The snow is still a big deal, but the snow is still a big deal.

Because he was fooled by the scientists of the Wind Country, Luo Sha, as the Wind Shadow, personally issued an order for Maki to take the following actions in the Snow Country.

First, investigate the intelligence of the facilities related to the geothermal generator in the Snow Country.

The geothermal generator is a national project of the Snow Country. It may be difficult to find its control mechanism, but it is not difficult to find the auxiliary facilities. After all, the entire Snow Country is full of citizens who participated in this project. Just ask a few people, and you can find the auxiliary facilities of the geothermal generator, and then infer the power of the geothermal generator.

Second, publicize the threat of the geothermal generator in the Snow Country.

The purpose of doing this is to muddy the waters of the Snow Country. At this time, Konoha has already known the truth about the geothermal generator, and the Red Sand Scorpion who snatched "Kazehana Koyuki" is also likely to know the secret of the geothermal generator. Since Akatsuki and Konoha know about this, there is not much point in Sunagakure's concealment.

It is better to publicize this matter and let the ninjas of Iwagakure and Kumogakure know about it. By the way, we can also use Shokuhou Misaki's words to declare the geothermal generator as the final decisive weapon. In this way, we can use the power of Kumogakure and Iwagakure to investigate the location of the control mechanism as soon as possible.

As long as the power of the geothermal generator and the location of the control mechanism are determined, Sunagakure can immediately infer the scope of the geothermal generator, and then calculate its threat to the Kingdom of Wind. If it can really threaten the survival of the Kingdom of Wind, then Luosha, as the Wind Shadow, will personally lead the team to the Snow Country and destroy it at all costs!

So even if Fenghua Nutao didn't say it, the information about the geothermal generator was still spread in the Snow Country. However, the first reaction of all parties to this mysterious device that can affect the earth's climate is disbelief. After all, if this thing is really so powerful, Fenghua Zaoyuki would not have been killed by Kumogakure and her brother.

Even if they don't believe it, the ninjas of Kumogakure and Iwagakure still launched an investigation on the geothermal transmitter. After all, it is better to believe it than not to believe it. So under the investigation of the two major ninja villages, the specific location of the geothermal generator control device soon had a rough range.

After all, one of the two major ninja villages is an ally of the Snow Country, and the other has thousands of ninjas in the Snow Country. It is not difficult to find the control device of the geothermal generator. As long as you find the workers or engineers who built the device and ask them, you can roughly infer it.

Shortly after the location of the control device was exposed, Maki's investigation of the geothermal generator also yielded results. According to Maki's search, the geothermal generator was not actually completed. Limited by the national strength of the Snow Country, the geothermal generator is obviously an unfinished project. Many facilities have only been built for a small part, and the overall completion rate is not even 80%.

But even if it is an unfinished project, it is a facility that is enough to threaten the survival of the Wind Country.

According to the investigation information of Sand Village, the ninjas of Rock Village and Cloud Village have recently gathered around the scenic spot called Rainbow Ice Wall in the central area of ​​the Snow Country. Obviously, there should be the control device of the geothermal generator. Now that the location of the central controller has been determined, combined with the drawings of the auxiliary facilities, a huge floor heating project has appeared in front of Sand Village.

Looking at the various data about the geothermal generator in the intelligence, the experts of the Wind Country made a little calculation and estimated the power of the geothermal generator. According to the calculations of these experts, once the facility is completed and put into operation, it can truly change the climate of the Snow Country, turning the country from the original Snow Country into the "Spring Country."

The impact brought about by this will inevitably make the environment of the Wind Country worse, and then bring the Wind Country to the brink of extinction.

After hearing this conclusion from the experts, the entire Sand Village was shocked!

They never expected that a small country like the Snow Country would indirectly lead to the demise of the Wind Country by building a large-scale floor heating system.

But the ninjas of the Sand Village were illiterate and had no idea of ​​the complexity of environmental science. Faced with such a serious scientific issue, they could only listen to the opinions of experts. Although these experts were not sure, in order to obtain more research funds, they chose to publicize the threat of geothermal generators in unison.

Of course, these experts are not all selfish.

Because according to the existing theoretical basis, it is entirely possible that geothermal generators will cause the environment of the Wind Country to be extremely bad.

Faced with the issue of the survival of the country, scientists in the Wind Country naturally choose to treat it with caution. Ning

The role of the geothermal generator can be exaggerated, but it cannot be ignored. After all, even if the geothermal generator cannot change the climate, it has great value in itself. If it really falls into the hands of Iwagakure or Kumogakure, their Wind Country will be destroyed!

No one dares to bet on the future of their country, because no one can afford to lose this bet!

So, the entire Sand Village, and even the entire Wind Country, went crazy.

As the contemporary Wind Shadow, Luo Sha personally led tens of thousands of ninjas to board the ship and marched towards the Snow Country.

You know, there are only more than 15,000 ninjas in the entire Sand Village. Tens of thousands of ninjas are almost all the troops that Sand Village can mobilize.

Obviously, facing the crisis of national extinction, Sand Village behaved more extremely crazy than Iwagakure.

If the will of Iwagakure is: it is better to fight a ninja world war, and it must take down the Snow Country.

Then the will of Sand Village is: even if all the ninjas of Sand Village die, the geothermal generator must be destroyed!

It is impossible to conceal the crazy actions of Sand Village from other forces in the ninja world. Seeing that Sand Village actually dispatched all its troops, Iwagakure, Kumogakure, Konoha, Mist Shadow, and even Akatsuki, almost all the ninjas in the ninja world were shocked by the actions of Sand Village!

Not to mention others, even Shokuhou Misaki, the promoter of all this, was shocked by the actions of Sand Village.

Looking at the information passed by Kabuto Yakushi, Shokuhou Misaki said inwardly:

Is it necessary for you Sand Village to be like this?

This geothermal generator was also activated in the movie version, and there was no impact on the earth's environment?

The reason why I fooled in front of Maki was just to let you Sand Village send a few more ninjas to make it easier for me to muddy the water. But you sent tens of thousands of ninjas at once, which is not just muddying the water, you are also going to start the fourth season of the Ninja World War in advance!

Obviously, Shokuhou Misaki, who is in the Snow Country, miscalculated again.

It can only be said that the Snow Country is not Konoha Village after all, and Shokuhou Misaki has very limited knowledge of the surrounding situation of this country. So since she set foot in this country, Shokuhou Misaki's plan has been constantly wrong.

First, she misjudged the psychology of the citizens of the Snow Country, and underestimated Iwagakure's determination for the Snow Country. Later, when she fooled Maki, she did not expect the influence of the experts of the Wind Country, so that the originally chaotic situation in the Snow Country was repeatedly beyond the control of Shokuhou Misaki. Now it is completely out of control, and the Ninja World War is about to begin!

Of course, these mistakes cannot be blamed on Shokuhou Misaki. Now she is only a Kage-level powerhouse of Sequence 4. After all, her ability to grasp the situation is not as good as Adam, the King of Angels. As long as a person cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, her plan may have loopholes in the implementation process, which is inevitable.

Like the plans in some novels that follow the words, they simply do not exist in the face of the chaos of reality. All Shokuhou Misaki can do is to sway left and right with the changes in the situation, constantly adjust her strategic layout, and ensure that the general direction of development of things does not exceed her control.

Just when Shokuhou Misaki constantly reflected on her plan, constantly changed, and felt that she still had a lot of room for growth. At this time, Kabuto Yakushi, who was opposite her, looked at Shokuhou Misaki with obvious fear in his eyes.

As a ninja of Konoha, when Shokuhou Misaki used the "geothermal generator" to lay out, she did not forget to report the matter to Konoha Village. After all, she will compete for the throne of the fifth generation Hokage in the future, and this layout of the Snow Country is likely to become a precious resume on her road to Hokage.

After receiving Shokuhou Misaki's plan, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen first felt that Shokuhou Misaki's plan was a bit naive.

Just relying on the fermentation and instigation of public opinion, a war between Iwagakure and Kumogakure in the Snow Country can be caused. Such a plan is too childish.

But after reading Shokuhou Misaki's plan in detail, Sarutobi Hiruzen gradually realized the horror of Shokuhou Misaki's plan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen tried to think about it. If he didn't know that the "geothermal generator" was a trap, and he kept receiving information that Iwagakure, Kumogakure and Sandagakure were sending ninjas to the Snow Country. Then at this time, as a Hokage, he would definitely send ninjas to the Snow Country.

And when the major ninja villages in the ninja world invested a lot of power in the Snow Country, these ninja villages would not easily choose to withdraw. Because the relationship between the major ninja villages in the ninja world is only pure hostility, and there is no trust between each other. On the basis of lack of mutual trust, the chain of suspicion will cause the situation in the Snow Country to continue to ferment.

Everyone will not believe any words between each other, but only believe each other's actions. When everyone sees everyone trying to fight for the "geothermal generator", everyone will feel that this machine

It is definitely an important thing. Because everyone's actions are proof of the value of the "geothermal generator", even if these actions are essentially just tests.

Furthermore, pure hostility will also make the major ninja villages subconsciously adopt an extremely hostile state. When you see that the hostile ninja village wants to fight for something, even if you don't know what that thing is, you must stop the other party to prevent the hostile ninja village from increasing its strength. Because any change in the strength of the ninja world may bring huge strategic losses.

After understanding this, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that Shokuhou Misaki's layout was very operational. Especially with Shokuhou Misaki's planning ability, there is a high probability that a fierce local war will occur in the Snow Country, and Iwagakure and Kumogakure will inevitably suffer heavy losses in this war.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect was that the first to invest a large number of ninjas in the Snow Country was the Sand Village.

When the Sand Village tried to invest tens of thousands of ninjas in the Snow Country, Iwagakure and Kumogakure also fell into madness! After all, not to mention the value of the geothermal generator, just these tens of thousands of Sand Village ninjas are enough to put Iwagakure and Kumogakure into a state of war.

And let alone what happens next. With the all-round intervention of Sand Village, Iwagakure and Kumogakure will inevitably send more ninjas. And when the three parties send a large number of ninjas to the Snow Country, the chain of suspicion between each other will only continue to ferment, and the outbreak of war will only be a matter of time.

And once the war really breaks out...

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but take a breath.

If the three major ninja villages in the ninja world broke out in war just because of Shokuhou Misaki's plan, then Shokuhou Misaki would have made a huge contribution to Konoha. Because she, with her own strength, severely injured the vitality of the three major ninja villages, such an achievement can completely crush all the ninjas in Konoha now, including him, Sarutobi Hiruzen!

In this case, it will only be a matter of time for Shokuhou Misaki to become Hokage. And even if she doesn't become Hokage in a short time, Shokuhou Misaki will inevitably gain a lot of voice in Konoha Village. In the future, everyone will choose to listen to her opinions on all the strategic plans of Konoha.

And this is something Sarutobi Hiruzen absolutely cannot accept.

After all, if the whole Konoha listens to Shokuhou Misaki, then what is Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage?

So, out of his emphasis on power, Sarutobi Hiruzen did a stupid thing.

In the plan provided by Shokuhou Misaki, she proposed that Konoha should also send a certain number of ninjas into the Snow Country. Because only in this way, the situation in the Snow Country will become more chaotic!

If Konoha does not send troops for a long time, the other three ninja villages will definitely think that this matter is a fraud. After all, Konoha once controlled "Wind Flower Koyuki" for a long time, and the "New Dryas Incident" was also proposed by Konoha's Shokuhou Misaki. As the source of everything, Konoha will naturally send a large number of ninjas into the Snow Country.

Once Konoha violates common sense and does not send a large number of ninjas to intervene in the situation in the Snow Country, the other three ninja villages will think that all this is Konoha's layout. In this way, the three ninja villages will have no reason to continue the hostility, and they will choose to withdraw from the Snow Country, and the war will not break out.

So for the sake of perfecting the layout, Shokuhou Misaki suggested that Konoha send ninjas into the Snow Country to make this layout more credible.

But the problem is that Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want Shokuhou Misaki to make too many achievements in the Snow Country.

Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want Shokuhou Misaki to become famous in the Snow Country now, and he does not want Shokuhou Misaki to threaten his throne of Hokage. He only hopes that Shokuhou Misaki will honestly give him advice and let him sit firmly on the throne of Hokage.

So in the face of Shokuhou Misaki's proposal, Sarutobi Hiruzen has no intention of sending Konoha ninjas. He just wants Shokuhou Misaki's plan in the Snow Country to fail miserably, and then he will come forward as Hokage to comfort her, so as to grasp the most terrible master planner of Konoha in his own hands.

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