The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 55 - Ultimate Moves

Aizawa's eyes narrow, "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two-"

The door slides open dramatically, and Midnight, Cementos, and Ectoplasm all enter, "Ultimate moves!"

My classmates all yell out excitedly, "Ultimate Moves!!!"

Ectoplasm explains, "Ultimate!" This means that move will give you a sure win. A move so ingrained into your body that others can't copy it. Battle means how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent."

Midnight grins at us, "Your moves will represent you. These days, pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species."

Aizawa sighs, "We'll tell you more along the way. We want to proceed logically. Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma."

"Yes, Sir!"

He dismisses us and we all head to the lockers to change.

Kirishima sighs as he puts on his costume, "Ultimate moves, huh? I wonder what I should do? What do you think, Bakugo?"

Bakugo yells in annoyance, "HELL IF I CARE!!! F.U.C.K OFF!!!"

I put on my waistcoat while thinking to myself, 'I actually have a lot of things that can be considered as "Ultimate" moves. What should I work on?'

A few minutes later we all assemble in Gym Gamma, where Aizawa gives us another rundown, "Gym Gamma, also known as "Training Dining land," or TDL."

I laugh slightly, 'TDL? I have the feeling that a certain mouse won't be too happy with that.'

Cementoss leans down on the floor and manipulates the cement to create a small stage, "I came up with the idea of this facility. Terrain and other things can be prepared specifically for each student. That's what the "Dining" part refers to. This place is a restaurant and you guys are the customers, picking your preferred meal."

Cementoss nods his head, and Iida asks, "Why must we have ultimate moves for our provisional licensing exam? Please tell me your reasoning!"

Aizawa replies in a tired voice, "I'll tell you everything in order. Calm down. The job of a hero is to save people from danger, like criminals, accidents, natural disasters as well as man-made disasters. The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are going to be able to do that.

Your ability to fight, gather information, move and make decisions, in addition to your ability to communicate and lead. Every year, a different test is used to look at how well you are able to do those things."

Midnight steps up, "Of that, your ability to fight is especially important to your futures as heroes. If you're prepared, you don't have to worry. Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether you pass or not."

Ectoplasm coughs before speaking, "Your ultimate moves do not necessarily need to be of the attacking type. For example, Iida's reciproburst, a temporary burst of speed is enough of a threat to be worth calling an Ultimate move. Same with whatever the hell Dragneel does when turns into a dragon. A befitting move for a hero named The Fire Dragon: Igneel"

I nod my head in acknowledgment while thinking to myself, 'I've been working on improving that for a while so let's switch it up today. I haven't trained with that in a while. While working on "Ultimate" techniques is good and all, sometimes it's better to revisit the basics and strengthen your base strength.'

"Kamui Woods, who played a big part in the fight the other day, has a movie called Lacquered Chain Prison that is the perfect example of an Ultimate Move," says Midnight, "It restrains his opponents before they can do anything."

Aizawa gestures to the empty gym, The training camp was canceled, but the training you did to develop your quirks was part of the process to create your ultimate moves."

Cementoss uses his quirks and creates several training platforms within the gym and Aizawa keeps on talking, "In other words, until the beginning of the next semester, for ten days or so until the end of the summer vacation, you'll be working out your ultimate moves as you develop your Quirks."

"Yes sir!"

Aizawa walks over to me, "Your face tells me that you don't plan on laying low this time around and just training your dragon form."

I chuckle, "My, my, how astute of you."

He rolls his eyes, "If you need to, you can just go outside and do whatever crazy shit you do. Just, don't wreck the buildings. You want Ectoplasm to help you?"

I shake my head, "Nah, I have an idea of what I'm gonna do.

I turn away and head outside, but Aizawa says one more thing, "And, by God, you better not kill anyone."

I turn my head slightly, and give Aizawa a toothy smile, "C'mon, teach, I'm an aspiring hero. Do I look like the kind of person that would kill someone?"

Aizawa looks at me, with my evil grin and glint in my eye, "Yes, got a problem?"

"Haha, I'll see you later then."

He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away to check up on the other students.

A small smile appears on my face, not a smirk, but a genuine smile, 'Heh, that stingy old man. He knew I was listening.'

I roll my neck and crack my knuckles, "Well, in that case, I better not let him down."

Looking up at the sky, I focus on the current of electricity inside me, and lighting and fire start to cover my body, 'There we go. It's been a while.'

I flex my hand and notice a bird in the sky, but something was wrong, 'Why is it flapping its wings so slowly? Shouldn't it be falling?

Unbeknownst to me, in each of my eyes, a small circle of lightning was circling my pupil enhancing my reaction speed as well as my perception of time.

I shut off the lightning and my perception of time returns to normal, 'Before I just had better reaction times and amplified senses when I switched into Lightning Dragon mode, but now… is this another side effect of my awakening?'

I think to myself before shrugging, 'Well, whatever. That just means I have another card to play when I face him.'

Clenching my fist, a certain ice user's face appears in my mind, 'The next time I see him… I definitely have to kill him. He's too much of a threat to let live.'

My mind goes back to the times when I used Lightning Dragon Mode and the lighting stuck to the fire while hitting my target. The same thing happened with my azure flames and black lightning.

'It's either that, or there's something else that I am missing.'

Once again I shake my head, 'Whatever, the point is that it works. So that means…'

I create a ball of fire and lighting in my hands and stretch it out in my hands, molding and weaving it into something else. It takes fifteen seconds, but I throw out the ball and it turns into a wide net of fire and lighting. However, it quickly disperses due to it no longer being connected to me.

'While I can use the fire to channel it, it doesn't stay because both the fire and lighting have nothing to sustain themselves and therefore die out. I could use support gear, but I don't want to carry too many things… Well, I don't need to do that yet. For now, let's focus on training lightning.'


A large discharge of fire and lighting is released around me and lights up the sky. The discharge reached the same height as the buildings around me and almost fifty feet wide.

'This is my maximum output as of now. Let's see how long I can last.'

For five minutes, the flow of fire and lighting kept a steady discharge until it finally faltered and I got hit with a sudden headache.

I lay there for another minute before pushing myself to my feet, 'Let's try again, this time, just lightning.

I close my eyes and focus on the current of electricity flowing inside of me. Slowly pushing it, I attempt to coax it out while keeping the fire inside.

It slowly seeps out, starting as a small shock, visible on the surface of my skin. A minute later and streaks of lightning race across my body. The streaks grow larger and longer until it starts leaving my body and starts spreading out into the air around me.

For the next hour, I release a steady current of lightning that surrounds me like a coat.

But then something rings in my mind, 'Wait…'

I switch my focus and try to bring out the black lightning, 'If I can just use that with normal fire, then I wouldn't have to get burned from the blue fire.'

Immediately, blue flames spurt out of my body and the lightning instantly turns black. Since it was surrounding my whole body, I can feel the heat from it and quickly shut it off to prevent burning my costume.

I look down at my skin and its red slightly and thankfully, my costume, which was designed to withstand the extreme heat of my flames, was fine.

I sigh, "I guess the black lightning goes hand in hand with the blue flames. Too bad, I wanted to try to use it on its own."

Immediately, I went towards Ectoplasm, "hey, Ectoplasm Sensei. Could you give me like four or five clones?"

He nods his head, "Why do you need so many?'

I grin, "I had an idea."

He opens his mouth and a cloudy whitish substance emerges and quickly forms five copies of Ectoplasm. They all turn to march outside, but I stop them.

"Wait, you guys don't need to leave. I'm working on something smaller."

Aizawa walks by and points to the several stone pillars that the rest of my classmates were practicing on, "We were prepared in case you wanted to practice here, so there's a spot for you in the back."

I nod my head in thanks and we start walking around the chaos that could be called training.

I watch my classmates closely, looking for any changes from the canon, 'Other than Bakugo, not many of them have changed.'

I look over at Todoroki, who's currently attempting to create statues and fine-tune his control. I raise my finger and point it at one of his nicer statues and fire a bullet.

The small fireball flies through the head of the statue and causes the top half of it to explode. Todoroki looks at me angrily but after glancing at his statue, he quickly understands what I meant by doing that and gets back to work.

'Control is good, but your ice needs to be stronger if you want to use it effectively.'

My small group finally reaches the back and all the Ectoplasm's stand in a group and one of them asks, "So? What do you need five of us for?"

I think for a bit before responding, "If you could, make a crooked line, but stay like six feet away from each other."

They follow my strange request and stand in a zig-zag, all of them having a space of six feet in between, "Great, now, give me a minute."

Closing my eyes, I raise my hand forwards and make a gun shape. At the tip of my fingers, a small ball of fire and lightning starts forming.

A crackling sound could be heard throughout the gym and it slowly gets louder and louder as people stop what they are doing and look at the spot where I am.

I aim at the empty spot in between the zigzag of Ectoplasm's… and fire.

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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