Chapter 54 It’s true

 Songjiazhuang is a large group of buildings with an unknown number of yards.

 It is roughly divided into east, west and middle courtyards.

 Song Shang’s family lived in the east courtyard.

 The West Courtyard is relatively large and is mainly occupied by Song Shang's second uncle and concubine.

 The middle courtyard is used by the Song family for public use, such as ancestral halls, schools, etc. There is also a stage, but it was relatively simple because the Song family was not as wealthy as it is now when it was built.

After Song Shang became the head of the family, all public buildings were repaired, and the stage was only briefly repaired. But he built a theater in the east courtyard. He specially found good workmanship and good materials, and it was very beautiful.

Mrs. Song likes to go to the theater and will arrange one if she finds a pretext.

But if people from the west courtyard want to come, they have to enter through the gate of the east courtyard!

 It feels like completely treating the Xiyuan people as outsiders.

Not only that...even the wall of the east courtyard is built very high and is still guarded.

 Everything shows alienation and distrust.

 On weekdays, unless there is an important event in the family, there is no coming and going in the east courtyard.

 Song Shang's second uncle was so angry that he almost died. There were a few times of brazen quarrels, but Song Shang was able to calm down overtly and secretly.

Song Shangke was not in a good mood to treat these "family ties". He determined that the death of his father and eldest brother was inseparable from these people.

Mrs. Song’s birthday is the day after tomorrow, so her second aunt Zhang’s birthday is supposed to be her birthday, but the relationship is not good anyway.

 But Mr. Zhang doesn’t want to!

 Come right now!

To cause trouble.

 Zhang hated the Song Dynasty's family.

 She gave birth to three sons and two daughters. The eldest son was the second in the Song family's generation. He disappeared a few years ago and could not be found.

The eldest son of the Song family died when he was more than two years old, and the second son also disappeared when he was sixteen or seventeen. His reputation is not good.

Song Shang was only in his early ten years at that time, and Zhang didn’t feel that it was him who did it. But I suspected that it was the sister-in-law's handiwork, but no evidence could be found.

 This has become one of Zhang’s many knots.

 Mainly power and money!

Last year, something went wrong in the affairs that Song Shang's second uncle and fourth brother were in charge of. Not only did they lose money, but they also caused trouble. In the end, it was Song Shang who went to settle the matter himself.

 After that, he reprimanded his second uncle unceremoniously and even beat Song Silang.

 The benefits brought by the bamboo salt in Song Shang's hands turned into tribute salt, which made the Song family admire him. When I saw him, I nodded and bowed as a gift from afar. Even the clan elder, who had lost two of his teeth, grinned with a black mouth when he saw him.

 Ms. Zhang hated Mrs. Song and Song Shang very much, but was helpless.

She is wearing a dazzling golden light today, just to steal Mrs. Song's limelight. He had a fake smile on his face and shook his head when he spoke, just to put off the fun.

Wen Yu looked at Mr. Zhang and was really upset. He was a person who could never be good to others if he was not good to himself.

Moreover, not only does he have a bad face and bad words, he is also capable of killing someone.

  When Mrs. Song’s eldest son died, Mrs. Zhang had just given birth to her eldest son.

At that time, the east and west courtyards of the Song family were not so clearly divided. The eldest son had a courtyard and could walk freely.

Therefore, Wen Yu doesn’t believe that Song Dalang’s death had nothing to do with her.

“Oh, if it hadn’t been for my sister-in-law’s birthday, I wouldn’t have had the chance to touch this fine banquet and the afternoon show!” Mrs. Zhang said bitterly.

 You will die or not! Wen Yu felt angry.

 Normally, Webster is full of momentum and capable, and can always restore the scene.

 But today, Webster's anger has nowhere to vent, so how can he care about this? Knowing that Mr. Zhang was going to find trouble when he came, he didn't know where to hide.

 Ms. Zhang, along with her two daughters-in-law and several girls, were chatting and making a lot of noise.

Song Shang is not here. Although Mrs. Song is not afraid, she is still angry.

Protecting her aunt, she said with a smile: "Second Madam, you are too humble. I heard that a few days ago, my third brother invited a Qu Niang from Yangzhou for you! My aunt is so envious of her."

Mrs. Song Er gave her a sideways look and didn't bother to talk to her at all.

Her third daughter-in-law happened to be standing next to Wen Yu, muttering in a low voice, "Who is this person? I don't even look at where this place is. She is talking..."

Wen Yu heard this and explained seriously: "Third cousin, this is cousin Yi'er, my aunt's biological niece. This is the east courtyard of the Song family, my aunt's home!" She also looked like you didn't know why you were doing this. !

 “You!” She gave Song Sansao a nudge.

Old Mrs. Wen glanced at Wen Yu: Is this girl stupid, or is she pretending to be stupid?

Although she valued Song Shang the most, she did not want to offend other Song family members for him.

Although Song Shang has done a lot for himself, what if he has a short horse and a short stirrup? He is the only one on this branch. Not to mention he doesn’t have a son yet. Even if he has a son, when will he become successful? The second wife is the wife of several legitimate sons and concubines!

 The road cannot be blocked at any time. So, with a smile on her face, she pretended not to understand.

 Looking at Wen Yu, he was blaming her, but later he said that this girl has been having too much fun lately!

Mrs. Song also heard it and liked Wen Yu even more. "Haha, Yi'er and Yu'er are both my sweethearts! Especially Yi'er, she has been with me all these years, so considerate! She is a good girl!"

“Hey, is Miss Yi’er not young yet?” Interested people began to ask.

“Old Mrs. Wen, your eldest granddaughter is so handsome! I have never seen such a beautiful woman!”

“Yes, this skin color is so white and shiny!”

“You don’t know, Master Wen is so handsome! Miss Wen has followed her father!”

Everyone kept talking and laughing, Wen Yu became the center of attention, and Zhang and his party were left out in the cold.

Wechsler had been staring outside the room, and as soon as he stepped in, he heard these...

He couldn't help but look her up and down.

Wen Yu was leaning next to Mrs. Song. She didn’t know what she said, but the ladies next to her burst into laughter.

Wechsler felt something was wrong even more. Although Wen Yu loved to join in the fun in the past, he didn't have such a big influence!

This is really wrong!

 At one o'clock, everyone sat down at the table.

Song Shang came, looked at it carefully, and gave his mother a few words before saying goodbye and going to the man's side to drink with him.

When passing by Wen Yu, he stopped and whispered, "Find some time to talk before dinner. Someone will call you at the theater then."

 “Okay, where can we talk?”

“Xiangyun Pavilion, right?”

Wen Yu thought for a while and nodded, "Okay. I left the account book at the door of the house."

 “I’ll have someone move it over right now.”


 Song Shang left.

Watching the interaction between the two people, Webster couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

Wen Yu didn't know what he thought of. He blushed and looked nervously at Mrs. Wen. He also glanced at Mrs. Song quietly and lowered his head.

All this fell into Webster's eyes, but he didn't get angry anymore. She has already determined that these two people must be having an affair!


 After dinner and tea, everyone walked to the theater.

Mrs. Song’s hobbies are watching theater and listening to books. Today, a full set of "The Phoenix Returns to the Nest" has been arranged.

As the gongs and drums sounded, Mrs. Song asked Mrs. Wen and others to sit down, and Meimei began to watch.

After a while, a little girl whispered to Wen Yu while she was pouring tea and fruits for everyone.

Wen Yu nodded slightly, then looked around carefully.

 Seems like he looked at Mrs. Song, his grandmother, and then came to see Webster.

Webster's heart was pounding and he looked at the stage intently, looking fascinated...

Wen Yu pretended to be dawdling for a while, then stood up when the gongs and drums sounded.

Webster sat motionless because he had already made arrangements and was watched by several people outside.

But Wen Yu didn’t walk long before she couldn’t sit still. It was like the gongs and drums on the stage, hitting her heart every time.

I got up and came out and stood outside the theater door. A girl was already coming and going: "that man" went back to his room, combed his hair again, changed his clothes, "the lipstick on his lips was still very red!" and went out.



After a while, another person came in a hurry. "That person" took Hongdou and looked like he was heading to Xiangyun Pavilion.

Xiangyun Pavilion?

That’s where my husband meets friends! No one goes to the backyard, and no one goes to the front yard. It’s very quiet!

And, earlier, her husband went in...

After a while, the news came: "Grandma, she's in. She's in!"

 Sure enough...

 (End of this chapter)

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