache, "Ughhh, what happened?"

I am currently lying down, and based on the smell, 'A hospital?'

I feel something touching my left leg and I sit up to look at it, wincing slightly, only to see a sleeping Ji-san. His head was resting on his crossed arms and I could still see the injuries from his fight against All for One.


A nurse walks into the room and smiles at me, "You're lucky to have such a caring grandfather. He's been here for two and a half days without water or food. We tried to give him some and treat his wounds, but he refused. He barely slept too."

My eyes widen and a small smile appears on my face, "Is that so…"

She exits and quickly returns with a plate of food, "You must be hungry, sleeping for almost three days."

She puts a plate of curry in front of me, and I stare at it for a little and my stomach growls slightly, "Hehe, in that case, thank you for the food!"

In a flash, I shove all the food down my throat and hold out the plate to the nurse who is looking at me in shock, "Can I get seconds?"

She laughs lightly, "Just seconds?"

I scratch the back of my head, "Maybe nine more plates?"

She sighs and walks out, "I'll see what I can do."

She exits again and I look at the sleeping Enji before poking his forehead, "Oy… oyy… oyy… wake up old man."

He stirs and looks up at me, his eyes widen and tears start to stream from his eyes, "Natsu!"

He leaps up and hugs me, causing my body to start hurting even more, "Jesus Christ! I'm injured you know!"

He loosens his grip slightly, but still doesn't let go, "Thank god, thank god you're okay."

I look at the elderly man crying as he hugs me, and a warm smile appears on my face, "Thank you."

He holds onto me for another minute before he lets go, the traces of tears still visible on his face. The nurse returns with a cart and based on the smell, it's curry.

"You're lucky that the kitchen had extra curry from lun-, oh," she pauses as she sees Ji-san awake.

She leaves the cart near the side of my bed and goes back outside to do whatever nurses do. Ji-san starts digging into the curry and I follow suit. Within a few minutes, we finish all nine plates of curry and we are still hungry.

I grin, "We should probably go out to eat later. As much as I love curry, I feel the craving for ramen."

He laughs out loud, "HAHAHA!!! Why not!"

My grin fades, and I ask, "So? What is the aftermath?"

He sighs and begins to explain what had happened, "After you passed out, All Might and I decided that if we get you out of there quick enough, not many people are gonna recognize you since you were all dragony or whatever. Other than the police, and the heroes that were involved with the rescue mission, no one else should know that it was you. So, I took you back to the gym and let you revert back.

At first, I was concerned cause I thought it would be like your other one, but I guess not. Within thirty minutes you were back to normal then I took you to the hospital. After that, I don't know much, but I know that your classmates were excavated from the rubble and that they are all recovering. I believe that their injuries weren't anything major and they will be fine."

I let out a sigh of relief, 'Thank god. If something else had happened… Too bad he doesn't know anything else. I guess I'll have to find it out myself. How far has the timeline changed?'

*Three days later*

It took an extra three days for me to fully recover from the extreme muscle fatigue and the other injuries that I had acc.u.mulated during the fight. During that time, I had been questioned by the police, and a few people had visited me.


The police officer bows himself out and I look out the window, 'How anticlimactic after that.'

The police officer had just taken my statement on what happened during my captivity. While I couldn't explain directly, what I had told him had shocked him. He couldn't understand how a person could be as evil as to subject a fifteen-year-old boy to such cruel torture and understood even less how the said boy is seemingly fine after said torture.

I hear footsteps outside of my door and before they knock, I say, "Come in… All Might."

The door slides open and an extremely skinny person with sunken hollow cheeks and blonde hair walks in, "I didn't even knock."

A slight smirk appears on my face, "So, how is it? Finally revealing your true form to people?"

All Might rubs the back of his head, "It's hard… before, I could walk around and no one would bother me, but now…"

He pulls up a chair and sits next to me, looking at me with determined eyes, "As your teacher, I should condemn you for acting in such a manner. As heroes, we cannot perform acts like that, even to villains. You're extremely lucky, that you weren't recognized by the public or your career as a hero might've been thrown out the window."

I sit there quietly as All Might continues to gaze at me, "However… as someone who lost a lot to that man, I am eternally grateful to you."

On I-island, he had shared his fight against All for One, but now he begins to explain his history with All for One, starting from his tutelage under his Sensei, Nana Shimura. Once again he leaves out the part of One for All.

After he is done with his story, he suddenly bows, "Thank you! Thank you for avenging my master!"

"Uhh, you're welcome?"

He gets up and there is an awkward silence between us before All Might speaks again, "But seriously, you need to chill when it comes to villains. You can't just kill and maim every villain in sight. Us heroes need to keep a good public appearance, you know."

I sigh and shake my head, "It's not my fault. Most of them are just too weak."

All Might chuckles slightly, "If you ever fix that habit of yours, I'm sure you'll go great places in the future."

He stands up and bows himself out, before leaving me alone in my room, 'I'll go great places, huh.'

Then something else catches my attention. Multiple footsteps and several loud voices. This time, the door just slides open, and immediately, Momo runs in, parts of her body still covered in bandages, but mostly fine.

I look at her with a warm smile expecting a hug, only to be met by a punch to the gut, "You bastard!!!"

I wince slightly, the smile not leaving my face, "Yes, I missed you too."

She looks at me for a second and tears start to fall from her eyes as she hugs me tightly, pushing her c.h.e.s.t up against mine, "I was scared. I heard what happened and I was scared of what they were gonna do to you."

She hugs me for another minute while my classmates stand there awkwardly, wondering if they should step outside for a little. She lets go and looks at me, for a second. Then leans in very suddenly and kisses me on the lips.

My eyes widen as her lips touch mine and she backs off with a smile, "That was for getting kidnapped."

She gets off my bed and walks back to her friends who are all silent, but the moment she gets back they all start whispering excitedly, and I overheard all of it.

My male classmates surround my bed and Kaminari glares at me, "I can't believe that you, the battle-crazed maniac of UA, got arguably the best girl in the whole grade."

A few of the boys nod and the girls overhear this and all shoot dirty looks at him.

I look around and notice that two people are missing, Bakugo and, "Where is Aoyama?"

The mood immediately darkens and Todoroki steps forwards, with bandages wrapped around his head and arms, "Aoyama… got injured during the training camp, when Gray reflected his laser back at him. It penetrated his lungs and he can no longer breathe without special equipment."

I look down at my l.a.p, "I see… What about the others? Did anyone else get badly injured?"

He nods and explains what happened during the time I was gone, 'We took quite the loss, didn't we. Shoji's quirk is generating body parts from his arms. Since he lost two of them, he's much more limited compared to before. As for Aoyama… looks like someone from the general studies will be moving up to the hero course.'

Izuku steps on and holds his phone out. A video is playing, and it shows me, fighting against Gray and then proceeds to show my brutal beating of All for One.

"Natsu, tell me… is that you?"

I look up at him and nod my head, "Yes. That was me."

Izuku simply nods and replies, "I see then…"

He turns and heads for the door, "I need to use the restroom. I'll be back soon."

He walks out and Sero sighs, "He's been like that ever since the fight."

I look at him thoughtfully, 'Hmm, I wonder why…'

*Izuku POV*

Walking into the bathroom, I clench my fist in frustration, 'How? We went there to save Natsu. Yet, we were the ones that needed saving!'

I splash some water onto my face and look at myself in the mirror, 'That was All for One. All Might's sworn enemy, All Might said himself that he is very powerful. Yet, Natsu dealt with him within a minute. He didn't even use his fire and he was just done fighting with Gray!'

I slam my fist against the sink, and close my eyes, 'If I can't even save my friend, how can I become the top hero!?'

Opening my eyes, I look at myself again, "I need more power."

AN: Bit boring, but a necessity.


Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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