Chapter 56 It’s all empty

Webster's eyes glanced...

 There was nothing in the room that she thought was there: a scene of a dog and a man fooling around!

But all I saw was: the husband and the **** were sitting at the table, with tea on the table and account books in their hands.

Neatly dressed!

This is nothing, the key point is... She saw again: there was a long table by the window, with five or six people sitting at the table. There were pens, paper, account books, and abacus on the table.

 It looks like several people are working.

   Why is this so?

how come? !

Wechsler was dumbfounded and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

As early as when Wei Shi knocked on the door and shouted, Song Shang was a little surprised. He glanced at Wen Yu and saw that the girl was looking at the account in her hand and remained calm.

hehe! Okay, you stinky girl!

 When was the door locked? When sending Yan Zhu out?

 What the **** are you doing? Dare you plot against me? !

Fine, do whatever you want! Do I look very worthless... He secretly despised it.

At this moment, he looked calmly at Webster, who looked like he had failed to catch the rapist. He didn't get angry, and his expression didn't even change.

 Until, Mrs. Song walked in.

"Mother?!" Song Shang was startled, stood up suddenly, stared at Wei Shi fiercely, and quickly went to help Mrs. Song.

Wechsler felt that there was a murderous look in his eyes! The fear in her heart and the raw pain coming from her right chest and shoulder made her bend over.

"I...I..." She was speechless and looked at Wen Yu blankly.

Wen Yu also looked surprised, stood up quickly, pulled up his sleeves and saluted. "aunt!"

Mrs. Song looked at the situation in the room. What else didn’t she understand?

 The daughter-in-law brought herself here to catch the adulterer!

 Haha, this is my birthday gift!

 It’s really good!

Mrs. Song has been fighting at home for many years, and she is not a vegetarian. She is angry and angry in her heart, but her face is calm and her mood cannot be seen.

Song Shang helped him sit down, looked around, and asked in a normal tone: "What are you doing?"

"Mother!" Song Shang said softly to his mother: "Ayu got back her mother's dowry from her great-aunt. Ha! It's a lot! She made a fortune and became a rich lady. My son wants to see it. What’s the benefit?”

Mrs. Song knew that her son was coaxing her, but she broke her guard and smiled: "You, you have the nerve to say this!"

"Haha. At that time, Ayu had no one, so he asked his son for help. This was a trivial matter for his son, so he sent someone to help him take over. Now that my cousin has a few people, let them hand it over. After all, Ayu is a girl and has never done anything, so my son took some time to take a look. "

"Aunt, it was Yu'er who begged my cousin for help. Although these properties are nothing to my cousin. But after all, it was my mother's dowry. Yu'er cherished it very much. She was afraid that something would go wrong, so she asked her cousin for help. Although Yu'er has the manpower, I still want to come and listen in person... I've alarmed you," Wen Yu said a little uneasily.

Mrs. Song said: "It's okay. My aunt thought your cousin drank too much. She was worried. Come and have a look. He has been drinking too much lately!"

Song Shang said to the people at the long table: "I think the matter has been discussed just now. You can go down and discuss it."

Those people quickly responded, hugged their belongings and left.

Xiangyun Pavilion has front and rear doors. The back door leads to the back house, and the front door leads to the front living room.

Webster was so excited that he forgot about this problem. She also thought: Even if they were not caught fooling around, there was no way they could be separated from each other if they were alone together.

 Since her husband obviously treats her differently;

 Since the **** dares to provoke her repeatedly;

 Then push her to the ground and stomp her hard!

 But what to do now?

Although she did something too reckless, she doesn’t regret it!

Unyielding, he stood aside with a sullen face and said nothing.

Wen Yu glanced around quietly and said cautiously: "Aunt, cousin, Yu'er's things are done, shall we go back to the house first?"

Mrs. Song nodded: "Well, you go back first!"

Wen Yu saluted, obediently walked out, walked to the door, turned around and looked... Song Shang was worried about his mother, and was saying to Mrs. Song: "Mom, the play over there hasn't finished yet? Can you go back too?!"

Webster was looking at Wen Yu, but when he saw Wen Yu turning back, he really wanted to kill her with his eyes!

Wen Yu looked at Weishi calmly for a while. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and showed an extremely provocative smile.

 I was tricked by her! ? Webster immediately became furious: "You bitch!" and was about to rush out.

 “Presumptuous!” Song Shang slammed the table and became furious.

Webster rushed two steps, stopped, pointed at Wen Yu, who had disappeared, and burst into tears, "You, you are angry with me because of her?!"

Song Shang ignored her and whispered to his mother, "Mom, the play hasn't finished yet, and there are still guests here. It's not appropriate for your master to be away. Go back quickly?! I'll ask Madam Xu to see you off."

Mrs. Song looked at Webster and her son, obviously worried.

“Your son is so old, why don’t you feel confident about doing things?”

“Even if you are sixty years old, you are still a mother who cannot rest assured!”

 “You go first, then come back and my son will talk to you.”

 “Okay! Then, you two have a nice talk and don’t quarrel!”

"Yes! Madam Xu, please send the old lady off." His voice was cold.

Mrs. Xu was actually there, and no one noticed her just now.

After Mrs. Song left, Song Shang sat there and looked at Wei Shi coldly.

Webster's tears washed away the powder on his face. His expression was not as elegant as usual, and he was quite embarrassed.

But she was determined not to lose, so she looked at Song Shang coldly, her voice trembling slightly: "What happened today was your idea, or that bitch's idea. Are you kidding me!?"

Song Shang sat upright with his hands on his knees and said nothing.

"Do you want to admit her into the house, or do you want me to give up my position as the head wife? Tell me openly!" Webster was very crazy.

 “What do you think?!” Song Shang still behaved like that.

Webster hated this the most, "Do you think I don't know anything?!" She took out the letter and slapped it in front of Song Shang, "Read it for yourself!"

Song Shangwu opened the letter, lowered his eyes and saw a few words on the paper, which were clear at a glance.

After reading it, I put it on the table and still didn’t say anything.

"Do you think I don't know your thoughts? Haha, I am your wife, have you ever given it to me a coral hairpin worth twenty thousand taels of silver?"

Song Shang still didn’t speak.

This completely angered Wei Shi, and she felt aggrieved: "Song Shang, please don't forget that I married you as the legitimate daughter of a fourth-grade official! Over the years, you have been in power in the Song family. With all the wealth from the Nuo family, can you do it without the help of the Wei family?" She cocked her neck proudly and pretentiously.

“Now that you have achieved success, you want to kill the donkey? Haha, do you think my Wei family is just a breadwinner?!”

Song Shang smiled faintly, and she saw a hint of mockery in the corner of his mouth.

"You want me to give up my position as the head wife? Haha! Don't even think about it! Since I married you, I have respected my mother-in-law, taken care of the housework, and given birth to a daughter. There is nothing wrong with me!" She thought of everything she had done, and she really felt like she had met her. The biggest heartless man in the world.

I couldn't help but shed tears again, "Why are you doing this to me!? I had so many high-ranking young men to marry, but I chose you and stayed with you until today. Did you let a dog eat your conscience?"

 Song Shang still had no reaction at all.

Webster's reaction to his reaction made her want to scratch the wall with hatred, "As long as the Wen family is not ashamed, I, the head wife, will take that **** to you!" she yelled.

 “Are you done?!” Song Shang asked calmly.

 “Then, let me say a few words too!”

Song Shang is the scumbag today, right? It's just that human nature is complicated... How can there be so much right and wrong?



 (End of this chapter)

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