The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 60 - Gang Orca’s Gang

*Three Minute earlier*

*Izuku POV*

"It's okay. We are almost in a safe area."

I continue running with an injured boy in my hands, blood "seeping" from his head. Soon enough we arrived at the starting place where the building had unfolded. A white flag was visibly planted in front and a large number of "injured" people and heroes that are taking care of them.

"There are already so many…"

A girl in a periwinkle blue dress with brown hair and eyes notices me, "You! Let me see that boy!"

I nod and quickly run over to her, "He's bleeding a lot, but the wound isn't too deep. He responds clearly to questions."

The girl nods in agreement as she briefly does a check-up, "Yeah, he seems fine," she points over to her right, "Okay, carry him to that space over there."





Explosions start ringing out across the stadium and a larger explosion occurs near us and Mune explains, "There has been a large scale terrorist attack by villains"

My eyes widen and I inform those around me, "Everyone! The scenario for the exercise…!"

Shindo turns around suddenly, "Seriously?"

The girl who helped me earlier mutters, "That's a lot…"

Suddenly, someone yells out, "Oy, look! That's…"

My gaze quickly focused back to the site of the explosion that was closest to us. Out of the dust, a large figure appears. A figure in a white and black suit, with a large black dorsal fin protruding out of his back. A pair of red-eye opens and looks straight towards us, giving off an extremely villainous vibe. Behind him are many other people, all wearing dark colors, with masks covering their faces.

"Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing villains," says Mune.

The "villains" start rushing forwards, and I get into a battle stance, preparing to fight.

Suddenly a voice behind calls out, "Get everyone to safety!"

Shindo runs out from behind me, "Towards the back! Get them as far away from the villains as possible!!!"

I immediately spin on my feet and start running towards the civilians, "Right!"

Shindo drops down to his hands and smirks, "I'll keep hammering away at them with tremors in one-second intervals!"

I pick up a lady in a blue shirt, 'Of course! With his quirk, dealing with multiple opponents will be easy.'

Suddenly vibrations could be felt in the ground as Shindo directed his power at the villains. The result is the ground breaking apart and the villains losing their balance on the unstable footing.

My eyes widen as I remember how Dragneel negated this, 'Thank god for him. If he hadn't done that, it would've been devastating.'

But then I hear a gruff voice, "Not enough!"

Turning around I see Shindo collapse backward and standing in front of him is Gang Orca.

He shakes his head, "Only a single rear guard when there's this much of a difference in ability? Looks like you were underestimating us."

He starts walking towards us, when he suddenly turns and blocks a blurry figure, "Underestimating you, huh? I think you're overestimating yourself."

Gang Orca gets sent flying and crashes into a wall, and a smile appears on my face as I see a familiar salmon-haired boy, "Natsu!"

*Natsu POV*

Rolling my neck, I look over to Izuku and give out an order, "Izuku! Move Shindo out of the way and continue evacuations! I can deal with this guy."

The green-haired boy nods and picks up the unconscious Shindo before quickly retreating.

Todoroki appears to my right but when he sees me, he smiles slightly, "So, you were here after all."

I point towards the small army of sidekicks, who are all stunned that their boss got flung so easily, "Can you take care of them? I might end up killing them if I'm not careful."

He shakes his head and sighs, "You're always the same aren't you."

He turns away from me and faces the villains, "Well, better get this over with."

Tapping his foot once, he freezes the ground over trapping a large amount of the villains. Meanwhile, I run over to where Gang Orca had crashed, an amused smile on my face, and an annoyed expression on his, "Dragneel, I expected this, but you sure are strong."

I nod my head, "I appreciate you saving me that day."

He coughs and smiles slightly, "I should be thanking you. You saved all of us that day. But today is different."

He pushes himself to his feet and grins menacingly at me, "Today, I'm the villain."

I chuckle lightly, "That would've been intimidating if you were well… intimidating."

In a flash, I appear in front of him and kick him in the chin, knocking him up into the air. Watching him fly up, I disappear again, and this time I reappear right above him, ax kicking him back into the ground, 'Tch, I know I said I wanted to fight him, but it's like people are insanely weak or something. It's not as fun anymore.'

Turning around, I start walking away when I hear a slight sound and freeze, 'Is he gonna attack me with that shockwave attack thing?'

As I continue standing there I can hear Gang Orca mutter, "Damn, you really are strong," before finally falling unconscious.

I gave one brief look to Gang Orca before turning back and starting moving towards the spot where I had left Todoroki.

Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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