The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 14: High and low immediately

Chapter 14: High and low appear immediately

Wen Yu opened his eyes and sat up.

Wen Qian looked at her red and swollen face, sighed secretly, put aside a little guilt, and sat at the table with a sullen face.

 “I want my mother’s dowry!” Wen Yu stood up, sat down opposite him, and opened his mouth to say.

 “What did you say!?” Wen Qian was shocked!

He thought that Wen Yu would complain about his neglect and injustice for so many years, tell him about the grievances he suffered at home, ask how to punish Wen Huan, accuse Yuan and offer compensation conditions, and even ask to go to Beijing with him.

 Unexpectedly, she would mention this.

"You heard that right!" Wen Yu confirmed again after seeing his father's surprised expression. "I am already fifteen years old and am my mother's only child. I should be the one to receive her dowry. So, now, I have to accept my mother's dowry."

 Her tone! Wen Qian laughed sarcastically, "I didn't expect you to... haha." Fortunately for her, she went around in such a circle.

 Wen said nothing and looked at his father silently.

"According to customary rules: Men and women who have not gotten married and whose families have not been separated have no private property. Even if they are engaged, if your mother's dowry needs to be used, the Wen family must negotiate with the Chen family."

Wen Qian looked at Wen Yu calmly and analyzed in his mind: Could her change be caused by the coming-of-age ceremony?

 Wen Yu said nothing and looked back at him calmly.

"Your mother's dowry is her private property. But she has passed away, and the Wen family has the right to keep and supervise her dowry. As for you... we can wait until you get married."

"Since it is the mother's private property, her only daughter is responsible for keeping it, so it is legitimate. Moreover, I hold it in my hand, and the Wen family can also supervise it." Wen Yu said calmly.

 “You!” Wen Qian became angry again.

"I"? "Wen family"? Look at her distant words, it seems as if they are really not a family!

 A little girl can be so difficult to deal with!

“…I can’t believe that I’m telling you all this here…” Wen Qian felt like he was about to faint.

"Father doesn't have to be like this. This matter must be mentioned sooner or later!" Wen Yu seemed to be more rational than him, "And, has father forgotten? At the beginning, my mother married a man who was as she wished..." At this point, she He smiled mockingly.

A surge of anger rushed into Wen Qian's heart again, and he looked at Wen Yu with a sense of intimidation: You can't blame me for beating her, this is really hateful!

Wen Yu disagreed, "My grandfather was very happy. In addition to the dowry that the family should give to my mother and the private property of my grandparents, I also gave my mother four points. My uncle and aunt each got three points... The reason why my uncle and aunt didn't complain was because Their brother-sister relationship.

 The mother died and she had no son. Ordinarily, part of the dowry should be returned to the Chen family. But my uncle loved me and kept asking for it. The Wen family won't accept this as their own, right? ! "

“You bastard! How dare you speak like that!” Wen Qian slapped the table.

He could never imagine that he, who could talk eloquently in front of his bosses and colleagues, would be speechless in front of his daughter. He didn't know what to do except use his status as a pressure. !

This reminded him of the feelings his father made him feel when he was a child: pressure, depression, fear, and nowhere to escape...

 This is simply too bad!

He said coldly: "If your grandfather gives you more or less, that is the Chen family's business and has nothing to do with the Wen family. Besides, the Wen family also has some betrothal gifts! If your uncle has any ideas, let him ask. I want!"

Who knows if that **** uncle is still alive...


 He ​​suddenly remembered that half a year ago, on the 80th birthday of the Empress Dowager, there was a very wide amnesty. Could it be...

Wen Yu still said calmly: "After many years, my father must have really forgotten it. The Chen family didn't keep any of the Wen family's betrothal gift, and my mother brought it back. Could it be that my uncle remembered it wrong? But , there was a pile of black and white writing on it, I saw it was really interesting!”

“Your uncle is back?” Wen Qian calmed down immediately.

 No wonder...she is so confident. It turns out that her uncle came back to support her!

"He's back. My uncle was demoted for many years, and when he encountered amnesty, he came back with his family. My uncle has been suffering in other places for many years. My cousins ​​and cousins ​​also suffered a lot. So, even if my uncle doesn't mention it, "The daughter also wants to return part of her mother's original dowry to her uncle."

Wen Qian ignored the sense of ownership in her tone, but secretly thought: Why didn't his mother mention this? Doesn't she know?

Wen Yu sneered in his heart: When my uncle came back from his previous life, he passed by Dingzhou and found out that his father was an official there, so he looked for him first. He wanted his father to help him settle down. The key is to apply for the school status of my sons.

But I didn’t want to, how could my father want my uncle to stand up? Now that you have the skills, can you look through old accounts from the past?

Hence, he sincerely pointed out a blind way. The result was: my uncle's job failed, and my brother's studies failed.

Finally, when she got a foothold in the Song family and was able to take care of her uncle... her uncle fell ill and died after years of hard work, and her cousin was depressed because of the domineering and unreasonable wife he married, and accomplished nothing... That little cousin, with this The little gangster seems to have everything he needs to eat, drink, whore, and gamble.

 My eldest cousin, she was married out of town before she came back. She was angry with her mother-in-law and beaten by her husband. She is gone. My little cousin... later, with her help, she got married well.

It’s just that what will happen to her after I die... I really can’t figure this out. After all, I still don’t understand how I came back!

 In this life, she returned to this life on the day she was fifteen years old. The next day, I wrote a letter and entrusted the most reliable local **** agency to intercept my uncle.

Sure enough, he was in Dingzhou, and when his uncle came to seek help from his father, he brought him back directly.

 She took the opportunity of going to her best friend's house to meet her.

  When the uncle, who was dressed in rags, aged and tired, saw his niece whom he had never met before, he was so excited that he could not speak. The two had a serious talk, and then her uncle's family took all her possessions and went to the capital to seek refuge with an adult named Mo.

 I know Lord Mo, in the previous life, she was an old friend of her maternal family whom she met in the capital after being helped up by Song Shang. According to Lord Mo, her maternal ancestor had a favor with him.

At that time, Mr. Mo had already achieved great success, but he still did not forget his old relationship. He even met her specifically to find out the news about his maternal family so that he could do some help.

 Unfortunately, my uncle had passed away by then. Although her cousin was well protected by her, he had lost his spirit and his future was already hopeless...

Wen Qian suddenly had a very bad feeling, so he calmed down and said, "So that's it! In the past two years, I have been too busy to take care of things, and I have ignored this matter. What good news...

Let’s do this: give me your uncle’s address and I can help him with his affairs. It would be more appropriate for me to negotiate with him about your mother's dowry. "

"My uncle and my daughter have agreed that all the mother's property will be handed over to her. How to divide it will be discussed separately. My uncle personally wrote a letter to express that no matter what happens to his daughter, he will accept it and will not complain." ”

Wen Qian was so angry that he even found a witness... She had done so many things behind my back! It seems that he came prepared!

  I was angry, but I couldn't help but take my own secret: The things Wen Yu and Wen Huan were arguing about were really not on the same level! As the saying goes: the high and the low show...

 The eldest daughter... Is this the style of the eldest daughter?

The Wen Huan that he loved and nurtured with all his heart, the vision and methods shown this time are really disappointing...

 Taking back his thoughts, there were still many things he couldn't figure out: even if her uncle was instigating him behind his back...he knew that his mother had been neglecting Wen Yu for so many years.

 But her behavior just now was rational and calm, she knew the rules, and she was also brave! How can this be learned in a short time? !

this matter…

 Wen Qian’s brain was indeed strong enough, and he calmed down immediately: At present, everything seems to be in trouble... After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to be cautious.

That’s all!

 Originally, I wasn’t greedy for her! For now, let’s not have any unnecessary arguments.

He nodded and said in a business-like tone: "Bring me your uncle's letter. If you decide like this, I have nothing to say. I will discuss it with your grandmother first, and I will discuss it before leaving. I’ll give you an answer!”

  Two or three collections every day, a few recommendation votes, and few people talking.

Everything seems to be operated by a robot!

   Am I on a single player?

Squeak, you stinky babies!

I haven’t received the contract message yet. If you still like it, please support me more! Whether it can be completed or not depends on the stinkers.



 (End of this chapter)

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