Chapter 190 So Tired

 Wen Yu came out of Zhang's house and went to the shop again.

Manager Li pointed it out to her and said:

"I've been restocking the goods in the past few days. Yesterday I installed shelves for materials and tables for small items. Tables and chairs upstairs. There are also a few screens. This big lacquered screen is...tomorrow, there will be another Lots of stuff coming!”

“There are so many things, so you have to be careful when looking after them, and be careful with the candles.”

"do not worry…"

 Wen Yu chatted for a long time and had some new ideas in his mind.

 When I left the store, I saw a florist selling azaleas on a cart next to me. The red ones are in perfect bloom.

 Let the flower farmer push the cart all the way to Song's house.

Song Shang was really at home. When he heard Wen Yu coming, he hurriedly welcomed him out. "Why did you come without saying anything? This is..."

"Seeing that the flowers are blooming well, I will send some pots to my aunt."

 “You’ve got it!” Song Shang was very satisfied and instructed his servants: “Carry it in and invite the old lady to come and see the flowers in the yard!”

Wen Yu entered the courtyard and Mrs. Song came out. When we meet, we also ask: "Girl Yu, why are you here?"

"After I came out of the shop, there happened to be a flower seller on the roadside. I know you like it, so I sent you a few pots."

  "Okay, okay! These flowers are blooming so beautifully! Put two pots at the entrance of my room!"

Mrs. Song was followed by Song Chihan, her face drawn, and she ignored Wen's words.

"Little dear, why don't you call someone politely?" Mrs. Song doted on her.

Song Chihan still didn't say anything. He went up and pulled off the leaves and flowers.

"This child...she didn't take a nap, maybe she was a little fussy." Mrs. Song said.

Song Shang looked at Song Chihan with a gentle expression and did not say anything to her.

Wen Yu looked at the flowers and leaves on the ground and felt disgusted, but then she thought: It's okay. When stepmother comes in, everything will be fixed for you.

 When my cousin has another son, hey, let’s see where you go!

Having had evil thoughts all my life, I felt happy, "Have you slept for a while?"

 “Standing for a while, I didn’t fall asleep.”

 Entering the house, Wen Yu talked about the Zhang family's wedding. "Everything is fine! Mrs. Zhang will go back in a while! However, during this period, she said she wants to see the house and decide whether to rent or buy it."

 “Yo, do you want to go to Beijing?”

 “Maybe that’s the idea!”

“That’s good! We have many acquaintances, and we have someone to take care of us in Beijing.”

"That's right! You haven't seen it. Mo Qing is wearing a set of jewelry today. Oh my god! There are more than ten pieces of jewelry in front and back, and my neck is almost bent under the pressure! She looks so impressive!"

Mrs. Song smiled, "You! Such an exaggeration!"

“Really! It looks like a gift from my mother-in-law. What an extraordinary move!”

"Don't be jealous! When you come in, she is your own daughter-in-law, just a little more!"

Wen Yu laughed and said, "I'm asking for more information. In a few days, a famous actor will appear at the Chang'an Theater. When the time comes, I'll accompany you to the theater!"

Mrs. Song is just fine with this. When she heard this, she became even more happy.

After talking for a long time, Wen Yu said to Song Shang: "Cousin, I want to talk to you about things in the shop!"

 “Let’s go to the front study!” He stood up and went out.

Wen Yu said goodbye to Mrs. Song, smiled at Song Chihan, and went to the front study.

"Cousin, everything has been put into the garment shop in the past two days. I think I will let a few embroiderers go in first, and then recruit some more skilled embroiderers to make some things to prop up the shop. There will be things for sale when the door opens. It's more popular. As for the clothing industry, we have Master Qing and a few embroiderers, and even the little girls can basically take care of themselves, and I don't have to worry about it. But the restaurant... is still a bit messy."

Song Shang said: "I have told you once, Yan Zhu's dishes are indeed delicious. But they are not dishes that can be sold at a high price. How busy does she have to be if she wants to have a good business?

I heard that she brought several people with her, but she still hasn’t mastered the trick yet. Therefore, the production is extremely limited. In this case, wouldn't this shop be wasted? "

“I’ve realized this too. If not, let my cousin’s people handle it. Yan Zhu’s is only used as special dishes for special guests. We’ll wait until the person in hand is trained.”

"Don't underestimate me! How much food have I eaten from the north and south? What haven't you seen before? If I say yes, I can't be wrong!" Song Shang rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay! My cousin is the most awesome! The dim sum shop is okay. Once you have the recipe, you can just find a few good cooks to make it. Moreover, the second floor of our garment building is a teahouse for female customers... I want to do it This is a place that all women in the capital would like to go to.”

“This is a good idea after all!” After finishing the conversation, Wen Yu was about to leave.

 Song Shang sent her out and happened to meet Mrs. Xu talking to her two sons at the gate. It seems that the Xu brothers are going out to do errands.

Seeing Song Shang and Wen Yu coming out, the three of them hurriedly saluted.

 Mrs. Xu is capable and polite.

 Xu Dalang is gentle and disciplined.

 Xu Erlang, with his eyelids drooped, only saluted but said nothing.

Song Shang said to Wen Yu, "Go back first!"

 “I remembered something again and wanted to tell my cousin.”

Mrs. Xu quickly saluted, "Fifth Master, they have to go out to do something!"

 Song Shang nodded and they left.

 “What else?”

“Xu Erlang, what are you asking him to do now?”

Song Shang looked at her solemnly, "Why did you mention him again?"

“Just tell me what you plan to do?”

"Last time, you mentioned Song Tao and him to me. I observed it secretly. Yes, they are very good friends. Moreover, Song Tao does like to inquire about things and win over people with small favors. When doing things, he also likes to win over people. Very attentive! But you also know his identity. In the Song family, you must be cautious, smart, and work hard to get his place."

 Wen Yu said nothing.

 “Ayu, what do you mean and what do you know?”

"You see, he is good with Song Tao. And Song Tao, you also said that he must work very hard to gain status in the Song family. But after he has status, why does he want a higher status?"

Song Shang squinted at Wen Yu.

 “Then you will be his biggest obstacle!”

“Song Tao weighs a few kilograms and a few taels. How can he be so determined?!”

"Why not?! Some people's ambitions are there from the beginning. Some people's ambitions are formed slowly! But no matter what! Madam Xu is the person who handles your confidential affairs, and she loves this son the most. If by then …”

 “Ayu, you’re going too far.” Song Shang didn’t believe it at all. "Ms. Xu's husband is loyal to me. He died for me..."

"That's right! If Xu Erlang thinks that everything you have today is due to his father's death. Then tell yourself how to repay him?!"

“But that’s not what you say! His father is my bodyguard! He worked hard, but it was also his duty! Besides, for so many years, I have treated his family..."

“Cousin, if everyone could understand things, what kind of conflicts would there be in this world? Haven’t you ever encountered such a thing?”

"This..." Song Shang was silent for a while, and then said: "Mrs. Xu, she is in charge of my guards and some other chores. I respect her very much. Xu Dalang has a good heart and a stable work. What do you think I should do?"

 “Get him an official position! Promote him and give him a bright future! But in fact, keep him out of your affairs.”

She looked at Song Shang seriously: "Cousin, although you are going well now, in fact, there are also crises. For example, if Wei Shi hooks up with someone, she might want to take revenge."

 “Ayu, how come you know everything…”

"The Webster incident was something I witnessed with my own eyes. We have arranged for people to go check it out, and there must be news in the next few days. By then, you will have someone on hand to follow up."

 “Ayu! What have you been doing all day?”

 Be gentle and silent.

"Look, you have Mrs. Qi, Wu Lang, and I... you have friends and property, so why are you so tired?"

"Cousin, I don't want to say more. Just listen to me: first, send Xu Erlang out well to satisfy himself, Madam Xu and Xu Dalang. Second, wait for my news and keep an eye on Wei Shi."

Song Shang nodded, "This is not a big deal. Do you need manpower?"

“Master Sun has brought some people here, and it’s fine for daily use. I’ll ask you for more when I don’t have enough!”


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 (End of this chapter)

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