The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 59 - Rescue Exercise, Start!!!

The building fully unfolds, revealing the collapsed buildings and chaotic scenery that was the aftermath of the "Villain" attack.

Mune announces, "Well, then…"

An air horn goes off, "START!!!"

Everyone starts running towards the disaster zone, and I roll my neck, "Well then, I better get started."

Flames start shooting out from my shoulders and form a pair of blazing wings. I push off the ground and fly above my classmates.

"Yo! I'm gonna go to some of the farther back areas and work my way forwards."

Izuku looks up at me, "But wouldn't it be better for us to work together in order to cover for each other?"

I shake my head, "In a smaller case scenario maybe, but this is occurring all over, so it'd be better to break up into small groups and cover as much ground as possible. A scouter, heavy lifter, and a support at the minimum. I can do all three, so I'll be fine alone."

I give her a kind smile and respond, "With your quirk, you'll be more beneficial working with others to save people. Some of the other schools will probably organize a triage, and since you can make medical equipment, you'll be able to help out there. Or, on a similar note, you can make supporting items in case someone is trapped in an unstable location."

Momo looks at me with a sad smile but acknowledges my points, "You, know. Sometimes I forget that you're actually smart, and not just a battle-crazed maniac. No wonder you are the top of the class."

I clutch my heart and drop to the ground, "I'm hurt, Momo. I can't believe that you think of me like that. My girlfriend, of all people."

Iida waves his hand, "Actually I agree with her. Your violence often distracts us from your intelligence."

Kirishima jumps in, "I second that!"

Uraraka giggled, "Mhm, they are right, you know."

Izuku laughs lightly and scratches the back of his head, "C'mon, guys, he isn't that bad… most of the time."

I grin and recreate my wings, "Well, they said that this is a villain attack, so, who knows? Maybe we'll see some villains."

Bakugo's smile forms and he cracks his knuckles, "I hope so."

I hone my senses and I hear several voices crying out.




I nod my head quickly and head in the direction of the voice that sounded to be in the most "pain."

Seconds later, I find a small girl in a yellow dress with her face on the ground and one leg stuck underneath a large piece of wall. When I arrive, she looks up at me and instead of a young face, I see a wrinkly and scary-looking old lady.

Her eyes widen slightly before her character returns, "My leg!!! It's been crushed!! Please help me!!!"

I quickly scan the situation and smile at the little girl, "Don't worry, It'll be fine!"

Standing next to her, I keep a reassuring smile on her face as I pick up the bottom of the wall, "When I say go, I'm gonna need you to crawl out. Can you do that for me?"

Unsurprisingly, she yells out, "WAHHHH!!! MY LEG HURTS SO MUCH!!!"

I nod my head, "Well, then. I'll help you out."


Easily, picking up the chunk of rubble, I move it to the side and come back to the girl to look at her leg… which looked like it was crumpled paper.

"Uhm… pause real quick. Is your leg actually crushed?"

She shakes her head, I lost my leg in an accident, and then I just found it was easier to perform mock situations like this, so you don't need to worry too much. Just treat me as if it were real."

"Ah, I see. Ok, let's resume."

She immediately begins crying and I pick her up, soothing her, and start moving to the middle of the Highway area. Luckily there was a clear area and I lightly put the girl down, and looked at her, my smile still present.

"Don't worry. The other heroes will be here soon. Until then, be a good girl and hang on, for now, kay?"

I point back to the wreckage, "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna save more people."

The lady's expression turns serious and she begins talking, "Good judgment. You'd end up wasting time if you were to focus on one person. Yet, you couldn't just leave me anywhere, so you chose a safe place to leave me and reassured me that their heroes were coming. You were also calm the whole time."

I nod my head silently before I turn around and head back into the wreckage. Repeating the process, I found an injured person and safely brought them to my temporary safe area and by the time I had rescued the fifth person, other students had appeared.

"Hey, can you guys start moving the injured back to the main area? I'm sure that one of the other schools has set up a triage of some sorts by now."

A boy with messy blonde hair in a white sleeveless vest with yellow streaks on it, look up at me, "Hah? Do it yourself!!"

I notice the stares of the H.U.C. members of me as they judge, "I would, but right now I am using my enhanced senses to locate those in danger and move them. I'm kinda busy keeping people out of danger, so if you could move them that would be greatly appreciated."

The blonde opens his mouth to say something but a girl next to him with dark blue hair and blue spider-like legs coming out of her back replies first, "Ok, that sounds good. C'mon, Barrier boy."

The blonde kisses teeth in annoyance, "I keep on telling you, it's Rampart. The Barrier Hero: Rampart!"

"Whatever, let's get to work."

'Ho? That's actually pretty good.'

I drop off the person onto one of the discs when a sudden explosion comes from around the city area.

Seconds later, Munes announces, "Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing villains!"

A grin appears on my face, "Hehe, here we go. This is more like it."

AN: I have too many ideas, and not enough time. Shower thoughts part 3.

The Bloodsucker: Ririyaka (Blood Demon/Demon of Blood in Sri Lankan Mythology)

Akame Ga Kill World

MC finds a set of spear blades in the forest and picks it up. Turns out to be a lost Teigu, The Blood Sucker: Riri Yaka. Becomes either part of the assassination unit in Akame ga Kill Zero, and meets Akame, or joins the army and meets Bulat

Description: Sentient dual spear blades crafted from a vampire's bones and flesh.

Drawback: Requires users' blood to activate and if there is not enough blood, it will turn on its user.

The "Immortal" Demon

Otaku MC reincarnated into Demon Slayer as a demon with a system and a special passive ability, Return by Death

The Blazing of the Gun Hero

MC comes from our world, where he is rereading his favorite manga, the Rising of the Shield Hero for the 100th time when a big white truck crashes through his wall and kills him. MC gets reincarnated as the mysterious fifth hero… with a gun and future knowledge

I've seen some concepts for this, but most of them are kinda boring.

PS: 10 chapters away from THAT number

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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