The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 189: That's a good idea

Chapter 189 This is a good idea

When she returned home after her gentle words, Laba told her the conversation between the two girls.

And said: "Girl, such a girl can be sent away by the subordinates. Why should she be in trouble next to you?!"

"It's not difficult to get rid of it, but it would be a pity not to use it. Let's see..."

"However, you are a little bit unprepared when she is waiting closely for you! If you are really crazy and you inadvertently injure her, you won't be able to do it."

"That's right. If we look at it in a few days, I guess they won't be able to calm down anymore!"

Laba smiled evilly: "It seems that Prince Yongqing really didn't like her!"

Wen Yu nodded: "It's very possible."

 It's just that in the last life, the prince Wen Huan climbed up to was probably him. I don't know what the relationship is.

 So, she will definitely post it up.


 Wen Qian and Wen Feng stayed at Zhang's house for dinner and did not come back.

Yuanshi talked to Wen Huan: "Huanhuan, I know it's difficult now. But you still have to keep calm."

  That was the advice, but she herself felt guilty.

Today’s Huanhuan is soft and stable. On such an occasion, many people should come to inquire and chat.

  Those who can be suppressed by Wen’s words are ignored at all!

 The person who spoke was also asking about that bitch!

 What should we do if this continues...

Wen Huan went through a day and looked tired: "Mother, in two days, someone invited me to Princess Yong'an's tea party. Even though she is having a good time, she is not familiar with me among people in the capital. Take your time..."

“Good daughter, if you can be so stable, my mother will feel relieved.”

"Mother, what kind of shop do Wen Yu want to open?" Wen Huan was out socializing recently and didn't care much about it.

"She has been busy these days. My mother was followed by someone before. As a result, she may have been discovered and beaten. My mother is always busy with servants, so she is not good at doing this kind of thing! Wen Yu is very clever, Everyone in Jiangzhou knows that they are looking for bodyguards. Besides, she might have someone from the Qi family on hand now, right?"

 “Is that Laba?”

"Eighty percent! How could you have thought that you would encounter such things before? Your maternal family is not in the capital. It is not easy for my mother, a woman, to find such manpower. It is not convenient to tell your father."

"Stop talking! Haven't you noticed yet? Wen Yu is the eldest daughter of the family! She can bring glory to the Wen family and help her father! Didn't you see the way grandma looked at Wen Yu?!"

Wen Huan's mouth was filled with a hint of sarcasm, but her heart was extremely sore and her eyes were slightly red.

 Always thought that he was her father, but it turns out...

 Compared with the difficulties in the marriage, her father's "betrayal" saddened her even more!

"Why didn't you see it?! I also saw the way your grandmother looked at me!" Yuan's teeth itched with hatred. That look contained: disgust and impatience!

 One wrong step, every step is wrong.

 “Let’s see! Let’s see who has the last laugh!”


 Normally Zhang Moqing didn't say anything warm when he returned home, but she was curious and worried, so she ran away anyway.

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang saw her coming and joked with a smile, "What are you doing here? Do you want to find out more about it so that you know what you are doing?"

Wen Yu blushed: "What! I care about Mo Qing, but you make fun of me! Then I'm leaving!"

 Zhang Jinqing quickly pulled her back: "Don't go, don't go! Let's see the bride together!"

Zhang Jiangqing smiled and said, "Ayu, I have something to say!"

 Mrs. Zhang glared at her son, what did she say? !

The two of them didn’t go far. In a corner of the room, Zhang Jiangqing was muttering...

It turns out that Ma Cuihua was extremely happy during these days.

 The young master she knew called himself Wang Xi.

 The two of them met several times after making an appointment to go to Jinguang Temple.

This person is extremely generous and always gives something away every time we meet.

I saw that there were several more pieces of jewelry on Ma’s head, and he even took her to make clothes!

 After a few times, it cost more than two hundred silver!

Uncle Chen has not gained momentum. The silver jewelry that Wen Yu gave him before can bring the family to settle down in the capital and provide for their two sons to study. On weekdays, I don’t have to worry about food and clothing.

But clothes and jewelry really have to be considered. If Mr. Ma makes trouble for a long time, and celebrates the New Year or his birthday, he will give half a piece.

Wen Yu came to the capital and wanted to give him some money, but Uncle Chen was determined not to want it!

Wen Yu knew his uncle's temperament, so he gave up and instead gave gifts in large quantities, especially during the New Year, when there were several cartloads of new year's goods.

But Wen Yu was intentional and never gave jewelry as a gift, and most of the clothes were made of men's clothing. Otherwise, they are just for Aunt Chen, so old-fashioned!

 Hence, Ma's jewelry and clothes are very numerous.

 Meeting the prince, life changes drastically!

 Even the fragrance powders from famous stores that are not affordable for daily use are available. That packaging, that smell...when it hit her face, she felt incredibly beautiful.

Ma is sure that Prince Wang means that...but so far, he has not knocked her down!

This made her anxious, and she almost said, "I'll go home with you"...

Originally, Wen Yu's plan was to let them commit adultery, get the Chen family to catch her, and then divorce her!

 So, after Zhang Jiangqing finished the above, she asked: "Why don't you let them become a problem?"

Zhang Jiangqing felt miserable: I am unmarried and you are not married. Is it appropriate to talk about this together? !

 No... Even if we get married, we can't talk about this!

 The mother next to me, if she knew that the two of them were talking about this...

Seeing it, Zhang Jinqing came over!

 But what can he do? Stare at Zhang Jinqing and tell her to go away!

 Zhang Jinqing pouted and walked away.

"The Chen family is a literati, and they pay the most attention to noble conduct. If something like this happens to the family, the person can divorce, but the face of Uncle Chen, Aunt Chen, and Chen Wensi will probably be lost. At that time, there will be no more Good or bad.”

Wen Yu was startled and then realized: "Ah! Brother Jiang Qing, you were right to remind me! I was wrong..."


 “Then, I used the wrong idea?”

"It's not wrong! Someone is hooking her outside. Maybe she wants to go there on her own!? This person named Wang had a small family income in his early years. Later, he lost it and owed debts. He came out to hide from the debts. I asked someone to follow He said: If he can let people go with him, he will give him a sum of money to return to his hometown, pay off his debts, buy property, and live a good life, but he must become an official and cannot...elope..." His voice was very low.

“This is a good idea! My cousin is probably coming back soon, let the man named Wang show his cards!”

 “Hmm. I’ll arrange it.”

Wen Yu said harshly: "Remember: no matter what, you can't let her come back! Otherwise, Brother Rui will be in great trouble with such a mother!"

 This little awesome girl! Zhang Jiangqing chuckled bitterly.

 After finishing speaking, the newcomers also came in.

   The groom and the groom dress up extra grandly for a happy occasion! Wow, he's really handsome.

Zhang Moqing is bright and shy, with layered skirts and a set of expensive-looking jewelry on her head.

 I can’t say, it was given by my mother-in-law!

Wen Yu made a face at her head full of jewelry, causing Zhang Moqing to glare at her.

 The recognition of relatives is completed.

 Zhang Moqing told his father and mother: Everything is going well, parents should rest assured.

 When talking to Wen Yu, he was much more frank: "Ah Yu, my grandmother, if you hadn't always said..."

"What's wrong?"

"She looks like a kind grandmother! She talks funny and treats people sincerely. She has a very low-key attitude and is very considerate. She even called me over and talked for a long time! Everyone and everything in the family is very detailed. To be honest, I was really surprised and touched to meet such a grandmother and mother-in-law when I entered the house!”

Wen Yu said: "What I said before was just to remind you. It may not be what happened to the old lady. It's just that the two Mrs. Qi have some differences. You are Mrs. Qi's personally chosen daughter-in-law. Don't leave her at the critical moment. You’re on the wrong side! Let’s get along with each other as we should.”

 “Okay. The jewelry was given by my mother-in-law. Doesn’t it look good!?”

 “You look good! Mrs. Qi loves you!”

Zhang Moqing smiled, very beautiful: "That sister-in-law looks a bit powerful. She looks at people from the corner of her eyes... My father-in-law's face is solemn, and I don't dare to look at it. The second sister-in-law is very elegant, and she is pregnant. By the way, Ah Yu, did you know that my father-in-law has a concubine, Aunt Xiuyun... so elegant! Her appearance and demeanor are really shocking to people's eyes..."

 “I’ve heard of Yidian, is it really that good?!”

"Really! My father-in-law attaches great importance to her. He asked her to come here specially to recognize him the next day! This aunt gave birth to a son and a daughter, but she followed her father-in-law. She's not ugly, but she doesn't have her charm. ”

 The two gossips were in full swing. Zhang Jinqing seemed to understand but was happy to hear it...

 (End of this chapter)

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