Chapter 45: Flattery

Wen Yu returned to the house and asked Yan Zhu to call Xiao Ji and her mother without delay!

I guess Xiao Ji has been waiting for the news, so he came very quickly. As soon as he walked in the door, Wen Yu almost laughed. When he saw Xiao Ji, he never expected that her mother would be like this...

Nearly forty years old, she is still slim and does not look like she has given birth to four children. His eyes are clear and bright, his skin is not white but very delicate, he is wearing commoner clothes, and his whole body is clean.

 When I stopped there, it was calm and polite, and it really seemed like the charm still existed.

And Xiaoji next to her... is probably waiting for the most important moment to decide her fate, her fat body is trembling nervously...

Wen Yu waved the deed to the two of them and said, "I want your whole family to come over!"

Upon hearing this, Xiaoji knelt down and burst into tears, "Girl! Girl! Don't worry, Xiaoji will follow you for the rest of his life, and he will never have any second thoughts!"

Little Jiniang also knelt down and saluted: "Thank you, Miss, for your support. Girl, as a slave and a family, we must be loyal to you and work hard!"

Wen Yu said: "I hope so. Get up! You must remember that only when I am well can you be well! These days, there are many things that I cannot control. I hope we can work together and get out of the predicament!"

"Everything is done according to the girl's instructions." Xiao Ji Niang's voice was also soft, "The slave master asked the slave to send a message: Over the years, he has not stopped learning his skills and has been teaching his sons. Don't worry, it's your job. , He’s done it right!”

“Well. There are a few things for them to do now!”

Little Jimiang was stunned. She didn’t see anyone, so she went straight to work?

Wen Yu took out a few pieces of paper, a few banknotes and a bag of silver.

"Although I asked your family to come over, I'm sure there are still people who won't be happy and regret it! So, I disappeared from them and went directly to do things. What needs to be done has already been written down. This is One thousand taels of silver notes and some scraps of silver are needed to buy carriages and other supplies. The basic requirements are written down, so let Manager Li hurry up and keep track of the accounts. "

"Ah?! This..." Xiao Jiniang was quite shocked. She calmed down and took it. "Now that the girl has said it, my servant will take it and tell them!"

"Okay! Xiaoji is the first-class girl beside me, and you are the nanny beside me. You are mainly responsible for the contact with the outside world."


"When I took over the bill, it was Cousin Song Wu who helped me. Ask Manager Li to find him at the address. If he is not there, contact the man named Ma Dahong. Ask Manager Li to look at these properties in advance and be aware of them. Hmm. … Not all of these properties may be retained. Those that are troublesome and unprofitable will be sold out in the future. Of course, these are things for later.”

"I understand, girl." Xiao Jiniang agreed, but she was secretly surprised: Why does the girl have such an idea?

“Well, let’s do this for now! Remind them that the whole family should keep their mouths shut.”

"Yes, girl!" Xiao Ji's mother responded, then turned to Xiao Ji and told Xiao Ji: "Behave around girls!"

Xiao Ji nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face. Xiao Jiniang bowed and went out.

 "Xiao Ji..." Wen Yu called her.

Xiaoji hurriedly came over, with a flattering smile on his face: "Girl, you give me your orders."

“Go and tidy up your place, and then go to the yard and see what’s being said. Just be happy in your heart, and be restrained outside.”

 Xiao Ji's round face turned away and he nodded solemnly: "Girl, Xiao Ji understands!"

 “Well, let’s get down!”

Not long after, Xiang Shu and Qing He, the newly appointed Wen Yu maids, arrived, each carrying two large bundles.

Hong Xing'er came in with a complicated expression and announced, Wen Yu said, "One of us should come in first."

 The two girls in the courtyard looked at each other, Xiang Shu grinned at Qing He, but did not move.

 Qing He put down his baggage and came in to salute Wen Yu.

Wen Yu smiled and said: "Get up! Qinghe..."

  Qing He has fair skin, lively eyes, a slender nose, and thin red lips. She looked very quiet, more like her mother's son than Xiaoji!

Wen Yu found it funny and had already found out: Qing He is introverted, doesn't talk much, and is not competitive. Careful and lively in eyes. She has very good potential as a big girl.

“When I asked the second wife for someone, I wrote your name on it, but I really didn’t expect that the second wife would really give you to me. She also gave me your body deed?!”

Hearing that the body deed was in the hands of the eldest girl, Qing He was a little surprised. His mouth moved but he said nothing.

"Well, I don't know if you are willing or not. Let's do it here first. When the time comes, whether you redeem yourself or find a place to go, I won't stop you."

"It is Qinghe's dignity to be valued by girls. Girl, Qinghe will do things seriously and obey the girl's arrangements in everything."

Tsk, look at this answer, it’s really decent, and the attitude is neither humble nor arrogant.


 Sigh... Yan Zhu only spanked the child twice.

Turning her head to look at Yan Zhu, she was eating something with her little mouth moving, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Qing He, wondering what she was thinking! "Well. You go down and clean up your place first! My place is no different from other girls." He casually rewarded Barley with almost two taels of silver.

 “Thank you, girl!”

 Then, the fragrant book came in. She is in her youth, with a plump little face...and a red mole on the tip of her eyebrows, which adds a bit of charm to her. His eyes are very flexible. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes wandered around and scanned Wen Yu, Yan Zhu, and the furnishings in the room.

 “I’ve seen the girl...” She saluted.

 “Well, it’s a fragrant book, right?”


“You know what a first-class girl should do, right?”

 Why does the girl have such an attitude? Xiangshu felt a little nervous and a little dissatisfied. She doesn't even want to come to this place!

 “Xiangshu knows.”

 “Can you read?”

 “I can’t read…” Xiang Shu’s ears turned red. She is not the girl next to the girl, how can she have the chance to learn how to read?

"Well, you are the person next to the second wife, so you should know the rules very well. Once you come, do your job well, and don't let me find faults and embarrass the second wife. I will divide the work when we get more familiar with each other. Go down first Clean up your place. If you don’t understand anything, just ask Hong Xing’er!”

Wen Yu raised his chin, and Yan Zhu gave him a small bag, which also contained two taels of silver barley.

"...Thank you, miss." Xiangshu took it, feeling depressed. I didn't dare to do anything, just bowed and went on.

Yan Zhu curled her lips and muttered: "Qing He is better. Of course, Xiao Ji is the best!"

“Is it because Xiaoji flatters you?”

 "Hehehe..." Yan Zhu laughed so hard that his branches trembled.


Not long after, I heard Hongxing’s slightly flattering voice at the door: “Steward Wang, you’re here!”

 “Well. Where are you girls?!” There was a woman with an arrogant voice.

 “The girl is in the house!”

 The sound of two people walking.

At the door, Hong Xing'er said: "Girl, Manager Wang is here!"

 Haha, it came very quickly.

Wen Yu hummed, "Let Manager Wang wait in the main room!"

Steward Wang is the wife of Steward Chen.

Her family has an independent small courtyard next to Wen's house, and she also has a maid. In the past two years, she has only held a managerial position and received a salary. But in reality, I don’t do much work anymore. She is a rich wife at home, raising her grandson.

 But the Wen family servants, such as Hong Xing'er, still respect her because her husband is the housekeeper!

Yesterday, Grandma Wu was so helpless by Wen's tone that she went out of the house to tell the Wang family the news.

Mr. Wang came right now and entered the main room with an unhappy look on her face.

 If the girl doesn't come out, it would be obviously rude for her to sit down.

 But if she doesn't sit down and just stands here waiting...except for the old lady and the madam, she has never suffered from this!

 Fortunately, it didn't take long, and Wen Yu came out accompanied by a girl with a black and yellow face. He didn't say anything, just sat on the main seat and looked at Manager Wang.

Steward Wang suddenly thought that she was smarter than Nanny Song. She smiled, showing her long teeth and hard wrinkles on her face: "Young lady is safe!"

 Speaking of this, the housekeeper's wife was also a beautiful person when she was young. She has good eyebrows, big round eyes, and an oval face. It's just that I'm getting older and my face has sunk. Big eye bags, no waist.

He lived a prosperous life, wearing silk, satin, and gold jewelry. She also loves to show off her arrogant air of "marrying well"...

 So it looks shallow and tacky.

 “Mr. Wang. What’s the matter with you?” Wen Yu asked coldly.

 (End of this chapter)

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