The Dragoon In Skyrim
Chapter 4 - Fighting a Giant
The same night Vincent was back in the space and meet with Renda-Rae to train his mastery as an Archer while also training his Lancer skills back up to a level he can fell confident about them. "It seems we will meet every night from now on but soon you will meet another person. It seems you never get exhausted and that is not because you are a Warrior of Light. Who gave you that power?" asks Renda-Rae and Vincent says, "A Divine from the World I'm in right now. It seems I can't get exhausted but I still need to sleep. Weird right?" "Yes but our time is up see next time," says Renda-Rae before everything turned black again.
The next morning Vincent woke up after Hadvar called him they sat on a table and Hadvar says, "We got a ride towards Solitude in two days and you will go with Faendal towards Whiterun." "Who is Faendal?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "An elf that works for Hod the village's lumberjack. He will deliver some lumber to a farmer near Whiterun for Hod. He will leave you near Whiterun where the farmer lives from there he will tell you the way you need to go to Whiterun. You should see my uncle after breakfast to get your armor. He will accompany you for the rest. I hope we see each other again in Solitude. The Imperial Army always needs people like you."
"I will do so once I have time. My feeling says I won't have much free time once I enter Whiterun," says Vincent and Tor says, "That can happen Whiterun is in the center of Skyrim you will find enough workaround there. Just remember us if the work is done around there." "Don't worry I won't forget my one-armed bandit," says Vincent and everyone was confused and Vincent says, "Don't tell me you don't have slot machines around here. You put some coins in it and gamble on it either you win or lose." "Never heard of something like that," says Uruk and Jorunn says, "Now it's official he is from another continent. We don't have something like this in Tamriel." "Then I can only say you are losing on a thrilling experience. But anyway I should go meet Alvor, see you all," says Vincent as he leaves the Sleeping Giant and walks towards Alvor's house.
Arriving there he doesn't need to enter since Alvor was outside talking with an Elezen that had a weird proportionated head. "Alvor I came for the armor," says Vincent and Alvor says, "Right, the armor is on the table over there, Vincent. I made some entries on the side of the helmet so you could put it on without a long fight with your horns." Vincent walks towards the table and puts the iron armor set on and Alvor says, "Is everything alright. Does it fit as it should?" "Yes, it fits perfectly. How did you know?" asks Vincent and Alvor says, "I'm not a blacksmith since yesterday boy. And I'm not blind either. I made many armors before yours and will still make more after you leave. Now it's better I present you to the person that will take you near Whiterun. Where are you going again Faendal?"
"I will take him to Pelagia's Farm. Severio ordered the lumber. So you are Vincent you don't look like an Argonian but have the tail of one and even some scales in the face. But the face looks more men and mer alike," says Faendal and Vincent says, "You also don't look like an Elezen even though you share their ears." "Now now you two stop discussing. Vincent, you know what you have to do once in Whiterun?" asks Alvor and Vincent says, "Meet your friend in the Warmaiden's and ask them for help." "Good here is the letter it should help you," says Alvor handing over a letter to Vincent who puts it somewhere safe and Faendal says, "Well then let's go and get on our ride towards Pelagia Farm. You sit in the back of the cart with the wood while I guide the horse towards our destination."
Vincent jumps onto the cart and lays on the wood staring at the sky while Faendal sits in the front and takes the reigns of the horses and they begin to move towards their destination. "So what are you really?" asks Faendal and Vincent says, "An Au-Ra. What about you?" "I'm a Bosmer or better known as a Wood Elf. I didn't want to offend you before. I was just curious since I never met one of your kind before," says Faendal and Vincent says, "The same back. I just want to inform the Jarl and reunite with my friends in Solitude." "Going to join the Legion?" asks Faendal and Vincent says, "They sound better than the Stormcloaks. If I can trust my new friends."
"They are right if you ask me. Just don't tell Hod his brother-in-law is a Stormcloak. Even if he isn't really on their side that doesn't mean he likes that we talk bad about them. But now that it's just us let me say this. The world is better without them. The only winners are the Thalmors those bastards," says Faendal and Vincent asks, "Aren't Thalmor Elves too?" "They are worse than a Daedric Prince. They burned my hometown before coming to Skyrim. They killed or made slaves out of most of my people only those that help them can survive there. Even their own people the Altmers are restrained by them. Everyone that doesn't like their policy is most likely dead or hides from them in the eastern part of Tamriel. So not every Altmer you find out there is a Thalmor keep that in mind when you are on travel." "Will do so," says Vincent as he stares at the sky and they are almost at their destination when Faendal stops and Vincent asks, "Did something happen?"
"Ever fought a Giant before?" asks Faendal and Vincent asks, "What is a Giant?" "Then today can be your lucky day or unlucky day it comes how you this. For me, it's not really a lucky day," says Faendal and Vincent sits up and looks in the direction Faendal was looking and says, "That reminds me of a Goobbue. Just that those Giants look more humanoids. Why do you say it could be my lucky day when it seems that an unlucky star is over me for two days now." "That's because of the people fighting the Giant. Do you see those three over there? They are from the Companions. They live in Whiterun maybe they can help you if you help them," says Faendal and Vincent takes the bow that's on him and an arrow and begins to aim at the Giant and shoots from a distance of 100m at the Giant hitting the c.h.e.s.t of the Giant and jumps down from the cart and runs towards it without feeling exhausted and shoots again while a black-haired woman and man were fighting the Giant in close combat and another woman with long red hair was shooting at it with her bow.
Vincent shoots at the Giant's right eye making it mad. The next moment the Giant walks towards Vincent who puts the bow away and takes the spear from his back and walks at the Giant. The Giant smashes his giant club hitting nothing but the ground. Vincent jumps onto the club and runs it up in the blind side of the Giant and jumps into the side of the Giant to take the other eye. The Giant wanted to react but was to slow. Vincent put the spearhead into the left eye, blinding the Giant forever. Then he let's go of the spear and runs to a side that was away from the Giant since the Giant was now madder than before and began to swing his club wildly around. Vincent then took the bow back into his hands and shoots three arrows directly at the c.h.e.s.t hoping to kill the Giant with it. The arrows hit but didn't go deep into the c.h.e.s.t making the Giant rage more until the man with black hair used his two-handed sword and cut the Achilles tendons making the Giant fall and then the black-haired woman cut the Giant's head off it body.
"You fight well. We could make a good sword brother out of you," says a voice and Vincent sees the redhead beside him and he says, "Thanks." "That wasn't a compliment. My name is Aela. That over there is Farkas and the other is Ria. Ria joined recently the Companions and it's her first hunt," says Aela and Vincent says, "Vincent Highwind is the name. So can you tell me more about them?" "We are the Companions never heard of us?" asks Farkas and Aela hits him while she says, "Look at him does he look like he is from Skyrim. Of course, he hasn't heard of us before. We are like mercenaries if you put it crudely. Put we have honor we don't just go around selling our sword for assassinations or to steal for our client. Also, we are a big family and we have always more room for other newcomers. So if you want to join us come to Jorrvaskr and I will put a good word for you when the old man judges if you are worthy or not."
Vincent walks over to the Giant's head and takes the spear out only to find it without a spearhead and Aela says, "How about this I buy you a new spear if you come with us to Jorrvaskr." "That would be fine but I don't have that much time I have a message for the Jarl of Whiterun. I can visit you after I'm done," says Vincent and Aela says, "You won't regret it we have the best Blacksmith in whole Skyrim. He can make you some nice spear that doesn't fall apart that easily. Do you want to come with us into the city? It will be far easier and I could show you around."
Vincent was now suspicious of Aela because even Farkas backed away some steps after hearing that and Ria was looking at him with a little l.u.s.t in her eyes at him and in Vincent's head heard the sentence one of the Divines said to him. 'No woman can resist you.' And Vincent was sweating a bit and says, "Can I say goodbye to a friend first." "Sure go ahead we will wait here. Farkas collect the money from the client and go back with Ria. I will return with Vincent," says Aela and Farkas asks, "You are alright, right?" "Of course and now scram before I shoot an arrow at you. For ruining my mood," says Aela and Farkas leaves dragging Ria with him who was trying to stay with little success.
In the meantime, Farkas and Aela had the conversation, Vincent arrives near Faendal and says, "Thanks for the ride. If we ever meet again I will invite you to something to drink." "Don't worry about that. It seems you made friends with them already. Just be careful from now on losing your weapon can be your death sentence out here remember that. And now leave before Severio sees us together and says he won't pay me because you broke some of his plants and good luck on your journey," says Faendal and Vincent says, "See ya."
Vincent returns to Aela's side and asks, "Where are Farkas and Ria?" "They left already after collecting the money. Now come we don't have the whole day," says Aela who guides Vincent up the road towards Whiterun while Aela asks, "So you are a?" "Au-Ra my race isn't native around here some friends I made told me I could be from another continent on Nirn. Since I appeared in front of them magically," says Vincent and Aela asks, "Are you a mage? I need to know since we normally don't take mages in only in the rare cases if the old man says he is worthy." "Last time I checked I wasn't. But it could still change in the future," says Vincent and Aela says, "As long as your swordarm is good you won't have a problem. Are you single by the way?"
"Why are you asking?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "Just to know you better. So I can make a picture in my head about you. With all the information I gather I can help convince the old man to let you join after all." "Fine, yes I'm Single and who is the old man you are talking about?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "He is the Harbinger of the Companions like a guide since we don't have a leader since Ysgramor died when we Nords began occupying Skyrim. It was he who ordered to build Jorrvaskr here beside the Skyforge. You will see once we are inside."
They were stopped outside the gates by a guard who says, "Stop, oh it's just you Aela." "Right, you all are pretty nervous aren't you, Helmut," says Aela and Helmut says, "It's because of the shadow that appeared to days ago. The Jarl just want to make sure before opening the gates again towards unfamiliar faces. And your friend is?" "That here is Vincent a new face around the Companion. He had his first hunt today with Farkas, Ria and me. Can you let us in?" says Aela and Helmut says, "Right away. I heard it was a Giant you hunted down." "Yes, Vincent here blinded it with an arrow and his spear that broke after retrieving it," says Aela while the other guard beside Helmut opens the gates for them and Helmut says, "Welcome back to Whiterun. As both pass through the gates.
The next morning Vincent woke up after Hadvar called him they sat on a table and Hadvar says, "We got a ride towards Solitude in two days and you will go with Faendal towards Whiterun." "Who is Faendal?" asks Vincent and Hadvar says, "An elf that works for Hod the village's lumberjack. He will deliver some lumber to a farmer near Whiterun for Hod. He will leave you near Whiterun where the farmer lives from there he will tell you the way you need to go to Whiterun. You should see my uncle after breakfast to get your armor. He will accompany you for the rest. I hope we see each other again in Solitude. The Imperial Army always needs people like you."
"I will do so once I have time. My feeling says I won't have much free time once I enter Whiterun," says Vincent and Tor says, "That can happen Whiterun is in the center of Skyrim you will find enough workaround there. Just remember us if the work is done around there." "Don't worry I won't forget my one-armed bandit," says Vincent and everyone was confused and Vincent says, "Don't tell me you don't have slot machines around here. You put some coins in it and gamble on it either you win or lose." "Never heard of something like that," says Uruk and Jorunn says, "Now it's official he is from another continent. We don't have something like this in Tamriel." "Then I can only say you are losing on a thrilling experience. But anyway I should go meet Alvor, see you all," says Vincent as he leaves the Sleeping Giant and walks towards Alvor's house.
Arriving there he doesn't need to enter since Alvor was outside talking with an Elezen that had a weird proportionated head. "Alvor I came for the armor," says Vincent and Alvor says, "Right, the armor is on the table over there, Vincent. I made some entries on the side of the helmet so you could put it on without a long fight with your horns." Vincent walks towards the table and puts the iron armor set on and Alvor says, "Is everything alright. Does it fit as it should?" "Yes, it fits perfectly. How did you know?" asks Vincent and Alvor says, "I'm not a blacksmith since yesterday boy. And I'm not blind either. I made many armors before yours and will still make more after you leave. Now it's better I present you to the person that will take you near Whiterun. Where are you going again Faendal?"
"I will take him to Pelagia's Farm. Severio ordered the lumber. So you are Vincent you don't look like an Argonian but have the tail of one and even some scales in the face. But the face looks more men and mer alike," says Faendal and Vincent says, "You also don't look like an Elezen even though you share their ears." "Now now you two stop discussing. Vincent, you know what you have to do once in Whiterun?" asks Alvor and Vincent says, "Meet your friend in the Warmaiden's and ask them for help." "Good here is the letter it should help you," says Alvor handing over a letter to Vincent who puts it somewhere safe and Faendal says, "Well then let's go and get on our ride towards Pelagia Farm. You sit in the back of the cart with the wood while I guide the horse towards our destination."
Vincent jumps onto the cart and lays on the wood staring at the sky while Faendal sits in the front and takes the reigns of the horses and they begin to move towards their destination. "So what are you really?" asks Faendal and Vincent says, "An Au-Ra. What about you?" "I'm a Bosmer or better known as a Wood Elf. I didn't want to offend you before. I was just curious since I never met one of your kind before," says Faendal and Vincent says, "The same back. I just want to inform the Jarl and reunite with my friends in Solitude." "Going to join the Legion?" asks Faendal and Vincent says, "They sound better than the Stormcloaks. If I can trust my new friends."
"They are right if you ask me. Just don't tell Hod his brother-in-law is a Stormcloak. Even if he isn't really on their side that doesn't mean he likes that we talk bad about them. But now that it's just us let me say this. The world is better without them. The only winners are the Thalmors those bastards," says Faendal and Vincent asks, "Aren't Thalmor Elves too?" "They are worse than a Daedric Prince. They burned my hometown before coming to Skyrim. They killed or made slaves out of most of my people only those that help them can survive there. Even their own people the Altmers are restrained by them. Everyone that doesn't like their policy is most likely dead or hides from them in the eastern part of Tamriel. So not every Altmer you find out there is a Thalmor keep that in mind when you are on travel." "Will do so," says Vincent as he stares at the sky and they are almost at their destination when Faendal stops and Vincent asks, "Did something happen?"
"Ever fought a Giant before?" asks Faendal and Vincent asks, "What is a Giant?" "Then today can be your lucky day or unlucky day it comes how you this. For me, it's not really a lucky day," says Faendal and Vincent sits up and looks in the direction Faendal was looking and says, "That reminds me of a Goobbue. Just that those Giants look more humanoids. Why do you say it could be my lucky day when it seems that an unlucky star is over me for two days now." "That's because of the people fighting the Giant. Do you see those three over there? They are from the Companions. They live in Whiterun maybe they can help you if you help them," says Faendal and Vincent takes the bow that's on him and an arrow and begins to aim at the Giant and shoots from a distance of 100m at the Giant hitting the c.h.e.s.t of the Giant and jumps down from the cart and runs towards it without feeling exhausted and shoots again while a black-haired woman and man were fighting the Giant in close combat and another woman with long red hair was shooting at it with her bow.
Vincent shoots at the Giant's right eye making it mad. The next moment the Giant walks towards Vincent who puts the bow away and takes the spear from his back and walks at the Giant. The Giant smashes his giant club hitting nothing but the ground. Vincent jumps onto the club and runs it up in the blind side of the Giant and jumps into the side of the Giant to take the other eye. The Giant wanted to react but was to slow. Vincent put the spearhead into the left eye, blinding the Giant forever. Then he let's go of the spear and runs to a side that was away from the Giant since the Giant was now madder than before and began to swing his club wildly around. Vincent then took the bow back into his hands and shoots three arrows directly at the c.h.e.s.t hoping to kill the Giant with it. The arrows hit but didn't go deep into the c.h.e.s.t making the Giant rage more until the man with black hair used his two-handed sword and cut the Achilles tendons making the Giant fall and then the black-haired woman cut the Giant's head off it body.
"You fight well. We could make a good sword brother out of you," says a voice and Vincent sees the redhead beside him and he says, "Thanks." "That wasn't a compliment. My name is Aela. That over there is Farkas and the other is Ria. Ria joined recently the Companions and it's her first hunt," says Aela and Vincent says, "Vincent Highwind is the name. So can you tell me more about them?" "We are the Companions never heard of us?" asks Farkas and Aela hits him while she says, "Look at him does he look like he is from Skyrim. Of course, he hasn't heard of us before. We are like mercenaries if you put it crudely. Put we have honor we don't just go around selling our sword for assassinations or to steal for our client. Also, we are a big family and we have always more room for other newcomers. So if you want to join us come to Jorrvaskr and I will put a good word for you when the old man judges if you are worthy or not."
Vincent walks over to the Giant's head and takes the spear out only to find it without a spearhead and Aela says, "How about this I buy you a new spear if you come with us to Jorrvaskr." "That would be fine but I don't have that much time I have a message for the Jarl of Whiterun. I can visit you after I'm done," says Vincent and Aela says, "You won't regret it we have the best Blacksmith in whole Skyrim. He can make you some nice spear that doesn't fall apart that easily. Do you want to come with us into the city? It will be far easier and I could show you around."
Vincent was now suspicious of Aela because even Farkas backed away some steps after hearing that and Ria was looking at him with a little l.u.s.t in her eyes at him and in Vincent's head heard the sentence one of the Divines said to him. 'No woman can resist you.' And Vincent was sweating a bit and says, "Can I say goodbye to a friend first." "Sure go ahead we will wait here. Farkas collect the money from the client and go back with Ria. I will return with Vincent," says Aela and Farkas asks, "You are alright, right?" "Of course and now scram before I shoot an arrow at you. For ruining my mood," says Aela and Farkas leaves dragging Ria with him who was trying to stay with little success.
In the meantime, Farkas and Aela had the conversation, Vincent arrives near Faendal and says, "Thanks for the ride. If we ever meet again I will invite you to something to drink." "Don't worry about that. It seems you made friends with them already. Just be careful from now on losing your weapon can be your death sentence out here remember that. And now leave before Severio sees us together and says he won't pay me because you broke some of his plants and good luck on your journey," says Faendal and Vincent says, "See ya."
Vincent returns to Aela's side and asks, "Where are Farkas and Ria?" "They left already after collecting the money. Now come we don't have the whole day," says Aela who guides Vincent up the road towards Whiterun while Aela asks, "So you are a?" "Au-Ra my race isn't native around here some friends I made told me I could be from another continent on Nirn. Since I appeared in front of them magically," says Vincent and Aela asks, "Are you a mage? I need to know since we normally don't take mages in only in the rare cases if the old man says he is worthy." "Last time I checked I wasn't. But it could still change in the future," says Vincent and Aela says, "As long as your swordarm is good you won't have a problem. Are you single by the way?"
"Why are you asking?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "Just to know you better. So I can make a picture in my head about you. With all the information I gather I can help convince the old man to let you join after all." "Fine, yes I'm Single and who is the old man you are talking about?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "He is the Harbinger of the Companions like a guide since we don't have a leader since Ysgramor died when we Nords began occupying Skyrim. It was he who ordered to build Jorrvaskr here beside the Skyforge. You will see once we are inside."
They were stopped outside the gates by a guard who says, "Stop, oh it's just you Aela." "Right, you all are pretty nervous aren't you, Helmut," says Aela and Helmut says, "It's because of the shadow that appeared to days ago. The Jarl just want to make sure before opening the gates again towards unfamiliar faces. And your friend is?" "That here is Vincent a new face around the Companion. He had his first hunt today with Farkas, Ria and me. Can you let us in?" says Aela and Helmut says, "Right away. I heard it was a Giant you hunted down." "Yes, Vincent here blinded it with an arrow and his spear that broke after retrieving it," says Aela while the other guard beside Helmut opens the gates for them and Helmut says, "Welcome back to Whiterun. As both pass through the gates.
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