The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 57 - Tokonami Institute

*Natsu POV*

I clasp my hands together and point them at the large crowd of people, lighting and fire gathering at the tip.

My usual grin forms on my face, "Man… This is exhilarating."

[Lightning Fire Dragon's Chain Cannon]

A ball of fire and lightning flies through the crowd, and as it does, the lightning reaches out and paralyzes almost eighty people.

I nod my head thoughtfully as I look at the dozens of twitching bodies, "Hmm, that worked better than I had expected."

'Using my fire as a conductor, I condense the electric charge onto the fireball and release it. After that, the electricity searches for a place to go to. It can't just disperse in the air because of the fire, so it latches onto the next closest thing, people and objects. This way, I can use my lightning without harming my allies.'

AN: Realistically this would never work since the electric current would disperse into the air and ground, but this is fiction, so whatever.

My classmates immediately get the gist of what to do and rush towards the bodies attempting to tag enough people to pass.

"Oh, no you don't!"

Shindo appears from behind a cliff on the left and puts his hands against the ground, 'Oh, trying to separate us and prevent us from passing?'

Before he can activate his quirk, I leap into the air, right in between U.A. and Ketsubetsu.

[Fire Dragon's Pulse]

A beam of fire splits the land in between us in two, lessening the impact of the vibrations.

My classmates stumble slightly but nothing major happens as everyone starts finishing up their two "kills."

I smirk as I land on our side, looking at the panting Shindo, "Vibrations are most effective through physical contact. While they can be felt in the air… they tend to get weaker."

Momo calls out to me, "Natsu, are you gonna?"


"Really? But there's people right there," she points to the people I had paralyzed."

My ears pick up something as I turn to the cliff where Shindo was, "Yeah, but there people right there as well."

I point at the cliff and at that moment several figures appear, "Ketsubetsu Academy. Nice to see you lot again."

A boy with long black hair and a red scarf around his neck glares at me, "Since when could you use lightning? I thought your quirk is fire."

I smirk staring at the boy, while shooing away Momo with one hand, "The truth is that I can control five elements. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Lightning. I just prefer to use my fire cause using all five is really consuming."

Suddenly Mune yells out, "WHAT THE HELL!!! One hundred and twenty people! All eliminated by one person!"

Everyone pauses for a second, listening for any other information, "Well, that was certainly startling. With such a shock, I am more awake now, so there's that. Anyways, this makes the total number of people that passed eighteen. Almost to twenty percent."

A tick forms on the boy's forehead, "You bastard! Are you underestimating me!"

He pulls his hand back and prepares to throw one of the balls, but before he can throw it I am my finger at it and blast a hole in it.

I glare at him, and say in a cold tone, "I gave you a chance to pass. Don't go wasting it."

I fly above the arena and look around, 'Where should I go? If I remember correctly, Inasa took care of a bunch of people around the city area. Maybe there will be a lot of people in the water area. It'll be fun to see the shock on people's faces when the fire user f.u.c.ks up the water users.'

I flap my wings and propel myself in the direction of the water zone.

*General POV*

In the shadow of a nearby building, a group of students is assembled.

A boy with messy blonde hair wearing a white trench coat and white face mask narrows his eyes, "Looks like you were right. He went off on his own."

A feminine boy with long hair and wearing a green haori with white trimmings and a white mask with red wave patterns and small slits for the eyes on the side of his head nods slightly, "Of course I was right. The way he acted during the sports festival, seems like he hasn't changed much. We didn't account for his lightning, but our line up shouldn't be affected too much."

A third boy with golden hair in a shiny golden suit of armor runs his hand through his hair, making it stand, "It matters not! Once we take him down, we will be feared as the school that took down the Dragon of U.A!!!"

The feminine boy closes his eyes before opening them again, "What do you think… brother?"

Behind them, a taller figure steps out of the shadows. Another boy with grey hair and light blue eyes looks at Natsu with a calm expression. His blue kimono with silver dragon patterns flaps slightly in the wind. A blue bo staff with yellow tips laid across one shoulder.

"As you said, the lightning shouldn't be too much of a threat. Gilgamesh should be able to redirect it. Other than that, the plan remains the same."

Immediately, the group quiets down and their attitudes become serious.

The gray-haired boy's eyes glow blue slightly, "Tokonami Institute… disperse!"

*Natsu POV*

My eyes narrow as I hover above the water zone, watching the participants duke it out, utilizing their aquatic-based quirks to score points, 'I can't blow up all the water. As cool as it would be, that might kill them.'

I drop down to the surface of the water and look down into the depths before releasing an aura of lightning.

Lightning emits from me, striking the area around me and penetrating the water, and hitting those closer to the surface.

A few seconds later, dozens of bodies float up to the surface. Shark people, fish people, and just people, all twitching slightly. I speed around, picking up all the bodies and throwing them onto the shore. Some people try to grab some and pick off some points, but I quickly knock them unconscious and add them to the pile.

After I'm done, Mune's voice rings out, "Uhmm, we just reached the fifty-fifth participant. So the rest of you should probably start hurrying it up."

I look at my sizable pile of bodies and nod my head, satisfied with my work, 'This is good enough. Now, one final check…'

[Aura Field]

An aura of heat expands from me and pushes itself to expand as far as it can, 'Fifty meters? That's a big jump from my previous thirty. I can even "see" the bottom of the lake. I thought I would need to get wet. Looks like I got them all…'

But then I notice several people watching me from the outskirts, 'Hmm? Have they come to take the bait? Well, they can watch for now.'

I generate two balls of fire in each hand and start growing them, 'I haven't used this in a while.'

My mind flashes back to the first time I seriously used this move during the entrance exam.

I lean back and dodge a meter-long metal stake, "That looks dangerous. You could kill someone… you know?"

My eyes find a blonde boy with crimson red eyes, wearing a flashy suit of golden armor, "Ho? As expected of the winner of the U.A. Sports Festival. But, I am curious, why did you make such a pile of mongrels?"

I drop down to his level and stare at him, "I'm fishing. But I guess the bait has changed. Your teammates can come out. There's no point in hiding from me."

A calm voice comes from my left, "It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you, Natsu Dragneel."

Standing on the water, a m.a.t.u.r.e boy with gray hair and light blue eyes stares at me. A blue kimono with silver dragon patterns dr.a.p.ed over his shoulders and a blue pole hanging over one shoulder.

'He's not weak…'

I give him a side glance and look at the water below him, 'He's not standing on it. He's just using the water to keep pushing himself up. Probably takes a decent amount of control.'

"The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e is all mine, Mr..." I look at him expectantly.

He continues staring at me, "Ryujin.."

I give a sly smile, "Well then, allow me to formally introduce myself to you. Nice to meet you, I am The Fire Dragon: Igneel."

Before anyone else can speak, Mune calls out, "Seventy people have passed. Thirty slots left. Hurry, hurry."

Ryujin looks at me and wields his staff, "We should get started then."

"Su-," but once again I am forced to dodge a metal stake, 'Better get started then.'

Lightning and fire surround my arm and I slam it into the water.

[Lightning Fire Dragon's Firing Hammer]

The area below me evaporates and the lightning spreads out, looking for the next target. It races towards Ryujin but before it makes contact with him, its course changes as it gets attracted by another one of those metal stakes.

'That golden kid…'

I quickly glance at him and see several golden spinning portals around him, each of them having a metal stake protruding out of it.

Above me, a pink-haired girl starts flying around, spreading a cloud of purplish dust around, 'Poison? I should deal with her first…'

I fly towards her, holding my breath to avoid inhaling the poison, but I get interrupted by a flying figure.

"Nah, you ain't touching her."

A boy with blonde hair wearing a white face mask and white coat grins at me, his bottom half made of a grayish mist, 'This smell. Smoke?'

He holds his hand up and creates a tornado of smoke above him, funneling all the poison towards him. Below me, Ryujin creates giant sea serpents with frozen heads. Standing next to him is a smaller figure wearing a white mask with wave patterns and a green haori floating on a large bit of ice. Goldilocks creates several more portals and prepares to send a barrage of metal stakes.

'Is this what it's like to fight against a coordinated team?'

Once again, I get another flashback, this time of the time in the forest when I went up against the clones, 'The League might be more powerful individually, but that team was put together haphazardly, and they ended up getting in each other's way.'

The smoke boy wh.i.p.s the now purplish tornado towards me while Ryujin sends his water dragons at me. At the same time, a dozen or so metal stakes come flying at me.

'This might've worked on me in the past,' a slight smile appears on my face, 'But not anymore. I'm gonna borrow your move, Bakugo.'

Crossing my hands, I start spiraling downwards emitting fire from both my hands and feet, creating a miniature tornado of fire. The smoke and poison tornado surrounds me, but my fire keeps it at bay and burns the poison. The same things happen to the metal stakes as they get blown away.

[Fire Dragon's Vortex Impact]

I tear through the water and ice dragons, creating large amounts of steam, before ultimately crashing into the lake evaporating a huge amount of water around me.

Ryujin and his masked friend quickly evacuate to avoid getting hurt.

When I pop up, I can hear Ryujin mutter, "Not bad. But now, you're in my territory."

I try to push myself up, but my riptide keeps me pulled down. I see more purple flakes trickle into the water and a large number of orange balls start charging at me, propelled by the water. I cross my arms while holding my breath, 'I am seriously being underestimated.'

Clenching my fist, I lightly dragonfy my arms, increasing my physical strength and speed.

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Equinox]

Using water currents instead of air, I start deflecting and knocking away the balls.

[Fire Dragons Roasting Bath]

With no oxygen available, no fire appears but heat starts to emit from my body and heat the water around me.

'More! Get hotter!'

*Aizawa POV*

Ms. Joke raises her eyebrow, "Looks like your prized student is in trouble. Well, it's to be expected. He's going up against a water quirk user in his own territory, plus one has a well-organized team. There is a line between arrogance and stupidity you know."

"Hehehe ahahaha!"

She looks at me with concern, "What's wrong? Why are you laughing? Could it be!? You've finally fallen for my charms?!"

I shake my head, "You're basing your thoughts on the Natsu from the sports festival, right?"

Ms. Joke nods her head, "Yeah, of course, I will assume he got stronger but-"

I cut her off, "Natsu was barely trying. Hell, the only time he looked like he was trying was during the cavalry battle, when his headband got stolen."

Her draw drops as she looks at me, "Are you serious?"

I nod my head, "His experiences since then have caused him to grow dramatically. You think that he is stupid for going up against them alone, and in their own territory? You're wrong. There is one reason why he is doing that, and it isn't because he is stupid."

I pause before looking at the lake, which is currently streaming, "It's because he is strong... All of his abilities are far beyond everyone else's, including the pros. You're going to take precautions against his fire? Your plans aren't good enough. You find out about his lightning and plan against it? You'll still fail.

If you could write down all of his abilities and prepare for each one, your plan would fail anyway. Take all the precautions you like against unfortunate happenings like the sky falling or the earth splitting, but I can assure you, there really is no use in trying. Create all the elaborate plans you want, but his superior power will undo any of your schemes. There is only one person I know who can rival Natsu, and he's a monster of his own right."

Ms. Joke closes her mouth and looks at the burst of fire that suddenly appeared in the large hole that was once a lake, "You know… that speech was kinda lame."

*Ryujin POV*

'Tch, what a beast.'

I looked at the gasping salmon-haired boy, panting as the fire around him became smaller and smaller, "You know, you almost had me there. That was pretty dangerous. I might've died."

I narrow my eyes, 'He's too strong. I had assumed that we would have some trouble, but I never expected him to counter us so easily. And I had the advantage…'

I look at my comrades who are all equally surprised and shake my head, "Retreat! He's not someone we can deal with!"

But I hear a chuckle, "Wait a minute. You attack me, almost drown me, and then now you're trying to leave? That's a bit rude, isn't it?"

I brandish my staff, "What do you want us to do? Bow and give you an apology?"

He looks up at me with a wild grin, "Let me give you a parting gift!"

I take a battle stance preparing for the worst, when he says, "You guys were interesting, so if you want you can take a few of the unconscious people and tag them."


He shrugs his shoulders, "It was interesting to see your teamwork. Besides, you are running out of time. I don't know exactly how many, but there aren't a lot of slots left. So, have at it."

Natsu flies over to the pile of bodies and picks up two people and tags both of them, passing him.

We all look at each other, speechless and confused, but all the same, we rushed over to the pile to get points.

A few seconds after goldilocks gets his second point, a buzzer goes off and a loud voice could be heard over the speakers, "And that's it! One hundred people! All the spots have been filled up! The end! Whoo-hoo!!!

AN: Sorry about the slower update pace. With the fourth quarter of school going on, I've already been slammed with multiple projects and it isn't even finals yet. I'll try to update more frequently, but no promises

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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