Chapter 19 Unexpected

Chunhui returned to his room and told his daughter what happened in Wenyu Courtyard.

Wen Jiao was stunned when she heard this, "Is this what Wen Yu said? That's great! What is she going to do?" She stood up immediately. "I'll go and ask myself!"

The girl Qiu Shui quickly stopped her and said, "Girl, wait a minute!"

Wen Jiao glanced at her, "What are you doing?!"

"Girl, the eldest lady... just thinks that the eldest master has come back and has a backbone, and wants to be tough. In the past few days, why do you need to meet her!"

"Ha! The uncle is back, but what does it have to do with her?" Wen Jiao had long known the position of Wen Yu in the uncle's heart.

"Girl, no matter what, you must give face to the eldest man and the eldest lady. If there is a trouble now, the eldest man and the eldest lady..."

"Don't worry! Then they won't go after her!" Wen Jiao said proudly.

"No! But why should you? When you go to the capital, you have to rely on the eldest man and his wife for many things!" The appearance depends on the eldest man, and the communication depends on the eldest wife...

"Haha, how do you know that when I make a fuss, it's not to help my aunt? To please her?" Wen Jiao had a mean smile on her face.

“What I mean is that we don’t cause any trouble before our eldest brother gets married. Anyway, the eldest brother left in just two days. We are together for a long time. When can we deal with her?”

  "Huh...that's all. My eldest brother is going to get married, so I will bear with her first."


After turning around, the old lady asked someone to call Wen Qian over to talk to Wen Yu.

Yuan's things haven't been sorted out yet, so we don't know what's going on. Let's talk now. What should we say?

 Wen Qian was a little embarrassed.

It’s just that the old lady said that guests will start coming to the house soon, and some things should be explained clearly before the old man comes back.

Wen Qian thought for a moment: The same is true. Let's talk about it like this. As for these industries, hey, if I can't win over her as a little girl, how can I have the dignity to be an official in the capital?

So he was dressed in light-colored silk and linen clothes, holding a folding fan, and walked slowly to his mother's room.


 Being called to talk by two heads of family was something that had never happened before in this world.

 Wen Yu calmed down and sat there generously.

 The old lady and Wen Qian, looking at the beautiful and dignified Wen Yu in front of them, had mixed feelings in their hearts.

 It feels like things that have been left behind many years ago are coming to us again in a roundabout way.

The old lady has also forgotten about the dead former eldest daughter-in-law. What is certain is that she is definitely not as good-looking as Wen Yu.

 The vague impression is that he is respectful and gentle, a little naive, and he seems to have no ability at first glance.

 As for the gentle words in front of her, she did not show any disrespect or alienation.

 But, there is a feeling that it is far, far away from you. This calm and indifferent look is a bit like my eldest son... Things in the bones and blood are present at birth, and they are not nurtured!

If it weren’t for a bunch of chaos, I would have to give her such a good-looking eldest grandson a good future, and the Wen family would also benefit greatly!

Sigh, the old lady sighed inwardly, calmed herself down, showed a little smile, and asked kindly, "I heard from your father that your uncle is back?"

“Yes, grandma.” Wen Yu nodded lightly.

“So, the Chen family is fine?”

 “Returned with amnesty. It’s okay.”

 “Oh, is everyone at home safe?!”

 The old lady’s attitude was so good that Wen Yu was a little confused.

“Grandma Lao asked, I suffered a lot, but everything is fine.”

"Oh, it's a blessing to be able to come back safely..." The old lady sighed with emotion as she thought about the past, "Wen Yu, for so many years, the family has not contacted your uncle and has not been able to help. It is really... something involving the Chen family. , too complex and too dangerous.

Our family is a big family and we can’t tolerate any mistakes! Your father told your grandmother several times that he wanted to send messages, money, and connections, but she stopped him every time. Your uncle must blame the Wen family! ? "

"Grandma, my uncle told his granddaughter: The troubles in the Chen family have nothing to do with the Wen family. How can they be blamed?! It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. As you said: There are dozens of people in the Wen family. We can't take risks. Uncle, he understands." Wen Yu's eyes were red, moved and sincere.

Who doesn’t know how to pretend? !

"Having said that, when he came back, he didn't go to look for your grandfather and your father, nor did he come to look for your grandmother. Instead, he contacted you. It seems that the Wen family is still to blame." The old lady smiled bitterly. "Grandma, my uncle really didn't blame the Wen family for this matter. It's just uncle said that my father welcomed new people into the house before my mother's body was cold. Which brother in the world can still interact with decent in-laws?!"

 “Wen Yu!” Wen Qian scolded with a stern face.

 Wen Yu remained silent, but did not admit his mistake.

Wen Qian said coldly: "I dare to take responsibility for this matter. When your mother came in, your grandmother and I did not treat her badly. She died in childbirth when she gave birth to you, but those who are alive will have to live their lives. .

 Our family has also experienced turmoil and life has been very difficult. Even now, privately, it is not as peaceful and prosperous as others think! The family needs to be stable, I want to study and find a job, and I want to continue my family life. How can I have the time to mourn the spring and autumn and keep filial piety to my wife? !

Your mother knew her father’s temperament before she got married! So, you and your uncle, it’s better to save it! Don't look for me anywhere. "

 He is really righteous in his words!

If I didn’t know the details, I would really believe you! Wen Yu desperately suppressed the anger aroused.

  He has done something ugly and yet he can make up such a majestic excuse. He is so shameless!

“’s not necessary for you to be so excited when this matter is mentioned! You feel that your idea is right, but my uncle feels that his idea is right! Everyone’s interests and feelings are different.”

Wen Qian still wanted to say something, but the old lady raised her hand and said, "Okay! Yu'er, how did you meet your uncle?" She brought the topic back.

“My granddaughter went to A Fang’s house as a guest, and my uncle found me there.”

 “What did I tell you?”

“I only talked about their life there and their future plans. When they came back, they were in a really difficult situation. My granddaughter gave all the jewelry and silver she had to her uncle, and took the initiative to mention her mother’s dowry to her uncle.”

 “Then why didn’t you tell grandma?”

 Wen Yu lowered his head and said nothing.

“Wen Yu, this matter is not a trivial matter. How can you, a daughter of yours, just go to see him and make a decision??”


The old lady raised her hand: "If this matter is told, everyone will think it is the Chen family's rudeness! What did you agree to? If my grandmother and father don't agree, it won't happen! At this point, even if the lawsuit goes to the capital, The Wen family is right!" The old lady was very serious.

"Yes, grandma." Wen Yu had no choice but to lower his head, "My granddaughter did something inappropriate in this matter. But, grandma, the granddaughter also told her father yesterday. Logically speaking, the uncle can ask for the return of mother's dowry. Go to part of it.”

"That is also the result of mutual negotiation between the two adults. We, the Wen family, will not embezzle the dowry of our daughter-in-law. But there is no such thing in the world for a girl's family to handle this matter!" said the old lady.

This is true. Wen Yu played the tragedy card, her eyes turned red and she shed tears: "The Chen family suffered a disaster, and my mother died. My uncle was demoted thousands of miles away and suffered so much. He has suffered so much. If he can bring his family back, My uncle was exhausted. Grandma, you haven’t seen him before. His back is so painful that he can’t even straighten up. He looks like he is two generations older than his father..." When she saw her uncle, she felt sad. Prepared, but still shocked.

At this moment, she didn't feel very sad, but tears welled up involuntarily, "At this time, let your uncle come and tell you and your father this... My granddaughter really feels sorry for him. So, even though it was inappropriate, my granddaughter did it. I just hope he can be raised and he won’t..."

The old lady was a little surprised that this girl could have such feelings for her poor uncle whom she had never met... Alas! I felt a little sour in my heart.

Wen Qian looked at her silently and said nothing.

"Come on, let's not talk about that. If the Chen family is innocent, the Wen family can help your uncle." Grandma set the tone, "For job and academic matters, go to your father. For accommodation, money, and people, grandma is here. Everything can be arranged! You can tell your uncle that although your mother is gone, we still have you! We are family members and there is no need to see anyone outside!"

  Wen Yu was even more surprised...

"Also...I have the impression that you have a cousin. If your aunt is willing, she can send her cousins ​​and nieces over! Raising her in the Wen family for a while will give you several advantages as your sisters. They are over there Life is difficult, and it is not easy to educate them. Our family has a nun to teach them, and it will only be good for their future. "

Grandma was so enthusiastic and pragmatic, Wen Yu didn't know how to reply for a moment, so she only said carefully: "It's really difficult for uncle to come back. It's just that he went to join a friend and is not here."

 The old lady glanced at her eldest son.

"Oh, that's it! How can living under someone else's roof be a long-term solution? Your uncle, if you really don't want to trouble our family... After receiving your mother's dowry, you are willing to help them. That is your filial piety. Grandma and your grandfather, No one will stop it.”

 Is this settled? !

Wen Qian was also a little surprised and glanced at his mother.

"It's just that everything is done in moderation. Relatives only help when they are anxious. The future path depends on themselves." The old lady was sincere and sensible.

"Yes, grandma is far-sighted! My granddaughter has learned a lesson." Wen Yu replied.

“Boss, take a look at these lists. Go back and get things ready quickly.” The old lady handed the list handed over by Wen Yu to her son.

 (End of this chapter)

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