The Dragoon In Skyrim
Chapter 3 - Meeting Alvor
"We will rest here until tomorrow morning and then march towards Riverwood. Uruk can you bring the bear here while I make a fire so we can eat and sleep here tonight," says Hadvar and Vincent says, "I will help Uruk with the bear." "Thank you," says Uruk as both enter the cave again and bring the dead skinned bear out and once outside the cut it in parts and begin to cook it by the fire with the help of their swords and spears then they ate and Vincent looks into the sky and sees two moons and thinks, 'Yes definitely I'm not in my world any longer.' The rest lies down and began to sleep while Vincent took his spear and began to train with it trying to find out why his Jump doesn't work any longer.
"It won't work because you died remember," says a voice behind him and Vincent looks behind and sees Akatosh and says angrily, "And how will I regain my old powers then. I almost died today because I couldn't jump on the dragons back to attack its neck." "Like you were doing right now training. But I wouldn't only rely on a spear but at other weapons too. I thought you Warrior of Light could change weapons while fighting," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "I was promoted when I died. I'm not Bultechu who jumped from Bard to Dragoon to Monk to White mage and to Dark Knight. I was a simple Dragoon and nothing more."
"Then it's the time you become something more or more people will die because you couldn't protect them. You have seen the civilians that died inside the keep. Do you want that to happen again," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "Never." "Then show me the spirit of the Warrior of Light and become what you need to be. Sometimes it's a Dragoon but sometime it might be an Archer," says Akatosh and Vincent says correcting him, "Bard! Not, Archer, we call them Bardes."
"Whatever I'm no expert in how you call your professions. But don't you think Hydealyn gave you the crystal so you can learn from it," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "You are right why didn't I came on that idea." "You really need to get that head of yours checked," says Akatosh and Vincent was already in thoughts and Akatosh has a smile on his faces as he leaves seeing Vincent take the crystal out of his pocket and both began to shine.
Vincent appears in the middle of the darkness surrounded by a seal of light under him and a Miqo'te walking at him in Barde's clothes and Vincent says, "That can't be you are one of the Warriors of Darkness." "And you that stupid Dragoon that helped the Warrior of Light. When we fought each other after we defeated Ravana," says the Miqo'te and Vincent asks, "What are you doing here?" "What you didn't know didn't Bultechu and the others tell you that we were also Warriors of Light in our world," says the Miqo'te and Vincent says, "I died in the fight against Nidhogg on the very same bridge after taking the eyes out of Estinien. What about you?"
"I'm just a fragment of my former self. My name is Renda-Rae. I died trying to stop a catastrophe that happened in the First World. My world. Part of me is still wandering that realm while the rest is in the crystal you have. Hydealyn gave us instructions to teach you the basics of every class when you call for help from the crystal," says Renda-Rae and Vincent asks, "Us?" "Yes, you can't see them yet, can you. But they are all here to teach you the basics again. But for now, let's begin with the arc since I'm here," says Renda-Rae and teaches the basics to Vincent until the night was over and says, "It seems our time together is over. Keep using the basics I taught you and you should be able to survive until we meet again. What was your name again?" "Vincent Highwind," says Vincent and Renda-Rae says, "See you, Vincent."
The next moment Vincent awakens and sees how everyone was eating the leftovers from the bear and Hadvar says, "How was your sleep? You were saying a weird name while asleep. What was it again?" "Rendarae I think," says Tor and Vincent says, "It's separate Renda-Rae. And she was an enemy of mine before." "Oh, did you have a crush on her or why were you saying the name of your former enemy in your sleep," says Jorunn and Vincent says, "How about I eat something first and we talk about that once we are safe."
"Good idea. Like said yesterday we go to Riverwood from here and once there we will look how we continue," says Hadvar as he hands over some meat to Vincent. After everyone ate some breakfast they walked on a path towards the main road. Once on the main road, they follow it North. Vincent enjoys the view and Hadvar says, "It seems you enjoy the view on the Bleak Falls Barrow. If I were you I wouldn't enter it. Just thinking of the Draugs inside it gives me the chills. My parents told me as kids stories that they would come out at nights and drag bad kids away."
"Really Hadvar you are scared of Draugs," says Tor and Vincent asks, "What's a Draug?" "They are undead that live in old Nord graves. It's better not to interrupt their rest but if you have to keep in mind that the dead you see sleeping in the catacombs could be awake. It's hard to differentiate between the ones that are really dead and those that are still alive," says Jorunn and Vincent asks, "Any tips against Draugs?" "Try to stay away from them if you can't try to have a priest with you or learn fire spells an enchanted blade can do the trick too. That should help against some Draugs," says Jorunn as they arrive at the Guardian Stones and Hadvar says, "Right you are new in Skyrim. Those are Guardian Stones. Those three specifically stand for Mage, Warrior or Thief depending on which one you choose." "What do you mean which one I choose?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "There are 13 Guardian Stones. Everyone represents a constellation and gives us a blessing. The Warrior Stone makes you better at fighting, Mage Stone makes it easier to handle spells and the Thief Stone well you can imagine it right."
'If the blessing work I don't need the Warrior Stone or the Mage Stone but the Thief Stone could be useful,' thinks Vincent and touches the Thief Stone and Hadvar says, "Thief are you sure?" "Pretty much I can fight and I think I will be able to learn spells fast but skills like the ones a Thief has will be hard for me to learn," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "If you think so." Hadvar then leaves and Tor says, "Don't take it to hard he was robbed by an attractive woman before. That's why he hates thieves a little. Jorunn is also under the star of the Thief. And Uruk over there is under the Mage stone while I'm under the Steed Stone and Hadvar is under the Warrior Stone."
"Are you all coming or what," says Hadvar loud and they caught up to him. Once in front of the entrance to Riverwood Hadvar says, "Welcome to my hometown but let go fast to my uncle's house not everyone likes me in this village." "How sounds like home to me," says Vincent and Tor asks, "Why you also aren't liked at home?" "Something like that. Since I'm an Au-Ra I wasn't really welcome until I proved I was worth it. Just that it was almost too late," says Vincent and Jorunn says, "Why you can still try to find a way back so don't give up that easily. Or we will think of you became a milk-drinker next time we meet you."
"A what?" asks Vincent and Uruk says, "A weakling. Nords call them milk-drinker. Also never ask for milk in a tavern or you will end up in a brawl." They arrive at Hadvar's uncle's house and Hadvar knocked on the door and a woman opens the door while asking, "Who is it?" She sees Hadvar and says, "Hadvar what are you doing here and why are you in Stormcloaks armor. If your uncle finds out he might kill you." "We are in disguise. We had to flee from Helgen can we enter. I don't want to talk about that in the streets Sigrid," says Hadvar and Sigrid says, "Fine I will send Dorthe to bring Alvor back from the Sleeping Giant. He went for a drink since he doesn't have to work right now."
"Dorthe can you book us two rooms in the Sleeping Giant Inn?" asks Hadvar and Dorthe says, "No problem but I need the money or they will think I'm pranking them like Frodnar always tries." "Here you go girl," says Hadvar giving Dorthe enough money for two rooms and Dorthe leaves and Sigrid says, "Now then you must be hungry right." "Not really we had a satisfying breakfast," says Hadvar and after five minutes Alvor enters the house with Dorthe and Alvor takes his Warhammer in his hand when he sees Hadvar in Stormcloaks uniform and screams, "Traitor." While attacking Hadvar.
"Uncle stop," says Hadvar and the other men had to stop Alvor and Sigrid says, "If you destroy anything that is inside the house I will make you pay for it old fool. Dorthe how about you go down while we grown-ups talk about something important." "But mom," says Dorthe and Sigrid says, "No buts young lady. We will talk later about it." "Not fair," says Dorthe and Sigrid says, "If you don't I will put you in one of those dresses I brought you before." "No please I will go down," says Dorthe and leaves them. Alvor has calmed down after he was sober again and Hadvar told him what happened in Helgen. And Alvor says, "That would explain what I saw yesterday flying over the village. At first, I thought it was my eyes that were playing me a prank but now it makes sense. Do you think your General Tullius knows how to kill the dragon?"
"We don't know yet. But Vincent was the first to suspect a dragon was around after hearing the roar of it," says Hadvar and Alvor says, "Aren't you suspicious of him." "Not really we found him on the ground near Helgen. I couldn't let him die. Also, he is a passable fighter," says Hadvar and Alvor says, "If that is true then I will need his help." "For?" asks Vincent and Alvor says, "As you can see we here don't have many guards. Only two or three guards patrolling the village. If that dragon ever returns and attacks our city we would all die as defenseless as a newborn child. I just want you to go to Whiterun and inform the Jarl about what happened in Helgen."
"Why I and not Hadvar?" asks Vincent and Tor says, "It's because Jarl Balgruuf and Whiterun are neutral ground. He wouldn't allow Imperial Soldiers in his city or Stormcloaks. The only exception are the Battle-Borns and Gray-Manes clans. The clans live in Whiterun now for a long time. That's why the Jarl allows them to stay. If it were someone like me he would throw you out of the city. Trust me he did it with me. My mother still lives in Whiterun but I'm not allowed to stay there. The same goes for the Stormcloaks. That's why Alvor is asking you." "If that is so I will need an armor I can't go out and fight in those prisoner clothes," says Vincent and Alvor says, "Don't worry you shall get an armor from me. Once inside Whiterun go to the Warmaiden's and tell Ulfberth I sent you. He will help you enter Dragonreach. After entering Dragonreach you need to talk to Irileth. She is the Jarl's Housecarl. Just tell her I sent you and she will listen. She knows I wouldn't send you if it wasn't important."
"Alright, that should be easier than killing the dragon. What about you four?" says Vincent and Hadvar says, "We will try to get to Solitude as fast as we can. I really hope to see you there again after you are done with everything around here." "There is a Khajiit caravan outside the village you could ask them to take you all with them for a while," says Alvor and Hadvar says, "That might be a good idea but we will need some new clothes too so we can join them." "Do you have some coins. I can give one set for free to your friend over there since he is doing me a favor but the rest of you need to pay for an armor that means you too, Hadvar," says Alvor and Hadvar gives him the whole pouch and Alvor says, "Good. Tomorrow should the armors be ready for you all. Just rest for today in the Sleeping Giant."
"Good idea. You four go and rest while I talk to the Khajiit caravan and ask them if they could take us towards Solitude," says Hadvar and Uruk says, "Good Luck, we will rest at the inn and wait for you." The five leave Alvor's house and split up Hadvar goes to the other side of the village to make a deal with the Khajiit while the others went to the inn.
"It won't work because you died remember," says a voice behind him and Vincent looks behind and sees Akatosh and says angrily, "And how will I regain my old powers then. I almost died today because I couldn't jump on the dragons back to attack its neck." "Like you were doing right now training. But I wouldn't only rely on a spear but at other weapons too. I thought you Warrior of Light could change weapons while fighting," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "I was promoted when I died. I'm not Bultechu who jumped from Bard to Dragoon to Monk to White mage and to Dark Knight. I was a simple Dragoon and nothing more."
"Then it's the time you become something more or more people will die because you couldn't protect them. You have seen the civilians that died inside the keep. Do you want that to happen again," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "Never." "Then show me the spirit of the Warrior of Light and become what you need to be. Sometimes it's a Dragoon but sometime it might be an Archer," says Akatosh and Vincent says correcting him, "Bard! Not, Archer, we call them Bardes."
"Whatever I'm no expert in how you call your professions. But don't you think Hydealyn gave you the crystal so you can learn from it," says Akatosh and Vincent says, "You are right why didn't I came on that idea." "You really need to get that head of yours checked," says Akatosh and Vincent was already in thoughts and Akatosh has a smile on his faces as he leaves seeing Vincent take the crystal out of his pocket and both began to shine.
Vincent appears in the middle of the darkness surrounded by a seal of light under him and a Miqo'te walking at him in Barde's clothes and Vincent says, "That can't be you are one of the Warriors of Darkness." "And you that stupid Dragoon that helped the Warrior of Light. When we fought each other after we defeated Ravana," says the Miqo'te and Vincent asks, "What are you doing here?" "What you didn't know didn't Bultechu and the others tell you that we were also Warriors of Light in our world," says the Miqo'te and Vincent says, "I died in the fight against Nidhogg on the very same bridge after taking the eyes out of Estinien. What about you?"
"I'm just a fragment of my former self. My name is Renda-Rae. I died trying to stop a catastrophe that happened in the First World. My world. Part of me is still wandering that realm while the rest is in the crystal you have. Hydealyn gave us instructions to teach you the basics of every class when you call for help from the crystal," says Renda-Rae and Vincent asks, "Us?" "Yes, you can't see them yet, can you. But they are all here to teach you the basics again. But for now, let's begin with the arc since I'm here," says Renda-Rae and teaches the basics to Vincent until the night was over and says, "It seems our time together is over. Keep using the basics I taught you and you should be able to survive until we meet again. What was your name again?" "Vincent Highwind," says Vincent and Renda-Rae says, "See you, Vincent."
The next moment Vincent awakens and sees how everyone was eating the leftovers from the bear and Hadvar says, "How was your sleep? You were saying a weird name while asleep. What was it again?" "Rendarae I think," says Tor and Vincent says, "It's separate Renda-Rae. And she was an enemy of mine before." "Oh, did you have a crush on her or why were you saying the name of your former enemy in your sleep," says Jorunn and Vincent says, "How about I eat something first and we talk about that once we are safe."
"Good idea. Like said yesterday we go to Riverwood from here and once there we will look how we continue," says Hadvar as he hands over some meat to Vincent. After everyone ate some breakfast they walked on a path towards the main road. Once on the main road, they follow it North. Vincent enjoys the view and Hadvar says, "It seems you enjoy the view on the Bleak Falls Barrow. If I were you I wouldn't enter it. Just thinking of the Draugs inside it gives me the chills. My parents told me as kids stories that they would come out at nights and drag bad kids away."
"Really Hadvar you are scared of Draugs," says Tor and Vincent asks, "What's a Draug?" "They are undead that live in old Nord graves. It's better not to interrupt their rest but if you have to keep in mind that the dead you see sleeping in the catacombs could be awake. It's hard to differentiate between the ones that are really dead and those that are still alive," says Jorunn and Vincent asks, "Any tips against Draugs?" "Try to stay away from them if you can't try to have a priest with you or learn fire spells an enchanted blade can do the trick too. That should help against some Draugs," says Jorunn as they arrive at the Guardian Stones and Hadvar says, "Right you are new in Skyrim. Those are Guardian Stones. Those three specifically stand for Mage, Warrior or Thief depending on which one you choose." "What do you mean which one I choose?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "There are 13 Guardian Stones. Everyone represents a constellation and gives us a blessing. The Warrior Stone makes you better at fighting, Mage Stone makes it easier to handle spells and the Thief Stone well you can imagine it right."
'If the blessing work I don't need the Warrior Stone or the Mage Stone but the Thief Stone could be useful,' thinks Vincent and touches the Thief Stone and Hadvar says, "Thief are you sure?" "Pretty much I can fight and I think I will be able to learn spells fast but skills like the ones a Thief has will be hard for me to learn," says Vincent and Hadvar says, "If you think so." Hadvar then leaves and Tor says, "Don't take it to hard he was robbed by an attractive woman before. That's why he hates thieves a little. Jorunn is also under the star of the Thief. And Uruk over there is under the Mage stone while I'm under the Steed Stone and Hadvar is under the Warrior Stone."
"Are you all coming or what," says Hadvar loud and they caught up to him. Once in front of the entrance to Riverwood Hadvar says, "Welcome to my hometown but let go fast to my uncle's house not everyone likes me in this village." "How sounds like home to me," says Vincent and Tor asks, "Why you also aren't liked at home?" "Something like that. Since I'm an Au-Ra I wasn't really welcome until I proved I was worth it. Just that it was almost too late," says Vincent and Jorunn says, "Why you can still try to find a way back so don't give up that easily. Or we will think of you became a milk-drinker next time we meet you."
"A what?" asks Vincent and Uruk says, "A weakling. Nords call them milk-drinker. Also never ask for milk in a tavern or you will end up in a brawl." They arrive at Hadvar's uncle's house and Hadvar knocked on the door and a woman opens the door while asking, "Who is it?" She sees Hadvar and says, "Hadvar what are you doing here and why are you in Stormcloaks armor. If your uncle finds out he might kill you." "We are in disguise. We had to flee from Helgen can we enter. I don't want to talk about that in the streets Sigrid," says Hadvar and Sigrid says, "Fine I will send Dorthe to bring Alvor back from the Sleeping Giant. He went for a drink since he doesn't have to work right now."
"Dorthe can you book us two rooms in the Sleeping Giant Inn?" asks Hadvar and Dorthe says, "No problem but I need the money or they will think I'm pranking them like Frodnar always tries." "Here you go girl," says Hadvar giving Dorthe enough money for two rooms and Dorthe leaves and Sigrid says, "Now then you must be hungry right." "Not really we had a satisfying breakfast," says Hadvar and after five minutes Alvor enters the house with Dorthe and Alvor takes his Warhammer in his hand when he sees Hadvar in Stormcloaks uniform and screams, "Traitor." While attacking Hadvar.
"Uncle stop," says Hadvar and the other men had to stop Alvor and Sigrid says, "If you destroy anything that is inside the house I will make you pay for it old fool. Dorthe how about you go down while we grown-ups talk about something important." "But mom," says Dorthe and Sigrid says, "No buts young lady. We will talk later about it." "Not fair," says Dorthe and Sigrid says, "If you don't I will put you in one of those dresses I brought you before." "No please I will go down," says Dorthe and leaves them. Alvor has calmed down after he was sober again and Hadvar told him what happened in Helgen. And Alvor says, "That would explain what I saw yesterday flying over the village. At first, I thought it was my eyes that were playing me a prank but now it makes sense. Do you think your General Tullius knows how to kill the dragon?"
"We don't know yet. But Vincent was the first to suspect a dragon was around after hearing the roar of it," says Hadvar and Alvor says, "Aren't you suspicious of him." "Not really we found him on the ground near Helgen. I couldn't let him die. Also, he is a passable fighter," says Hadvar and Alvor says, "If that is true then I will need his help." "For?" asks Vincent and Alvor says, "As you can see we here don't have many guards. Only two or three guards patrolling the village. If that dragon ever returns and attacks our city we would all die as defenseless as a newborn child. I just want you to go to Whiterun and inform the Jarl about what happened in Helgen."
"Why I and not Hadvar?" asks Vincent and Tor says, "It's because Jarl Balgruuf and Whiterun are neutral ground. He wouldn't allow Imperial Soldiers in his city or Stormcloaks. The only exception are the Battle-Borns and Gray-Manes clans. The clans live in Whiterun now for a long time. That's why the Jarl allows them to stay. If it were someone like me he would throw you out of the city. Trust me he did it with me. My mother still lives in Whiterun but I'm not allowed to stay there. The same goes for the Stormcloaks. That's why Alvor is asking you." "If that is so I will need an armor I can't go out and fight in those prisoner clothes," says Vincent and Alvor says, "Don't worry you shall get an armor from me. Once inside Whiterun go to the Warmaiden's and tell Ulfberth I sent you. He will help you enter Dragonreach. After entering Dragonreach you need to talk to Irileth. She is the Jarl's Housecarl. Just tell her I sent you and she will listen. She knows I wouldn't send you if it wasn't important."
"Alright, that should be easier than killing the dragon. What about you four?" says Vincent and Hadvar says, "We will try to get to Solitude as fast as we can. I really hope to see you there again after you are done with everything around here." "There is a Khajiit caravan outside the village you could ask them to take you all with them for a while," says Alvor and Hadvar says, "That might be a good idea but we will need some new clothes too so we can join them." "Do you have some coins. I can give one set for free to your friend over there since he is doing me a favor but the rest of you need to pay for an armor that means you too, Hadvar," says Alvor and Hadvar gives him the whole pouch and Alvor says, "Good. Tomorrow should the armors be ready for you all. Just rest for today in the Sleeping Giant."
"Good idea. You four go and rest while I talk to the Khajiit caravan and ask them if they could take us towards Solitude," says Hadvar and Uruk says, "Good Luck, we will rest at the inn and wait for you." The five leave Alvor's house and split up Hadvar goes to the other side of the village to make a deal with the Khajiit while the others went to the inn.
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