Chapter 28 The dead old man

 The old lady called Song Wu to her side, not knowing what she was talking about.

 The voices of the girls chatting and laughing also lowered.

At this time, someone came in and said: "Old lady, the old man has returned home! Two masters and several young men are picking him up!"

This time, everyone quieted down.

 Earlier than expected! The old lady felt disgusted: Damn you old man! If I don't come back day after day, he will come to trouble me if I am happy about something! I don't even have a chance to talk to Brother Shang, he is such an old man.

 “Second daughter-in-law!” she called lightly.

 “Mother!” Wu came up quickly.

"Hurry up and see if everything has been tidied up? Hot water and other things have also been arranged..." Don't let the old immortal find fault.

 “Don’t worry, mother, you are always prepared.”

 “Well, then you should go and watch it too!”

Wu responded and went out quickly, leading a few women in tow.

Mrs. Yuan looked at Ms. Wu's demeanor as the matron of the house, and she was thinking: when she goes to Beijing, she must take care of the family affairs. But Wu will arrive half a year later and has been the housekeeper for many years. How can she be willing to accept it? The old lady is used to her. When the time comes, there will be some competition, right? !

Song Shang said: "Auntie, shall I go to greet the old man?"

"No! You stay and talk to me, he will come in soon." She deliberately asked Song Shang to accompany her, so that the old man restrained himself!

 The atmosphere in the room is no longer as lively as it was just now.

"It's too late to elaborate. I'm afraid he wants to tell you this time..."

The old lady's voice became even lower, and Song Shang moved closer to her, seemingly listening attentively, but looking at Wen Yu. I saw the girl sitting there dignifiedly, paying no attention to anyone except occasionally talking to the girl from the Song family's cousin. It’s really different…

On her fifteenth birthday, she really couldn't make it back, but luckily she prepared gifts in advance.

 She has always known how the Wen family treated her, but she has a special status and has private calculations. Too much interference may not be a good thing. I can only feel sorry for her silently.

 My little girl!

 I hope my affairs will go smoothly, and you will be safe and happy under my protection for the rest of your life.


 But Wen Yu was thinking about the old man of the Wen family.

In the last life, I didn’t have much impression of him. At most, I could meet him once during the Chinese New Year, and he would make everyone nervous. Speaking of the conflict between the two old people, it seems that they started when they got married, and then they formed a deadly feud with the third uncle's biological mother.

Listen to the gossips of the mothers-in-law. There have been many troubles in the past, which is very ugly.

 The reason why my grandfather could not divorce his grandmother or build a family temple to lock her up was largely because of his father Wen Qian.

He is talented and intelligent, and he passed the exams and became an official very successfully. He is the pride of his tribe. Moreover, he was extremely filial to his mother, which invisibly supported his grandmother.

Grandpa couldn't fight, and he was always angry when they were together, so he finally chose to avoid it. The old man only likes his third son and fourth daughter... and their descendants. It is said that when the fourth aunt got married in the capital, she was in Hongzhuang!

Wen Yu smiled faintly. He probably didn't even know how many grandchildren he had here!

Webster came back from finishing her makeup. I saw the old lady whispering to her husband, and the husband seemed to be listening, but his eyes were staring at Wen Yu.

 Pinched the handkerchief in my hand, little girl, look back and let you know how powerful I am!

After a while, someone said outside, "The old man is coming back!"

All the wives and girls stood up and stood close to the edge.

 The old man of the Wen family walked in with the exaggerated and careful support of his third son, Wen Shuo. Following behind were Wen Qian, Wen Feng, the groom-to-be and several other grandchildren.

 The old lady stood up and saluted.

The old man walked through the door without saying a word. He went directly to the main seat and sat down.

 “Grandpa!” After not seeing him for a long time, all the children were about to kneel down and kowtow.

Mr. Wen nodded, not paying attention to any of his descendants who were saluting him: "Everyone, get up!"

 Everyone stood up, but the daughters did not sit down. They all stood to the side. Wen Yu looked at the old man, whom he had only met a few times in his previous life. To be honest, my father, second uncle, and the third uncle next to me are all good-looking, mostly because of my grandfather.

He is over fifty, with a ruddy complexion, black hair, black eyebrows and black eyes, a regular face and a straight figure. Wearing a sophisticated black silk robe. At first glance, she is much prettier than the old lady, much younger.

 Sit there, you feel strong and unpredictable.

Wen Yu quietly looked around. Everyone in the family was silent, and even the timid ones didn't dare to raise their heads. Even the usually arrogant second uncle has become much more honest.

It is also because my father is Wen Qian, and he can sit down at his head generously and remain calm.

The third uncle took his third aunt Guan, the fifth girl Wen Jing, the seventh girl Wen Man, and several sons to pay tribute to the old lady. Wen Jing is thirteen years old, while Wen Man looks only five or six years old. She is plump and cute, and is being led by her sister Wen Jing. It seems that the sisters are closer to each other than the old lady and the girls in front of her.

  Guan has a round face, thick eyebrows and round eyes, and is quite beautiful. She and her third uncle look a bit like husband and wife. This is the daughter-in-law chosen by the old man himself.

Although she is just a concubine's wife, because the old man has invested a lot of money, the third aunt's family background and talents are no worse than those of the Wu family. Moreover, after marrying Wen Shuo, she has always been protected by the old man and has not been much angry with her mother-in-law. She has two sons and two daughters. Life is the most comfortable.

 Hey, look at it, it seems like you are pregnant again? Look at the concubines and concubines next to me whose names and rankings I don’t know...

Oh my God, there are so many descendants and the population is prosperous!

Guan Shi greeted the old lady decently. The old lady also saw Guan Shi's body, and her face couldn't help but smell bad.

Wen Yu felt funny looking at it. With the old man protecting him, the third uncle's family could live a good life. But if his grandfather is gone...not to mention the old lady pressing him down, his father probably won't let him go. It is unclear whether we can keep it in the future if we make more money now.

There are two beautiful women in their twenties next to them. One is wearing light pink and the other is wearing light green. They have small waists. They are very beautiful and wear very particular jewelry: they are the two favorites of the old man in recent times. concubine.

Seeing the two concubines saluting respectfully, the old lady couldn't help but want to get angry. Just let such a concubine go back to the courtyard, or bring her to me?

 Show off in front of these granddaughters and Webster? !

This **** old man is still so out of tune!

The old man saw the old lady's stinky face out of the corner of his eye, but he felt very happy.

 He has no interest in a house full of children and grandchildren, and has nothing to say! As soon as he saw Song Shang, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Hey, Song Shang!"

Song Shang stepped forward and saluted, "I passed by you last time to visit your old man, but you were not there. You said you were going fishing in the river. You are really living like a fairy!"

“Haha, that time, Mr. Liu from the capital came. He’d better go fishing and go with him.”

 “Then you must have defeated him, right?”

 “Uh…not really.” The old man was really a little dissatisfied.

 “Go back and find you a good pole, one with a long string that can be thrown to the other side of the river!”

“Haha! That’s not necessary. Just make the rod and line stronger! Because the rod broke, I caught a big fish several times on the way.”

 "Okay! Haha..." Song Shang smiled heartily.

Wen Shuo smiled and said: "Father, when you meet Brother Shang, you have to catch him quickly. We need Brother Shang's help for what we do!"

“Oh, it’s true! Brother Shang, I have something small to ask of you. Can I tell you about it later?”

"What's the point of asking for words between you and Song Shang? If something happens, just give the order directly. If you can do it, Song Shang will be furious!"

Although what he said was sincere, the old man seemed to be a little slippery. I can’t help but feel a little worried: Did the dead old woman instill something?

  "Hahahaha! You! I can't even open my mouth to bring you such trouble!"

“Let’s talk about it later!?” Song Shang’s attitude was unclear.

  "Okay, okay!" The old man turned to look at the old lady, and tried his best to show a gentle attitude: "Brother Feng's affairs are all settled?"

The old lady's attitude was very respectful: "Basically everything is done. You will listen to it later. If there are any changes that need to be made, let them do it as soon as possible."

Mr. Wen nodded, "It's natural for the eldest grandson to get married in a more grand ceremony! My tenth uncle is coming, and I have already made arrangements for it!"

“There is still a yard here. Let’s look back and see where the old man wants to live.”

Mr. Wen nodded and was about to leave. Suddenly he remembered something and asked, "Where's that girl Wen Yu?"

 (End of this chapter)

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