The two of them were very happy.

Kakashi was actually very satisfied with the performance of Shokuhou Misaki and the others just now.

At least in the battle just now, the three of them cooperated closely, instead of fighting alone like Team 7 in the original book. And among the three, Shokuhou Misaki's quality was obviously much better than the other two. So even if the three didn't grab the bell, Kakashi still chose to give them a chance.

So, Shokuhou Misaki saw Kakashi hand the bell to Katsumura Yota.


Katsumura Yota was also shocked to see Kakashi actually hand the bell to him. Because anyone with a discerning eye could see that Shokuhou Misaki performed best in this survival exercise.

It was Shokuhou Misaki who pointed out the key point of this survival exercise at the critical moment, and commanded the three of them to unite and fight Kakashi. And even in the battle, Shokuhou Misaki's performance was the best. Because the only mistake Kakashi made in the whole exercise was caused by Shokuhou Misaki. So according to common sense, this bell should be given to Shokuhou Misaki.

But the problem is that Kakashi gave this bell to himself. To a civilian ninja who has neither strength nor outstanding performance. Feeling the touch of the bell in his hand, Katsumura Yota subconsciously wanted to hold the bell tightly. Because for him who was born in the civilian world, perhaps this is his only chance to change his destiny!

But just when Katsumura Yota thought so, his reason began to remind him constantly.

This survival exercise is definitely not that simple!

He is just a ninja born in the civilian world. If he performs poorly, he will never be favored by the teacher!

The reason why Kakashi teacher gave the bell to himself must be a test for himself!

If he really accepted the bell, he would be the one who was eliminated in the end!

Finally, after weighing and struggling, Katsumura Yota stretched out his right hand and handed the bell to Shokuhou Misaki.

"Shokuhou-san's performance was the best in this exercise. Let's give Shokuhou-san the chance to pass this time!"

Kakashi nodded secretly when he saw Katsumura Yota repeatedly struggling and finally giving the bell to Shokuhou Misaki.

Afterwards, Namikaze Mai also said:

"Shokuhou-san's performance in this exercise was obvious to all, and she is indeed qualified to be Kakashi's disciple."

Just like that, Shokuhou Misaki took the bell in her hand.

Seeing this small bell in her hand, Shokuhou Misaki shook it casually, and heard the bell make a few crisp sounds. Seeing this, Shokuhou Misaki smiled slightly. Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, she squeezed it hard!

"Shokuhou-san, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the bell that symbolized opportunity and hope was destroyed by Shokuhou Misaki, Katsumura Yota couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"This is the hope of passing the survival exercise!"

Namikaze Mai was also puzzled at this moment, only Shokuhou Misaki said calmly:

"I know this bell is very valuable, because with this bell, you can become a disciple of an elite jonin. But I also think that no matter how valuable the bell and opportunity are, they are not as good as the friendship with friends. I don't want to lose two good friends because of this bell."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's explanation, Katsumura Yota felt very ashamed. Because just now he only thought about how to pass this survival exercise and completely forgot about his friendship with his friends.

Then he heard Shokuhou Misaki continue:

"Furthermore, and most importantly, I do not approve of this survival exercise!"

Katsumura Yota was shocked again when he heard that Shokuhou Misaki did not approve of this survival exercise. Namikaze Mai just reminded him:

"Shokuhou classmate, what are you talking about? The one who proposed this exercise was Kakashi of the Sharingan, one of the strongest jonin in Konoha. We are just newly graduated genin, how can we question the decision of the jonin?"

Katsumura Yota also reminded him:

"Yes, Shokuhou classmate, why don't you apologize to Kakashi teacher quickly."

Konoha is a place with strict hierarchy. Except for princes like Uzumaki Naruto who can do whatever they want, most villagers actually pay great attention to the order of respect and inferiority. Anyone who dares to violate this order may pay a heavy price. So for Namikaze Mai and Katsumura Yota, it is almost unimaginable for people like Shokuhou Misaki to question the jonin.

So after Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai's words just now

After saying this, Kakashi's face immediately darkened, and he looked at Shokuhou Misaki coldly and said:

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I don't approve of this survival exercise!"

Shokuhou Misaki also said seriously:

"I admit that ninjas need to have a spirit of sacrifice, but I don't think ninjas can give up their partners in order to complete the mission. Just like this survival exercise, on the surface, three people are fighting for two bells, but in fact, they want us to abandon our most important companions for the opportunity to become ninjas."

"After all, as Genin, we can only grab the bells in the hands of Jonin if we work together. But there are only two bells in the hands of Jonin, which means that among the three of us, one companion must choose to sacrifice for the other companions. Only when one person chooses to give up becoming a ninja can the other two pass."

"To be honest, such a survival exercise that requires the sacrifice of companions to pass is really terrible! So I would rather destroy this bell than rely on the sacrifice of my friends to become a ninja!"

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's rebuttal, the look on Kakashi's face became more and more unfriendly.

He glanced at Shokuhou Misaki coldly, then looked at Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai and said:

"What about you? Do you also think this survival exercise is bad?"

Feeling the breath of Kakashi, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai shuddered.

But when they thought of the bell being destroyed and were encouraged by Shokuhou Misaki, they nodded tremblingly:

"We also think that this survival exercise is not very reasonable."

"Good, very good!"

Seeing that the three people in front of him did not approve of this exercise, Kakashi's breath became more and more solemn.

"In that case, I will announce the results of this survival exercise!"

Then, in the nervous eyes of Shokuhou Misaki and the other three, Kakashi said solemnly:

"You three, passed!"



Hearing Kakashi say that the three of them passed, Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai did not come back to their senses for a while. After a while, the two realized that Kakashi had just announced that all three of them had passed the survival exercise. Although Shokuhou Misaki had expected the result long ago, she breathed a sigh of relief after Kakashi actually announced it, thinking:

I made the right bet this time!

"Wait, Kakashi-sensei, what's going on?"

Katsumura Yota came back to his senses and said puzzledly:

"Didn't we fail to grab the bell? Why did we all pass this exercise?"

At this time, Kakashi stopped scaring the three of them, but explained with a smile:

"Because from the beginning, this exercise was not about grabbing the bell, but about your teamwork. That's why three people were arranged to grab two bells in the exercise. The purpose of the two bells is to create a gap between you and test whether you really regard each other as partners."

"In that case, our performance in the previous exercise should have been qualified!" Namikaze Mai Puzzled:

"In that case, why did Kakashi teacher give a bell at the end? Isn't this redundant?"

"Indeed, if it were an ordinary jonin, your performance just now would have been very good." Kakashi nodded and said:

"But unfortunately, the instructor you met this time is me. To be honest, I don't really want to be an instructor to teach students, because it's really too troublesome. I might as well watch more "Intimate Paradise" with this time."

Hearing Kakashi openly say that he didn't want to be an instructor, so he increased the difficulty of the survival exercise for the three people, Shokuhou Misaki and the other two flashed a little contempt in their eyes.

In this regard, Kakashi turned a blind eye and continued:

"But I have to say that your performance in the previous battle has won my recognition, so I will give you a test in the end. See if you will abandon your friendship with your companions for a bell. Facts have proved that you have passed the test. You all regard your companions as more important than the bell, so we are naturally qualified to be my students."

So that's it!

After hearing Kakashi's explanation, Katsumura Yota secretly thought that he was lucky.

Fortunately, he took a gamble and gave the bell to Shokuhou Misaki, otherwise he would have been in trouble in this exercise!

"In short, since you have passed my test, Class 92 is officially established. I will be your instructor in the future and will help you become a qualified ninja as soon as possible. Please give me your guidance."


Hearing that they finally passed this survival exercise and became the disciples of the elite jonin, Shokuhou Misaki and the other three were

Cheered happily. But after the cheers, when everyone was about to go back, Kakashi stopped Shokuhou Misaki.

"Shokuhou-san, please stay for a while. I have something to ask you."

Kakashi asked Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai to go home first, and then said to Shokuhou Misaki, who was full of doubts, alone:

"Shokuhou-san, during the exercise just now, you should have realized the real purpose of this survival exercise!"

Hearing Kakashi's guess, Shokuhou Misaki was shocked. You know, as a psychologist, her acting skills are very superb. So Shokuhou Misaki couldn't understand where she had revealed her flaws.

Noticing the surprise in Shokuhou Misaki's eyes, Kakashi nodded and said:

"As expected! Shokuhou-san, although I already realized that you are very good, I didn't expect that you almost deceived me. To be honest, if it weren't for the genius I met, I might have been kept in the dark by you forever!"

Hearing the word "genius" from Kakashi's mouth, Shokuhou Misaki immediately realized the truth of the matter:

"Teacher Kakashi, you mistook me for Uchiha Itachi!"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded and said:

"Just now in the battle, you threw the hand The technique of the sword in the back really reminds me of Uchiha Itachi. Combined with your performance in other aspects, I think you are a genius who is not inferior to Uchiha Itachi in some aspects. And for a genius like you, it should be a matter of course to perceive the true meaning of survival drills. Facts have proved that my judgment is not wrong. "

Speaking of this, Kakashi said:

"It is also for this reason that I chose to keep you. Because I know that what you just said to me may not be your true thoughts. "

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki finally understood Kakashi's true purpose. Then she said:

"Teacher Kakashi, you want to know my true attitude towards partners and missions, right?"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded:

"Then Shokuhou-san, tell me, how do you view the relationship between missions and partners? If it comes to a critical moment, will you choose to abandon your partners to complete the mission? As a teacher, I hope you can tell me the truth this time."

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki pondered for a moment and said:

"I think this matter should be discussed according to the situation."

"According to the situation?"

Shokuhou Misaki explained:

"If it is a mission that has nothing to do with the village, then I naturally can't abandon my partners. No matter how important these missions are, I can't sacrifice those important people for some insignificant people. But the problem is, if these missions are related to the safety of the village, then maybe I will choose to abandon my partners."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's true thoughts, Kakashi's face obviously darkened:

"In other words, Shokuhou-san, do you approve of sacrificing partners for missions?"

Shokuhou Misaki said:

"I don't approve of sacrificing partners for missions. "I don't approve of sacrificing a partner for a mission, but I approve of sacrificing a partner for a partner!"

"Sacrificing a partner for a partner?"

"Yes." Shokuhou Misaki explained:

"Suppose that during a mission, I have an important piece of information in my hand, which is related to the life and death of 100 ninjas in Konoha Village. And now, the enemy has held my companion hostage and forced me to hand over the information. At this time, I am likely to choose to keep the information and watch my companions being tortured to death by the enemy."

"Maybe this is cruel to my companions, but the problem is that I can't sacrifice the lives of 100 ninjas in Konoha Village for the life of a companion. Because to me, everyone in the village is a companion and an important person. Compared to sacrificing 100 important people for one important person, I would rather choose to sacrifice the only companion."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's true thoughts, Kakashi nodded and said:

"I see, I understand."

"Then Teacher Kakashi, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After that, Shokuhou Misaki left the training ground.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's departing back, Kakashi pondered:

I originally thought this child looked a lot like Uchiha Itachi, but now it seems that she actually looks more like the Third Hokage!

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