Chapter 58 I know this trick

 Mrs. Song was sent back to the theater by Madam Xu.

 Old Mrs. Wen saw her coming back and greeted her quickly: "What have you done?! Come on, come on, we're getting to the exciting part!"

 “Well, I’m worried that my enemy has drunk too much, let’s go and have a look!”

 “The wine was very strong today. I drank a small glass and my head felt dizzy.”

As soon as Mrs. Song sat down, she heard Song Hanchi screaming over there. She turned around and saw that she was still crying, and Yi'er and several girls were surrounding her to comfort her.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Sister Han?” She asked Mrs. Wen without moving.

"Hey, during the break just now, a few clowns came out to do somersaults. As soon as they finished somersaulting, she started making trouble...didn't you see enough?!" Old Mrs. Wen said while looking at the stage.

 If things were to go as usual, Mrs. Song would have to go over and coax her in person. Today, Wei Shi was so angry with her that she no longer even thought about coaxing her eldest granddaughter.

 Shaked his head: "This little girl! Where did the performance go..." She actually started to watch the play seriously.


 The guests who lived nearby went back after watching the play.

 There may be some men drinking in the front, but the backyard is relatively quiet.

 The two old ladies had a simple dinner. They were tired after a long day of work, so they both went back to their rooms.

As soon as Mrs. Song returned to the house, her personal nanny came over and whispered a few words to her. She sighed inwardly, sat down, and stared at the candlelight in trance...

Her son is strong, and she won't say anything more about what has already been decided.

 Moreover, she was really angry today.

This daughter-in-law is usually arrogant, sour, and extremely confident.

 I know about clothing, makeup, and jewelry all day long. People who are keen on interacting with high-ranking people would not look down upon ordinary people.

 To be wary, suspicious, tempted, and fiddling with your son, and never tired of it.

 This is not a big deal, but the problem is: she can’t give birth to a son!

 My heart was burning with anxiety, and I prayed to Buddha and burned incense every day.

 But for Wei Xiangyu, she was both a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law, and she never felt sorry for her!

 But she was still satisfied after a while!

 For what reason? !

Whenever a relative or friend with a daughter comes to the house, including Yi'er, she will say a few words in a nonchalant manner... She thinks I'm stupid and can't understand! If I didn't feel sorry for my son, how could I tolerate her? !

 That girl Wen Yu is so good-looking, I'm afraid it has long been an eyesore for her.

Just catch up with such a thing, don't you toss it?

Just looking at the two of them, this grudge is considered to be dead...

  But, if you talk about a thousand things and ten thousand things, get married and have a daughter, what else can you do? ! I couldn't help but let go of my thoughts of blaming.

I plan to wait for Ashang to come later and persuade him, forget it, don’t worry about it.

  The most important thing is to seize the time and give birth to a son!

At this time, someone at the door said: "Madam, Miss Wen is here."

Mrs. Song frowned irritably and wanted to say goodbye. She was stunned for a while and then said coldly: "Let her in."

Wen Yu came in and bowed to her in a polite manner. He stood and did not sit down, obviously accompanying her carefully: "Aunt. Just now, it was Wen Yu who did things without thinking carefully! caused trouble for my cousin and made my aunt worried. , I'm so sorry..." His eyes were red, and he was in tears.

Mrs. Song has been very proud of her these past two days, but this happened!

 No matter what, it was inappropriate for her to meet her son in private!

Webster's jealousy is not completely unreasonable. If it were Webster himself, he would probably be angry too.

Moreover, Wen Yu standing in front of me under the candlelight is as beautiful as a night lily!

I, an old lady, can’t take my eyes away, let alone Webster? He is always competitive and has no eyes for anyone.

This girl must be an eyesore to her!

Sigh, Ke Wen Yu's helpless and worried look is really painful. He can't show off his ugly face, "Oh, today is a misunderstanding, don't take it to heart! Sit down quickly."

Wen Yu sat down next to Mrs. Song: "Aunt, Yu'er went back and thought about it carefully. This matter is really weird. I just need to tell you or my cousin beforehand." She blamed herself very much. tugging at the handkerchief.

Mrs. Song’s heart was churning: Telling me is more or less the same, but telling her?     It’s already been noisy!

"Oh, if you want to blame it, it's also your cousin! He has been working outside for many years, but he still doesn't know how to make the best arrangements? How can a little girl like you take care of everything? Okay, okay, it's not a big deal! The little girl's thoughts Don't be too heavy." Mrs. Song patted Wen Yu on the arm.

"Actually...Aunt~~" Wen Yu coquettishly took Mrs. Song's arm and shook her gently: "Just now, Yu'er was frightened. You know, my cousin-in-law before...she was so good! Such a beautiful and talented woman A proud lady from a high-ranking official family can be so kind to us sisters! If we didn’t get along with each other, who would have thought she would be so approachable!”

This passage is not going to appeal to Mrs. Song!

 Especially the words "Miss from a high-ranking official's family", she was even more disapproving.

Yes, she is a "lady from a high-ranking official's family", but my son is not willing to climb high!

  Is it okay that the Wei family is rushing to "marriage at a low age"?

 My son is so outstanding, why is he not worthy of her? !

"My sister-in-law is very beautiful, she is very good at dressing up, and she knows a lot of new things. She is the idol in the hearts of our sisters! Every time I want to see her, I am so excited! Her new look always makes me happy. It amazes us. We will be talking about it for a long time! I heard that her reputation has spread to the capital!"

 Wen Yu looked full of admiration and conviction.

Mrs. Song was even more unhappy. She gently pulled Wen Yu's hand away, took a sip of tea, then put it down without answering.

Wen Yu smiled secretly in her heart, who mother-in-law in the world would like such a ostentatious daughter-in-law!

Webster's method of instigating me to praise was something that Webster used a lot in the previous life. As a result, Mrs. Song hated and despised herself and never gave her a good face.

 Hehe, I can do this trick too!

"Today, Yu'er provoked my sister-in-law, and I realized... how powerful she is!" Wen Yu quietly stuck out her tongue, looking as soft and delicate as a little daughter.

 She is so beautiful!

Mrs. Song's heart softened.

Over the years, Song Shang bought her a lot of jewelry!

 But as an old widow, why would she wear those?

With a daughter like Wen Yu, if she dresses up well, how beautiful will the two of them be? Although Webster is well dressed, a daughter-in-law is completely different from a daughter-in-law!

The slight annoyance towards Wen Yu disappeared in an instant: "Oh! Forget it! Today, I have opened my eyes. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that she would have such a temper when something happens! Such a way of doing it!"

 “Aunt.” After one move is used up, another move comes.

Wen Yu pouted again, "Actually, my cousin got angry at me... As a younger sister, it doesn't matter if she listens to my sister-in-law's scolding. It's just that she dragged you into it! It's not good to make you anxious! The day after tomorrow, But what about your birthday!"

Mrs. Song's face turned even worse.

“In the world, what my cousin feels most distressed about is you! When I saw you coming, my cousin’s expression turned ugly! Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to say: what my cousin did... is really inappropriate!"

  Isn't it? ! My son’s face turned dark at that time! Mrs. Song thought angrily.

"When I was a child, Yu'er also lived with you for many days. Even though I was young at the time, I also understood that it was not easy for you and your cousin to have what you have today! Just now, my cousin and sister-in-law were talking to Po...Oh, how could you do that? ! Aunt, I, I blame my cousin!"

These words made Mrs. Song feel excited: "Ayu..."

The early death of her husband was a huge blow. She was pregnant with Song Shang and almost lost her life.

 Soon, her eldest son Song Chen, such a beautiful little man...God knows how scared and desperate he was when he was thrown into the lake!

 At that time, I really felt like I was crawling out of hell!

 Song Shang, I don’t know how many times I have been bullied by others.

 But he felt sorry for himself and was afraid that he would be worried. Before entering the door, he had to tidy up for a long time...

  Sometimes, if his clothes are torn and there are wounds on his face and body, he will say that he is practicing martial arts.

 Knowing that her son had been beaten, she couldn’t expose it...

 Mother and son hid each other’s secrets.

How many grievances have been endured in this way.

 In the end, the clouds will clear and the moon will shine brightly!

 But this daughter-in-law only knows beauty and knows how to keep an eye on her husband and not look for other women.

But it doesn’t matter that he is almost twenty-four and has no son!

 If he cannot bear children himself, he will not take concubines for his son.

Knowing that he is his son's weakness, yet he does not hesitate to take advantage of himself for selfish reasons!

 Suddenly, she felt a trace of hatred for Webster!

“Which mother-in-law in the world would like such a ostentatious daughter-in-law!”

Mrs. Qi: “Look here, look here!”



 (End of this chapter)

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