The truth is that the princess named "Kazehana Koyuki" did not exist in the Snow Country from the beginning.

The real Kazehana Koyuki has been staying in the Fire Country, living as an ordinary person under the surveillance of the Konoha ninja as "Fuji Kazehana". The "Kazehana Koyuki" who appears in the Snow Country today is naturally the real Shokuhou Misaki. As for the "Shokuhou Misaki" who appears in front of the world, it is the clone created by Shokuhou Misaki through White Zetsu.

In other words, Shokuhou Misaki transformed her real body into "Kazehana Koyuki", and then made "Kazehana Koyuki" the focus of competition among various forces in the Snow Country through her performance in front of Maki. This not only sows discord among the parties, but also allows Shokuhou Misaki to surprise them.

Because anyone who snatches "Kazehana Koyuki" actually snatches Shokuhou Misaki's body. And Shokuhou Misaki's body is a real Kage-level strongman.

Imagine a ninja who finally snatched Shokuhou Misaki, and was about to ask "Kazehana Koyuki" for important information when he was seriously injured, but suddenly found that "Kazehana Koyuki", who was originally just an ordinary person, was actually a powerful Kage-level ninja!

I thought I was catching a sheep, but it was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing. Such a huge contrast is enough to make most ninjas at a loss. Not to mention that in the process of snatching "Kazehana Koyuki", this ninja must have suffered huge losses. In this way, taking advantage of the opponent's lack of strength and mental loss, Shokuhou Misaki can easily influence the opponent's thinking with illusion.

Just like what happened just now, Shokuhou Misaki took advantage of Scorpion's excitement and easily attacked Scorpion's spirit through the illusion of dragon's breath. After Scorpion's spirit was attacked by dragon's breath, Shokuhou Misaki continued to hypnotize Scorpion through illusion, making him subconsciously believe that what Shokuhou Misaki said was very credible.

In short, Shokuhou Misaki relied on her own calculations to make Scorpion become her subordinate unknowingly. Although Scorpion thought that she cooperated with Shokuhou Misaki for the "geothermal generator", Scorpion would be surprised to find that her every move in the Snow Country was full of weirdness afterwards.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki had thought about directly controlling Scorpion's spirit and turning him into her puppet.

But Scorpion was a shadow-level strongman after all, and he had made various modifications to his body. Even if Shokuhou Misaki caught Scorpion by surprise, it would be impossible for Shokuhou Misaki to turn the other party into her puppet in a hurry. If a Kage-level strongman can be manipulated so easily, then the Kage-level strongman in the ninja world is too worthless.

As for the reason why he told Scorpion about the "Twilight Hermit Society", on the one hand, it was to better fool Scorpion, so that he would think that there was really a mysterious and powerful organization behind the "Wind Flower Koyuki" played by Shokuhou Misaki, and he should not act rashly. On the other hand, Shokuhou Misaki actually wanted to use the vest of the "Twilight Hermit Society" to complete his own layout.

In Shokuhou Misaki's imagination, the Twilight Hermit Society is a secret organization created by Uchiha Madara who pretended to be dead.

The members of this organization are all over the world, including "Shokuhou Misaki", "Saten Ruiko", "Hatsuharu Shikiri", "Misaka Mikoto", "Shirai Kuroko" and other vests of Shokuhou Misaki. There are also Uchiha Fugaku who was fooled by Shokuhou Misaki before, and the Red Sand Scorpion who is being fooled now, who may become members of the "Twilight Hermit Society" in the future.

Oh, by the way, there is also the future Kabuto Yakushi.

Just now, in order to gain Scorpion's trust, Shokuhou Misaki revealed a lot of important information about Scorpion. Combined with the experience in the original work that Scorpion once regarded Kabuto Yakushi as his spy, he may subconsciously regard Kabuto Yakushi as a member of the Twilight Hermits, an undercover agent planted by this organization next to him.

Of course, Shokuhou Misaki also knows that the original plot is the original plot after all, and it is still many years away from Shippuden!

Kabuto Yakushi may not have had contact with Scorpion, and Scorpion may not suspect Kabuto Yakushi. But this kind of thing is originally a matter of chance. It is good to make Scorpion suspect Kabuto Yakushi, and it doesn't matter if Scorpion suspects other people. Anyway, it's just a step, and Shokuhou Misaki doesn't force it to work.

And as long as it succeeds, Kabuto Yakushi, the ace spy who is used to jumping around, will also join the Twilight Hermits.

But whether it is Uchiha Fugaku, Scorpion of the Red Sand, or Kabuto Yakushi

, and have not really joined this organization yet. So in fact, the only real member of this extremely high-profile "Twilight Hermit Society" is Shokuhou Misaki, which is really powerful and full of talents.

Of course, Scorpion doesn't know these things. In fact, when Scorpion heard the name of this organization, his first feeling was:

The name of this organization sounds really great!

In comparison, whether it is the Akatsuki organization he belongs to, or the Kara organization, there is no mystery like the "Twilight Hermit Society". Obviously, the person who named this organization has a much higher cultural literacy than the leaders of the Akatsuki and Kara organizations!

In addition to the high profile of the name itself, the "Twilight" in the name of the "Twilight Hermit Society" also makes Scorpion think about it. After all, the "Akatsuki" of the Akatsuki organization he belongs to is the opposite of "Twilight". One of them represents the hope of rising sun, and the other represents the loneliness of sunset. If there is no relationship between them, Scorpion will definitely not believe it.

So with curiosity about the "Twilight Hermits", Scorpion said again:

"Can I know other information about this organization?"

In response, Shokuhou Misaki, disguised as "Fenghana Koyuki", smiled and said:

"I have to ask the leader of the organization about this matter. But I have to remind Mr. Scorpion that it is not without cost to know the information of our organization. If you want to know more about our organization, the only way is to join our organization."

Hearing that the other party intends to develop himself into a member of the Twilight Hermits, Scorpion, as a member of the Akatsuki organization, did not show any resistance. Kabuto Yakushi is not the only one in the ninja world who jumps left and right. As a rebel ninja, Scorpion is also accustomed to wandering among major forces.

Whether it is the Akatsuki organization or the Twilight Hermits, in Scorpion's eyes, they are just means to achieve their goals. So Scorpion does not mind joining another secret organization after joining the Akatsuki organization. Anyway, the world of ninjas is originally a world of intrigue and deception.

In short, Scorpion established a cooperative relationship with the "Twilight Hermits" mentioned by Shokuhou Misaki. With the establishment of the relationship, Shokuhou Misaki finally revealed the specific location of the geothermal generator:

"The control switch of the geothermal generator is in the center of the Rainbow Ice Wall in the Snow Country!"

The Rainbow Ice Wall is a well-known scenic spot in the Snow Country and the place where the final battle in the movie takes place. It is not difficult to find the Rainbow Ice Wall in the Snow Country. As long as you find a local and ask around, you can find out the specific location. So after knowing the location of the control switch, Scorpion immediately rushed to the location of the Rainbow Ice Wall with Shokuhou Misaki.

While Shokuhou Misaki and Scorpion were working hand in hand, the capital of the Snow Country.

Seeing that Scorpion took "Kazehana Koyuki" away, the remaining Yukito ninjas naturally lost interest in continuing to fight. And because of their relatively weak strength, Shokuhou Misaki's clone and Maki chose to leave in the middle of the battle. The one who really fought with Scorpion and destroyed most of Scorpion's puppets was actually Yukito, the Jinchūriki.

But even Yukito could not break free from the entanglement of Baiji Operation in a short time. So after Scorpion left the capital, she had to suspend her ally Fenghua Nutao's actions and ordered her ninjas to search for the traces of "Fenghua Xiaoxue" and the red sand Scorpion in the Snow Country. It was also in the process of collecting intelligence that Yukito confronted Fenghua Nutao and asked him what secrets Fenghua Xiaoxue had.

At this time, Fenghua Nutao had been forced into a desperate situation by Iwagakure, and even the "Fenghua Xiaoxue" with the secret was taken away by Scorpion. Anyway, Fenghua Nutao had nothing to lose, and he was not afraid of boiling water. Facing the questioning of Kumogakure, he directly said:

"Unless you Kumogakure can send ninjas to protect the Snow Country, I will never tell you the truth of the matter."

Seeing that Fenghua Nutao was playing rogue, Yukito had no good solution in a short time. It was just that Fenghua Nutao chose not to say it, but someone spread the truth of the matter for Fenghua Nutao. This person was none other than Maki of Sand Village.

It turned out that after the "Wind Flower and Snow" incident, Maki passed the relevant information to the Sand Village and asked the Sand Village ninja to find experts in meteorology and geology to see if this geothermal generator is as terrible as imagined.

As a result, two days later, the information from the Sand Village was passed on. It was written on the information:

The Younger Dryas event mentioned by Shokuhou Misaki is completely fictitious, but similar events are not uncommon in geological history. The reason why Shokuhou Misaki called it the Younger Dryas event should be the name given by geologists from the Land of Fire. The scientific community of the Land of Wind does not have such a term. After all, the climate conditions in the Land of Wind are such that even if the temperature drops, it will not

The New Dryas may grow.

And according to the calculations of meteorologists, unless all the glaciers in the Snow Country melt within a year, its impact on ocean currents will not cause a global temperature drop. And the energy required to melt all the glaciers in the Snow Country within a year has exceeded the level of existing human civilization.

Therefore, the "New Dryas Incident" should only be a means of strategic intimidation by Konoha.

Seeing that the experts from the Wind Country said that the "New Dryas Incident" was only a means of strategic intimidation, Maki breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he was prepared for Shokuhou Misaki, otherwise the Sand Village would be calculated by this treacherous person again.

Just when Maki thought about this, the intelligence wrote:

Although the probability of a sudden drop in temperature such as the "New Dryas Incident" is extremely low, geothermal generators may still have a drastic impact on the world's weather. Because the melting of glaciers requires a lot of temperature, and these temperatures will increase the accumulated temperature of the earth's overall environment while melting the glaciers.

In short, the geothermal generator is like a small stove, and the earth is a big room.

As long as the small stove continues to release temperature, the temperature of the earth room will continue to increase until the global temperature reaches a new balance. According to the calculations of climatologists, if the geothermal generator can melt all the snow in the Snow Country within 10 years, the energy it brings is also extremely huge.

And as the glaciers melt, the sunlight originally reflected by the glaciers to space will also remain inside the earth, which will cause the temperature to rise further. According to the calculations of relevant experts, the geothermal generator will increase the average temperature of the ninja world by 2 degrees in ten years. This will cause more glaciers to melt, the sea level will continue to rise, and the coastal areas of many countries will sink to the bottom of the sea.

However, although the increase in temperature can bring disasters, it will also bring abundant rains, making the earth more vibrant. So on the whole, this temperature increase will not have much impact on most countries. At least the cultivated land area of ​​the Fire Country will increase, and many inland areas will become more livable.

But the problem is that this temperature increase is good for the Fire Country, but it is an extremely bad impact on the Wind Country, which is full of deserts.

Because the average world temperature rises by 2 degrees, the increase in desert temperature will only be greater. If the Wind Country is indifferent to the geothermal generator, the average summer temperature of the Wind Country will increase to about 40 degrees in ten years, and the surface temperature can reach 70 degrees. Under such high temperatures, the Wind Country will have only one result:

The country will be destroyed!

After reading the intelligence analysis of the Wind Country experts, Maki was shocked. He never thought that things would become so serious. At this time, he couldn't help but think of the purpose of Shokuhou Misaki's contact with him:

Could it be that Shokuhou Misaki wanted me to give up interfering with the geothermal generator from the beginning, so she deliberately exaggerated the geothermal generator in front of me?

Because Shokuhou Misaki knew her reputation in the Sand Village, the more she promoted the horror of the geothermal generator, the more suspicious the Sand Village ninjas became. In this way, by the time the Sand Village knew the truth, the geothermal generator had already fallen into the hands of others. As for other forces in the ninja world, what does the life and death of the Wind Country have to do with them?

There are enough five major countries in the ninja world. Iwagakure and Kumogakure would not mind using geothermal generators to turn Wind Country into a hell on earth. Even after Snow Country has mastered the secret of geothermal generators, it is very likely that it will use it to hold Sand Country hostage, forcing them to intervene in the war of Snow Country and become a force to protect Snow Country.

Obviously, not only Maki, but the entire Sand Country has realized the importance of geothermal generators.

However, whether it is Maki or the ninjas of Sand Country, they don’t know that climate change itself is a metaphysics.

The greenhouse effect has been promoted for decades in the real world, but how much impact does the greenhouse effect really have?

In fact, judging from the chronology of temperature changes, the temperature in the real world is still cold compared to thousands of years ago. At least the temperature in the pre-Qin and Tang and Song dynasties was much higher than it is now.

The research on climate change in the ninja world is not as good as that in the real world. The reason why those experts and professors said that Wind Country would be destroyed because of geothermal generators is just to exaggerate in order to apply for more research funds. In fact, the data they put forward are just the results of computer models, and their accuracy is about the same as electronic fortune-telling.

In other words, the ninjas in the ninja world are all illiterate, so they are fooled by these scientists.

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