The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 58 - Regrouping

*Natsu POV*

I let out a sigh, 'Man, I was really cutting it close. But oh well, it was worth it. These people were quite amusing.'

I look down at my three targets which are now glowing a light blue. I then switch my gaze to the group next to me, who are looking at me awkwardly, unsure of what to say, until Ryujin walks over to me.


I nod my head, "Don't worry too much about it."

But instead, he bows, "No, like seriously, thank you. We had been planning to take you out to test our strength because you were the "Strongest." Instead, we got our asses handed to us and you helped us out."

AN: Logically it doesn't make sense, why target one strong person when it's more effective to target weaker groups. This is a test after all. But remember with Todoroki, he had like 10 people jump him. And for what? They beat him, and one person gets one point? I don't know, but we'll just follow that logic.

I sigh, "C'mon let's head over to the waiting room. We can talk more there."

They all nod and we make some small chat as we walk over.

"So? Who are you guys?"

Ryujin puts his staff over his shoulder, "Once again, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kenichi Hoshikawa, Hero Name: Ryujin. As you saw my quirk is Hydrokinesis. Third-year at Tokonami Institute."

I nod my head thoughtfully, "Tokonami… Where are you guys located?"

"We are based around Miyagi."

The masked boy with long hair takes off his mask revealing a surprisingly feminine face, "Hello. My name is Yuki Hoshikawa, and my hero name is Yuki. My quirk is cryokinesis. I am a second-year student.


The golden boy sweeps his hair back, "Well, then, I better introduce myself to a mongre-argh! Shit! That hurt, Reiju!"

The pink-haired girl had slapped the back of his head and smiled at me, "Sup! Sorry about him, his head is so far up his a.s.s that it looks normal. I'm Reiju Vinsmoke. My hero name is Poison Pink and my quirk is Butterfly. As you can see I have wings, and I can produce poison from the scales. I can also see in ultraviolet. I am also a second year."

I put my hands behind my head and lean back, "Vinsmoke? You're not originally from Japan right?"

She nods, "Yup, my family moved here a few years ago from France. I have some little brothers who are about two years younger than me."

'Must be another one of Gabriel's jokes. I swear one day, I'm gonna kill him.'

Goldilocks signs, "My name is Jin Kamiya. My hero name is the King of Heroes: Gilgamesh. My quirk is Spatial Pocket. I can store things in a separate space and take them out.

I snicker as he says his hero name, "King of Heroes? That's a bit arrogant of you."

He smirks and tilts his head up, "Arrogance is a privilege of the mighty. Besides, I am a second-year student, so your senior, you should treat me with respect."

"I'll give you respect when you can beat me in a fight."

I turn to look at the last guy in a white trench coat, who looks at me with tired eyes, "Sup. Hero name, Smoker, real name, Kemuri Kobayashi. Quirk, smoke. Second-year. Nice to meet you."

Kemuri lets out a yawn and almost walks into a pole before shifting his body into smoke, and phases through, 'Lazy type? But he seemed excited when fighting. Well, whatever.'

'Good looks like all of them passed. Hopefully, no one got attacked by her.'

Part of the reason why I had helped them out was to avoid anyone getting attacked by Toga.

'With her quirk, if she was able to obtain anyone's blood, I would need to look over my shoulders until she dies.'


"Man, you worried me Natsu. That was close."

"Tch, why didn't you fail bastard!?"

I grin, "Yeah, nice to see all of you as well."

Once again, I open my mouth to say something, but I am interrupted, this time, by Gilgamesh's, or Jin's voice.

"Fair maiden! This must be love at first sight! Your beauty shines brighter than the stars at night. Please take my hand and be my girlfriend!"

I look over at Jin who is kneeling in front of… Momo.

I move to take a step forward, but stop myself, 'Actually, let's see how much she has changed from the naive and shy girl she was in the anime.'

She looks fl.u.s.tered but quickly regains her composure and puts her hands together to show her sincerity, "Sorry, I am honored by your words, but I am already dating someone."

Jin puffs his c.h.e.s.t out arrogantly, "Ho? Why would you date a filthy mongrel of me? How about this, if I beat your boyfriend, you will break up with him, and date me instead?"

Her eye flashes towards me and I can see a slimmer of a smirk, "Sure. I'll take that deal."

Jin smiles, "Now, point out your boyfriend so I can beat his mongrel a.s.s."

She points right behind him and smiles, "Him."

Jin turns around confidently, but his heart drops to his a.s.s as he realizes who she is pointing to.

"So… what did you call me? A filthy mongrel? I believe you said you were gonna beat my mongrel ass?"

He looks around nervously at his classmates who all suddenly turn away and start doing their own thing, "Well, you see, Natsu…"

But luckily for him, he was saved as Mune yawns into the mic, "Ahhhhh. For all hundred of you who passed the first test, please watch this."

My focus turns onto the large screen on the wall, which is showing a shot of some buildings on the field.


A loud explosion goes off on one of the building's floors and the top half of it falls off. The screen switches views and shows another building in a similar situation. The screen flashes again, each time showing a picture of destruction. The industrial zone, the mountains, and more buildings all start collapsing from the explosion.

Most people watch in horror as the meticulously crafted stage falls apart with each explosion.

Besides me, I hear Izuku mutter, "This is…"

Mune resumes talking, "The next tests will be the last one. We will have you all perform rescue exercises as bystanders in this disaster site. We will assume that those of you who have passed the first test have received your provisional licensees and test how well you can carry out suitable rescue procedures."

Shoji narrows his eyes and creates a mouth, "There are people in there."

Izuku exclaims, "Elderly and children!"

Sero mutters, "That's dangerous! What are they doing there?"

"They are people who have undergone training to be professional people-in-need-of-rescue and are in high demand right now."

The screen flashes slightly, and shows several aggressive-looking seniors, "The "Help Us Company," or "H.U.C." for short!"

Ojiro frowns slightly, "Professional people-in-need-of-rescue?"

Asui shrugs, "There are a lot of jobs out there, huh?"

Momo starts to lecture them, "Of course. With heroes and hero academies introduced, the need for people to play out injured people rose. It's a type of job that adapted to this world where heroes are so popular."

Mune says, "The people from H.U.C. have dressed up as injured victims and are on standby throughout the disaster site. We will now have all of you carry out their rescue. In addition, we will score your rescue based on points and if you have more points than the benchmark at the end of the exercises, then you pass. We will start in ten minutes, so please use the restroom and take care of any other necessary business right now."

I look around for Jin to mess with him, but he's gone, so I ask Reiju, "Where did Kamiya go?"

I shrug, "Well, not like I care," and start walking towards a table laden with food.

'I have nothing better to do, so…'

I grab a chicken wing and start eating, looking around at the same time.

Some of Shiketsu walks over to Bakugo and Kirishima while everyone else relaxes. After some words, they leave and Todoroki stops Inasa and talks to him.

Inasa glares at him, "Well, I'm sorry, son of Endeavor… but I hate you guys. You've changed a bit since back then, but your eyes are the same as Endeavor's."

He quickly turns and starts walking away, leaving Todoroki in a mildly confused state.

I keep my eye on Toga who is just hanging around with Shiketsu, 'Should I take her out here? But I need to keep the timeline as intact as possible. It's already been screwed with Gray, but once I kill him, things will go back to normal right?'

Then a thought occurs to me, 'What if that isn't Toga…?'

I stop eating for a second, looking at my chicken, and start thinking, 'Would they send Toga in? Originally she appears, but with no way to confirm it…'

I continue thinking when I hear a voice next to me, "Hey, Natsu! Can you hear me?"

Besides me is Momo, who looks slightly annoyed, "Hmm? Oh, Momo, I didn't see you."

She pouts slightly, "Jesus, is that chicken wing that interesting?"

"What can I say, it tastes like chicken."

She laughs and hugs me, "You idiot. You worried me."

"C'mon now, you know how strong I am."

She lets go and looks at me, "Anyways, it's your fault for being so irresponsible and wanting to fight people all the ti- ay! What are you doing!"

I had put my hand on her head and started rubbing it slightly, "Not much."

Her face starts glowing slightly and she glares at me a little, "Then stop it, it's embarrassing."

I grin, "Fine, I will. But I know you liked it."

I pull my hand away and she continues glaring at me, but a bell suddenly rings, and her usual uptight demeanor returns.

"Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is occurring in all areas of "City name here." says Mune.

'Too lazy to even come up with a name?'

Mune continues, "Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured."

Asui looks around, "So, this is the scenario for the exercise, huh?"

Just like before, the building starts unfolding like a box and Mune further explains, "Due to heavily damaged roads, the first group of rescue workers has been delayed. Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can."

The building fully unfolds, revealing the collapsed buildings and chaotic scenery that was the "Villain" attack.

"Well, then…"

An air horn goes off, "START!!!"

AN: So, with the pandemic lessening, and we start getting into everyday life, my schedule is getting tighter and it's getting harder for me to write chapters.

HOWEVER!!! I do not plan on dropping this. Last chapter I said, I'd try to write more, and that's what I'll do. From now on, chapters will probably be around 1-1.5k words each, but I'll try and write a little more. This might also apply to my other fanfic, but not sure yet.

Thanks for reading!

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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