Chapter 44 Getting carried away

Wen Yu followed Nanny Wu out of the door and went to the next room. There are rows of large cabinets and many drawers in this room.

She secretly handed a ten-tael silver note to Grandma Wu.

Mother Wu’s face didn’t look so bad anymore, but she wasn’t too happy either. She accepted it casually without even making a sound.

Then, I looked down at the list and saw the beautiful small characters of Wen Yu. I couldn't help but be a little surprised. The writing of this character was even better than that of the two girls! But the second girl followed the master and put in a lot of effort!

But he didn't pay attention to it. He followed the list to look for the body deed. When he found one, he handed it to Wen Yu. But I felt strange in my heart: These candidates...are quite reliable!

 Who did she listen to? I couldn't help but become suspicious.

 At the next glance, I saw Xiaoji's family... I was stunned.

 She knew that Xiaoji's family was the enemy of her mother-in-law.

 The second son married the daughter of the chief steward.

 Chief housekeeper Chen Xiangzhong originally had his eye on Xiao Jiniang, but others didn't like him! I heard that he was in great pain and "regret" for the rest of his life!

The wife I married later, Mrs. Zhang, was also a domestic servant of the Wen family, so of course she knew about this! It was like treating Xiao Jiniang as an enemy and unwilling to kill her.

Although Steward Chen hates Xiao Ji's father, he still cares about his face, so he only secretly looks for opportunities. But that's not the case with Mr. Zhang, who is very aggressive and messes around without regard for dignity.

 Even the old lady knew it in the end!

  Since Butler Chen was so disgraced, he went back and gave Mr. Zhang a good beating. The couple was afraid of causing big trouble, so they didn't dare to mess around openly.

Zhang's wish is to sell Xiao Ji and his family separately, so that they can vent their anger.

 It's just that Xiaoji's family is usually very cautious, so they don't make any big mistakes or find any opportunities.

 The key point is that the old lady of the Wen family is very powerful and does not have any dirt in her eyes. The people below don’t dare to go too far for personal gain.

Since the sons and daughters are in-laws, of course they have to share the same hatred. Aunt Wu doesn’t want Xiaoji’s family to escape control!

She pretended not to see it, skipped the list of Xiaoji's family, and started looking for the following ones.

"Eh? Mother Wu, where is this family? That fat girl's family that looks like short winter melons!" Wen Yu smiled like a cute girl who was inexperienced in the world, pointing to the names of several people with her delicate fingers.

Nanny Wu said calmly: "There's something wrong with this family! I'm afraid I can't give it to you. I'll go back with my wife in a moment!"

Wen Yu said quickly: "No, Aunt Wu, it took a lot of effort for Second Aunt to decide on the person for me, but please don't change it again. Whatever is appropriate, give it to me first. If you have any questions, I'll go back Teach it slowly!”

"Hey, big girl. These people can't give it to you! It's not that you need to work hard to train me!" Aunt Wu said a little arrogantly.

“Mom, don’t be ridiculous, it’s my business if you give it to me. Oh! We are all busy, don’t waste your time any more.”

She had already made up her mind, but Wen Yu was still lingering. Mother Wu's face dropped, "Didn't you understand what I said?!" The words came out straight away!

When Wen Yu heard this, her face twitched, "Aunt Wu!" She looked at Aunt Wu intently...for a while, then she smiled mockingly, "That's right! Why didn't Second Aunt just tell me first?" You asked for permission and gave me the person!"

Aunt Wu couldn't bear this, and she instinctively retorted: "Don't say that! My wife didn't see it for a moment, but she didn't expect that there were some. I'll give you a reminder later. If it doesn't bother my wife, I'd like to Here you go. I’ll just listen to my wife, no matter what!”

Wen Yu said sternly and loudly: "Who are you talking to? Where are you and me?!"

Having never seen Wen Yu behave like this, Grandma Wu was startled and instinctively glanced at the room next to her.

"I'm going to ask my grandmother later. What kind of person is Nanny Wu in the Wen family? She is so arrogant! It's okay to be disrespectful to me, a direct daughter. Anyway, you always think that I am not welcome." , no one hurts me, you just slap me in the face..."

“I didn’t!” Mother Wu was shocked and quickly interrupted Wen Yu’s words.

But Wen Yu ignored her at all and continued: "But you still dare to say no to the decision made by the second wife of the house! But you are so embarrassed! What's wrong!? You want me to respect you as an elder ? Okay! Now let’s go to the old lady, and if she agrees, I’ll give you the elder gift!”

Mother Wu was furious: "Girl, why are you so stubborn?! When did I say that?! I just said the list didn't..."

"How dare you, a **** slave, to scold the master?! OK, OK! Let's go! Let's go and reason with the second uncle and the second aunt now! I want to ask the second uncle, the second aunt went against the second uncle's words and allowed the servants to scold him. What do I want to do?”

"No!" Grandma Wu was anxious. How could she... Wen Yu said with a tearful tone: "It's fun to tease and bully a motherless child like me, isn't it? Come with me!"

She grabbed Nanny Wu and walked out.

At this time, Nanny Wu was so frightened that she really wanted to make a fuss... She said this to the second master.

Don’t think of yourself as the second wife’s personal nanny. The second wife trusts you and is very decent. But if she really angers the second master, the second wife will not protect her, but will take the initiative to deal with her!

With all the thoughts in his mind, he quickly surrendered, "I'm sorry, eldest lady, eldest lady! This is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! It's all my fault that I didn't explain it clearly. Don't be angry, I'll find the indentured servant for you right now!"

Wen Yu sneered: "Misunderstanding!? You, a dog slave, are you worthy of letting me misunderstand you?"

 Mother Wu’s face turned red. She hadn’t experienced this in many years. His mouth moved but he couldn't speak, but he refused to follow Wen Yu...

"Normally, for the sake of my second aunt, I call you mama, but you forget about it! My second uncle...grandma..." Wen Yu let go of her and turned to leave.

Grandma Wu was shocked. She took two steps after her, grabbed Wen Yu's sleeves, and knelt down, "Miss, I'm sorry. It's my fault. You don't remember the faults of villains, so please spare me!" All the indentured servants are here for you!"

 Wen Yu still didn’t listen and waved his sleeves.

"Oh, big girl, big girl, you still have to do business! Don't delay any more. You have so much property floating around outside, what can you do if you don't keep it in your hands?! Just don't worry about these little things, okay? ?”

Wen Yu stopped struggling, was stunned, and thought for a while, "Oh... what you said is the truth. I'm almost dying of anxiety..."

"Yes, yes! Big girl, here are the body deeds!" She stood up immediately, quickly found the body deeds of Xiaoji's family, and spoke to Wen one by one. I also gave them to the following people...

Even Qinghe... Wu may have been in a hurry and forgot about this problem, so she also gave Qinghe to Wen Yu! However, her body deed should have been given to Wen Yu before she got married, and now, Granny Song has also given it to her.

Finally, he returned the ten taels of silver he had just taken back to Wen Yu.

Hmph, it’s like you’re going backwards if you don’t hold on! "Mother Wu, what's wrong? You don't like my silver reward?!" Wen Yu asked coldly.

Mother Wu was sweating, "Good girl! How can I do that? I'm so jealous of you! Aren't you... afraid that you will be angry?"

Wen Yu suddenly burst into laughter and pushed the banknote back to her, "Take it. Look, I scared you... As for that! We are just having fun!" She sounded coquettish again...

   …” Hatred to Aunt Wu: Who did she learn this trick from? This bitch!

  But I only resented it secretly in my heart and did not dare to provoke him again.

Wen Yu seemed to know what she was thinking, and spoke the truth in a soft voice: "Look, there are a lot of happy events at home recently! The old lady and the second uncle and second aunt are all very happy!"

After a moment of confusion, Grandma Wu remembered what happened recently: the adultery between the second master and the fourth wife was exposed, and the old lady was furious. The old man came back and made the old lady very angry. The second master was even beaten... The wife was also very angry...

 Why am I so confused? Why are you causing such trouble at this time?

 But I... didn’t know this **** girl was so powerful! ?

 “Haha, the girl is right!” Nanny Wu squeezed her face and laughed dryly.

 “We can only do things to add icing on the cake, but don’t make things worse! Right? After all...peace is a blessing!” Wen Yu winked at Grandma Wu and showed a meaningful smile.

Then, he turned around and walked out the door with the body deeds in hand.

Wu Yan was sweating again. For many years, she was so smooth that she was a bit forgetful.

Just now, that girl really wanted to drag her over to make a scene... The second master has been unlucky many times, and the evil fire in his heart has not been released. Even if you don't want to see Wen Yu, she is your niece after all, how else can you touch her? At most, he said a few words and shook his face.

 But he treated me...

 Can’t help but feel a little lucky, fortunately I managed to persuade that **** girl to stop...

He looked at the door gloomily for a long time, oh, our feud is over, we'll see!

   Thank you friends for your votes and collections. I will work hard!



 (End of this chapter)

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