Chapter 16 Reveals Evil Nature

After the matter was settled, Wen Yu stopped trying to get close to his father, stood up, bowed and left.

Before the doctor came, Wen Qian picked up the tattered gifts with his own hands and put them on the table.

Wen Yu didn't even glance at the corner of his eyes, and left with a half-red face.

Wen Qian sat there, looking at her back, feeling a sense of depression that he had not experienced in many years.

Hongxing followed Wen Yu with mixed emotions, her face changed, but she didn't dare to say anything.

The girl has been gone for a long time. Hongdou paced back and forth uneasily at the entrance of the courtyard, "Why aren't you back yet?!" Her pretty little eyebrows knitted together.

Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps and happily walked out the door. At a glance, he saw the red mark of a slap on Wen Yu's face.

"Ah?! Girl, this is..." Hongdou's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

"It's okay." Wen Yu comforted in a low voice.

"He...they beat you?" Hongdou burst into tears, "I'll never be a father like this again! I'll go find him!" He turned around and left.

"Wait a minute!" Wen Yu pulled her into the house and whispered in her ear: "I deliberately angered him. I have my own purpose."

" it really him? Wow, there has never been such a cruel father in the world." Hongdou gritted his teeth and couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Although she has never met her father, at this moment, she does feel lucky that such a father... would be better than not having one at all!

The two of them entered the house, but Hongxing didn't follow her because she was "conscious". She returned to her own house and sneered at the main house. Did she get beaten? ! Should! I feel sorry for my really went to waste this time.

"It's okay, it's nothing. If everything goes well... Hongdou, I'll change your name!" Wen Yu sat down and suddenly remembered something.

", what did you say!" This turn was too fast, and Hongdou didn't understand it for a moment.

“I remember Sister-in-law Fang said that your mother’s surname is Yan. Otherwise, you might as well take her mother’s surname! Just call it...well, Yan Zhu. Do you like Pearl Pearl?!”

I heard that Hongdou’s mother’s name is Yan Huixin, and she looks like Xiaojiabiyu. She was pregnant and went home with her husband. The boat capsized in a storm and her husband disappeared.

 She was rescued by her grandmother and mother's boat.

 After Yan Huixin recovered, she gave birth to Hongdou. It is said that she got married when her husband was in trouble. After she became pregnant, her husband missed home very much and wanted to give the child in his belly a good background, so he planned to take her back to the capital. His family did not know about his marriage.

 The affairs between her husband and the family are very complicated, and now that he is gone, even if she goes to look for him, it will not be interesting to see whether they recognize him or not. My parents are gone, and I don’t want to disturb my brother and sister-in-law. Therefore, I want to stay with my mother.

 Yan Hui is gentle and sensible, and is good at making soup.

 Her mother and she were more like sisters. When they got married, they brought Yan Huixin and Hongdou with them. The Wen family mistakenly thought that the two women were their mother's domestic servants, and the mother did not explain much.

Later they all left...

Hongdou has been by Wen Yu’s side since he was born. Although she is more than a year older than him, she is very straightforward. Now, she is more like her sister.

 Thinking about Hongdou’s past, every stupid idea she had, Hongdou followed her without any regrets...until she died tragically in the end. Alas, she really never enjoyed a single day of happiness.

Two months ago, not only did I give all my jewelry and silver to my uncle, but I also gave Hongdou’s. Now, apart from their clothes, they don't even have any decent jewelry.

 At present, the shadow of the second uncle has not faded.

 Planning to receive the mother’s dowry also requires a large number of manpower.

How about restoring Hongdou's identity first, and if things go smoothly outside, let her move out and become a rich lady, so that she won't be disposed of at will by others!

Hongdou has a beautiful appearance but a rough heart. Hearing the girl say this, he wiped away his tears and smiled, "That sounds great! Pearl... Girl, I am Pearl Baby!"

“Hmm. You are Pearl Baby.” Thinking of the twinkling look in her eyes when she saw the old lady Dai Dong Pearl Hairpin, she couldn’t help but smile. "When we get rich, we will buy you Dongzhuchai!"

Yan Zhu squinted her eyes, extremely happy.

 Hope everything goes as you wish!


Over there, Wen Qian sat alone for a while, then got up and went to find the old lady before his wife came back.

The old lady was a little surprised when she saw that her eldest son had a bad look on his face, "But is something wrong?"

“Mother, my son is here and wants to talk about Wen Yu.” The old lady hummed indifferently.

"Just now... my son called her over." Wen Qian had never dealt with such a thing before, and he didn't know how to speak.

"It's like this... The gifts that Sister Huan bought were not to Wen Yu's liking... The two got into an argument. Wen Yu's words were unpleasant, and my son couldn't hold it back for a moment..."

 Wen Qian felt a little embarrassed, but he had to protect Wen Huan.

 The old lady calmed down and waited for his next words.

  …“… gave Wen Yu a slap in the face.”

“…” The old lady was indeed taken aback, “She comes from a daughter’s house… Why are you so impulsive?”

 Wen Qian turned his head and said nothing.

Old Mrs. Wen's face turned foul, "For so many years, this girl has done her duty. She has always treated me, my aunt and several sisters with a smile... Even if she was wronged, she tolerated it herself and never caused me any trouble. Trouble. There was no adult ceremony for her, so why did she get into trouble because of a little gift? "

 Wen Qian said nothing.

"How unpleasant is it that this matter is going to be spread? What is your status now? Why would you attack your daughter?!" The old lady became angrier as she spoke.

"Her reputation is ruined, but you are getting better again?" Thinking of something, Tiao Men'er suddenly went up.

"Mother, it was my son who acted impulsively." The mother was so excited that it was beyond the man's expectations, so she quickly admitted her mistake seriously.

“Hmph! It’s your precious wife and daughter who have done too much. Why don’t you cover it up for them?” the old lady said with a sneer.

 “Not really, mother…”

 The old lady slapped the table, "Are you still protecting them?"

Wen Qian was stunned. His mother rarely got so angry at him.

"Wen Yu is your eldest daughter. She is good-looking, hard-working, smiles to everyone, and has a not-to-be-disliked temperament. On weekdays, she does a lot of things for me... But as a grandmother, Why do you do that to her?"

Wen Qian lowered his head and said nothing.

"Ignore her; don't train her; don't praise her; eat, drink, and dress just fine; say she has a bad fate; never treat her like an eldest daughter... and raise her alive! Why? ?Um?!"

Wen Qian asked the old lady to ask, and his face turned red.

"Don't you just...don't want her to make progress one day?" In any case, that was her own granddaughter, and she was so good-looking. In any way, the old lady felt bad.

"How many days can she stay at home at this age? A gift...a matter of a few dollars, but she can do it like this! After so many years, Yuan Xijun, her life, has not been satisfactory enough?!"

I'm really angry: This woman ate her son to death.

 How much have you done for her? !

Those things will ruin your son’s reputation!

The dead old man in the family hates himself and suppresses his son! Since childhood, I have endured the grievances of my parents, studying and taking exams, and looking for jobs. How difficult is it to achieve what you have today?

 But just for this, a woman is willing to take such a big risk...

 Even now, I’m still standing up for her!

  A daughter-in-law does not serve her mother-in-law, but she can follow her husband around. A few days ago... a friend came to my house and said that he met a family of five, rafting on Xuan Lake!

As a mother-in-law, I have really worked hard to train him. But until now, I have only worried about him for a lot of time, but I have never received his filial piety!

 This bitch, Yuan Shi... is simply unreasonable!

Wen Qian felt uncomfortable listening to his mother's words. When he came back in high spirits, he was embarrassed by his daughter's troubles, mocked and sarcastic by his younger brother, and even scolded by his mother.

He really hadn't experienced this in many years, so he said calmly: "Mother, forget it! My son has just told them. Wen Yu's uncle is back, did you know?"

"...Her uncle is back? When did it happen?!" Sure enough, the old lady changed her attention.

"Wen Yu said it. Uncle Chen is back, and he even contacted her."

"When? How could this happen?" The old lady was puzzled, and then thought: "Even if you come back under the amnesty, you will still have no official position and no property. If a family wants to stand on its own, how can it be done without connections and money? He won't go to you. , find her a girl’s house?”

I contacted this girl without going through myself. This thing is evil!

 Could it be that…

 (End of this chapter)

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