Chapter 57 Open the Skylight

Webster's legs were weak and he couldn't stand anymore, so he walked to the table and sat down.

Tears flowed to his lips without wiping them, and he just stared at Song Shang.

"There are some things that I haven't said before. Today, let's open the skylight and speak frankly."

Song Shang looked very calm, but Wei Shi was a little uneasy.

"At the beginning, I did have something to ask of your uncle. The conditions I offered were money or a property. But the Wei family responded and wanted to get married. To be honest, I was reluctant at the time!"

Webster was stunned when he heard this.

She has been in contact with many high-ranking people since she was a child, but the things she cares about are all in the ostentatious aspects such as food, clothing, housing and transportation. As for substantive matters, she has no interest in them and has no contact with them. So I don’t know anything about the Song and Wei families.

"It's not that I'm arrogant and look down on girls from the Wei family. Anyone else would be overjoyed when a fourth-grade official marries a commoner. But I'm not! I'm worried that the Song family has no power and Qi Dafei is not a coincidence. There are many things in the family. I can't control myself. How unwilling would it be for my daughter-in-law to marry a commoner or even a businessman? She is unwilling to do so, and I am even more tired when I look up..."

“Song Shang! Ask yourself with your conscience, have I ever expressed my unwillingness before this?”

"You just refuse to admit it. But listen to what I have to say...I tried to push it back, but I didn't expect that it was no longer up to me..."

Thinking about Wei Jia Ming's enthusiasm to win over, but secretly intimidating and suppressing...

"Later, I gave in and suggested that I choose a concubine of the Wei family, and the Wei family agreed. But when it came time to make the appointment, it was replaced by you, the legitimate daughter. Oh, I was really surprised that such a great honor was given to me. No joy."

Wei's mind was racing. The Wei family wanted to marry him in the first place, but this was just a detour.

 She was almost eighteen at that time and had not yet been engaged...

 She is talented and smart since she was young, and has great experience in dressing up. She is always innovative and even leads the trend.

 This gives her a sense of accomplishment.

There are many people who like her, but when it comes to marriage, it is usually the noble family's children who are interested, but there is no result.

Those who are unable to achieve a high level or a low level are getting older, and my mother is extremely anxious...

Later, when Song Shang was appointed, she heard that she was not convinced and went to her mother angrily.

But her mother had a deep conversation with her and asked her: Which high-class mother-in-law can accommodate her?

What young husband can afford her expenses?

 Even if the position of queen or princess can afford it, they cannot be without control and responsibility.

She spends all her money without getting married, and the sisters-in-law at home have long been dissatisfied.

 In the end, she married into the Song family when she had no better choice.

 It’s just that no one else knows about all this.


Song Shang was still recalling those unpleasant past events: He originally offered 50,000 taels of silver to the Wei family to do something.

 In the end, she married a concubine and asked for 70,000 taels of silver.

Finally, he married his daughter-in-law and asked for a price of one hundred thousand taels!

 Haha, Wei Xiangyu, what does she think she is?

 Do you really think you are getting married?

 You are just an object sold by the Wei family...

 It's just...after all, she is the mother of his daughter, and he is not willing to hurt her like this.

"I won't go into details about the process... We got married, and you are beautiful and charming. Moreover, after all, I respect you very much when you marry me. I have also thought about living a good life with you. Even if it is not what I want, I will Tolerant. Just..."

"You may not have known much about the Song family before you got married, but I didn't hide anything from you after you got married. You must also know how difficult it was for my mother and me to go all the way. If it weren't for her dedicated maintenance, I don’t know how many times I’ve died! So, my mother is the one who gave me many lives. I can do anything in this life, but I don’t want her to be looked down upon by my daughter-in-law.”

 “How can I look down on her?!” Webster retorted.

"Don't you?" Song Shang showed a sad expression for the first time, "Although my mother is not from a high family, she is not illiterate, and she does not have the bearing of an official wife. But she is kind and never harsh to you. She may occasionally speak mediocrely, and her eyesight It's not that high, but what's your expression? "You think I can't see it?"

Webster knew that she was impatient when her mother-in-law sometimes said things she didn't want to hear. Sometimes... I interrupt with an excuse and leave.

 It turned out that he had already known what she was thinking, but how could she recognize it?

 “You are trying to inflict a crime!”

Song Shang did not argue with her, "She is an illiterate old lady and will remain so until her death. If she is not Mrs. Hou Men, she cannot give you what you want!"

"Don't do this to me! I don't recognize it!" "You are three months pregnant, and Ruyi is pregnant too." Song Shang thought of the pretty, clean and diligent girl.

As one wishes?

 Is it that cheap maid? !

Webster broke out in a cold sweat.

“You didn’t even say a word to me, so you aborted her and killed her!”

 “I haven’t!” cried Webster.

“Ruyi has been with me since she was a child. She is smart, hard-working, careful, and loyal. She is never competitive. She is never disrespectful to you when you come in!”

 “What a joke, who am I!? Is it her turn to be disrespectful to me?!” Webster was repeatedly criticized and became angry. "I am the legitimate wife, and everything in the backyard is under my control. If I don't agree with her pregnancy, she can't have one! Even if I agree to let her give birth, she can't have a son until I have a legitimate son!"

“Then I want to ask, who do you think I, Song Shang, am?!” Song Shang asked steadily.

 He sat upright and showed off his momentum.

Webster had never seen such a husband before and was stunned.

"Am I a lowly husband who can only look up to you and let you do whatever you want? Am I a wretch who can only control the Song family with the help of the Wei family? Am I the fertile soil under the feet of the most beautiful flower in the world? Haha! Wei, you have been doing this all day long If you study clothes, you will know what is fashionable as soon as it comes, but you have never tried to understand who your husband is!"

The operation of millions of assets, the deployment of hundreds of people, and at the age of twelve, a life is in your hands...that is, you, how dare you look down on me!

Webster had nothing to say and sat blankly.

“Whether it’s you or the Wei family, I don’t owe you anything!”

 “Then what do you want?” Webster insisted on the last bit of pride.

 “Let’s make peace!”

"What did you say?! How dare you?!" Webster was shocked. Is this really his plan?

 “I dare!” Song Shang said lightly.

"Hehehehe... It seems that you don't take the Wei family seriously at all."

"The Wei family has helped me a lot, but my contribution to the Wei family is even greater. Even if we reconcile, I don't want to break up with the Wei family!"

Webster just showed a sarcastic smile.

Song Shang said, "But if the Wei family doesn't want to, I'm not afraid!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wei's family intently, "I'll take over whatever you want. You can stay in your yard these two days! After mother's birthday, I will personally take you back to Wei's house. If anything happens, I’ll talk to your uncle and father!”

 “What?! You can’t do this!” At this time, Webster was completely panicked.

 Even though she said it harshly, as a woman, how could she want to reconcile?

Before she got engaged, she was no longer welcome by her sisters-in-law in her natal family. How could she live a good life when she returned to her natal family?

 She is finished!

"You can't... We have a daughter, what do you want Sister Han to do? Mother, mother won't agree." She panicked.

 “That’s not your concern anymore! Come here!”

 Out of nowhere, two men in black jumped out. One of them grabbed Li Rui's family.

The Li Rui family didn't know why things happened like this, and they were very frightened.

Song Shang only gave her a cold look. For some reason, he was very disgusted with the mother-in-law and said, "Take her away!"

As soon as the man in black dragged him away, the Li Rui family didn't even understand what was going on, so they were pulled away by the man in black.

Webster was shocked: "What are you going to do!? Let her go!"

Song Shang only said: "You go back to the courtyard first."

The man in black came up and said, "Madam, please!" The voice sounded like a woman.

Wechsler was completely fainted and was taken away unconsciously.

Song Shang stood quietly for a while: Taking advantage of the situation is not bad!

I have communicated with the editor that the title of the book may need to be changed.

thanks for your support!

   I forgot to thank those who gave me a reward yesterday!



 (End of this chapter)

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