Chapter 25: Cheesy

Wen Yu had long felt Wei's gaze and knew that he was talking to her.

 But it was as if he didn't hear it. He didn't turn his head or even raise his eyelids.

The old lady looked at Wen Yu and said in a very unhappy tone: "Wen Yu, your cousin-in-law is talking to you, what are you doing?"

Wen Yu turned his head slightly, raised his eyes, and looked at Webster calmly: "Grandma, my cousin didn't mention her by name, so I don't know if she was talking to her granddaughter. Besides, it's rare to hear someone praise my cousin, so grandson My daughter doesn’t dare to be good at it!”

The old lady glared at her accusingly. Is this girl really possessed by a ghost?

 She didn’t know that Wen Yu could stab Webster’s stomach with a knife if he could! Can you talk to her properly?

Webster looked at Wen Yu: his words were flat, his attitude was distant, and he had no intention of getting acquainted with him. He couldn't help but feel a little bit sour. This silly girl used to go to the Song family a lot. Wasn't she smiling and trying to please everyone all day long? !

 Hah, what's going on? As her father gets promoted, her temper gets worse?

 That’s so funny!

Webster smiled at the old lady, turned away pretentiously, ignored Wen's words, and started chatting with the people around him.

 At this moment, I heard someone speaking outside the door:

“Mother Song, you are getting more and more energetic! Look at your magnificence! When you go out on the street, people think you are a rich lady from some family! Is it because you have secretly intercepted my aunt’s good support?!”

Although these words were unpleasant, the playful tone made Grandma Song extremely happy: "Fifth Master, you have wronged this old slave. Our old lady is charitable and never criticizes her servants harshly. The food and clothing are first-class, so the old slave has such grandeur. ! You are not trying to take advantage of the old lady! You have wronged me, but you want to cry in front of the old lady!"

 “Okay! I have wronged you...Is this enough apology?”

 “Ouch! Thank you for the reward, young master!” From that tone, the amount is indispensable!

 The door curtain opened and a young man stepped in...

That man is here... Wen Yu looked at the bad fate of his previous life.

 It was as if there was a wound on the body that had not healed properly and had been pricked by a sharp object. It felt painful, frightening, and somewhat pitiful.

He pulled himself, mixed with honey and Coptidis chinensis, rolled round and round, that kind of suffering... But in his mind, the last sight of him appeared, with messy hair covered with lice, a wild beard, cracked lips, and deep depressions. His eyes...looked deeply at himself, fearful and loving at the same time...

Wen Yu felt a sharp pain in her heart and her eyes were wet, but she couldn't hide it and looked at him the same way he looked at herself...

Song Shang is now only twenty-five years old, but he has complete control over the Song family. I haven't experienced the hardships that happened later, but I am full of confidence and in high spirits!

Having a tall figure, thick long eyebrows, and slender single-lidded eyes.

Wearing a navy blue silk and linen gown, with ancient jade pendants on her head and waist.

When he came in, he didn't look at anyone, and bowed: "Auntie, you are well!" After saying that, he raised his head.

His eyes are extremely long and narrow, with thick eyelashes, and the eyeballs cannot be seen when he smiles crookedly.

Hands and feet, there is an indescribable sense of freedom and ease!

The old lady's eyes narrowed with a smile when she saw him, "Ankang?! Huh! You're bullying my people before you even get in?!"

 “Where is it?! It’s too late for your mother and nephew to please you!”

 “You’re used to coaxing me!”

“My cousin is getting married. You are really in high spirits on happy occasions! You are at least eight or nine years younger than the last time I saw you!”

 Everyone in the room laughed.

"Listen to this! Your wife is sitting here, and she won't be afraid of laughing at you for being unsteady!" the old lady teased.

There was a trace of condensation in Song Shang's eyes, but no one could see it. He laughed twice casually.

Webster was a little surprised when he saw her husband: when he came out, he was asked to wear a set of dark green clothes. Although the material was different from the one he wore, the color was the same.

 You just want a special look?

 How come when he entered Wen's house, he fell in front and changed into blue? Is drinking tea dirty?

“Auntie, I just saw my cousin in front of me. Hey, he’s going to be the groom, but he’s so shy that my nephew and grandnephew could only praise him in a few words!”

“Ha, you’re always good at bragging, have you confessed yourself?! Yo! Is your mother okay?!”

“Mom is very good! But she didn’t come this time. She said she would wait until you go to Songjiazhuang in a few days to apologize to you!”

"How can you be so outspoken? I prepared some supplements for her and take them with you when you go back. Hey, hey, you little girls! Aren't you all looking forward to your cousin's arrival? Why don't you greet him?" "Cousin !" Several girls shouted.

Song Shang's eyes seemed to be sweeping, but in fact they accurately targeted "her", and he was stunned.

Yo! Has it really changed?

 Growing taller. Why are you still putting on airs! ?

 Haha, she is a big girl after all! He felt a little excited, one step closer to his wish.

But the old lady complained there, "Tsk, why do you look like you have a short beard??! It makes you look like a little old man. When you are twenty-seven or eighty-years-old, it's never too late to grow it." Her tone was half-blaming. , but it’s hard to hide my appreciation and love.

Webster looked at her husband with brilliance in her eyes, "Old lady, you don't know how particular he is! His beard is specially taken care of by someone, and that person has to wear it wherever he goes!"

“Auntie, you don’t understand this. When you go out, you have to keep your mouth hair-free while doing things! Since Song Dynasty, when you started growing a short beard, it has become a lot of trouble!”

 “You’re talking nonsense again!” the old lady scolded.

Wen Yu stood up and saluted him from a distance without moving forward.

Song Shang was dissatisfied and puzzled... Didn't this silly girl like to pester him in the past? Why, when the girl is old, she admits to giving birth?

 There was a sour feeling in my heart, and I was extremely dissatisfied with her.

Suddenly I saw Wen Yu looking at me, and I couldn't help but feel a tremor in my heart...

 Then, my heart sank again, she, what is her expression? !

Wen Yu looked at him with eyes that were silent and sad, with a little pity...

what happened? Wanting to take a closer look, Wen Yu had already turned his head.

 Song Shang felt a little panicked. It seemed that there was something I didn't know about. Looking back, I want to check carefully.

Wen Jiao shouted from the side: "Cousin, cousin, have you brought us anything new?"

“Humph, you just ask your cousin for something new! If you don’t have a good female celebrity and respect your cousin, you want a gift? No!” Song Shang looked unhappy.

"Ah! Cousin..." Wen Su stamped her feet anxiously. Her female beauty was the worst and she couldn't use it at all.

 Everyone in the room laughed.

Although Wen Huan was smiling on the surface, in his heart, he looked down on Song Wu.

 Because Song Wu is still a white man.

 Have some connections, know how to do business, and made a lot of money. Just like this cousin-in-law, no matter how well-dressed she is, what is her identity?

Of the women in this house, the first one is the mother, then the old lady, and then myself...

 Suddenly, she thought of Wen Yu again, and her heart sank.

 Don't look at the word "eldest brother", there is really a big difference!

That dead girl is still her father's first wife and eldest daughter, and her status is two levels higher than hers. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I can't keep this person. She's gone...

Song Shang had already asked someone to bring the box in, and the girls were chattering and laughing.

"One for each person, no one will be left out, don't worry!" Webster smiled, but her expression couldn't help but be a little arrogant.

 The old lady was slightly annoyed when she saw it, but she didn't show it.

The girls are really happy. One of them is that the thing given by Song Shang is really good and can impress her best friends for a long time!

 Another one, my grandmother valued this fifth cousin more than her own grandson. Grandma was very happy that they and Song Shang had not seen each other, so everyone tried their best to show off.

Wen Yu also understood that in the past, he would get in front of his cousin and try his best to please his grandmother. Even if the items she gets are particularly good, they will be taken away by her sisters afterwards. For the rest, she has two good friends who always think of her and treat her as a return gift.

 But today, she sat there, immersed in her own emotions, and did not step forward.

Song Shang has been paying attention to her, watching her sitting there without moving. What the **** is going on?

  Uneasy and restless, with hundreds of claws scratching the heart. The desire to be close to her was so intense that I couldn't hold it back. I took a box with my own hands and walked over...

"Cousin Ayu..." He didn't realize that his expression and voice were both mean...

 (End of this chapter)

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