After the survival exercise, the class that Shokuhou Misaki was in naturally began to perform various tasks under the leadership of Kakashi.

As in the original Naruto, Shokuhou Misaki and others were also performing some low-level tasks at the beginning. And in the process of performing the tasks, Kakashi also tried his best to slack off. He was either late for the task or read the novel "Intimate Paradise" during the task.

Even when everyone was practicing, Kakashi, as a teacher, did not give much guidance. He just taught them to climb a tree and let them practice on their own.

Shokuhou Misaki and others were naturally very dissatisfied with Kakashi's perfunctory attitude. However, everyone also knew that with their backgrounds, being able to become Kakashi's apprentice was already a blessing for their ancestors. So even if they were dissatisfied, they chose to be patient.

Time passed slowly in such a simple daily task, and before they knew it, another month had passed.

In this month, Shokuhou Misaki and others carried out about 10 D-level tasks, which was considered to be some experience. And Shokuhou Misaki took advantage of the survival exercises and the opportunity to perform tasks to break the bottleneck of extraordinary abilities, and promoted herself from a psychologist of Sequence 7 to a hypnotist of Sequence 6.

After the extraordinary ability was promoted, the first thing Shokuhou Misaki felt was the improvement of her physical fitness.

Compared with the first three sequences of the Visionary Path, the promotion to Sequence 6 was a complete transformation for Shokuhou Misaki. At the moment of promotion, Shokuhou Misaki felt that her chakra immediately surged, and her speed and strength also received a huge improvement. On the system page, Shokuhou Misaki's data is as follows:

Ninja: 4 Body: 3 Illusion: 6 Sage: 6 Strength: 5 Speed: 5 Precision: 4 Seal: 4 Total: 37

A total of 37 ability values, which is already a very good data in the Chunin Exam in the original work. In the original work, when Uchiha Sasuke participated in the Chunin Exam, the total data was 37. That is to say, after the ability promotion, Shokuhou Misaki's current strength is qualified to participate in the Chunin Exam, and there is a high probability that she will pass!

And not only the improvement of ability, Shokuhou Misaki also mastered several ninjutsu that match Sequence 6 after the promotion.

Among these ninjutsu, Ninjutsu·Dragon Scale can use chakra to create a layer of scales on the surface of the skin, which can resist and reduce damage to a large extent. Although it is not immune to Kunai attacks, it can undoubtedly give Shokuhou Misaki a huge advantage in close combat.

There is also Illusion·Psychological Suggestion, which is a ninjutsu that appeared after the ability of Sequence 6 psychologists has undergone a qualitative change. This ninjutsu can directly hypnotize other ninjas, affect the other party's subconscious mind, and make the target follow their own arrangements without noticing, and do all kinds of behaviors that go against their true will.

Of course, the stronger the opponent's target is, the more chakra it has, and the worse the effect of psychological suggestion. For example, if Shokuhou Misaki uses this illusion on Kakashi now, the chance of success is almost zero.

In addition to these two abilities, Shokuhou Misaki also obtained an illusion called psychological invisibility. This illusion can reduce Shokuhou Misaki's presence in other people's consciousness, so as to achieve a quasi-invisibility effect that is clearly in front of others, but others can't see or sense it at all.

However, this disappearance is essentially just the elimination of the sense of presence, not a real disappearance. Therefore, this kind of invisibility cannot be hidden from the pupil ninja and the ninja who is good at perceiving strong, and Shokuhou Misaki cannot act rashly during the invisibility process. Once Shokuhou Misaki interacts with the surrounding objects, the psychological invisibility may fail, and Shokuhou Misaki will be exposed to the enemy.

In short, the improvement of her ability has made Shokuhou Misaki close to the strength of a Chunin. Now she is finally no longer that insignificant weakling, and has a certain ability to protect herself in this ninja world.

However, even though Shokuhou Misaki's strength has reached the top among her peers, she still chose to lie dormant and hide. Because in Konoha Village, the first bird to stand out usually has no good end. The most important thing for her now is to follow Kakashi to gain experience and relationships. Only when the time comes can she soar into the sky.

It's just that Shokuhou Misaki wants to lie dormant, but Kakashi feels that he can't lie flat anymore. Seeing that his students have honestly performed 10 boring D-level tasks in a month, Kakashi also feels that he, as an instructor, is a bit too lazy. So after a certain amount of ideological struggle, Kakashi finally applied to the village.

A C-level mission.

"Finally, I can perform a high-level mission!"

Seeing the C-level mission list in Kakashi's hand, Katsumura Yota cheered excitedly.

After all, in the past month, the three of them have either been collecting sweet potatoes, delivering express deliveries, or helping rich people take care of their children. Such boring and tedious D-level missions have almost driven the three of them crazy.

Not only Katsumura Yota, but also Shokuhou Misaki and Namikaze Mai were relieved when they saw the C-level mission list in Kakashi's hand. However, Shokuhou Misaki put away her mood and focused on this mission list. After all, C-level missions are different from D-level missions. C-level missions are basically dangerous and are likely to be accompanied by combat.

Although Shokuhou Misaki has the strength comparable to that of a Chunin because of her ability promotion. But she has been staying in Konoha Village and has very little combat experience. So in order to ensure her own safety, Shokuhou Misaki dare not slack off on this mission.

So Shokuhou Misaki saw that the task list read:

Go to the River Country and investigate the prices of local strategic materials such as food, steel, and coal.

So that's it, is it an intelligence gathering mission for important materials?

But why the River Country?

As far as Shokuhou Misaki knows, the River Country is a country located between the Fire Country and the Wind Country. The land area itself is not small, and the natural environment is also quite superior. There are towering snow-capped mountains in the west of the country, and rivers winding down from the snow-capped mountains in the east, so this country is called the River Country.

In fact, from the perspective of comprehensive national strength, the River Country is not a small country. This country has rivers everywhere, fertile land, rich mineral resources, and a large population. The strength of the River Country in the ninja world can definitely be ranked in the top ten.

But unfortunately, although the River Country is strong, the security environment around it is very bad. The country is in the west of the country, and in the east is the Fire Country, the first of the five major countries. As a buffer zone between two great powers, the River Country not only has to worry about the Wind Country's coveting of its own water resources, but also the Fire Country's internal infiltration into its own country.

Therefore, for a long time, the River Country has maintained a lonely and neutral diplomatic attitude. On the one hand, it maintains a military alliance with the Fire Country to deter the Wind Country's covetousness. On the other hand, it secretly hooks up with the Wind Country to eliminate the Fire Country's infiltration and influence on the domestic situation.

In short, the current survival state of the River Country is like walking on a tightrope, playing a dangerous balancing game between the two great powers. And this survival state is not only the River Country, but also many other small countries. On the one hand, it forms a military alliance with a certain great power, and on the other hand, it secretly sends a wink to other great powers, trying to show off its own posture among the various great powers, and maintaining the status quo in fear and luck.

So Shokuhou Misaki really doesn't understand, what is there to investigate about the strategic materials of such a country? Can they really break through the gap in national strength and become a threat to the Fire Country?

While Shokuhou Misaki was thinking, Kakashi began to explain the specifics of the mission to the three people:

"According to the report of the ninjas arranged by the village in the River Country, a large number of hydropower plants have been built in the River Country in the past two years. But the problem is that according to relevant intelligence, the River Country has not carried out large-scale industrial construction in the past two years. In other words, the River Country has greatly increased its power supply without increasing its power demand, which is obviously abnormal."

"That's why the village issued this mission, requiring Konoha ninjas including us to go to the River Country in batches to conduct a detailed investigation of the situation in the River Country. The task assigned to our group is to collect the prices of various materials related to the war and see if we can see where the electricity is going from the commodity market in the River Country."

After hearing Kakashi's explanation, Shokuhou Misaki and others finally understood the specific requirements of this mission, and everyone's mood became heavy. After all, such intelligence gathering tasks, even if they only collect information publicly available in the market, are also dangerous. Who knows, during the investigation, everyone will encounter a few enemy ninjas and then fight with them.

So the level of this mission is C-level on the surface, but in fact it may become B-level at any time, and the danger level is much higher than the general C-level mission.

Noticing the nervousness of everyone, Kakashi smiled and comforted them:

"Okay, you don't have to worry too much. After all, the River Country is our traditional ally of the Fire Country. This country itself has no ninja village, so it is still very safe to carry out intelligence gathering missions in the River Country. At least the chance of encountering ninjas is extremely small."

"Besides, I will also participate in this mission throughout the whole process.

Even if you encounter any unsolvable danger, with my strength as a jonin, it is still easy to ensure your safety. So cheer up and work hard to carry out the first C-level mission in your life! "

Hearing Kakashi's comfort, the tension in the hearts of the three people gradually dissipated. After that, Kakashi shared some information and precautions about the River Country with the three people, and everyone returned home to prepare for this mission. Half an hour later, everyone brought their packages to the gate of Konoha Village and began to head towards the direction of the River Country.

After walking for seven or eight days, everyone arrived at the border of the River Country. Looking at the long river with turbulent water on the opposite side, Kakashi nodded and said:

"It's this river, the opposite side should be the territory of the River Country."

Hearing that they were about to enter the territory of the River Country, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly asked:

"Teacher Kakashi, before entering the River Country, do we need to use transformation to hide our identities? "

Kakashi shook his head and said:

"No need, we can just enter the River Country as Konoha ninjas."

Hearing Kakashi actually say that he wanted to enter the River Country openly, Katsumura Yota was surprised and said:

"Teacher Kakashi, won't this expose our identities and missions?"

In response, Kakashi explained:

"Don't worry, there is no need for us to hide our identities in this mission."

"Why is that?" Namikaze Mai asked puzzled.

"On the one hand, it is because the River Country is our ally, and the national security of the River Country is completely dependent on the covenant with our Fire Country. So as an ally, we have the right to openly collect all kinds of non-confidential intelligence in the River Country. This is the power granted to us by the covenant. "

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki thought to herself:

How can this be called an alliance? The Land of Fire clearly regards the Land of River as a vassal!

"Also, the real person responsible for investigating the internal situation of the Land of River is the ANBU elite sent by the Hokage. Fresh graduates like you are just pawns to distract attention. Therefore, the more high-profile our actions in public are, the more pressure we can relieve for the ANBU ninjas who are carrying out the mission in secret. "

So that's how it is!

At this moment, everyone finally understood the true purpose of this C-level mission. So everyone did not use transformation to disguise their identities, but passed through the customs between the River Country and the Fire Country and entered the territory of the River Country. Soon after entering the River Country, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them!

What a big dam!

In front of everyone, there was a dam that was at least a thousand meters wide, blocking the rushing river like a natural moat.

On one side of the dam, the vast amount of river water would block a vast barrier lake, with many ships wandering on the sparkling waves. On the other side of the dam , the gushing lake water turned into huge silver-white waves in front of the dam. While making a huge noise, it also continuously provided huge electricity to the motor in the center of the dam.

Seeing this miracle created by human industry, Shokuhou Misaki, as a time traveler, was fine, but Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai on the side were shocked as never before. As ninjas, they discovered for the first time that humans can create miracles that change the world even without relying on chakra. And such miracles seem to be more shocking than powerful ninjutsu.

Kakashi on the side also said:

"The River Country is a country with extremely steep terrain and rivers all over the country. There are seven or eight magnificent dams like the one in front of you in the River Country. It is said that the largest one is more than two kilometers long, and the huge volume can even defend against the attack of the Tailed Beast Ball. "

"Even the Tailed Beast Ball cannot be destroyed, this is really..."

Katsumura Yota and Namikaze Mai were so shocked that they could not speak.

But Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Teacher Kakashi, you said before that the reason for our mission this time was that the River Country built a large number of hydropower plants. Are these hydropower plants referring to these dams?"

Kakashi nodded and said:


Shokuhou Misaki continued:

"One or two dams like this can supply electricity to a city. But now the River Country has built a large number of dams in a short period of time, and the resulting increase in electricity is extremely huge. Such a huge energy may not even be comparable to the tailed beasts. What exactly does the River Country want to use this electricity for?"

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