The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 55: Catch the adulterer and the double

Chapter 55: Catch an adulterer

Wen Yu left Xiaoji in the theater to watch the fun.

He only took Yan Zhu back with him, changed his clothes, combed his hair, and put on bright red lipstick.

Yan Zhu looked at her with burning eyes: "What are you going to do?"

No one knows me better than her! Wen Yu asked, "What do you think?!"

Yan Zhu rolled his eyes, "It must have something to do with the Fifth Master! Dressed like this, it can't be... no, no, no!"

"No! But I do have something to plan. Zhuzhu, when we arrive at Xiangyun Pavilion in a while, I will forget something here and send you back to get it. You wait for a while and then go over."

“?” Yan Zhu narrowed her eyes, “Are you trying to make that peacock jealous?!”

She is a very smart girl: "Haha! Whether she is jealous or not is none of my business. I am looking for my cousin because I have something serious to say!"

 “Okay! If you want me to do anything, just tell me!”

 “Be good! Don’t worry, I won’t do anything wrong!”

  She wore a red mouth and dressed flamboyantly, but she was cautious and cautious when walking on the road...

 Those who were watching even thought that there was something serious going on inside.

 But when she entered the courtyard of Xiangyun Pavilion, she quietly wiped the red grease off her mouth.

 After entering the room, Song Shang stood there, looking at her with a smile.

 At the table near the front window, Xiao Ji’s father, his eldest brother, and several of Song Shang’s men were standing.

Wen Yu said in surprise: "Cousin, what a huge battle!"

 “Haha! Ayu’s Nuo family is rich, these people are not enough for my cousin!”

  "You're kidding me, right?! These are nothing to my cousin, but to me, they are things that help me live my life!"

“Haha, it’s not that serious. Time is limited, so let’s keep the story short! Everyone, please sit down...”

Song Shang and Wen Yu sat at the small table, and the others sat at the long table with their accounts and calculations.

“I listened to what they said and took a look at it. Overall, it’s very simple. It’s just Arabic. What do you think?”


Webster was still standing there, feeling like his life was a joke.

what to do?

According to her temperament, she wanted to rush over immediately, grab Wen Yu and beat him.

 But...there is still a balance to be weighed.

After a while, the Li Rui family came back with a complicated expression and whispered: "Grandma, that **** went in. After a while, that **** named Hongdou came out and went back to her room..."

"So...they are the only ones in that room?" When things became real, her breath became weak.

"This..." The people in Li Rui's family were vicious but cautious, "It must be right?! We can't get close to that house, so we can only speculate! It's just a man and a woman alone... What can we do there? Grandma, catch a couple. ah…"


Then catch the traitor and the couple!

Webster stormed out angrily... and the Li Rui family followed closely.

After taking a few steps, Webster stopped again.


"I can't go by myself. What if I can't get into Xiangyun Pavilion? What if your master wants to suppress this matter and refuse to admit it?"

"But grandma, if you want to take people to make trouble, I will definitely be annoyed if I lose my face today!"

 “I’m afraid of him?!” Webster’s eyes stood up.

“…What if I have the power to accept her! Aren’t we helping out?”

Webster thought for a moment: "That's right. In this case, I'll call my mother-in-law and let her see with her own eyes how her son is fooling around with his niece!"

“Grandma, the old lady loves me the most, I can’t say…”

"Oh, she loves her son, but she won't love anyone else! What day is it today? As long as the old lady decides that Wen Yu is a bitch, I will let me do it!"

 “Yes. Grandma has thought carefully!”

Webster turned around and entered the theater. By coincidence, he happened to catch up with the scene change. Mrs. Song has just come out from changing clothes.

 “Mother!” Webster greeted her.

Mrs. Song was very happy and asked with a smile: "Why didn't you go to the theater?"

"Mother, come here..." Wei Shi pulled Mrs. Song outside and glanced at the girl next to the old lady.

"You go down first!" Seeing that Wei Shi had something to say, Mrs. Song sent the girl away.

“Mom, I just received the news that I drank too much today and vomited!”

Upon hearing that her son had vomited, Mrs. Song became anxious, "Huh?! I told him not to drink so much!"

"That's right! I don't know how long it will take for me to recover from this vomiting, but I will have to repay it at night!"

 “Where are the others?”

“I went to the Xiangyun Pavilion in Qiantou. My wife asked someone to cook some sobering soup, but because of my temper, I sent it to him and he didn’t accept it. My wife wanted to send it to her by herself, but she was afraid that he wouldn’t open the door!”

 “Alas! Why does this enemy, who is so polite, drink so much wine?”

 “Yes, mother, my wife is a little worried!”

Mrs. Song knows that her son’s temper is really bad!

The people around him can't control him, "I'll go take a look!"

“ daughter-in-law is telling you, it’s not a complaint. Then I will blame you...”

 “You care, why should he be surprised? I have everything.”

"Then... let's be quiet and let Xiyuan'er know about it and not laugh at him?!"

 “Haha, you have thought carefully!”

Webster personally supported the old lady and sent a girl to serve the sobering soup. Only the Li Rui family followed her.

Mrs. Song walked in a hurry and didn't notice the evil smile on the corner of Webster's mouth.

After walking for a long time, we arrived outside Xiangyun Pavilion.

There was a doorman who looked like eight or nine years old. When he saw the old lady coming, he was shocked and asked: "Old lady, why are you here!?"

Mrs. Song said angrily: "Why are you panicking!? Let me take a look!" She secretly laughed in her heart, thinking that her son had drunk too much and was afraid that she would know, so she had people guard the door to guard him!

"Then...Old lady, please wait a moment while I go back to you."

"Stop!" Webster was a little excited and lowered his voice as much as possible, "The old lady wants to go in, do you still need to announce? Stop talking! Go aside! Mother, let's go in quietly, just in time to catch me..." She smiled playfully .

Mrs. Song also had a smile on her face, with some mischievous excitement: "That's right! Just leave it alone!" After saying this to the child, she held Wei's hand and entered the courtyard.

 Walking through the small courtyard, I arrived at the door of Xiangyun Pavilion. The door was closed and it was very quiet inside.

Webster was so nervous that he was sweating. He couldn't care about anything anymore. He let go of the old lady and pushed the door open.

 The door is actually stuck!


  I was so excited that I could no longer control the anger I had suppressed for so long. It was as if she had already seen the sight of her husband and the slut, naked and in love with each other.

  He banged the door hard and screamed: "Open the door! Open the door quickly!"

There was still no movement inside.

Mrs. Song was stunned for a moment, "You...Xiang Yu, what are you doing!"

Webster was so angry that when he saw that he couldn't knock it open, he kicked it with his feet and hit it with his body. Screaming louder: "Open the door! Open the door quickly!"

Mrs. Song is very upright, but not stupid. She immediately understood: she was being taken advantage of by Webster!

Not knowing what happened, she said in a deep voice: "Webster, stop."

 “Open the door quickly!” Webster ignored her mother-in-law at all and continued to scream and bang on the door.

  Perhaps the door bolt was not inserted tightly enough, and after a few hard knocks, it was actually knocked open.

She didn't expect that she stumbled and fell in. She ran for several steps and hit a pillar before stopping, almost hitting her head.

 But she didn't care about the pain, and glanced fiercely...

   Congratulations on signing the contract, second update.



 (End of this chapter)

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