The Dragoon In Skyrim
Chapter 2 - Surviving Helgen
The next thing Vincent feels is a shaking and he wakes up and sees himself bounded and on an animal he has never seen before. He tries to free himself but he fails and the Nord riding the horse says, "You are up. Good, I almost thought you wouldn't make it. Sorry about the shackles. You came out of nowhere and made everyone nervous. We know you aren't a Stormcloak with you being from the beastfolk but just to make sure nothing happens until we reach our destination so we put the shackles on you. What is your name by the way?"
"Vincent Highwind. Now you what is your name and who are those Stormcloaks and more importantly what are we riding right now? It can't be a Chocobo it's not soft enough to be one and it has no scales like the dragon Bultechu would use," says Vincent and the man says, "The name is Hadvar. And you have a good joke about someone riding on a dragon but sorry to disappoint you we are riding a simple horse. The dragons are all long dead. But let's change the topic you really never heard of the Stormcloaks before?"
"Nop, never what are they?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Traitors to the Empire. But it's also no wonder you didn't hear from them if you just came from somewhere else. Ulfric Stormcloak is the leader of the Stormcloaks. He started a rebellion against the Empire because the Empire prohibited the worshipping of Talos because of the White-Gold Concordat. But if the Empire didn't do that we would have lost far more then that to the damned Thalmors."
"And those Thalmors are?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Under which stone were you raised to not know of the Thalmors." "Let's just say in my village is pretty reclusive and it doesn't interest us what happens outside the village," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "That would also explain why you didn't know about the Stormcloaks. But let's talk later we are almost at the village named Helgen. Once there I will leave you at the inn. Wait until we have finished our business and I will help you later to get home."
"Fine by me," says Vincent as both enter the village as dead last and a man with grey hair asks, "Hadvar did you find out something about that man that appeared in the light?" "That man can hear you," says Vincent and Hadvar salutes and says, "He isn't from around here General Tullius. He must have met with some misfortune to appear right in front of us. His village must be really reclusive since he doesn't even know of the Great War and the Thalmors." "Not so loud Hadvar. We are being watched by them. We can talk after the main event about, what was his name?" asks Tullius and Vincent says, "Vincent Highwing."
"Sound like an Argonian name to me. And he has scales here and there and a tail just your horns and your skin makes you different from them. But we can talk later about that," says Tullius and Hadvar salutes again and leaves and then he says, "The General likes you. He wouldn't have asked your name if that wasn't the case. And here I will let you down. Inside should be Vilod tell him I sent you he will give you something to eat and drink." "What about those?" asks Logan signaling at the shackles and Hadvar takes them off and Vincent says, "See you later then." And enters the inn.
Once inside he tells Vilod about what Hadvar told him and Vilod served him some stew with his special mead made by mixing juniper berries in. In the meantime, Hadvar was going through his list and was ready for the execution of the Stormcloaks. Tullius gave his speech about Ulfric taking the law into his own hands and saying that he was a traitor. Then they heard something loud but Tullius ordered to continue the execution.
Meanwhile, Vincent was tense when he heard the noise. Ishgard was for thousand years in a war with the dragons until the peace treaty between the dragons and Ishgard was made. He runs out and Vilod follows him and Vincent asks, "Does a dragon live nearby?" "Dragons are long-dead boy. Why do you ask?" asks Vilod and Vincent says, "Then you must be false informed. That sound was definitely a dragon. I would never forget the noise of a dragon for my whole life." "If what you say is true then we should evacuate the people," says Vilod and Vincent thinks, 'That's to easy to talk to this person. It must be the blessing I received from that woman.'
"Then let's make haste before its too late," says Vincent who runs toward were Hadvar went while Vilod warned the people that were in the inn. Then the people went from house to house to warn the others when they heard the noise a second time it was nearer than before. Vincent arrived at where the execution was held and says, "We need to leave fast." "Why?" asks Hadvar and Vincent says, "A dragon is nearby." "Not again with your dragons," says Hadvar and Vincent says, "I wouldn't have left the inn If I hadn't heard the dragon myself. Didn't you all hear the noises that came before? That was a dragon. Vilod is already evacuating the village with the people that were in the inn."
"If what you said is true then-," says Hadvar when suddenly they heard the noise a third time and a giant Black Dragon landed on one of the towers and it screamed something into the sky and then he screamed again sending people flying. Vincent pushes Hadvar to the ground with him and asks, "Can I have the spear you carry?" "It's all yours but what are you going to do?" asks Hadvar and Vincent takes the spear and says, "Kill the dragon."
He jumps but not as high as he expected only 1,5m high before landing again and he began to think, 'What the f.u.c.k is going on normally I would be at the dragons back by now.' Then he looks at the dragon and thinks, 'If I wasn't sure that Nidhogg is gone I would say that he has followed me here. That dragon also has Black Scales and Red-Eyes the only is that he only has 2 legs instead of 4.' The dragon looks at Vincent and began to shout and flames came out of its mouth.
Vincent wanted to move but he couldn't as if his reflexes weren't trained like they usually are. Then Hadvar jumped in and pushed Vincent and himself out of the attack and asks, "What was that jump?" "Don't ask me. I don't know what is wrong with my body. Normally I would have been on that damn thing neck while piercing the spear in it," says Vincent and then they hear Tullius ordering in a high voice to everyone to evacuate the civilians while the archers and mages should try to bring the dragon down.
Vincent didn't have time to worry the same goes for Hadvar at the moment because the people that were about to get executed revolted And run towards a tower. Hadvar wanted to do something but Vincent says, "It's better to leave here while we still can." "Can't do that I'm bound to the Legion and the Empire and have orders to evacuate the civilians," says Hadvar and Vincent says, "Fine, I will help you as recompensation for helping me."
Both leave to help all civilians that didn't leave the village when Vilod warned them and sent them to the keep or the gates to leave the village as fast as possible while the Legion was taking the attention of the dragon. After helping the civilians did Hadvar return with Vincent to Tullius while asking, "General what should we do now?" "Now we flee. We saved as many people as we could. We will all take different exits and meet again in Solitude. We can't win against this dragon without a ballista to shoot it down and even then we don't know if it really will fall down," says Tullius and point at the keep while saying, "I saw how the Stormcloaks entered the Keep. There is a secret exit in it. You and three others will take that exit out while we try the two entrances of Helgen. Hadvar may the eight be with you."
Hadvar and Vincent, as well as two Nord Legionnaire and an Orc Legionnaire, entered the keep and find some civilians that were killed. "Some ugly business. That wasn't the dragon. Too clean for that must have been how do you call them again?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Stormcloaks. They must have killed them when they wanted to grab some weapons to defend themselves." "Well, at least we can avenge them a bit if there are still some here," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "You should put on some armor to protect yourself. Let's see if we can find some Jorunn and Tor look for some armor in the trunks. Uruk find some standard equipment for him and bring me a spear, please. I will scout forward and see how the situation is."
Hadvar leaves while Jorunn and Tor were searching through all the trunks finding in every trunk some spare pieces of a complete set of a heavy Legion Armor and give it Vincent except for the helmet since it wouldn't fit because of Vincent's horns. Uruk was way fast he provided a shield and sword as well as an arc and quiver full of arrows. Uruk was still holding an additional spear in his hands and Tor asks while Vincent changes into the armor, "So you aren't from Skyrim. From where are you?"
"From a place that is as cold as it called the Coerthas but my real origin should be in Doma don't know where over there since I was born and raised in Coerthas until we had to flee towards Dravanian. When my parents died I returned to Coerthas I was good with the spear and was chosen by the dragon eye like my friend Estinien to become a Dragoon. But now I don't know why I couldn't jump like one," says Vincent and Tor says, "Never heard of Dravanian or Coerthas and even less from a place called Doma." "Maybe it is on another continent beside Tamriel like Akavir and Atmora," says Uruk and Jorunn says, "That could be true no one sailed far to see another continent out of fear that something like in Akavir happens again."
'Well, they don't need to know that I'm from another World anyway," thinks Vincent while finishing putting the armor on and hanging quiver, spear, and arc on his back while the sword was on the left side of his waist and the shield was put on the left arm with the help of Uruk and Hadvar returns and says, "Well, it fits you well better than the shabby clothes you had on. Now let's talk about what we will encounter. I scouted and found more dead civilians. The Stormcloaks must have been pissed that they wanted them dead. Now going deeper I found a room with at least ten Stormcloaks searching for proviant and potions. We will meet them and kill them everyone understands."
"Yes," say the three legionnaires and Vincent doesn't says anything and just follows Hadvar. They walk through the keep and find the Stormcloaks searching for enough provisions to reach Windhelm. Hadvar gives a signal and all six attack the Stormcloaks by surprise killing twenty of them while Tor only lost an arm to them. After collecting enough provisions for them to reach the next village and bandaging Tor's wounds they keep moving onwards.
Arriving at where the Legion normally tortured their prisoners for information finding the Torturer and his assistant hanging from the ceiling and Hadvar says, "Bastards killed them and hung them like dogs. They will pay for this." The other three were also angry and Vincent says, "We can think about that when we have survived the dragon." "Right let put them down and gave them their last rites before burning them," says Hadvar and the other three nodded and Hadvar says, "Tor look for everything that could be useful with only one arm you won't be able to help us take them down."
"Yes, Hadvar," says Tor and looks around the room finding two Spell Tomes of the School of Destruction that were Flames and Sparks, and one of the School of Restoration that was Healing. He also found a pouch with gold coins. The others were helping to bring the dead down. After doing it the gave the rites and burn the dead and Hadvar asks, "What did you find?" "A pouch with Septims and three Spell Tome," says Tor pointing at a table with his only hand and Hadvar takes the tomes and gives them to Vincent and says, "You should try to learn them once you have time since they are for Novice everyone in the Legion can do the Novice stuff and if your village was really that shut down in some backwater place you will need them. The money I will take we need to get to Solitude and with the money everything should be easier."
They rested for a while and then they hear Stormcloaks coming from the front saying, "Where could they be with the provisions?" "I hope they didn't eat everything or we will have to plunder a village on our way home." Hadvar the whispers everyone, "Be ready Stormcloaks are coming our way. Vincent look after Tor he can't defend himself without a shield. And Tor don't see it as pity. I don't want to tell your wife you died because we couldn't protect you when it isn't true."
Everyone was ready to ambush the Stormcloaks. This time they were only five and they finished them off quite fast. Vincent then asks, "How long until we reach the end?" "Don't know we weren't stationed here before we arrived and the two that could tell us are dead," says Hadvar. Hadvar gets an idea and says, "Everyone strip and put the clothes of the Stormcloaks on with them we should be able to pass without fighting them." "What about me?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Prisoner, as well as Uruk, put the scrappy clothes of those prisoners on and we can pass you as prisoners of the Empire we saved."
Everyone does as said and they walk through the keep and arrive at a checkpoint we're the Stormcloaks made a temporary camp for themselves they sneak past it like this and arrived at the and Hadvar says, "Good Job everyone now let's find the way out and disappear from here." Everyone was touching the wall trying to find a mechanism and Vincent just gave up and leaned against the wall and the bridge came down. They passed the bridge and put it on fire closing the way for the Stormcloaks to enter the cave and Uruk says, "I hope the others don't need to get through here."
"They said they will leave through the exist everyone in a small group. Once in Solitude, we will know who made it and who not," says Hadvar and they continue on their path. They find Giant Spiders on their path that weren't really a challenge for them. They stripped everything valuable from the corpse of the Spiders and continued on their way. They finding one bear and didn't even think about it and attacked it since they were outnumbering it. After killing it they did the same to the bear and find an exit out of the cave. And Hadvar says, "By Talos, we are still alive." "The question is for how long if you say Talos again. You know that the Thalmor could kill us just for you saying it," says Jorunn and Hadvar says, "Can't a man be happy to survive all this shit. Anyway we should go to Riverwood it's the nearest village from here and my uncle is the blacksmith there he will help us."
Little did Vincent know that his real journey will begin there.
"Vincent Highwind. Now you what is your name and who are those Stormcloaks and more importantly what are we riding right now? It can't be a Chocobo it's not soft enough to be one and it has no scales like the dragon Bultechu would use," says Vincent and the man says, "The name is Hadvar. And you have a good joke about someone riding on a dragon but sorry to disappoint you we are riding a simple horse. The dragons are all long dead. But let's change the topic you really never heard of the Stormcloaks before?"
"Nop, never what are they?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Traitors to the Empire. But it's also no wonder you didn't hear from them if you just came from somewhere else. Ulfric Stormcloak is the leader of the Stormcloaks. He started a rebellion against the Empire because the Empire prohibited the worshipping of Talos because of the White-Gold Concordat. But if the Empire didn't do that we would have lost far more then that to the damned Thalmors."
"And those Thalmors are?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Under which stone were you raised to not know of the Thalmors." "Let's just say in my village is pretty reclusive and it doesn't interest us what happens outside the village," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "That would also explain why you didn't know about the Stormcloaks. But let's talk later we are almost at the village named Helgen. Once there I will leave you at the inn. Wait until we have finished our business and I will help you later to get home."
"Fine by me," says Vincent as both enter the village as dead last and a man with grey hair asks, "Hadvar did you find out something about that man that appeared in the light?" "That man can hear you," says Vincent and Hadvar salutes and says, "He isn't from around here General Tullius. He must have met with some misfortune to appear right in front of us. His village must be really reclusive since he doesn't even know of the Great War and the Thalmors." "Not so loud Hadvar. We are being watched by them. We can talk after the main event about, what was his name?" asks Tullius and Vincent says, "Vincent Highwing."
"Sound like an Argonian name to me. And he has scales here and there and a tail just your horns and your skin makes you different from them. But we can talk later about that," says Tullius and Hadvar salutes again and leaves and then he says, "The General likes you. He wouldn't have asked your name if that wasn't the case. And here I will let you down. Inside should be Vilod tell him I sent you he will give you something to eat and drink." "What about those?" asks Logan signaling at the shackles and Hadvar takes them off and Vincent says, "See you later then." And enters the inn.
Once inside he tells Vilod about what Hadvar told him and Vilod served him some stew with his special mead made by mixing juniper berries in. In the meantime, Hadvar was going through his list and was ready for the execution of the Stormcloaks. Tullius gave his speech about Ulfric taking the law into his own hands and saying that he was a traitor. Then they heard something loud but Tullius ordered to continue the execution.
Meanwhile, Vincent was tense when he heard the noise. Ishgard was for thousand years in a war with the dragons until the peace treaty between the dragons and Ishgard was made. He runs out and Vilod follows him and Vincent asks, "Does a dragon live nearby?" "Dragons are long-dead boy. Why do you ask?" asks Vilod and Vincent says, "Then you must be false informed. That sound was definitely a dragon. I would never forget the noise of a dragon for my whole life." "If what you say is true then we should evacuate the people," says Vilod and Vincent thinks, 'That's to easy to talk to this person. It must be the blessing I received from that woman.'
"Then let's make haste before its too late," says Vincent who runs toward were Hadvar went while Vilod warned the people that were in the inn. Then the people went from house to house to warn the others when they heard the noise a second time it was nearer than before. Vincent arrived at where the execution was held and says, "We need to leave fast." "Why?" asks Hadvar and Vincent says, "A dragon is nearby." "Not again with your dragons," says Hadvar and Vincent says, "I wouldn't have left the inn If I hadn't heard the dragon myself. Didn't you all hear the noises that came before? That was a dragon. Vilod is already evacuating the village with the people that were in the inn."
"If what you said is true then-," says Hadvar when suddenly they heard the noise a third time and a giant Black Dragon landed on one of the towers and it screamed something into the sky and then he screamed again sending people flying. Vincent pushes Hadvar to the ground with him and asks, "Can I have the spear you carry?" "It's all yours but what are you going to do?" asks Hadvar and Vincent takes the spear and says, "Kill the dragon."
He jumps but not as high as he expected only 1,5m high before landing again and he began to think, 'What the f.u.c.k is going on normally I would be at the dragons back by now.' Then he looks at the dragon and thinks, 'If I wasn't sure that Nidhogg is gone I would say that he has followed me here. That dragon also has Black Scales and Red-Eyes the only is that he only has 2 legs instead of 4.' The dragon looks at Vincent and began to shout and flames came out of its mouth.
Vincent wanted to move but he couldn't as if his reflexes weren't trained like they usually are. Then Hadvar jumped in and pushed Vincent and himself out of the attack and asks, "What was that jump?" "Don't ask me. I don't know what is wrong with my body. Normally I would have been on that damn thing neck while piercing the spear in it," says Vincent and then they hear Tullius ordering in a high voice to everyone to evacuate the civilians while the archers and mages should try to bring the dragon down.
Vincent didn't have time to worry the same goes for Hadvar at the moment because the people that were about to get executed revolted And run towards a tower. Hadvar wanted to do something but Vincent says, "It's better to leave here while we still can." "Can't do that I'm bound to the Legion and the Empire and have orders to evacuate the civilians," says Hadvar and Vincent says, "Fine, I will help you as recompensation for helping me."
Both leave to help all civilians that didn't leave the village when Vilod warned them and sent them to the keep or the gates to leave the village as fast as possible while the Legion was taking the attention of the dragon. After helping the civilians did Hadvar return with Vincent to Tullius while asking, "General what should we do now?" "Now we flee. We saved as many people as we could. We will all take different exits and meet again in Solitude. We can't win against this dragon without a ballista to shoot it down and even then we don't know if it really will fall down," says Tullius and point at the keep while saying, "I saw how the Stormcloaks entered the Keep. There is a secret exit in it. You and three others will take that exit out while we try the two entrances of Helgen. Hadvar may the eight be with you."
Hadvar and Vincent, as well as two Nord Legionnaire and an Orc Legionnaire, entered the keep and find some civilians that were killed. "Some ugly business. That wasn't the dragon. Too clean for that must have been how do you call them again?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Stormcloaks. They must have killed them when they wanted to grab some weapons to defend themselves." "Well, at least we can avenge them a bit if there are still some here," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "You should put on some armor to protect yourself. Let's see if we can find some Jorunn and Tor look for some armor in the trunks. Uruk find some standard equipment for him and bring me a spear, please. I will scout forward and see how the situation is."
Hadvar leaves while Jorunn and Tor were searching through all the trunks finding in every trunk some spare pieces of a complete set of a heavy Legion Armor and give it Vincent except for the helmet since it wouldn't fit because of Vincent's horns. Uruk was way fast he provided a shield and sword as well as an arc and quiver full of arrows. Uruk was still holding an additional spear in his hands and Tor asks while Vincent changes into the armor, "So you aren't from Skyrim. From where are you?"
"From a place that is as cold as it called the Coerthas but my real origin should be in Doma don't know where over there since I was born and raised in Coerthas until we had to flee towards Dravanian. When my parents died I returned to Coerthas I was good with the spear and was chosen by the dragon eye like my friend Estinien to become a Dragoon. But now I don't know why I couldn't jump like one," says Vincent and Tor says, "Never heard of Dravanian or Coerthas and even less from a place called Doma." "Maybe it is on another continent beside Tamriel like Akavir and Atmora," says Uruk and Jorunn says, "That could be true no one sailed far to see another continent out of fear that something like in Akavir happens again."
'Well, they don't need to know that I'm from another World anyway," thinks Vincent while finishing putting the armor on and hanging quiver, spear, and arc on his back while the sword was on the left side of his waist and the shield was put on the left arm with the help of Uruk and Hadvar returns and says, "Well, it fits you well better than the shabby clothes you had on. Now let's talk about what we will encounter. I scouted and found more dead civilians. The Stormcloaks must have been pissed that they wanted them dead. Now going deeper I found a room with at least ten Stormcloaks searching for proviant and potions. We will meet them and kill them everyone understands."
"Yes," say the three legionnaires and Vincent doesn't says anything and just follows Hadvar. They walk through the keep and find the Stormcloaks searching for enough provisions to reach Windhelm. Hadvar gives a signal and all six attack the Stormcloaks by surprise killing twenty of them while Tor only lost an arm to them. After collecting enough provisions for them to reach the next village and bandaging Tor's wounds they keep moving onwards.
Arriving at where the Legion normally tortured their prisoners for information finding the Torturer and his assistant hanging from the ceiling and Hadvar says, "Bastards killed them and hung them like dogs. They will pay for this." The other three were also angry and Vincent says, "We can think about that when we have survived the dragon." "Right let put them down and gave them their last rites before burning them," says Hadvar and the other three nodded and Hadvar says, "Tor look for everything that could be useful with only one arm you won't be able to help us take them down."
"Yes, Hadvar," says Tor and looks around the room finding two Spell Tomes of the School of Destruction that were Flames and Sparks, and one of the School of Restoration that was Healing. He also found a pouch with gold coins. The others were helping to bring the dead down. After doing it the gave the rites and burn the dead and Hadvar asks, "What did you find?" "A pouch with Septims and three Spell Tome," says Tor pointing at a table with his only hand and Hadvar takes the tomes and gives them to Vincent and says, "You should try to learn them once you have time since they are for Novice everyone in the Legion can do the Novice stuff and if your village was really that shut down in some backwater place you will need them. The money I will take we need to get to Solitude and with the money everything should be easier."
They rested for a while and then they hear Stormcloaks coming from the front saying, "Where could they be with the provisions?" "I hope they didn't eat everything or we will have to plunder a village on our way home." Hadvar the whispers everyone, "Be ready Stormcloaks are coming our way. Vincent look after Tor he can't defend himself without a shield. And Tor don't see it as pity. I don't want to tell your wife you died because we couldn't protect you when it isn't true."
Everyone was ready to ambush the Stormcloaks. This time they were only five and they finished them off quite fast. Vincent then asks, "How long until we reach the end?" "Don't know we weren't stationed here before we arrived and the two that could tell us are dead," says Hadvar. Hadvar gets an idea and says, "Everyone strip and put the clothes of the Stormcloaks on with them we should be able to pass without fighting them." "What about me?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "Prisoner, as well as Uruk, put the scrappy clothes of those prisoners on and we can pass you as prisoners of the Empire we saved."
Everyone does as said and they walk through the keep and arrive at a checkpoint we're the Stormcloaks made a temporary camp for themselves they sneak past it like this and arrived at the and Hadvar says, "Good Job everyone now let's find the way out and disappear from here." Everyone was touching the wall trying to find a mechanism and Vincent just gave up and leaned against the wall and the bridge came down. They passed the bridge and put it on fire closing the way for the Stormcloaks to enter the cave and Uruk says, "I hope the others don't need to get through here."
"They said they will leave through the exist everyone in a small group. Once in Solitude, we will know who made it and who not," says Hadvar and they continue on their path. They find Giant Spiders on their path that weren't really a challenge for them. They stripped everything valuable from the corpse of the Spiders and continued on their way. They finding one bear and didn't even think about it and attacked it since they were outnumbering it. After killing it they did the same to the bear and find an exit out of the cave. And Hadvar says, "By Talos, we are still alive." "The question is for how long if you say Talos again. You know that the Thalmor could kill us just for you saying it," says Jorunn and Hadvar says, "Can't a man be happy to survive all this shit. Anyway we should go to Riverwood it's the nearest village from here and my uncle is the blacksmith there he will help us."
Little did Vincent know that his real journey will begin there.
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