Chapter 26 She is so frivolous

Wen Yu lowered his eyes and did not respond.

 “Cousin Ayu?”

Seeing that she ignored him, he shouted again, his voice carrying a special accent.

Having no choice but to raise his eyes, he saw Song Wu in front of him, the boss with his narrow eyes, glowing, and she was all inside.

 He grinned, showing his white teeth.

 The clothes are well-dressed, the nails are neatly manicured, and there is a bit of inexplicable affection and a bit of "irregularness". The impression of saying goodbye to the previous life formed a strong contrast and impacted Wen Yu.

 She panicked and took the box with both hands.

"Thank you...thank you, cousin." His voice was dry and low, his breath was weak, and his eye circles were slightly red.

Song Shang narrowed his eyes again, no, something big must have happened!

"Huh? It hasn't been long since we last saw our little Ayu. Why has he grown so much?!" He sat next to Wen Yu and glanced at everyone from the corner of his eye. They were all opening gifts, but no one paid attention to him. .

With a hint of emotion in his voice, he quietly looked at Wen Yu and sighed: Alas, even though she is a grown-up girl, she is still... "flat" and green.

 Haha, she is still a little girl...

 It’s my little girl!

 He felt like an old fox with ulterior motives, guarding the little white rabbit eating carrots. He felt embarrassed and his ears turned red.

Wen Yu said with a heavy heart, "Yes..." He opened his mouth, only to find that his throat was still tight and it was difficult to speak.

 In the last life, the two of them experienced too much suffering.

 His love was unknown, and he didn't understand it until his death...but the feeling was real.

Even though he is usually cheerful and clear, transparent and steady, and considers everyone's seems that it is easy to get acquainted with him and even get close to him.

 In fact, Wen Yu knew that apart from his mother, he also expressed his feelings towards himself... from the bottom of his heart. Other times, it comes out of necessity and habit, not the heart. This is something I only came to understand after spending time with him.

 His surprise and outlook after knowing she was pregnant.

 His pain and collapse when the child was not saved.

 Although he was so kind to seems like he is still so now! But those painful experiences, especially the feeling when the red meat ball left the body... and the tragic death of the last two people...

 Can’t pretend that it never happened!

Wen Yu lowered his eyes and calmed down.

Me and you: there are grudges and grudges; there is affection and hurt! In the end, we all died.

Then it’s all over!

In this life, I will live well and accomplish what I want to do. Then, I will try my best to help you so that you will not end up like that.

 But nothing else...I can't give it.

Song Shang saw the slight moisture in her eyes for a moment, the tangled pain on her face, and finally a hint of determination.

I felt even more uneasy, and I wanted to pull her out immediately and ask her why.

Wen Yu made up his mind, smiled politely and distancedly, and stopped talking.

Song Shang looked at her steadily and decided not to force her until the matter was understood clearly.


Wenwan had already squeezed in beside the old lady and showed her the things her cousin had given her one by one. The old lady looked at them for a long time. She didn't even know what they were, so they started discussing them animatedly.

Webster was standing over there, his eyes caught sight of her husband and Wen Yu, her heart skipped a beat, and her eyes could not help but feel cold.

 In fact, her relationship with her husband is not exactly what everyone sees...

 She is confident that she has outstanding talents, and she married into the Song family at a low age. Song Shang was lucky to have a wife like her. Therefore, her straight waist is a must!

 But on the other hand...she hasn't given birth to a son yet. In the Song family, this is very troublesome.

 Furthermore, she still has some unclear feelings about her husband. It feels like: you have it in your hand, but you can't control it...

Although my heart is often unsettled, my fighting spirit is often aroused! This is interesting!

Having said that, there is also overt and covert speculation, exploration, and precautions. As a result, it was still the same as before. It seemed like nothing was wrong, but something was wrong.

 But at this moment, she clearly felt that her husband's expression and demeanor were very different!

 Look at Wen Yu more carefully...

Suddenly I felt that my elaborate makeup looked a bit old-fashioned and tacky compared to the girl's natural appearance...

Wen’s words were obviously distant, but her husband took the initiative to come over and flatter her!

  That’s not true!

How can she tolerate someone as arrogant as her?

So she also took a small box and walked over and handed it to Wen Huan, who was not far from Wen Yu.

The old lady was still playing with those rare things with Wen Wan, and asked Song Shang: "It's true, Ah Shang, where did you get these?!"

"If you want to give it to your cousins, Ah Shang must put some thought into it!" Song Shang pointed to the gift and talked to Wen Yu. When the old lady asked, he answered everything. "Haha! Just spoil them!" The old lady felt particularly proud. "Oh, Ah Shang, I have something to tell you later!" Before the dead old man comes back.

Song Shang nodded perfunctorily, "Okay!" His whole mind had not left Wen Yu.

Wen Huan got the gift. Seeing how warm-hearted Wei Shi was, Wen Huan put aside her reserve and thanked her with a sweet smile. He also made some small talk to save face.

"Auntie, when will you leave for Beijing?" Webster asked Yuan.

Yuanshi said: "After Brother Feng gets married, I'm afraid we have to leave."

“My mother-in-law’s birthday and the Tianlong Temple celebration will be held in the next few days. Neither you nor your uncle will be able to attend?”

Yuan's face looked regretful, "Originally, your uncle wanted me to stay with the children... But the house in the capital has not been cleaned up yet. Your uncle has just taken office, and he has to take care of things around him... I Don’t worry, you have to go and watch.”

"Yes, there are a lot of things going on when I first take office. It's just that this time the Tianlong Temple Millennium Celebration is particularly grand. It's a pity that I can't participate."

“Yes!” Yuan agreed. She did feel regretful. This was also an opportunity to meet some good people.

Webster is talking to Yuanshi, but his mind is on her husband. Seeing that Song Shang was still talking to Wen Yu with a smile, Wen Yu lowered his eyes and remained silent.

 But the husband kept talking!

 Talk about it! What are you talking about... Webster felt furious!

The Yuan family knew that Song Shang was very important to the Wen family, so she was very willing to maintain the Wei family, "From now on, we can meet in the capital. You have gone there many times before and met many people. You still want to have the relationship in the capital." You recommended it.”

 “That’s natural.”

"I heard from my mother that our two courtyards are not far apart. It will only take a cup of then..." Yuan's heart had already flown to the capital.

"Yes!" Wei Shi didn't want to talk in depth. She wanted to know what Song Shang was talking about!


"In a few days, it will be my mother's birthday. This time, I want to hold a small show for her. We have invited the most famous theater troupe, the circus troupe. There will also be a horse show by the lake. Fifth brother has prepared a horse for you. The white horse is only two years old, but it is very beautiful. I remember that Ayu can ride a horse..."

Wen Yu ignored him, and he didn't care, and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't know. Fifth brother can teach you. Choose a day, let's set off early in the morning, ride along the lake all morning, and eat fish in Jinqiao Town at noon. Then, After a short rest, we went back around the west slope. There were many flowers planted there, and it was beautiful along the way.

 If you are interested, we can all ride around the lake, but that will take a long time. I have to stay in the house in Wangyuan Building for two days. I asked sister Yi'er to accompany you. Huh? Don’t you have two better female companions? Take them with you! Cousin has made arrangements for you and can also send a car to pick them up. "

Song Shang was good-tempered and talked leisurely.

Wen Yu didn’t show it on his face, but he was terribly upset in his heart!

What are you talking about?

I dont go! No riding! Don’t eat fish! Don’t take anyone with you! But she can't say...

"Cousin, you don't need to make special arrangements. It's not sure whether I'm going or not!" Wen Yu deliberately comforted him.

“Huh?! You must go. Oh, don’t forget to take that girl Hongdou with you.”

 Her name is Yan Zhu now!


"What's wrong? Little Ayu? Aren't you jealous after I've been talking for so long? Where's the white horse? You don't even need to prepare riding clothes. I've had several sets prepared, including large, medium and small ones!" He looked up and down. Although I have grown taller, I am still very thin and "flat", so I should be able to wear something medium-sized.

Wearing riding clothes, riding a white horse, with a female companion by his side, eyes full of flowers, and the fish that is so delicious, it is really beautiful when you think about it. Wen Yu was almost taken away, but suddenly remembered his own business and interrupted him, "Cousin, I really have something that I want to talk to you about in private."

By the way, there is also the hairpin, which must be returned to him!

 “Ah! Really!?” Song Shang didn’t smile, his eyes were wide open, and there seemed to be a glimmer of light in them.

Wen Yu couldn't help but avoid his sight... "Well... I just wanted to ask you for a favor or something..." her voice lowered.

Song Shang moved closer to her, "Huh?! Help?! Okay! No, no, no, what do you mean by helping! If you have anything to do, just ask your cousin to do it!"

Seeing Wen Yu staring at him unhappily, he quickly said: "Okay, okay! You set a time, and then we will talk in detail..." Then he used this story to get closer and looked at Wen Yu carefully. How beautiful! ?

The hair on the eyes is very dense. Covering your eyes, you are so look a lot like me!

"Husband! Have you noticed that my eldest cousin seems to have changed her appearance?" Webster couldn't bear it anymore, so he came over, stood between them, and intervened.

With cold eyes, he stared at Wen Yu.

 A bit like a snake staring at its prey.

 Just like in the last world…

Wen Yu's fighting spirit suddenly became high. She pursed her lips and smiled, tilted her head, and struck a beautiful pose, "I'm one year older! It's different! Cousin, you are not the same as you were last year. Yeah!"

Although these words are nothing, her expression and tone are a bit pretentious and deserve to be beaten! He also looked up and down Webster's head wantonly, his eyes critical and showing off.

“…” Webster was a little unbelievable, this girl is going crazy! I couldn't help but hit my head with fire. She is half a year older than Song Shang, twenty-four. This is also one of her knots.

"Sister Ayu, what about... cousin?! Take a closer look... Is my cousin different from last year?" Song Shang ignored Wei Shi and looked at Wen Yu with crooked eyes while smiling.

I sighed in my heart: She is so frivolous!

But I like…

How do you want them to end?



 (End of this chapter)

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