Chapter 17: Dismiss as you wish

 He is suspicious! ?

 Old Mrs. Wen was sweating all over.

Wen Qian was calm and said without emotion: "I don't know yet! My son will pay attention. Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

 “Humph…” The old lady felt a little uneasy.

“Mother, just now Wen Yu asked her son for her mother’s dowry!”

"What? She wants?! Crazy! Crazy! How dare you mention this to you, little girl?!" The old lady was angry again.

"Mother! Don't be so excited." Wen Qian comforted her as much as possible.

 “It’s so funny, one by one, this is going to turn upside down!” Too many things happened recently, which finally aroused the old lady’s anger.

 What do you think I am?

 My life today did not fall from the sky!

"Mother, you also know what Wen Yu was like before. There has been such a big change all of a sudden. It must have been her uncle who came back and gave guidance from behind."

"Are we afraid of him!? In the case of amnesty, we are only exempted from punishment, but it does not mean that the Chen family has been wronged... They have no family property, no official position, and even a place to live. Ha, rely on the help of relatives and friends, and then be gentle It would be great if we can move around a little bit and manage our days!”

“That’s right.” Wen Qian nodded.

"But..." The old lady thought that she was someone who was prepared for a rainy day, "You should also pay attention to one or two, and if there are any signs, cut them off as soon as possible!"


 The old lady couldn't help but blame Yuan again, it was all her fault... What a disaster!

"Mother, we shouldn't mess around now. As for the dowry, let's just let her do it! Otherwise, it will be more troublesome to be entangled. Originally, our family didn't covet this." Wen Qian said.

 After things settled down at the dock, life at home became much better. When he was promoted to the capital, his family no longer had to worry about life.

The old lady looked at him sideways and said with a sneer: "Everything in my hand is sealed in the warehouse! I have never touched Mrs. Chen's dowry! What's in your hand... Hehe, you and your precious wife Did you say it?”

“…” Wen Qian listened and felt a little helpless.

 Ajun’s natal family is well off, not rich. Then something happened again. When I married myself, the dowry was so small that it was negligible.

 When she entered the house, I gave her the private house that I had owned for so many years so that she would not be embarrassed.

  Then she took on a foreign job, had to socialize, and had children. The expenses were too high... Although the family could provide support, it was not as convenient as having money in hand.

So he handed over his deceased wife's dowry shop and land to Yuan Xijun.

Now that I have finished talking to my mother, I will have to talk to Ajun when I go back...Oh, I am really worried!

Wen Qian was a little impatient, but he still had to cover it up for his wife, "Most of the income from those properties was used by my son. Ajun is a sensible person, so I will tell her when I get back soon. Just leave it to Wen Yu, son." There are too many things to worry about!”

"Then, do whatever you want. My family is moving to the capital, and I need a lot of money to spend. Mom can't help you with anything," the old lady said coquettishly.

 Actually, it's not that I can't help at all, but she doesn't want to, so she wants to embarrass Yuan and make her feel uncomfortable!

 The two of them were stunned for a while.

Seeing her eldest son's serious face, the old lady felt a little sorry for him: "She's just a little girl, but you can't deal with her? How about... let me do it!?" There was a hint of sinisterness in her eyes.

"Mother, it doesn't have to be like this!" Wen Qian knew what his mother meant, but... "It's better for my son to be safe now. Besides, his father is also in trouble."

At this time, the old lady had nothing to say.

 The two of them were in a daze for a while.

"Just give it to her. It's not a big deal. But, this girl is over fifteen, and the marriage can't be postponed. What do you think?" the old lady asked.

“Just when I was about to talk to my mother about this, she happened to accept the dowry, so you find a family locally and take care of things. After half a year, when you go to the capital, don’t take it with you..."

 The old lady was a little embarrassed after hearing this. Wen Yu hasn't gotten engaged yet, will she get married within half a year? She is not the daughter of a small family, how can she be so careless! ?

"Time is too tight. It hasn't been decided yet. How can we get married in half a year? Besides, we can't just look for it randomly! If the eldest daughter can't get married, what about the girls below!?"

"Mother! Let's move to the capital. We are all new people and in a new circle. Who will pay attention to this?" Wen Qian asked calmly.

"Having said that, it is the face of the family after all... Sis... Oh, by the way! The wife of Magistrate Zhang really likes that girl. The Zhang family has an unmarried young son. It is said that he is going to work in the government office..." Wen Qian knew the Zhang family, and the relationship between the two families had always been good.

 You don’t get to the position of prefect until you are over 40 years old, and the height you go up is also limited.

 The youngest son of the Zhang family...has no fame.

 The family tradition is good and the two families are close, so there are good reasons for marrying her!

"Okay! It's him! Please ask mother to settle it!" Wen Qian figured it out in an instant, decisively interrupted the old lady and made the decision.

 Let’s stop here, this topic will not be continued.


Wen Yu, who was in the house, didn't know that her father and grandmother had already decided her future.

 The red mark on her face has faded, and she is thinking about receiving her mother's dowry. I must use what I learned from Song Shang in my previous life on this matter.


Wen Qian finished talking to his mother and returned to his room.

Yuanshi was waiting in the room. When he saw him coming back, he stood up quickly.

 “You’re back?!”

 “Well, sit down!”

Yuanshi smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry! Huanhuan did too much and made it difficult for you."

“It’s not that serious.” Wen Qian smiled.

"This is my fault. I didn't know she had such an idea before..."

"Haha, she is used to being casual. If you want to blame someone, it should be me." Wen Qian said gently.

"It's your fault! When I was taking care of her, you always stopped her..." Yuan Shi said angrily.

Wen Qian looked at his wife with a smile, "She has never done anything wrong in so many years. How can a little girl be so thoughtful in everything?! Once in a while, she becomes even more perfect."

Yuanshi was heartbroken: It seems that he still cares!

"Alas! This girl is usually very strict with her mouth. If she has any unpleasantness, she won't tell me. I just asked her about her status when Ganqing was out socializing. Her identity was deliberately belittled by those little girls.

I'm afraid you don't know...the world of girls is such a small one. It takes a long time to talk about every little thing as big as a soybean! Competing with each other is the norm. "

"Haha, those are some petty girls. Our daughter can't be like them. After this incident, she should be more calm. Well... now, there is something I want to discuss with you..." He found that this was still It's really hard to open my mouth.

Seeing how formal he said it, Mrs. Yuan's heart sank, "You and I are husband and wife, why do you still need to be so polite?"

“Yes!” Wen Qian was stunned for a moment, and then said, “That’s right, that girl is so noisy today because someone is teaching her behind her back.”

 “Who?” Wu? Yuan Xijun's first reaction was the second younger sibling.

"It's her uncle, he's back from over there."

 “Huh?!” Yuan was surprised. She had forgotten it after so many years!

"Well. He didn't come to see me, but he found Wen Yu. When he came back, life was probably not going to be easy, so he came up with the idea of ​​Chen's dowry."

 “Huh?!” Yuan was surprised again, dowry?

 In one’s own hands…

"He suffered there for more than ten years and came back penniless. It's normal for him to have this idea. However, he didn't come to me or his mother, and instead he plotted against his nephew and daughter whom he had never met. It's really despising... I guess. , so many years, I must be afraid..."

"Then...what do you think?" Yuan asked carefully.

“You clean up the shop and property in your hands and return them to her!”

 “…” Yuan was dumbfounded.

 (End of this chapter)

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