The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 53 - A Rematch

*A few days later*

*All Might POV*

I poke my head out from the window of the car and look up at the building in front of me. A white four-story building with a brick tile roof.

Aizawa sighs, "I wonder… what kind of place will it be to have raised a monster like Natsu?"

I chuckle, "Ah, yes, the mysteries in life."

We both get out and start walking towards the entrance when we hear a loud crack from behind the building. We both look at each other and immediately head to the back, curious as to what happened.

When we get to the back, we see Natsu playing with several younger children, laughing and smiling while he made small fireworks and small fiery animals that walked and flew around.

When we get closer, Natsu looks up at us, "Yo!"

He stands up and all the fireworks and animals disappear. A few of the older children look at me and their eyes widen. They go to Natsu and whisper in his ears, and he nods in confirmation.

A few of the children complain and a small boy with light brown skin, blue eyes, and short black hair pulls on Natsu's finger, "Awww, why'd you stop, big bro?"

Natsu smiles lightly, and points towards us, "Well you see, I need to help these two gentlemen over here."

The kid looks at us with a pout and mutters, "Evil people. Taking away big brother like that. They must be villains."

The other kids hear that and they all start glaring at us, "Villians…"

Natsu starts laughing and gestures for us to follow him, "C'mon, let's go inside."

We start walking behind him and Aizawa says, "You seem energetic for someone that was held captive a week ago."

He gives us a sly smile, "That just means I need to get stronger. Gray and the rest of the league are still out there."

We enter an office and sitting at the desk is a middle-aged woman with black hair and several streaks of gray, "Welcome, please have a seat. My name is Aiko Takahashi. I am the head woman of this orphanage."

Aizawa and I both pull up chairs and Natsu leans against the wall.

I open my mouth, "I'm sure you know from the letter we sent you-"

Both Natsu and Mrs. Takahashi immediately say, "We accept."


Natsu shrugs, "I'll go live in the dorms."

Mrs. Takahasi points to Natsu, "It'll be good to get rid of this hyperactive pyromaniac."

At the same time, Natsu points to her, "It'll be good to be gone from this walking corpse."

Natsu glares at Mrs. Takahashi and she glares back at him. Both me and Aizawa look at them in slight shock.

Aizawa hesitates before speaking, "Are you sure? This isn't any small thing."

Mrs. Takahashi shakes her head, "We already made our decision awhile ago. I know Natsu pretty well. When he gets beat down, he'll grow and learn and get stronger in the process. Besides, it'll be a nice change. Not having to pay for fire damage, the fire department doesn't need to come every other week, and there will be more food for other people. The kid eats like there's no tomorrow."

I chuckle lightly, "Well, in that case, I'm glad that you'll be joining us, Natsu."

Natsu bow slightly, "It'll be my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

Aizawa stands up and prepares to leave, "Well, in that case, we need to deal with furniture."

But Natsu waves us off, "I can go shopping later, I have some money in my account from tournaments and side jobs."

I nod my head, "Be that as it may, UA will provide reasonable funding for the furniture."

Natsu nodded his head, "Thanks. Actually, I've been wondering, how are the heroes that cam for the rescue operation?"

I grit my teeth slightly at the mention and Aizawa gives me a side glance before taking over, "Gray froze Edgeshot and a squad of police solid. When we unthawed them, they were alive, but… they took major brain damage and it is unlikely that they'll be able to work anymore."

Natsu closes his eyes and nods, "I see… that is… a tragedy. And what about Aoyama?"

The room is quiet for a bit before I speak, "Aoyama… he will need to drop out of UA. In his condition, he would struggle to perform during classes and we will have to find someone who can take his place."

Once again, Natsu nods and Aizawa clears his throat and stands up, "Ahem, if that's everything, we should head out. We still need to visit a few more people.

I nod my head and stand up and move to the door, when Natsu suddenly calls out, "Wait! I just remembered something."

We both look at Natsu, and simultaneously say, "What?"

"Uhmm, you know that sword that Stain had in the forest."

I nod my head slightly, 'Maybe....'

"Yeah, just curious. What are you guys gonna do with it? If you guys don't need it, would it be possible for me to use it?"

Aizawa tilts his head, "Can you use a sword?"

Natsu nods, "Yeah, and a few other weapons as well."

I scratch the back of my head, "Probably. It might be better to put it to use instead of having it just sit in a locker as evidence."

Natsu bows again, "Thanks a lot."

He guides us out the door and as we get back in the car, I look at him briefly before chuckling slightly.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow at this, "What's funny?"

I shake my head, "No, it was interesting to see Natsu play a big brother role. It's good to know that he isn't just a hot-headed battle maniac."

Aizawa laughs, "Hehe, I know what you mean. C'mon, we still have a few people we need to stop by."

I nod my head a few times and get in the car, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

*Natsu POV*

'So I was right about someone crossing over. It's unfortunate to hear that Edgeshot is incapacitated.'

I turn back into the house and clench my fist, 'My canon knowledge will soon run out. Once the school festival is over… I'm on my own. But since Class 1-A are the "main characters" I need to be prepared for anything. Maybe I should visit the old man. It's been a week since I had a good workout.'

*Thirty minutes later*

'Shit… why are they here?'

When I had reached the fourth floor, I saw Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Momo, and all my other classmates scattered across the room, practicing punches, using weapons, and sparring against each other and some gym members. Ojiro looked at home in his gi as he was sparring against Yuto. Kirishima was fighting against Kaito and Shigure was teaching Todoroki how to use a sword.

I stand in the entrance for a second, shocked at the sight of all my classmates when Ji-san walks up to me, "About time you came, Natsu. I was worried you forgot about me," He gives a hearty laugh and slaps my back.

This alerts everyone else on the floor and my classmates all turn to look at me.

I walk over to Momo and whisper in her ear, "Uhmm, what happened?"

She smiles enthusiastically, "Well, Midoriya was talking about wanting to get stronger and improve his fighting style, so I recommended this place. Then he told everyone and they all seemed really determined as well and decided to join."

Ji-san grins, "Business is booming!"

I sigh, "I see. Well, whatever. Ji-san, wanna spar?"

He grins, "Sure. It'll be good to see how much you've grown."

We travel to the fifth floor and my classmates all follow behind, talking excitedly.

Mina grins, "I wonder who do you think will win?"

Kaminari shrugs his shoulders, "Natsu of course."

Sero stretches his arms, and yawns, "Yeah, but he won't use his fire, still think he'll win?"

Kirishima smiles and looks at Bakugo, "Hey, Bakugo, you fought and lost against Enji right? Who do you think will win?"


We arrive in one of the sparring rooms and both Ji-san and I take our stances, while my classmates chill on the side and spectate.

I grin, "Are you gonna be ok with that arm and leg of yours, old man?"

Ji-san shrugs his shoulders, "Who knows? Just do me a favor and try not to break them. I'm rather partial to them."

A wild grin appears on my face, "I'll try my best not to."

Dashing forwards, I leap into the air and lift my leg to do an ax kick. Ji-san grins and performs a cross block then wraps his hand around my leg. Pulling my leg back, he uses his free hand to punch my stomach, but before it lands, I block it and swing my other leg around to swiftly kick his head.

He lets go of my leg and attempts to block it, but he's too slow. His body gets thrown a few feet but he quickly recovers, shaking his head slightly.

"Not bad."

He takes a defensive stance, and I charge again, this time, I open with a jab to his c.h.e.s.t. Sidestepping my jab, he aims to punch at my exposed stomach, but I change my stance and pivot my foot, aiming a kick right at his chin.

He leaps back and avoids my front kick, "Good. You managed to recover quick enough."

I grin slightly as I remember my fight with Gray where he countered that move and managed to injure me severely, "I've had practice."

Ji-san nods his head, and rushes forwards, and throws a left hook. I block that one and he throws a right hook. I grab his right arm and elbow his elbow, causing it to fold. I then grab the collar of his shirt and flip him flat onto his back.

I back off and Ji-san stands up, brushing some dust off of his clothing, "Not bad. What is that your first win, out of 150 fights?"

My classmates looked at me in shock, 'Natsu lost to this guy 149 times?!'

A tick appears on my forehead, "Stop telling lies, old man! This is our 145th fight!"

I scratch the back of my head and look up at the ceiling, "Still, you're weaker than before and you didn't use your quirk."

Enji slaps the back of my head, "Who are you calling weak, huh?"

I grin and look at him, "Hehe, I guess not."


Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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