The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 15: The pattern should be big

Chapter 15 The pattern needs to be bigger

Just now, Mr. Yuan took his children out.

Send them back to their rooms first, and then ask their friends to ask for the doctor.

The doctor came quickly. When he entered the room to see the patient, she watched from outside the hospital and did not follow him.

After a while, when I saw the doctor leaving, I planned to go back and see what was going on.

There was a confidant of her husband guarding the door. When he saw her coming, he shook his head slightly, meaning that he was not allowed in... Her heart sank slightly, and after thinking about it, she turned around and went to see her daughter first.

Wen Huan was sitting in front of the window in a daze...

  Hitting the child will make her go smoothly. Good looks and high talents.

 Her father is elegant in appearance, smart and capable, and dotes on her in every possible way.

Mother is elegant and gentle, has excellent communication skills, and has a lot of money.

Although there is a sister above him who is the daughter of his father's first wife, and she is superior to him in terms of status, they have not been together since they were young, and his father never mentioned her. On weekdays, she feels like her family only consists of her parents and two younger brothers.

 Wen Yu is just an irrelevant stranger!

Every time I come back with my father, that "eldest sister", oh, so petty, with a fake smile on her face, runs back and forth enthusiastically, giving her this and that!

Daddy is not pretentious, but she has no eyebrows! A little annoying, but not too bothersome.

Daddy has only one beloved daughter, himself.

 Later, I grew up. During social interactions, there were female companions who were jealous of her and would occasionally mention...her mother was filling in for a house and she was a stepdaughter...

 But she didn’t care too much! Ever since I was born, I have had a "sister" above me. Even if I don't see her on weekdays, she is still there!

 “Don’t be called mediocre!” They are just jealous of me! You just deliberately made trouble to disgust me!

 But, just last year…

 One time, my father was not at home. Someone came to my mother's family, and I don't know what she said. After they left, my mother was in a bad mood. She drank and got drunk!

She was worried and crept out of her mother's window.

 As a result...she heard the conversation between her mother and Aunt Xu.

 Father and mother actually have such a past... She was so shocked that she couldn't open her mouth for a long time!

 Finally, I thought that my mother's original wife and her status as the eldest daughter were actually snatched away by Wen Yu and her daughter...and that I had such a shameful life experience for nothing, and I felt afraid and hateful in my heart!

Her parents have been pampering her. Although she has a very competitive temperament, she doesn't know much about conspiracy and doesn't know how to vent her hatred.

 After thinking about it for a long time, I finally took it upon myself to take advantage of this opportunity to give gifts to bully Wen Yu! Then, use this as an opportunity to humiliate Wen Yu and let her father and grandmother deal with her, or preferably, erase her existence!

 She became the legitimate eldest daughter!

 But I didn’t expect…

Wen Yu is so shameless. He exposes her in public and can’t even stop her!

However, there are mistakes! So what if you expose it? Haven't you been beaten?

 There is no comparison between you and me!

Here, as soon as the door opened, her mother came in. She thought of her father yelling at her sternly just now... "Mom!" Wen Huan felt aggrieved and tears fell down again.

"Huanhuan..." Ms. Yuan sat down gently, as she always did. She was never in a hurry. "If you have any ideas, please tell me about it."

"Mother..." Wen Huan didn't dare to mention the past events she overheard, "Mother, my daughter doesn't like Wen Yu! My daughter hates her!"

Yuan Shi smiled but said nothing.

"Mom, you don't know that when my daughter goes out to socialize, Zhang Feng, Liu Xiangwen and the others always talk in front of me. Especially... Zhao Qing said that her sister-in-law was born in a vacant house, so when discussing the marriage, My family was not happy! How bad they were! They said it in front of my daughter!"

"Huanhuan..." Mrs. Yuan ruffled Wen Huan's hair. This daughter was carefully cultivated by her. She played the piano well and her poems always had wonderful lines. "You are so outstanding! They always want to find something." I just want to belittle you to make myself feel better. You are an ignorant little girl, the world is so big! If you care about this, you will fall behind!"

“But my daughter just can’t get angry!” Wen Huan sniffed, very unhappy.

"You! My mother told you: they do it on purpose. If you care about it... your mentality will be bad. This will become your weakness. And they will say it even more deliberately!"

"Mom, these daughters know! But... no one pays attention to Wen Yu at home, and her father doesn't like her... The Chen family is in decline again, why can't we think of a way..."

Yuan Shi was a little surprised, Huanhuan had thought a lot! But... "Daughter, you have to understand that everything should be done in moderation."

 Wen Huan raised his head and looked at his mother.

Yuanshi said calmly: "Although she is known as the eldest daughter, who is she outside the family? Haven't you heard that your grandmother didn't even organize the fifteen-year-old adult ceremony?" "That's it. Ah! Since you don't pay much attention to her, why not just..." The words "kill her" paused in his mouth, he hesitated, and then changed his words: "Just get her to live in the village, or let her become a monk."

“In that case, won’t people talk about it at home? What good will it do to us to draw everyone’s attention to this matter?”

“But if she bears the title of eldest daughter, what good will it do to her daughter?”

"Haha... She has been carrying the name of being a kin since she was a child. Everyone is indifferent to her and no one gossips. This time, we will not take her to Beijing. Your grandmother will not take her when she goes to Beijing in half a year. They will look for her here. I married her."

 There is nothing better than a wife who knows her husband. She understands her husband.

“…” Wen Huan didn’t understand what was going on and said nothing.

"Isn't it nice to have a dowry left and never see each other again in this life? But if something happens to her... maybe someone will notice. Although your father's official career is going well, his opponents are also It’s quite a lot, so I can’t give anyone a clue.”

Wen Huan listened quietly, understanding that what her mother said made sense, but she felt dissatisfied.

"You see, you have outstanding talent and appearance, and there will be people who are jealous of you wherever you go. They will find something to belittle you. Your father is so outstanding, how come no one is looking for his shortcomings? The higher you go, the more you want. Just be careful. Similarly, when you reach a high place, you should pay attention to the big things that match your identity, and you may not be able to remember those old little things that have nothing to do with your life!”

In the future, if Wen Huan marries well and becomes Mrs. Gaoming, will she even care about having an eldest sister in her hometown?

“Mom, my daughter understands.” Now, Wen Huan understood

“Huanhuan, you did a very bad job this time!” Yuan became serious…

 “Mother…” Wen Huan could not tolerate criticism from others.

"My mother has carefully trained you for many years. Your handwriting shouldn't be so small!"

"Mother..." Wen Huan said helplessly, her face turning red.

“Look at this: if it’s done, what will you gain? If it’s not done, what will you lose? You didn’t even think about it in advance? Now, let her catch you... How embarrassing is it!?”

 Wen Huan's face turned redder and his head turned to the side.

"If her parents want to suppress her, they have nothing but filial piety. Isn't it boring?" Yuan patted her daughter's hand. To be honest, after the battle just now, she was not in a good mood.

"If you don't like her, hate her, and want to deal with her, there are many ways! But no matter what, you can't let yourself get dirty. In fact, you should be extra nice to her, let her put down her guard, and give her the final blow... I'm afraid she won't Know what’s going on!”

Wen Huan looked at her mother with bright eyes.

Yuan continued: "I heard from your great-grandmother that those noble ladies in the capital are like this. They are used to hiding knives in their smiles and borrowing knives to kill people. This is not just a trivial matter with scarves and jewelry, but a matter of life and death. Next Before the killer, the other party didn't even take the slightest precaution! So, you just want to vent your anger and get yourself into trouble, right?"

Wen Huan's vision seemed to be opened for the first time and he nodded, "My daughter understands, mother, what happened this time is that my daughter is too stingy."

"Yeah. Every time you take a step, you will gain wisdom! Remember, your father's promotion gave us women steps. We have to move up. The pattern must be big! During this period, even if you are angry, if you get better Don’t worry about the important things.”

 Wen Huan nodded solemnly.

Yuan walked out of her daughter's room and looked at the scenery in the yard, feeling a little dazed.

For example, you know what you want.

  The reputation is gambled and the family relationship is harmed... In the end: the husband is successful, the husband and wife are harmonious, the children are outstanding, and there is no need to worry about gold and silver. How great would it be to socialize among the ladies of the capital soon? !

 Otherwise, like her sister, her husband’s future is limited and he must plan his days carefully. Wen Huan doesn't even look down on her daughters' proud clothes...

 She looked at the beautiful bracelet on her wrist and smiled softly.

   Two updates, two updates!



 (End of this chapter)

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