Chapter 20 Let’s see

 Wen Qian picked up the letter and looked at it carefully.

 This is a description and list of Chen’s dowry. He couldn't help but snort in his heart, even though he was demoted thousands of miles away, he still kept these things!

Wen Yu saw his father looking at him seriously, but felt sad and ridiculous in his heart.

This man is well-educated, has a stable official career, and has known how to protect his mother since he was a child. It is said that he is a very decent person.

 But he actually did these shameless and vicious things for a woman.

Old Mrs. Wen simply regarded Wen Yu as a serious talker: "Your mother's dowry is divided into two parts. Grandma has some here, and your father has some in her hands. What grandma has in her hands are all objects. Ornaments, jewelry, cloth, medicinal materials, etc. are kept untouched in the warehouse.

 It’s just that over the past few years, some things have been damaged by weathering. I'll leave it all to you after your eldest brother's wedding! When the time comes, take stock of your inventory. If anything is lost or damaged, just tell grandma and she will replace it. "

"Grandma's kindness is accepted by my granddaughter. It's just that over time, part of the loss and damage are reasonable. Even if the mother takes care of it herself, it is unavoidable. Whatever is revealed is what it is, and the granddaughter will not I’ll say a little more.”

  She cares about property, but what she cares more about is her mother’s rights!

 It’s a slap in their face!

The old lady glanced at her eldest son. She said that he was not hungry or cold. But for her to be able to say these words, she has the backbone and courage, and she actually looks a bit like herself...

If Wen Yu knew it, he would definitely: Bah! I don't look like that!

“What your father holds is a shop and a field. You live in a girl’s house, and your uncle is not here. What are you going to do when you take over?”

“Grandma, my granddaughter plans to take care of the property herself. So next, we need to add more people and make it easier to go out.”

The old lady was also confused, you are so stupid and bold, girl, can this be easy to do? "You, you know how to look after accounts and manage people?"

"I know it more or less, and my granddaughter will learn it carefully." Wen Yu said calmly.

 The old lady didn’t believe it at all! However, she thinks this is not important...leave it to her first...

"As for the manpower, the original manpower depends on whether your father has other arrangements. If it is not enough, let your second uncle and second aunt provide some. Even if it is not enough, you can also buy or invite some. We are going out now... After the arrangements are made, grandma can also do it Yes!"

It's strange that the old lady could agree to so many things that were against the rules so calmly, with such gentle words, and it felt smooth at the same time. However, let’s take one step and talk about it first!

"Grandma, my granddaughter is thinking about handing over the nuclear birth first. At the same time, adding more people. With the manpower, the granddaughter can arrange things at home. Even if she goes out occasionally, she will be safe with a carriage and escort. Father. "The people in the shop don't know if my father has any other arrangements."

“The human hands will not be moved for the time being. However, many of them have been carefully trained by my wife. In the future, there will definitely be other uses.” Wen Qian looked at the paper and said.

Wen Yu nodded: "Since my wife has carefully trained her, it is not easy to keep too many daughters. You can give your daughter a list. If you are short of manpower and can't open it, it doesn't matter if you close it first."

 So don’t even think about using human hands to hold me! "Grandma, my granddaughter needs a house in the front yard. If you meet the stewards outside, you can't let them enter the inner yard!"

When the old lady saw it, she thought of a lot, and said with a smile: "Look!" She looked at her eldest son with a smile, "This girl's courage, if she were a man, our family would have nothing to worry about!"

Wen Qian didn't answer. He finished reading the list and said, "This list is generally correct. However, the property in my hands has also undergone some changes in the past ten years. I am busy in my job and I can't take care of it. There are also losses and annihilation. I am anxious. I will leave it to you after your eldest brother’s wedding. If there’s anything wrong, let’s talk about it later when your uncle is here.”

The old lady wanted to help her son make ends meet no matter what: "In managing the property, there are losses and gains. Your father's first priority is official business, and these are just things that happen casually. So, Wen Yu, don't have your expectations too high."

Wen Yu nodded: "My granddaughter understands these principles. Furthermore, raising a granddaughter requires a considerable amount of money for the family. My mother's dowry is used to raise her daughter, so it should be right."

After hearing this, the two heads of family looked at her and really didn’t know how to react...

"It's just, father." Wen Yu added: "These properties must be accounted for. You cannot default on debts, including money and goods owed to others, as well as money and dividends owed to people who help manage the property.        Things are half done. , people and property must be left behind. If there is a loss, the money must be made up, and taxes cannot be owed.

  If the store is rented out, the daughter does not need to pay back the previous rent. However, the rent collected in advance belongs to the future, and the money will still be returned.

 User fees must be based on the previous standards and cannot be changed temporarily. "

The old lady and Wen Qian were both a little surprised. What she said was true. Was it taught by her uncle?

 Shouldn’t it? !

How can this be taught in a short time?

The old lady nodded and smiled, "Don't worry! Grandma will make the decision for you. But, as a girl, it is extremely risky to do this. It will not only affect your own reputation and safety, but even your sisters! If something goes wrong, Unexpectedly, your uncle asked me and your father. How can we answer?"

Wen Qian paused mentally, but showed no abnormal behavior.

“Grandma, don’t worry. My uncle has made it very clear. He will accept whatever the granddaughter is like.”

“That’s good! The thing you asked for is too special, and grandma and your father have to be careful. Let’s make this decision for the time being. But don’t talk about it outside.

In the past two days, write down the people you want. If they are at home, let your second aunt help arrange them. Outside, grandma and your second aunt both know reliable middlemen, and they are very cheap to buy or hire. "

Things went unexpectedly smoothly, which made Wen Yu a little excited. After everything was settled, Wen Yu bowed and left, waiting for her to go out.

Wen Qian looked at her back and said nothing.

 The old lady’s smile disappeared and her face became gloomy. Hehe...he is a child after all, what has he seen?

Think your wings are stiff?

 Have you got a backer?

If you dare to do this in front of me, then just wait and see!


After Wen Yu returned to the house and was with Yan Zhu, she did not hide anything and told Yan Zhu in detail what had just happened.

Yan Zhu listened seriously, blinked, and was a little confused.

Wen Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

"Zhuzhu is curious, why is it so easy? If they are really good to the girl, why haven't they treated her well for so many years? But if they are not good to the girl, how can such a large amount of property be returned just as they say?"

 Smile warmly.

"Girl, it's really strange! Even if you said it, the Wen family's life has been better in recent years, but who cares about having too much money! In addition to the clothes and jewelry that the family has, what have they given you in these years? And you still ask them It’s not like they gave it to me on their own initiative..."

 “My good Zhuzhu. You are so smart!” Wen Yu hugged her. Although Yan Zhu is still older than her, as someone who has lived two lives, she regards her as her sister.

“Zhuzhu is not smart, but he is good-looking.” Yanzhu said proudly.

"It doesn't matter, just take the first step. Then, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it."

“Okay, Zhuzhu is with you, let’s just wait and see!”

 (End of this chapter)

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