The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 27: I'm so angry that I don't care

Chapter 27 I’m so angry that I don’t care

Song Shang tilted his upper body towards Wen Yu, as if he was joking and a little rogue.

 And I don’t want to hide it at all!

 Wen Yu smelled a nice aroma, yes! This is his taste...

 Thinking of the lingering relationship in the tent, I became even more panicked...bastard! You have become old, ugly and in trouble!

"Cousin Song Wu. Wen Yu didn't look at you carefully before, so I don't know if there have been any changes now!" She became angry and said coldly. The bad attitude made Webster feel even more angry.

"Hehehehe... Really?!" Song Shang didn't care at all. He raised his eyebrows and said in a long voice, "Then... Xiaoyu'er needs to take a closer look today. The next time I see my cousin, , please comment again, please...please praise me!"

“…” Wen Yu really wanted to kick him.

  “…” Is he flirting? ! Webster was shocked, angry, and extremely embarrassed!

 There is nothing better than a wife who knows her husband.

 Her husband's demeanor and tone of voice when talking to this girl were completely different from others...including himself!

Unable to confront her husband, she turned her uneasiness and humiliation to Wen Yu. There was a hint of ridicule in the corner of his mouth, "Two months ago, I heard that it was my cousin's coming-of-age ceremony. For a woman, this is one of the most important ceremonies in life. Huh? Cousin, why didn't you invite your cousin to watch the ceremony?"

"Cousin..." Wen Yu bared her teeth pretentiously, "Wen Yu's horoscope...haven't you heard? We are born to be hard-working! There is a suspicion of harming our relatives! (Well. If that's true, that's not bad!) Master Guangzhi has approved: For the sake of the well-being of his relatives, Wen Yu must be raised in poverty before he reaches adulthood, and he cannot achieve anything big with any title!"

 “…” She actually said this about herself?

Webster paused for a moment, looked up and down impolitely, and said contemptuously: "Cousin, it's okay for others to say that, but why do you say that yourself? It's not a good thing!"

"I don't care!" Wen Yu actually frowned proudly: "Compared to the safety of relatives and the future of the Wen family, what is this little reputation? Well, isn't this? My father has been promoted to the capital. ! I can’t believe that I am responsible for it!”

 “Hehehehe...” Song Shang seemed to have heard something funny and kept laughing, his whole body shaking with laughter.

 What’s so funny about this? ! His behavior made Wen Yu even more upset.

  In the last life, she became his concubine, although she agreed to it by herself.

 But at that time, she could hug Hongdou... and pull her skin and flesh! That is the real fear and despair!

  I planned to commit suicide after settling the red beans. If you can escape from the Wen family, you don't care even if you end up living in prostitution!

It was he who rescued and buried Hongdou. It was also him who planned to take him away from the Wen family...

 How could she refuse?

Although, he does treat himself well. But from the bottom of her heart, being a concubine was not what she expected. In addition, Hongdou's tragic scenes often appeared in her sleep, causing her to be in a bad mood every day, especially...the fetus was not taken care of.

However, occasionally when I was in a good mood, whenever we talked about some light-hearted topic, he would be right next to me, giggling like this...

 It seems like he told a big joke!

"You..." Wei Shi was helpless when Wen Yu was broken, and he shook his head helplessly. It's like suddenly discovering: "Huh? My sister's dress looks very nice. Which store is it made in?"

 She had seen Wen Yu's skirt a long time ago! The pattern on it is similar to the one on her skirt. Now take a closer look: the ideas are novel and the work is meticulous.

  But compared with this one on her, it pales into insignificance! There is even a hint of imitation.

  Haha... The ridicule in her heart appeared on her face.

Of course Wen Yu knew that Webster was very good at this, but he did have the capital to be good at it. So I never expected to compete with her in terms of clothing!

 But when I was getting dressed this morning, I forgot about this problem and wore such a skirt...

it's good now! She was immediately outshined by her!

  What are you and your wife doing? Why are you pestering me to no end?

 Wen Yu was angry!

 It seems that we are naturally at odds with each other! Then don't blame me for spoiling your fun!

"This!" Wen Yu pointed at it coquettishly and said: "This is a painting I drew casually. There are people in the house who like needlework, so they secretly made it and sewed it on. It can't be taken apart! Throw away such a good material It's a pity that I just put it on casually.

 Actually, I really don’t like it. Moderation is better in dressing up like this. Pursuing it too deliberately will appear superficial, and you will be inferior from the bottom up..." She flicked it in disgust.

“…” Webster’s face turned red: Who was she talking about? !

  Webster’s makeup and grooming have always been the most exquisite and tasteful. There are so many popular looks she brings out. When going to the capital to socialize, even many people in the circle of noble ladies follow suit! Choosing fabrics and thinking about looks takes a lot of energy from her. She was immersed in it and proud of it.

 But this **** girl... actually said that! She was so angry that she was sweating, and she quickly glanced at her husband.

Song Shang was still smiling with half-lidded eyes... She took a deep breath: "Really? But I like it very much! This kind of pattern is produced by Master Cailuan Geqing. Well, this is it..."

She pointed to the hem of her clothes, "It's her original creation. You have to make an appointment long in advance to get it done. Even Princess Zhengyang agreed. That means Master Qing has special treatment for me, a regular customer, so I can get it done in time. Cousin Yeah, a good thing is a good thing, whether you can afford it or not, it doesn’t matter whether you use it or not! Praising or criticizing without distinguishing between good and bad will only appear frivolous..."

  Sigh, she is really right...

Wen Yu sighed and asked: "Cailuan Pavilion? Eh? Cai Luan Pavilion...isn't it my cousin's business? Why does my cousin need special... preferential treatment from others for making a piece of clothing?" She rolled her eyes at Song Shang, Rich piece of shit!

 Besides, Master Qing treats you so well. If something comes up for you in the past, why don’t you help him?

Song Shang finally opened his slender eyes again, looked at Wen Yu, and said seriously: "Ah! Cailuan Pavilion really doesn't belong to my cousin at the moment! Do you like it, Ayu?" If you like it, I'll buy it for you...

"I don't like it!" Wen Yu said categorically, turning to Webster, "Eh!? Cousin, it's hot in this room..." She moved closer to Webster, "Your makeup is a bit off... Go and tidy it up. !”

It seemed that he said it in a low voice, but Song Shang could also hear it.

Song Shang actually heard it, looked at Webster "seriously", and expressed surprise...

 “…” Webster’s face turned red.

Looking at Wen Yu more sharply, he released the pressure. Little girl are going crazy!

Wen Yu smiled secretly: Do you still want to suppress me?

 Are you afraid of me? !

She looked back with cold and hard eyes, and made exaggerated gestures on her face with her hands, "Probably here... and here!"

Webster looked at Wen Yu calmly, then smiled contemptuously, turned around and left.

Song Shang looked at Wei's slightly hurried steps, turned to stare at Wen Yu, and pointed at her with a doting look on his face: "Xiao Yu'er~~ You are so naughty!"

“Your wife is angry, why don’t you go and calm her down?!” Wen Yu looked at the fluttering corners of her cousin’s skirt, and the appliqués on it were very lively. Well, it’s really pretty.

"Ayu! In this world, I will coax my mother when she is angry, and I will coax Ayu when she is angry. Others... haha! If I offend Xiaoyuer, I will be so angry that I don't care!" he said firmly.

“Ha!” Wen Yu bared his teeth, “That’s your wife, the mother of your daughter!”

Song Shang spread his hands and said helplessly: "Nine out of ten people in the world are unhappy. Although my cousin is capable, not everything can or is willing to be solved!"

 “Huh!” Wen Yu turned his face and stopped talking.

Song Shang turned around and saw that Wen Wan had already finished showing off in front of the old lady, so she was probably looking for him.

"Just now Ayu said that I have something to do with my cousin... My cousin is here for you at any time! Everything is at your disposal!" His voice was very soft, but it was very disgusting and charming.

Wen Yu felt hopeless and suddenly wanted to punch and kick him.

 Just wait for me!

In this life, I have watched others kill your people and take away your property!

Sure enough, the old lady started calling him, "Ashan!"

 "Auntie..." His expression changed, and his voice became longer...

   What do you hope for them?



 (End of this chapter)

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