The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 56 - Provisional License Exam

'Damn, this is either gonna be great or boring as hell.'

I look up at the large cone-shaped building that is the location of our provisional exam.

Jiro shivered slightly, "Uhwa, I'm getting nervous."

Izuku mutters, "Ah man, I wonder what we'll have to do. I wonder if I can even make it."

Aizawa walks over and glares at him, "Midoriya, it's not a matter of if you can or you can't. Go and get it!"

"Y-Yes Sir!"

A medium height boy with spiky light purple hair is looking around curiously and I walk over with a grin on my face, "Don't worry about it too much, Shinso. With your quirk, as long as you're going against people, then it should be a breeze."

He nods quietly, "Mhmm, thanks, Dragneel."

I swing the suitcase holding my hero costume over my shoulder and look around for any familiar faces.

'I expected it, but I thought that they were gonna wait until the new term.'


On the third day of quirk training, Aizawa finished up with his usual announcements and we all started to head to our respective training areas, when he cleared his throat, "Ahem, I'm not done brats."

A wave of confusion ripples among my classmates, myself included.

'What is happening?'

"What does he need us for?"

He points to the door of the gym and on cue it opens, revealing a medium height boy with spiky light purple hair and narrow eyes. Around his neck is a pile of bandages, similar to our worn-down teacher.

Izuku and Ojiro both gasp at this, while Aziawa grumbles, "Hitoshi Shinso."

My eyes narrow as I look at Shinso, 'So… the brainwashing kid, huh? Not that surprising, but…'

I raise my hand and Aizawa calls my name, "Dragneel, what do you want?"

I point to Shinso, "I can't help but wonder. The new term starts in a week and a half. The provisional license exam is the day before the new term starts. If you are introducing him to us now, then that means…"

Aizawa nods his head, "Exactly as Dragneel is implying. Shinso will be taking the provisional license alongside you guys."

I ask my second question, "Is he gonna be able to keep up with us?"

Aizawa rolls his eyes as he had expected this, "I will admit that around the time of the sports festival. I reached out to Shinso and offered to train him to up his combat prowess. He accepted and coupled with his quirk, he has potential. Shinso, why don't you say a few words, and then we can get you set up."

Shinso looks around at us before speaking, "I'm Hitoshi Shinso. I've already fought against some of you during the sports festival, but saying that we're friends just because we fought before… I'm not into good sportsmanship like that. Despite my training, I am dozens of steps behind you guys. Now that I am here, I want to become a proper hero and use my quirk to help others. All of you here are walls that I must overcome. I'm not planning on becoming friends. Thank you for having me."

Aizawa looks at the rest of us, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional license, then you novice eggs will become chicks… You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best."

Kaminari grins and holds his fist up, "All right! I'll become a chick!"

Kirishima grins as well, "Let's all call out the usual! Ready, set, Plus-"

But before anyone else says it, a tall boy with a plain white shirt and dark blue policeman hat yells out, "ULTRA!!!"

We all turn to look at who said it and seconds later, we see a group of students. All of them were wearing the same outfit. A plain white dress shirt, and dark blue pants, and a policeman-style hat with the letter "S" on it.

Another boy with spiky light purple hair says, "You shouldn't just barge into other people's huddles, Inasa."

'Shiketsu, it's good to see that they are…'

My eyes widen as I see someone I never thought I would ever see once I got into U.A. A short boy with circular black eyes and a pointy square nose. His most notable features were the number of purple balls sitting atop of his head.


'What kind of test did Shiketsu have so that Mineta was able to join? This is quite amusing. At least some shit never changes.'

The people around us gasp, "Look, that uniform…"

"It's from that famous school in western japan…"

Bakugo grins excitedly, "U.A. in the east and Shiketsu in the west…"

My eyes pass over Mineta and find a girl with dark blonde hair and sizable proportions, 'Did Toga take over from the beginning, or was it halfway? Either way, I need to be careful when I'm on the field. She probably hates my guts for killing Stain.'

Camie notices my gaze and waves at me with a smile on her face. I return a small smile and nod my head quietly before turning away.

'If that's Toga, she's doing a hell of a job hiding it.'

The purple-haired kid from Shiketsu starts walking towards the building, "Let's go."

Inasa waves bye at us and Mineta blows kisses to the girls, "Bye-bye, my fair maidens!"

Aizawa mutters under his breath, "Inasa Yoarashi…"

Hagakure moves closer to Aizawa, "Sensei, do you know him?"

Aizawa pauses before answering, "He's.. strong."

My classmates gasp at this because Aizawa doesn't just say that about everyone, "Last year, the same year as you guys, Yoarashi got the top scores of those admitted in through the recommendation exam, but for some reason, he turned down his acceptance."

Midoriya gasps, "Wait, then, he's a first-year!"

Everyone turns and glances at Todoroki, thinking the same thing, 'If he was the top of the recommendations… Then his abilities are above Todoroki?'

Bakugo mutters, "So, his name is Inasa Yoarashi, huh?"

Sero furrows his eyebrows, "Even though he says he loves U.A., he threw away his chance to enroll. I don't get it."

Mina nods, "Right? What a weirdo."

Then a female voice yells out, "Eraser? It's you isn't it, Eraser!"

Once again we all turn our heads and look to our left, where a green-haired woman is approaching us. Wearing striped green and orange puffed-up shorts, and a navy blue sleeveless collar shirt, Ms. Joke approaches us. An orange headband covers her green hair and chunky metal gauntlets cover her wrist.

Aizawa visibly cringes as Ms. Joke gets closer and closer, "I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!"

She gets closer and stands right in front of Aizawa, looking at him straight in the eye, while smiling all the while, "Let's get married."

Aizawa immediately declines, "No."

Ms. Joke starts laughing, "No? Hahaha, that's a good one, Eraser!"

Aizawa shakes his head, "You're hard to talk to, as usual, Joke."

She ignores his comment and sticks her thumb out, her ever-present grin, plastered onto her face, "If we get married, then we can make a happy family with never-ending laughter!"

I yell out, "Yeah, Aizawa Sensei! You should settle down, start a family, relieve some stress. Plus you get to sleep more if you don't have to deal with us."

Aizawa glares at me, "Dragneel, I swear to god if you say anything else… but it would be good to get away from hyperactive brats that won't shut up for their own good."

Ms. Joke's smile becomes impossibly wide, "So, then you'll marry me, right?"


Asui says her thoughts, "You two seem pretty close."

Ms. Joke smiles at her, "Our agencies used to be pretty close to each other! In our cycle of helping and being helped, our mutual love for each other bloomed-"

Immediately he cuts her off, "No, it didn't."

Ms. Joke nods her head ecstatically, "Nice! I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser."

Aizawa shakes his head again, "Joke since you're here, then that means…"

She nods her head, "Yes, yes. Come here, everyone! It's U.A."

A group of students starts walking towards us, "Oh, It's really them!"

"Wow, that's amazing! I've seen them all on TV and stuff."

Ms. Joke introduces us, "Ketsubetsu Academy, second years, Class 2! They're my class, please be kind."

Momo gives me a nervous glance, "Natsu, they said-"

But before she finishes, I nod my head, "Yeah. I know."

Her eyes narrow and she understands immediately, 'As expected of her. Well, it was kinda obvious, but common sense isn't an oftenly found trait in this world.'

A tall boy with messy black hair named Shindo, who looks a lot like Izuku walks over and starts spewing some nonsense about the fortitude of the heart or shit. He gets to me and smiles easily.

"You must be Natsu Dragneel, right? The winner of the U.A. sports festival as well as being part of the Camino incident. It must've been scary, being held, hostage. You must have an especially strong heart. Today, I'll do my best learning from you," he puts his hand out and offers it to me.

Looking down at it, I look back at its owner with an evil smile, "Sure, you can learn how far behind you are."

I take his hand, his expression becomes more sinister. The moment we connect, I feel a strong tremor emitting from his hand, shaking up my arm and the rest of my body.

'Oh, so this is his quirk? I forgot about this… how weak.'

In return, I apply some pressure onto his hand. He winces slightly and quickly withdraws his hand. Looking down at it he grimaces slightly before looking up at me.

"Well, anyway, I'll see you around... Dragneel."

I tilt my head upwards slightly and look down at him, my evil smile still on my face, "I look forward to it."

Aizawa claps his hands, "Hey, change into your outfits and go to the orientation. Don't waste time."

"Yes, sir!"

We all start walking towards the building and Jiro mutters, "It's like… contact with people outside of school reminds me…"

Kaminari finishes her sentence, "U.A. students are actually pretty famous, huh?"

Ms. Joke hears this and looks at Aizawa in mild shock, "Could it be… you didn't tell them, Eraser?"

Fifteen minutes later, we are all crowded inside of a large hall and standing, or more correctly sleeping on the stage is a pale-skinned white-haired man.

Shinso is wearing the U.A. sports uniform and has a pile of bandages around his neck, while the rest of us are in our costumes.

The sleeping man shakes his head slightly and looks up at us, and says in a sleepy tone, "Well then, let's do that provisional license thing…"

He nods his head slightly before continuing, "I'm Mera from the Heart Public Safety Commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep. Nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep."

He starts shaking his head again, "We're too short-staffed… I'm so sleepy. With that conviction, I will give you the orientation."

He lets out a long yawn and looks at us with tired eyes, "So, regarding the content of the exam. Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise."

He gives some speech about morals, and villains, and explains how only one hundred people will pass the first round.

At this many people exclaim in shock, "One hundred? Didn't sensei say that the passing rate was 50%?"

"But, really it's even lower than ten…"

"I'm getting even more nervous."

Mune explains how each participant will receive six orange balls as well as three targets. The targets may be placed on any visible area and to pass you must defeat two other participants.

"Okay, then. After we open, we'll pass out balls and targets, and then we'll start in one minute after we've gotten everyone."


Immediately, the ceiling starts creaking and it opens like a box. The sunlight filters through and seconds later, we all look around at the area around us.

A mountain range, cities, a waterfall, and an industrial area, "I believe you all have terrain that you like and dislike. Use your quirks and do your best."

I roll my neck and my fire starts appearing around me, 'What should I do… Blitzing it would be boring… maybe I'll do some fishing…'

I grab three targets and put one over my heart, one on my stomach and the last one on my right shoulder, 'It doesn't matter too much.'

Some people immediately break off and head to their preferred area, or just to get away from the masses.

Izuku yells out, "Everybody, don't get too separated. Let's move as a group."

Bakugo turns away, "Yeah, right, this isn't a field trip!"

Kirishima follows after him and so does Kaminari. Todoroki is the next to leave.

"It's hard for me to use my power in a big group."

He runs off and the others look at me with questioning looks, "I don't mind being here because that just means more fish. Just don't get in my way."

Their questioning look only increases, "Fish, what is he talking about?"

AN: I'mma try showing two perspectives at once, so bear with me.

*Aizawa POV*

Ms. Joke leans forwards, a glint in her eyes, "Every year, the test is different, but there is one thing that is almost like a tradition for this provisional license exam."

*Izuku POV*

I grit my teeth while my eyes quickly search the surrounding area, "Everyone already knows our quirks."

Uraraka looks at me, "They already know? How?"


I stay quiet and watch as my class starts running towards the mountains, while Ms. Joke continues, "As all of the high schools from around the country compete to pass the provisional licensing exam, the only high school that has lost the advantage of no one knowing their quirks…"


Iida's eyes widen, "The sports festival!"


Ms. Joke grins, "The top school whose sports festival is broadcasted around the country, showing not just the student's quirk, but their weakness and fighting styles as well."

She pauses for a bit, "Your school."


"The other schools should be aware of what I just said. That means they are already thinking about what school to attack."

Hagakure says, "You don't mean…"

The buzzer rings followed by a voice, "First test, start!"


"If you like your class this year, then you should've told your students. What always happens at the beginning…"


Dozens of people leap into the air and surround us, all of them having grins on their faces.

I panic slightly, "Tch, I knew it."

At the lead was Shindo, the boy from earlier, "I saw it on TV! The superpower that also destroys yourself! Well, if you have a nail that sticks out, you gotta strike it with a hammer!"


"The crushing of U.A."


A storm of balls flies towards us.

'One for All: Full Cowling!'

Green lightning lits up my body, but before I can move, I feel a hand on my shoulder, "I got this."


I look down as a light pink-haired boy walks towards the wall of balls, "The crushing of U.A. There wasn't really a reason, that I didn't tell them, but in the end, it wouldn't change what they have to do."


Natsu flies into the air, fiery wings on his back, and a wild grin on his face, "I think… You will need these back!!!"

He begins flapping his wings rapidly, sending gusts of winds at the balls, and in turn, sending the balls back to their owners. Marking many people but not enough to defeat all of them


I watch as the few balls that made it past, easily get dealt with by the rest of the class, "They Just have to overcome everything. A hero is someone who can turn around a bad situation."


I kick several balls back and look at Natsu with a smirk on my face, "Show off."


"Besides, if they become pros, then everyone will already know their quirks, so I'm sorry, but we look a little farther than everyone else."


'This can work… with my shoot style and everyone else's power. We can do this! Besides, he hasn't even done that yet…'


My eyes fall back on the light pink-haired boy, whose wings suddenly start emitting lightning, "Besides, we have an ace up our sleeves you know. He may not be the most hero-like, but sometimes… he's a real monster."

*Natsu POV*

Lightning races through my body as the world around me slows down, 'The first part of fishing is getting good bait…'

I clasp my hands together and point them at the large crowd of people, lighting and fire gathering at the tip.

[Lightning Fire Dragon's Chain Cannon]

AN: I've had more shower thoughts.

String Magic in Black Clover: Born as the twin of Vanessa, the MC gets kept by the witch queen because of his abnormal magic power. He gets raised as a weapon and uses his String magic as offensive magic, versus his sister's support type.

A.D.M: Anime Death Match: A series of short stories where I set two anime characters against each other and have them fight to the death.

The Son of Eros: Percy Jackson fanfic with the MC being the son of Eros, the god of love and s.e.x.u.a.l d.e.s.i.r.e

Reborn as Madara's Younger brother: Madara originally had 4 younger brothers. Izuna and 3 unnamed. MC becomes one of the unnamed.

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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